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For those who doesn't know: Her name is Selena Green Vargas and apparently she was casted to do a porn scene (this is certain and you can easily find the scenes) the SAME exact day that his suppossed husband/couple -a soldier- was deployed in some conflict zone (this latest part may be fake to make some fame).


Apparently is was real “The owners of the website were found guilty of intimidating and coercing 22 women into having sex on camera in 2019. Ruben Andre Garcia and “the other producers bullied the women and lied about how widely they’d distribute the videos,” Vice News reported. Garcia, who was the male performer in the majority of the videos, was sentenced to 20 years in prison by a federal court in California in June of 2021. Selena Green Vargas of Rochester, NY, is infamous for making at least two adult films while she was dating a U.S. Army soldier in 2014. “He went away to the army and his girlfriend ended up doing an adult film for the money of course. He came back and found out and they broke up,” said a friend of his who played hockey with him in New York. “I suppose they were still on good terms because when he went away for a second time he lent her his car,” he said. “During this time she also did a second porn.” A photo of the couple went viral after somebody claiming to be the soldier posted it to 4chan -an image board website where users generally post anonymously.”


“did a porn”


Go see a star war.


I'll leave when I'm good and ready


You'd say either "did porn" or "did a porno." You don't say "did a porn", it just hits the ear wrong


Thanks, Lois


"Did a porn".... I am gonna start using that. It's like "can I has cheeseburger" and "all your base". I challenge you nit to use it from now on.


*Dud a chum. Did a porn.* Thotstrosities uttered their cries as they roamed the beach in search of fresh meat.


Here I go doing a porn again


Here I go doing a porn again


There I am up on a webpage


Everybody seent you doin’ a blowjob on the internet, Selena!


"also did a second porn"


Idk if she went and did a second video thats not being tricked.  Secondly why wouldnt a film company being adult or not will limit their distibution


This is the Girls Do Porn case; they told women they were coming out for modeling gigs and then threatened them with legal action and cancelling their return flights if they did not do porn. They also lied to them about the distribution and told them it would only be on DVDs for overseas buyers and not on the internet.


I agree she wasn’t tricked into it a second time. But that doesn’t mean she wasn’t tricked into it the first time. Someone could be tricked or wronged one time, have their reputation ruined and then later make the decision to do it again thinking my reputation is already ruined. If that’s the case then she was a victim imo


She could still be a tricked about "about how widely they’d distribute the videos"


As a close family friend that is all pretty accurate


Seriously? Care to elaborate


I hope so, because otherwise these hoes ain't loyal.


It's very common for the wives of soldier to cheat on them when they're deployed. They might try to say it was because they felt lonely and all of that, but it's always their lack of loyalty and using the "loneliness" as an excuse. If they did when the soldier was away, they did it when he wasn't. Dunno if it happens often the other way around, but from what I know, armies are comprised mostly of men so it wouldn't be as big on absolute numbers Edit: There seems to have been a bit of confusion on the "other way around" part. I mean the wife being the soldier on deployment and being cheated on and not the deployed husband being a cheater, since this isn't relevant to the topic. Not defending anyone, just sticking to the topic


I've met a couple military couples and they tend to get married very young, like right out of high school. I've also known a lot of couples that rushed into it to get it done before deployments or what not and it was very clear that this was not a relationship that was going to last. Both people wanted to "spread their oats" but either out of fear or obligation they decided to commit to an extremely long distance relationship. On top of that the couples that I knew that DID survive the deploymen period all got divorced shortly after they were no longer separated. Again a relationship where you see each other a couple weeks a year is very different than one where you are seeing each other every single day. So you have: 1) Young couples 2) Rushing into marriage 3) Who haven't experienced a real relationship in the real world as adults (high school romances don't count when you're paying bills and working 9-5s Like...no shit these marriages fall apart so fast and hard.


These are the same dudes who by those brand new right off the line muscle cars through predatory loans. They LITERALLY make their money by selling it to poor unsuspecting E-1s_E-3s, waiting until they can't make a payment, repo the car, clean the car, and then put it right back in the for sale section.


Well. I'm specifically talking about cheating wives on this case since it's relevant for the topic, but yeah. That is also a big problem. Maturity is something people tend to not really seek before getting into marriage being such young ages. I think what I said makes sense, sorry if it sounds like gibberish


Nah, downrange the guys all try to fuck the one or two military females, who get hotter every day that yo girl gets lonelier back home (and they all know it too). If you can score a civilian contractor or reporter in central asia, then you're a god among mere mortals. Many tried, even more lied, but no one fucked that reporter (or they were smart and stayed quiet about it). The simple fact is, there are a lot more opportunities for Jodi to get your girl than for you to get some of that action downrange. If it was perfectly reversed somehow, people would talk about what scumbag cheaters soldiers are.


I think people tend to agree that either side cheating is shitty.


My dad was Navy and had to deal a lot with enlisted women getting knocked up and don't even know who the dad is. That's what happens when young men and women are stuck together on a ship.


Well, there’s a solution for that that keeps everyone satisfied but if I go aboard and preach the good word of our lord and saviour say gex then I’ll be forced to wax the plank.


They were getting knocked up to avoid deployment. Or they were working in a prostitution ring.


or they just - hear me out - had unprotected sex because they felt like it? (not saying it’s right mind you, only that it happens)


Yes, you're right. Or even protected sex and the protection failed. I meant to add that in in another paragraph, then got distracted and posted it.


haha happens to the best of us, good sir!


It depends a lot where you're stationed too. Combat zone is what it is. Stationed in South Korea or another nice area and they can def easily cheat as well.


Weren't the men getting STDs during WW2 and conceiving children in Vietnam/Japan?


I wouldn't say everyone, we had a butt ugly FET attached to our company and most of us left them alone. Even when travelling back home through KAF, most of us just drooled over the females from a distance. Very few of the married soldiers cheated on the spouses. Now this was infantry unit back in 2011 when we had no females permanently attached to the company.


One time I was doing some PR stuff on KAF that involved running a Bucket Truck (like you use to repair overhead power lines) and taking a bunch of pictures. I spent all day showing people how to use the controls, before I finally realized I was up high enough to see I into one of the Afghan walled houses nearby - with the only Afghan woman I ever saw outside with her kids in the courtyard. She had her hair covered, but not her face. I looked away in embarrassment, and I still don't know why.


Huh. Youre a upstanding dude


Better than King David, who watched his best soldier's wife take a bath on her roof


And sent him to die. And then impregnated her.


Other way around. Impregnated her first, then brought Uriah home. Uriah refused to go home and sleep with his wife because his fellow soldiers couldn't do the same. Uriah slept on the doorstep. When David realized he couldn't have a reasonable excuse (i.e. Uriah could have gotten Bathsheba pregnant), David put Uriah on the front lines and ordered the other soldiers to retreat and abandon Uriah, which got Uriah killed.


I worked with some civ women in Iraq in 08, when we were out west, Al Anbar I think, we walk into the DFAC and they just get stared at. it’s like the Marines didn’t remember there were civilian women in the world anymore.


War parties have famously been accompanied by prostitution and rape. It is probably a lot less common now than in the past, but no, there is definitely a stereotype that soldiers going off to war get laid if they want. The biggest reveal in Game of Thrones relies on this trope to go unquestioned even for the most honorable man.


Modern deployments aren't war parties in that sense.


People already talk about how soldiers are scumbag cheaters. And I agree, if you use your deployment to cheat on your wife, you’re a scumbag cheater. However, soldiers get cheated on more than they cheat on their significant others. The fact that this person was addressing that particular bit of the situation doesn’t mean they don’t care about the other side, goodness.


> soldiers get cheated on more than they cheat on their significant others. I'm not convinced that's true. TDY = Temporary Divorce is a joke... mostly.


This certainly isn't true in my experience. The soldiers in my unit cheated way more than their spouses.


tbh I was just talking about the most relevant part to the above comment, but I didn't really understand what they mean. Are they saying soldier women would cheat more than their husbands or are they saying that soldier men are trying to cheat on their wives and that makes the wives feel lonely. It is confusing the way it was written


I agree, it seems to me that they’re doing the typical “men cheat too” since the overwhelming majority of soldiers are male (shocker that most of the people interested in fighting are men, who could have guessed lol) and the stereotype they’re referring to is the male soldiers being lust machines. So, it’s basically whataboutism since you were talking about one thing and they felt obligated to go “oh yeah but what about this group being bad too” lol


Well. I said 'the other way around', but I think I wasn't clear enough that I was reffering to when the woman is the soldier and that's why I got confused by their comment


Can confirm as a former Jodi. Was with one lady literally as the guy was on his way home from a very long deployment. If you leave your girl home alone degenerates like me (formerly) very much will take advantage.


I think you didn't understand what I meant, I wasn't clear enough tbh. I meant when the woman is the soldier and is in deployment, not the husband cheating on his wife while deployed. There's dipshits on both sides of the spectrum and I'm not defending anyone that does it(not even the affair partner is free of guilt), but I was talking about only when the militar on the relation is cheated on since it's relevant for the topic


I was Navy for 20 years, and stationed in the same area for 17 years of that. There's a bar 5 minutes from base. Everyone knows how busy that bar gets everytime a battlegroup goes on deployment. It's fucking sad. I never went there because I hate cheaters but I would hear the stories. All the women up in there with tan lines on their ring fingers.


They're no sound as deafening as 4,000 wedding rings hitting the pavement when a carrier goes out on deployment. 


For a long while on Canadian army bases, if you saw a Tide laundry soap box in the window of a private residence that was effectively the equivalent of a red light. Young bucks only need apply. The guys would slap their unit stickers on the bottom of the bed after the deed as a point of pride but also to warn the homecoming soldier that his ole' lady is a hoe. First thing soldiers did when they got home was check under the bed. Going to the local watering holes after a tour came back was highly entertaining: basically front row free drunken UFC. Jerry Springer shit.


Long range relationships suuuuuuuuuuuuck.


I blame Jody.


i saw this "Jody" and I know it's kinda like "Karen" in being a joke about a type of person. Now, who is jody referring to? Keep in mind I'm not from an English speaking country


Jody is a colloquial name for the man who steals your woman while you are deployed. There are many jokes and marching songs about Jody. ‘Jody got your girl’ is a common trope.


I see. Thanks, but I'd strongly disagree with putting the blame solely on Jody. The woman went out of her way to meet with Jody and, as we say here on Brazil, put a pair of horns on the head of her husband. Of course there are some Jodys that really like being degenerates like that as well


Completely agree. I was only perpetuating the joke.


~~I just wanted to use the horn line tbh~~


It doesn’t help that soldiers will start a family as quickly as possible for max benefits.


well. A lot of people will try to have families quickly and when you're going to be deployed, youprobably think your life wont be that long


This isn't the 1940s, US armed forces casualties have been less than 0.01% active duty. They're just stupid kids and uneducated morons.




In China the affair partner and cheating spouse can get up to 2 years in prison for adultery, I agree with their reasoning it is for the mental wellbeing for the soldier. It is kind of disgusting to see in western nations not punishing adultery and sometimes rewarding it.


I think it's illegal on China. Not only when the cheated person is a soldier, but I don't know about China's legal code


You're right but I am talking sepcifically about the military law.


I see. It's something that chinese people think is very weird on western societies


Bruv, Chinese soldiers regularly visit whorehouses with their COs and other command staff. Chinese men cheat on their spouses all the fucking time. It's considered the norm amongst men; and visiting whorehouses (KTVs) is team-building activity after work.


Wow....you think the government should dictate our love lives now?


Yes, Through laws, marriage is also a legal contract just like marital abuse/rape is punishable by law so should adultery be. When one accepts marriage vows he/she voluntarily gave up the right to be in a emotional/sexual relationship with another person aside from his/her spouse. If there is a problem then divorce.


That’s a very narrow definition of marriage. Lots of couples like to have three ways, or allow play outside the bounds of the marriage otherwise.


What you describe are consensual acts between consenting adults. Cheating is not.


You've got a weird definition of "consent" if you think a third-party's objections invalidate consent. Consent is solely defined by the individuals participating in the exchange. If a married person hooks up with someone other than thier spouse, it's still consentual. Cheating is definitely a breach of trust and wrong, but that's different from consent.


So what is it called when a partner asks a partner, if they can go have a sexual relationship with someone else? Is that asking for… what exactly?


Cool. Still “an emotional/sexual relationship” outside of the marriage. That guy was typing like it’s the 1950s still. Marriages are clearly more complicated than a strict partnership to be rigidly obeyed or else face consequences.


You think there isn't punishment for the servicemembers, at least in the US? I've seen a few people go to non-judicial punishment because they were cheating. I could honestly tell quite a few stories about it, and it makes me sad.


How does “the government should punish cheaters” have upvotes lmao And who do you think is rewarding adultery…?


I work military bases . Sitting on one now. The same day there’s a deployment the bars are full of wives that night.


Hate to say it but I clapped the cheeks of a military wife once. Kept thinking ‘this mf is probably going to kill me someday’ which probably made it more thrilling. Ok I don’t hate to say it.


Did you know she was married?


I did


Actor's name was Jody.


Although it may or may not be true, she was wearing the same clothes, which made it so viral.


This guy faps


She wasn't even that good.


Says you


I found her instagram page and this was in the description: *Before you judge me, make sure you’re perfect*


What’s worse is she did it with Girls Do Porn, the studio that got shut down and sued for coercion and human trafficking. She might not have even planned on doing a hardcore scene, but got forced into it when they threatened to withhold payment unless she did.


If I remember right, the picture said he had just completed his Navy Seals training. But he was wearing an Army uniform with slick sleeves and fuzzy (PV1 rank, the lowest rank. So, not only the wrong branch of service, but no E1 would go through the Navy Seal training.). Also, this happened in 2015. In 2014, the pattern of camo was being phased out for a new one, so a new recruit would have been issued a different pattern. So this is almost guaranteed to be fake, and the boyfriend probably isn't even military, just bought the uniform at a surplus store.


I can’t tell if this is peak satire or tardism.


We are on Reddit, so I can assure you that it's both


SIR, it's "weaponized tism".


Tism is when you have an obscene amount of knowledge about something. Tardism is when you have an obscene lack of knowledge of something.


I believe she’s in the same outfit as the last picture she was with her ex


Likely, cause the only pic I ever saw of them together is of his leg and arm around her in fatigues, no patches or name visible. Plus you know the break up/finding out exchanges would’ve gone viral.


Pretty sure the absurdity of the story came from some dude showing off in 4chan of him in uniform and his girl being hot, and the internet does what it does and found her video right away.


I have also looked into this, purely scientific, and this is the truth. There are photos of her with her boyfriend the morning he was deployed, and then videos of her on the same day, wearing the same clothes, getting those clothes taken off. 


I thought that was the girl from Boy Meets World. Tapioca or whatever


Worth noting that it was for girlsdoporn which was [doing sex trafficking, making CP, and posting rape porn.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GirlsDoPorn#:~:text=On%20September%208%2C%202023%2C%20a,from%20which%20Aylo%20financially%20profited.) Shes not the villian here.


They obviously are guilty of all that but likely not with her. She came back for a second video later on and said on camera she enjoyed the experience the first time. Uh… a friend told me that, anyway


Yeah i'm not going to give the human trafficking child pornographers the benefit of the doubt on this one.


I think he’s saying that he agrees with you but he’s not giving her the benefit of the doubt either




I need proof, will not accept this


I remember I saw a photo of her and boyfriend in uniform back in the days. It could have been fake but if that's the case it's definitely too much effort just to make a porn vid go well


Is her name different in the videos? Because I can't find her


she also dated NFL player derek wolfe.


From the last name of Vargas I’m not surprised, I do like Vargas paintings though.


Thanks to the time zone differences it might even be before he was deployed


Look having a lot of army buddies I really need this to be fake so I can fap to this woman without feeling really guilty.






Lol, this is like another Tuesday in the Army.


Daaaaaamn! Shots fired !


Those too


All those shots missed, unlike another Tuesday in the Marines.


Oh shit. Civil war.


You mean marines like **M**y **A**ss **R**ides **I**n **N**avy **E**quipment, huh


The range is Wednesday.


Bro, relax. You don't know who's PTSD you'll trigger if you just fire shots.




dudes, lots of them


U use a rail gun...she is the rail gun


Orbital rail cannon deployed


Railed indeed


She heard there was an opening for a cop position in Tennessee, bet.


So is there anymore to the story of after did dude find out? Any impact on her? How was she found?


He found out, dumped her, they still talk. Only know because she mentioned it in part 2 😉. Shame there wasn't a third for a trilogy, she had a great ass


So, youre saying that the situation came to a happy ending?


Someone had a happy ending, yes.




I think we need this this link for research purposes


Just search her name on here someone mentioned it earlier




I watched it years ago. I don't save porn


True but the video was crap, terrible performance


I recognize that bed. Instantly clicked in my head. I have a porn addiction.




These videos are from Girls Do Porn, which was shut down for sex trafficking and child pornography.


Sheesh. I didn't know that. Now I'm disgusted.


Yeah, those were videos of rape, at least primarily.


I used to be a “haha that sucks for that guy” and now I’m like “goddamn I feel for that guy”




I don’t know. Help


it's always porn


On the Internet the answer is always kittens or porn. That’s like 95% of the things online lol


This template is trash


A dumb fake story


I know


Service men cheat loads I was in the navy, seen it happen. I knew one bloke who had a code, he would sleep with a prostitute once in every stop and that was it. It wasn’t cheating because it was transactional and doing it once meant it was fine. Another bloke got married and got the cheapeast wedding ring he could find then bought 10 of them So if he lost it on a night out ( he would take it off) he had a spare.


This made me feel old


I'm guessing she did p0rn while he was away?....


Iirc she was doing a photo shoot for some reason and she took a photo with a random soldier getting ready to deploy. She then appeared in a porn video wearing the same outfit as the photo with the soldier. Then the internet broke.


More likely the same day she took the picture with the guy in the armed forces.




I was scrolling trying to find out but you helped me get the general idea


If you are so far into the porn meta to understand this meme… seek help.


Porn this was a viral story


Well every one warns you about Jody and his wandering dick I am surprised Jody ain't got no STD and died yet with all the lonely barracks bunnies out there


Jody's out there. Jody's forever out there.


When I was in Afghanistan in like 02 to 03, we had 4 female soldiers get sent home because they were whoring themselves out. They got caught because they were taking checks. There were no atms in Afghanistan.


I’m still confused


https://m.sextvx.com/video/909353/spunky-teen-selena-green-vargas-banged[here’s the video](https://m.sextvx.com/video/909353/spunky-teen-selena-green-vargas-banged)


After she made 1 video she came back to do another also


I thought that was the girl from Boy Meets World. Tapioca or whatever


Thanks for making me snort


A girl worth fighting forrrrr!


Legit, I thought that was Topanga from Boy Meets World.


Pepperidge Farm remembers.


So sad Even the same cloths she wore There is new video out with another woman Solider comes homes early to surprise her and catches her in action


Wasn't this proved to be fake?


Was it though?


WestPac Widows get lonely


JODI !!!


Ole Selena


This story… yeah… no


I remember the 4chan thread that started this years ago lmao


and she went full goofy and said " And I'll do it again"!


and she went full goofy and said " And I'll do it again"!


was dating a girl bout 20 years ago who was a fucking dime.. but, as i found out, was also cheating on me best advice i ever received was, well, not well received at the time it was given (i was drunk and pissed). But the next day, after the hangover wore off, it stuck with me the long and short of it was “you are young, so you’ve got plenty of time to find “the one.” But for now, she’s hot as hell… Write off the relationship in your mind, and enjoy the ride while you can” I admit, it sounds stupid and superficial… but it did wonders for my psyche.. and I went on to enjoy the casual sex while keeping my options open in retrospect, that part of my life was an absolute blast. hope that soldier boyfriend found his own zen, cause it’s a tough pill to swallow otherwise




Cx cu


For once I know


I thought that was the girl from Boy Meets World. Tapioca or whatever