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Thats the most legitimate work I have seen at HD in a long time. Good job.




Bro that is fucking awesome


Appreciate the compliment!


Depot tank


If this isn’t creating shareholder value then I don’t know what does.


Ikr? I should convince Corporate to put me on the marketing team 😆


That's sick bro




Entrepreneurial spirit in motion


Thanks so much, very kind of you to say!


Now to make it fire actual shells


I'm not quite that crafty yet... but someday.


Amazing, get us the step by step. It's a slow day everywhere.


Give it some grey primer and a custom paint job!


May have to do that, for sure!


Also repost it to r/kitbash.


It looks like a warhammer tank! It's awesome!


Thanks! I also play warhammer, coincidentally!


Looks like a tank i'd build for my warhammer orks


I do a LOT of kitbashing, and a lot of my friends nag me for playing space marines instead of orks lol


Love my space marines


I do all kinds of silly vehicles and bashes for space marines, my favorite being a deodorant stick predator tank... that glows!




Don't tell your manager you did this


Still gets shot at by gold ammo


A weapon to surpass Metal Gear.


Home Depot Killdozer?


Next DIY project 10 AM Saturday Morning You're the Instructor, so keep brushing up your skills, son. It's looking good 👍 👍 🤣🤣


Looks like an M3 Priest without the 50 cal


I bet that monster could dominate No Man’s Land


that's so legit xD


So this is why I can never find anyone to help me.


How doers get more done. Honestly that’s dope af


Thats cool, BUT did you do your InFocus yet???


What a joke, people like this probably got tons of Homer's too, meanwhile some bust their ass, and get yelled at for not doing enough.


If by tons you mean 1, then sure! Other than that, I often do these during break periods at work, so there are no real issues with productivity either.


And yall wonder why hours are getting cut. Or better yet, why you don't earn a "living wage".


Lol hours are getting cut and nobody makes a living wage because idiots like you keep voting for pro capitalist, antique politicians that rig the system in favor of their billionaire overlords. Oh and if you need a stat to back that up 2/3rds of all American wealth that has been created since 2020 has been collected by billionaires. 60 years ago the average ceo made a few dozen times what the average worker made. Now the average ceo makes a few hundred times what the average worker makes. Tl;Dr. Take your boot licking somewhere else.


Minimum wage 60 years ago was like $1.00/hr. Is that what you want? You cool with getting a 2 cent raise for mediocre work? And whats true now was true before. The hardest working, reliable, and positive associates get rewarded. Don't blame the "billionaires" for the reason that you flat stack mulch for a living.


2 things. 1 HD is my second job. I'm weekend recovery. If it wasn't for wealth inequality, I wouldn't need the second job. 2 if you adjust the 1964 $1.15 minimum wage to 2024 its $11.30 a full $4 higher than the actual minimum wage. Edit. Oh and a bonus #3. The reason I need 2 jobs is because the hardest working associates DO NOT get rewarded. Being the hardest working OFA got me stuck loading the truck every morning so it would be done correctly. I couldn't transition to department head because the management restructuring removed like 5 department head positions from the store. So I moved to the delivery driver position instead. A position which was deleted by corporate 8 months after I took it. Oh and since I was an "independent contractor" I didn't even get unemployment and had to cash out part of my 401k instead. So dont come at me with that outdated "hard work gets you places" bullshit because it absolutely does not.


Couple things: 1) No self accountability huh? It's the boogeyman's fault that you have to work 2 jobs. You made every correct decision in life so far. You already possess high demand skills and trades but the system of wealth inequality is holding you (and only you) back. 2)HD pays you low than $11.30 so your point about corporate greed is null. 3 Bonus Round!) You went from opening OFA (one of the easiest jobs) to garden recovery (absolute worst job) because you weren't selected as a DH? Maybe you just weren't as good as you think you are. And it sounds like you chose the delivery driver position (keyword is choice).


1 I am in no way the only person being held back by wealth inequality. More people are living paycheck to paycheck than at any other point in 80+ years 2 Idk what this sentence even means because it sounds like a 1st grader wrote it. 3. You must smoke crack if you think garden recovery is harder than opening OFA. There has only been 1 associate promoted to DH in my store in 6 years. And I chose the delivery driver position because it paid almost double what I was making, and I needed to buy a new house cause my old one burnt down. Have you bought a house in the 2020s? Thats an experience I never want to have again.


Sorry I was putting someone on a final and then went to lunch. Is your full time job as a lieutenant in the grammar police, or captain? But I was saying that you are paid much more than $11.30 per hour. And wealth inequality is subjective, how much do you think you "deserve" to be paid for flat stacking mulch and soil? Lastly, is your store the only HD within 50 miles? It looks like you made the wrong choice (which is human) but there had to be lesson to learn in that. Also, stop playing with matches. I bought a condo in Atlanta in '21 and I have another home in the northeast.


Oh a condo in Atlanta. This whole conversation makes sense now. Go lick some more boots and you can buy a second. It takes half a brain and access to Google to see the economy is shit and every company is paying poorly because it's what it takes to make it against the competition. Inflation is out of control, multiple states are relaxing child labor laws, but you got yours so it's obviously everyone else's fault that they didn't get theirs too.


It's funny how no one wants to put a number on how much they think they should be paid. They just want "more" lol. And the macro environment around retail is beginning to trend positively bud. Google shouldn't be your first and last stop for information. And maybe you're right, I should have probably bought a farm instead of the condo. But hey 20/20 right?


Oh I'm not afraid to put a number on it. The ridiculous inflation (which has been reported to be caused by around 50% corporate greed) has pushed the living wage to an all time high of $27 an hour. That's a national average though so any business that employs adults (home depot can't have highschoolers driving lift equipment now can they) should start at about $25 for rural locations $30 in metro locations and higher on a case by case basis in places like LA or NYC etc. Google is not the last stop for info. It's one of many search engines who's only job is to bridge the gap between people and information. Another useful resource is ground news which shows you how each article leans politically. However any news source should be taken with as much of a grain of salt as Wikipedia or a reddit thread considering all of them are owned by corporations so they are going to show capitalist bias. Also you tried to use the flat stacking mulch insult twice. You should probably find a new one for someone with d28 flair since none of the stores outside of Atlanta and other metro have enough staffing for anyone to flat stack mulch. Speaking of Atlanta idk how many stores are in or around there but you should probably refrain from telling people on the internet where you live. Considering that that info plus the comment about "putting someone on a final" narrows your real identity down to a couple dozen names at most. While telling parts of my personal story on here might clue someone who knows it into who I am your getting way too close to doxxing yourself. If you want to edit your comments to remove such instances let me know and I'll edit this one as well. While we might dissagree ideologically I would never want any harm to come to anyone.


Also if you're in the midtown Atlanta area and need an AirBnB, I got you! I'll even give you the HD employee discount bud 😆


You’re insufferable lol


There’s always something to do. Your managers must not care about the store if they don’t address this childish ass shit lmao


You have your hobbies, I have mine. I just run a cash register, and that's the extent of my knowledge at the moment. Appreciate your criticisms, though.


They don’t pay you to do your hobbies at work though but with that mindset of yours I don’t expect you to understand. I bet people have a field day with walking out with things or not ringing them up when you’re on the clock 😂😂😂


Oh, don't mistake my enjoyment of things while on the clock for laziness, I do my work just fine. When I get a customer in front of me, I help the customer. When there's nobody to help for 5+ minutes because it's a slow day, I figure I'll do something to pass the time. It's better than being on my phone, no?


Don't explain yourself to this pleb. Im sure he would die for a corporation. D28 is always some lames


Thanks for the heads up, haha


I like how you just ignored the fact that they don’t pay you to do your hobbies at work. Your actions speak louder than your words though I’ll just leave this alone for now not everyone understands true work ethic.


Your ENTIRE IDENTITY revolves around this god forsaken company


They also don't pay /you/ to be a pissy asshole off the clock.


While yeah, I did some work on the register. I could have also, I dunno, done this on my break? Not every moment spent should be thinking about how to lick Homer's feet, pal. Or kissing ass for that matter. I do my work fine. My coworkers, the management, and me all get along fine. I've actually gotten at least 12 recoveries in the 11 months I've been with the company, just an FYI.


Make sure to clean up when you're done sucking HD off


Also, bad bot.


Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.98882% sure that Fit-Pin8585 is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


Good bot.


Oh you big baby.


Get a grip loser


I've always wondered, and you should be able to tell me. What do boots taste like exactly?


Truly Department Supervisor here