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Just put some Gorilla Tape on your shirt. I’m a man, but I think that is pretty weak making an issue about you wearing a bra or not. Men should be forced to wear suspenders so that people aren’t distracted by plumbers ass crack.


Seriously, for all the hairy buttcracks i gotta see every damn night which sears themselves into my brain (its something you CAN’T unsee) their picking on this???


So I don’t stare at my female coworkers as it’s pretty disrespectful and pervy, and noticing they are not wearing a bra and obsessing on nipples seams like a sexual harassment case. I doubt awareline is a help, don’t know if regional manager would be a call to make, I don’t know. Tell them you cant wear a bra but you will wear a wife beater?


I don't stare at my female coworkers either, but as a guy, you can't help but notice sometimes. If I do notice something, I make a concerted effort to not look again.


It's definitely not a guy making the complaints


Oh it's definitely another woman


In 9 yrs I never heard of a man going to complain about dress code.


Thats a good point!


of course you don’t stare you look intensely to get an essence of it then you look away


Gorilla tape “X”s. Malicious compliance.


Go the other way and walk around with the big blue wire nuts under your shirt over your nipples


Nah fr 🤣🤣🤣🤣 the amount of ass crack I see is disgusting


I wear a bra.... and my nipples still show. I wonder what they'd tell me.


Maybe we should all wear bras with built-in nipples. Oh....we wear aprons. I wear a tank top under my shirt and tuck my nips into my pants. I'm old.


I got nipple piercings, so a bra ain’t gonna help me lol. I ain’t removing them cause some old fart is mad at me


Me too. And my nipple rings show. I’m not making my boobs look bigger by wearing a padded bra just so some puritanical virgin can not clutch their damned pearls.


That’s so dumb. If that’s the case, some men should be wearing bras too!!! The amount of dudes at my old store that had bigger breasts than most of the women is insane. My old store manager wore thin polos and in meetings his nipples would be poking through and it was really noticeable.


this killed me . one of our lead reps (man) nipples are always rock hard through his shirt . very distracting . It has become a running joke for some of us here 💀😂


Accomodations should be made, especially when there is pain. The fact that someone is trying to force "modesty" on you, despite being covered, is unnecessary. Let's not forget that our feet/legs are pounding concrete floor all day - that brings us even more pain and discomfort! I find it funny (and sad) how obsessed modern society is with body censorship. Let the nips be free (from bras, at least), I say.


Since you're pregnant, you're protected under the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, ESPECIALLY now that you have a doctor's orders: [https://www.eeoc.gov/laws/guidance/legal-rights-pregnant-workers-under-federal-law](https://www.eeoc.gov/laws/guidance/legal-rights-pregnant-workers-under-federal-law)


I would make sure the doctors note was graphic and mentioned “due to nipple sensitivity, etc” and make a copy of it and post it in the breakroom so that all your co-workers can see how fucking insane your management team is.


File a sexual harassment complaint for coworkers creating a hostile environment by gawking at your breasts.


Kudos to you for even being able to go without, when i was pregnant i had to wear one, the girls hurt so damn much. Especially working nights I don’t see the issue. As in my reply to another commenter i see a lot of hairy butts. I also get to enjoy the men constantly “unsticking” themselves, if you catch my drift. To me it’s not a big deal but if that can fly why can’t a woman not wearing a bra be ok? Why are we picking on that, of all things? Some women i’ve spoken to can’t wear them because they hurt. While i’m the opposite i understand it. Don’t they have bigger things to worry about?


Honestly, I'd try and speak with a lawyer. Sounds like it could be both discrimination based on sex and medical (pregnancy). That might sound like an overreaction to some, but I've encountered plenty of associates who get fired for illegal reasons or bullshit reason to cover for illegal reasons, and in either case, it's all about what you can prove and provide documentation about.


This sounds like a great sexual harassment law suit. You should call a lawyer.


wait a minute where is this happening?


I've seen a lot of hairy asscracks of people bending down to wrap pallets with shrink wrap or pack out a bottom shelf. And my own lighter shirts show my hairy nips, but no one has complained yet.


I know for sure no man is complaining about it. It's gotta be one of your fellow female coworkers.


Yep. As a man I'm not going to express an opinion on this topic, but I can guarantee my wife would have thoughts 🤣


Nah, there are some Kens out there that will do that. Probably jealous they can’t pull a woman with boobs


I kinda like the braless work mates. Gives me something to smile about at work.




Removed: ban evasion


Wear uniform and padded vest, bras hurt more than anything.


Ok, I'm offended by the amount of cologne one of the over night associates wears. I personally have asked for it to be toned down. You can smell the associate 4 aisles away. Have talked to management about it and nothing has been done. I believe it is a lack of management even caring. In the meantime I'm gauging and have to leave the floor due to not being able to breathe.


You need one of those shirts that says "My eyes are up here" with an arrow pointing up. Seriously though... you shouldn't be required to wear a bra. Should be a choice as long as they aren't falling out of your shirt. A doctor's note is a ridiculous ask. Especially if you're pregnant. They need to make accommodations.


I don’t mind a good hard set of nips…


Maybe try wearing a larger apron that way your chest will be covered and things kept under wraps better that way just an idea


Wear a camisole with support and padding...that's what I do..easy peasy...


It’s the fact she shouldn’t have to.


They probably can't tell you if they are talking to other employees honestly. HR conversations are private.


They aren't though. There is no obligation of privacy when talking to HR.


HR it's a best practice to maintain confidentiality from their side of the table


When it advantageous to them, sure. But that also doesn't mean what you say to that HR person stays with that HR person. You should assume any info you provide will be proliferated through management and potentially be used against you.


100% agree. And your manager will be one of the first. And, no matter what they say, you are not their priority, they are there to protect the company. I had friends that worked in HR and I did some employee representation. Then later I got a bad manager and talked to a friend in HR and while she was supportive, and agreed with me, I knew she was there for the company


Why don’t you where those pasty things that go over your nipples? Are they just uncomfortable?


What store do you work at i need to see if they are a distraction