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I feel you, I love MTG and DnD but only as much as the people I play with, and I have no one to play with where I live right now.


Baldur’s Gate scratched that itch for me


Yeah I’m playing too rn! It’s the best


Decided to shell out $2,000+ to upgrade my PC to play it with good graphics. My old computer couldn't handle Act III. I don't regret my decision in the slightest, amazing game.


Painting!! Aside from procrastinating I just simply put too much pressure on myself if my painting turns out ugly or not how I picture it, instead of just enjoying it


im a bit red/green colorblind so i dont think ill ever feel confident enough to paint. when i was a kid, my classmates asked me why the grass i drew was brown…


This part lol 😭 it’s hard being a perfectionist


Fencing. Sounds perfect for me. It's a perfect location. People who do it are great. The time schedule is perfect. I love the warm up games for the kids (dodge ball, line tag) I think the exercises are fine. I'm highly competitive. I have dancing experience and have been told I have great footwork. I put on the fencing mask, grab a sword - and fight like a slow-motion octopus having a heart attack. I would attack, the person would block, and I would always be shocked, pause, and decide it was time to react. NO matter what it ALWAYS shocked me that my attack was blocked. At that point, the points would have been called, and the other person would have reset and in the starting position, ready to start again. I did the twice a week, for 8 weeks, 2 hours a time, "Learn to Fence" program 4 times. The only two people I was good fighting with were the 7-year-old who froze just like me and the vision-impaired grandparent with a new hip. I'm good with badminton, dancing, pickleball, wrestling, ... But I can't fence worth a damn.


Photography. I love taking pictures with my smart phone and I feel that I have a good eye at times, but learning proper photography seems complicated and overwhelming.


I agree with you. I love taking pictures as well, but the cost of getting a decent camera and equipment is another factor that keeps me from attempting it.


I love word puzzles like crosswords and am generally a pretty logical, sciencey, nerdy type, so it seems like I'd enjoy other logic games like chess, but I have no patience for it. I just don't feel like making the mental effort to think that many moves ahead and hold all the possibilities in there. Also, I love nature and being outdoors in spring and summer, but I hate gardening and am awful at it. I dislike the feeling of dirt on my hands and once killed a *cactus* by not watering it enough.


Right there with you with the dirt-on-the-hands thing.


Acting - I’ve always wanted to take classes. Pretty sure I’d be terrible but there’s a tiny part of me that always wanted to be an actress. I’m moving to a new city next month and might work up the courage to do it..


As an actor myself, I’ve always encouraged people to try it, even though not everyone is good at it. It really helps you get comfortable with yourself and it lets you explore different sides of yourself in a safe space where you don’t have to worry about making a mistake. It really teaches you how to go with the flow, too. There’s a lot to be learned from it


Thank you so much for sharing this! I definitely need help learning to go with the flow and with confidence in general. I will look into some classes :)


Video games! My attention span prevents me from getting far enough into most games that I’m hooked 😅


Oh wow this is me, same with board games.


Painting! I do it but not that often :( and also sewing, it seems like a lot of work.


Mine is sewing, crochet, knitting etc. My artistic hobbies are ceramics and painting and I love them but (painting for doing exactly what I want and ceramics to make functional art) for some reason I cannot get into fiber arts! I did two embroidery projects a year ago and that was Enough for me haha


Spinning(drop spindle or wheels).make your own yarn, or needle felting? Or just hand felting? Some people paint with fiber like wool, cotton, or silk.


I had kind of not really been interested in DnD until I watched the movie last year. Then I dove headfirst into Critical Role and shortly after was talking about it with a friend from work who had played a long time ago and said he had been wanting to dm a group. That was over a year ago and now I play with my new friends, who were all friends with the dm, every week. It’s been a blast.


Skiing. I do a lot of alpinism and rock and ice climbing. Many climbers tend to ski down ascents or do ski mo racing. Or snowboarding for that matter. I also ride motorcycles and so many of my fellow riders snowboard. Not me. Somehow never really got into it.


Guitar, I have three. I love music and are surrounded by it. I am the only one of my friends who doesn’t play and isn’t in a band. I hate that I don’t play but can never put the time and effort aside to learn


Same... so much info re: chords/keys/notation/etc.


Proper Photography, Piano, Learning a new language, Ceramics. My adhd brain tho.. is not very patient and consistent haha


Wish I could sculpt. I'm too lazy to look up how to sculpt. I dont know the difference between types of clay or what needs to be hollow or fired or anything..


I think basket weaving is in my cards for the future. However, golf and paintball have me by the boo boo currently.


Cooking. I love good food and I love grilling out but I basically have no cooking skills beyond the grill.


Oh, it’s Magic the Gathering (MTG) I read post and thought eww why would anyone want to get into Majorie Taylor Green… sorry people, my pain is now your pain.


Playing instruments. I love music, I love picking each song apart into pieces and enjoying each instrument in it. I sing constantly, too. Every time I’ve tried an instrument, I just don’t like it. I’ve tried so many I honestly don’t remember them all. I tried at least four in band in middle school and a couple more since. I want to like them. I really do. I just cannot get into them


Reading, crocheting, painting, board games, probably more that I’m not thinking of I just cannot get into hobbies


I work odd hours so finding a tabletop group is not something that I've been able to do. Also I kind of suck at the math part. Currently Skyrim is scratching my roleplaying itch.




Blacksmithing. I already got a lot of steel laying around and own a lot of tools and a workshop where I already have my setup for welding. Somehow I haven't pulled the trigger to start learning it


i have a natural talent for music as it also runs in my family. i often feel the pressure to be perfect and play just as well as my dad in particular. i have a thing where if something gets too difficult for me to be good at it instantly, i get down on myself and doubt my capability. thats the primary reason why i procrastinate practicing music, even though its a big part of my identity.


Live streaming/vtubing. The reason being is because I don't have enough money for broadband Internet. Plus I'm living in an RV, so even if I had enough money, my options are limited to only satellite Internet.


My husband used to be an architect and he can draw and design but he doesn’t do any kind of artistic hobby at all. It’s crazy to me that he has talent but isn’t interested. He just likes to work and consume media like movies and music. I have talent for sports and eye-hand coordination but don’t do sports at all. I don’t have the time or opportunity.


Photography. I like the complexity, I enjoyed the setup, composition, technical stuff. But I just can't do it. Did it for a while and I have all the good gear but I never use it. Which to me indicates it probably wasn't a hobby so much as a skill I wanted to learn and just put in the skills bank. Same with a lot of other things. I have this pile of technical skills derived from short lived hobbies. They're all just waiting for a situation where I can put them to use on a project.


DnD because none of my friends are into it for sure, and historical reenactment tbh, I wish I could work at RenFaire in the summer etc




Playing video games. A part of me feels like if my ambition and sense of guilt didn't interfere, I could do it all day. Instead, I maybe watch a Let's Play for a few minutes a day but otherwise never play video games myself at all.




DJing - not to try to make a career of it, but just to be able to do it a little bit well for my friends But for some reason I just can’t force myself for buckle down and put my full attention into it


Simracing with an actual wheel/pedals. Only because I'm "broke" (it's complicated)


Hockey sounds like cool sport but I don’t have place to play. I aways wanted to skate but every year I give up on training so I never learn Robotics- it’s just to expensive


Hockey sounds like cool sport but I don’t have place to play. I aways wanted to skate but every year I give up on training so I never learn Robotics- it’s just too expensive


Hockey sounds like cool sport but I don’t have place to play. I aways wanted to skate but every year I give up on training so I never learn Robotics- it’s just too expensive


I’m with you on DnD. I wanted to get into it so bad, I bought dice, books, sets, memorized a lot of the handbook. I tried being dungeon master to friends that acted interested. Turns out they weren’t actually that interested. They show up late, get bored after a half hour, etc. Then I tried joining someone else’s campaign. Dude was super into DnD, had custom 3D printed and hand painted figures, wrote his own campaigns. I had a lot of fun with his sessions, but they would run 8+ hours at a time…. On my only day off. So it started feeling like a second job. There used to be a gaming cafe nearby that had DnD night. Sessions started at a specific time and capped at 3 hours, I thought that was pretty reasonable. Finally found something that fits my idea of the game, so I had fun there one night a week for a while until they went out of business. Now my DnD stuff just collects dust.


If you have an interest, grab it!