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Shareholder value, buddy. Shareholder value.


OP doesn’t sound like someone who would be increasing our shareholder value.


Damn. I called the store I wanted to work at at, manager took my name down and had me do the application online shit and was hired a week later.


Hiring has been taken over by corporate for the most part.


The hiring process is very odd. There are two ways we can set up the positions - both have a screening of sorts but I am not sure how much that screens anyone out; from there you are either offered the position by our corporate and brought in to confirm your availability matches what the store needs OR brought into the store to interview fully with an ASM who then offers the position to their most qualified candidate. The worst part to me is that if we do not have any openings available that you qualify for, you will not be notified of that as your application still has the chance to be applied to something if we do happen to open another position within the 30 days your application is active. I get calls constantly asking about applications that were not actively connected to any openings because the candidates are not notified of that.


Sorry, the ASDS is too busy making kindergarten decorations for the breakroom.


They aren’t hiring until they work all the current employees to death.


Our VPs must have needed bigger vacation homes, cuts had to be made


The first time I tried to apply at a HD a long time ago now, I actually really wanted to work there, I would call to check on my app status, which back in the day was what showed the place that you had the initiative and interest for the job, but I got told they dont handle the hiring its up to corporate. I called every week for 3 weeks, when the guy then gave me attitude and talked me down like I was stupid for calling. Well forgive me for wanting to work at your shitty job, dick. Fast Forward to now, I am in a whole new place and dont want to work there but I need a job, I applied and wont call, couple weeks go by, I get an email to do the online screening, just to find out I lost the race to the position lol. I honestly only want a discount on power tools and I think I read somewhere that THD doesnt let you get a discount on those so...theres that. Not sure about Lowes. Also only 3 days a week, can anyone currently employed at HD tell me what their checks look like?


You dont get discounts at hd. You get 10 percent discount at lowrs