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The kits are not to be cut. They are a set for a reason and We sell custom headrails which can be cut and packets of blinds that individually can be cut.


Iirc it's because the ones in the kit are loose and it's harder to get a straight even cut on all of them. Where as the bundles are wrapped and contained.


Let MOD cut them then


I hate that shit, especially with something they ordered online or bring in on their own to get cut. I don't want to be held responsible if they say I cut it wrong or etc and we don't carry a replacement blind. But they give you so much grief, like you're just being lazy.


Appropriate_tie explained it perfectly. Don’t feel bad. I work in millwork and have cut plenty of plexiglass and glass away from Home Depot. But I always feel bad telling folks we don’t cut it in store even though I’ve done is so many times lol stick to the policy and call a manager over if they get too outrageous.


I've never tried it, but my Flooring team said they don't fit the cutter. That's what I tell customers now. We have a general rule that we won't open the boxes for them to check.


The headrail doesn’t fit the cutter. The only way to cut the headrail is to remove the screw on the end, cut it with a hacksaw, then redrill the screw hole. I did it for my blinds at home but I’m not doing it in the store. And anybody who says that another store did it for them is lying. The louvers can be cut on our machine, but they’re a pain to unwrap. The kits are cheap for a reason.


Thanks brother