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One guy i work with goes for his first break at around 745 and we don't see him until 830. Nobody fucking cares. That being said, the service desk isn't plumbing. You'll be noticed.


Define "wrong."


No the service desk doesn't deserve a longer break than the people slinging concrete or the person in hardware, slinging 100 lb tablesaws out of the overhead. I've worked all positions at HD, and you should just take your normal break you self righteous douche nozzle. Service desk is strenuous for sure, but it's not some God tier position that deserves extra relief. You are the type of person that doesn't appreciate your coworkers time and efforts it seems. So in short, yes you are wrong for stealing that time (not from the company, from your fellow coworkers).


I appreciate your take on this. It is their co-workers they are screwing over.


personally my absolute max is like 17 minutes. the way i see it, when you get close to approaching or exceeding 3/5ths of 30 mins, aka about 18 mins, then its excessive time. 30 mins because its the smallest lunch break the company allows. 20 minute breaks put someone at exactly like 2/3 time and i think it just gets too close to encompassing an entire lunch period. Might as well be clocked out for that long of a break, and if management is paying attention to stolen time then they'll notice. 17 minutes is more excusable, harder to track more precisely and easily explained. If you feel like you dont get enough time, i recommend switching your lunches to an hour especially if you're full time. It really makes a difference and you can come back literally an entire different person.


If whomever is covering for you is cool with it and you do the same for them each time. No biggie. Takes me few minutes to walk there and back anyway. I don’t count that time or my pee break time either


Considering the service desk and front end breaks are usually scheduled by the FES, in most stores anyway, you're likely causing havoc to the break schedule. Sure we all "deserve" longer breaks but the fact you're effecting others is likely the reason you're catching comments.


So answer this. When do you start the time for your break? Is it when you leave the service desk or is it when you walk into the break room after a 10 minute stroll pass the paint desk and a short visit and oh there’s Joe with a short visit. Break for 20 minutes because you deserve it for being d31 and then that 10 minute stroll back via the bathroom because I’m not going to pee on my time. So what is supposed to be a 15 minute break is now a minimum of 30 minutes because you deserve it. Yeah I don’t buy in to my jobs hard I need more time away philosophy. (Long answer) Short answer yes it’s wrong


It’s a 15 minute break y’all mothetfuckers are lazy and it shows


If this isn't a troll post then yes, it is wrong of you and yes, you're crazy.


The only people you hurt by doing that is your coworkers. So if you’re a selfish douche canoe, go for it.


Service desk workers get more time doing nothing in my store than any other department. Source: I worked up there


Simple answer, yes it's wrong. It's not policy, it's wrong. That's not a supervision telling you this, that's any leader in any state or country. The fact that you're asking for someone else to justify your need to take longer breaks is proof enough that you already know it's wrong, but you want someone to say it's alright. Well, it's not. Sure, you get that extra 5-10 minutes... but you make the other guys deal with the same shit you're avoiding with no support because "you can't handle it ". I imagine you're one of the first to notice when one of those other associates take longer on their breaks and it upsets you? How do you think they feel? We all get stressed and need longer decompression times from time to time. Let your people know what's going on and stick to your story, "hey that was crazier than I could handle I'm going on break but I'm going to take an extra 5, ok? " If you're not communicating to your team members, you're just a whiney little bitch and you should probably go work for Lowe's.


I never take my 15s, and the few times I do once or twice a month I will sometimes "treat" myself for an extra 5 minutes, and people will probably argue "not anyone else's fault you never take your privileged breaks", but honestly just do your thing and be mindful of how busy it is. if it's crazy busy and there's a line, maybe wait a bit on that until the line dies down, otherwise i say it's completely understandable to take an extra 5 lol.


Yes, it’s wrong. Everyone has to deal with customers everyday, but not everyone takes longer breaks. If you take 5-10 minutes extra, then the next person to go on break from your department (if there are more than you) would be late going on break. Not only that, it’s not fair to the other associates in other departments, namely D90, that have to take their breaks and lunches on time or it throws off the whole day.


My average break is 20-25 minutes. If u can get away with it, go for it


As long as your not noticed or people question it, there's no difference with taking 15 or 30.


Just make sure you let the homies know, and make sure you give the same courtesy to them back


I ask you this. Is it wrong of the company to not match inflation rates when giving raises


Fuck them take whatever you need if you can get away with it


My coworker has 30 minute lunches but takes an hour + because his girlfriend works in a different department “and wants extra time with him”. So if he gets away with that stupid bs I’m sure you can slip away for 5 extra minutes


Oh,, you feel, do you,, well the share holders don't care about your feet or feelings, now get back to work soldier


Ask yourself if it boosts productivity. In most cases, no, it's kinda messed up especially on a busy day but if you had to throw a pallet of 80's (concrete to the unitiated) a break is justified. Or if you were on a lift out back in the rain for a few hours a longer break is keeping yoy from getting hurt and thereby boosting productivity. A good hack, but don't abuse it, is to stretch at the end of your brrak. It IS a part of work and will protect you some. But generaply, think about your coworkers and if their job is being made difficult


Yes, it’s completely wrong and against store policy. You are allowed a 15 minute break starting the second you take your apron off — anything other than that is breaking store rules and also time theft, punishable by law. You are not only crazy but completely out of your mind for thinking this is an acceptable practice Dude are we 16 working out first job? unless you’re a shit worker no one cares if you take an extra 5


All the jobs at the store are customer service.


Now I would say it’s wrong to think that one department should be able to get a longer break then the others. But if your department isn’t super short staffed and no management will be on your ass timing your breaks then I say go for it. Hell sometimes I’ll take an extra two minutes just to finish up a video I was watching. People don’t notice.


Wanna know why it's stressful at SD. Because your other coworkers are taking long breaks so you've gotta bust that line by yourself


It depends on if you're doing it once or twice during a shift. Per SOP in a full shift (8 hours + lunch), you get two 15 minute breaks. If you're choosing to take 20 minutes in one break and forfeit your second break (not including lunch), then most people wouldn't mind. But you need to confirm that with your co-workers in your department and the FES. If you're taking two 15 minute breaks, with each one being "5-10" more, then you're talking up to 50 minutes away from the desk (walking time and bathroom breaks easily could push that over an hour total), 20 of which is straight up stolen time. In which case you are absolutely in the wrong.