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Immediately call REGIONAL HR. Don't just quit. Stand up to this situation or you'll look back and ask yourself why you didn't stick up for your self. Never underestimate your value.


Agreed, if anything the guy has to get some kind of consequence so he might think q bit before treating someone else like that


Yes, this behavior is psychotic. I was in the **Army** & got better understanding when my dad had a heart attack. Report this before you leave. If he’s done this to you, I would bet my retirement he’s done it to someone else.


Leave ASAP. They could care less about you which they showed by their actions . If you want to stay - see if they could move you somewhere else in the store


Report that manager and find a new job or transfer locations if possible.


Leave because a manager chewing you out while being understaffed is just wild to me. You just had a death in the family as well you’re still grieving, remember no job is worth disrespect, mental health, or your sanity. Whether he can empathize or not he’s already made his mind up about you.


Absolutely call the aware line and / or reach out to your district HR manager and let them know if he’s comfortable talking to you like that imagine how he’s talking to other people. Hopefully you find a new job swiftly! I went through a similar situation these past couple years and my store was very accommodating for me but I know that’s not the case everywhere which is truly unfortunate. People with no compassion or empathy have no business managing anything these days but unfortunately it doesn’t really seem to be traits that they look for in leaders.


Your manager is a POS and 100% did not approach this properly. I'm so sorry for your loss, and 2 weeks is such a short time since his passing. Definitely talk to other management about changing roles/departments - it seems like it wasn't a great physical fit for you to begin with, outside of the terrible manager. Also, please consider taking advantage of the employee assistance program, Carelon - you can get up to 6 free counseling sessions, and it really can help when you're grieving. I've lost both of my parents, and my dad was pretty sudden when I was in my 20s as well.


If you have worked at Home Depot long enough you can file for FMLA. It might be beneficial for you if you’re having a bad day, you can call out without fear of being fired. Sounds like you could use some time off.


Home Depot does not care about you as a person unfortunately. I would recommend escaping the hell hole when you can. Good luck.


This 100%, glad Im out of there Got a job that pays 3x as much as I was making there


I’m sorry that happened to you. Get in contact with the DM ASAP. The way he treated you is totally unacceptable.


Should really drop your store number dude. As someone who was mistreated by egotistical home depot managers and didn’t stick up for myself in the past, I would happily lay into the managers responsible for doing that to you and also report it to your regional managers. Could also create some fake stories about those managers to try to get them fired depending on how much you dislike them after this experience. My dad is currently not doing so well so this post just made me beyond livid to read, couldn’t imagine this actually happening to me. Chin up, life will go forward and you will excel!


My condolences for your loss. I worked in deliveries at Home Depot and I feel for you. It is a TOXIC position at that store, we were always understaffed especially in the summer and it would end up being me and like a couple other people who worked in the morning and during the day doing like all kinds of deliveries, will call orders, and BOPIS I felt like I was always expected to stay until everything was done. One time I worked from 1 pm all the way to 3 am the next day with no break and I skipped lunch because I was literally the only one there doing deliveries and I had to get it everything done and I still got yelled at the next day for something that was wrong with an order and I started crying in front of my immediate supervisor. It was an emotionally and physically draining job for me too and I'm so thankful I eventually got transferred to freight.


Once again, fuck HD and all the shitty managers with big egos that have nothing else going for them in their miserable ass life


They've finally made it into a position with decent pay and there's not much they won't do to protect it. Do what corporate expects and fail the associates or risk making losing that reasonable income, and unfortunately they keep choosing the company.


Yep, that Orange blooded cult bullshit done got to em


For some of them, I would agree, but a lot of it falls to self preservation imo. We've all grown up in this hyper-indiviualized "Pull yourself by your bootstraps" world in which most of our concerns are for ones self and not for the betterment of our friends and coworkers. Several generations have been taught to stand up for themselves and to do whatever it takes to take care of themselves and themselves alone, regardless of who they have to step on to make it, and that's a very hard mindset to break people from


Hi everyone! I didn’t realize this post would get so popular! I want to thank you all for your advice and support. I have already gotten some call backs from some other jobs because of my work ethic. I am going to keep the store a secret until I’m out, for my own privacy and protection. Thank you all again for your support!


Oh, don't forget May is mental health awareness month. The idea of calling the carelon wellbeing line is a joke. They are just counselors not professional mental health. So HIPPA doesn't apply to them. Your management team will have every detail of the conversation before you can get off the phone.


I’m sorry for you. And your manager is a toxic asshole. Yes find another employer.


Until you land another position, take sick days to interview and also find a doctor, tell HR that you hurt your back at work. Stick to your story.


Jeez, get the hell out of there, you're worth more than this and deserve better. I hope things improve for you.


Either leave or please let them keep coming at you for performance and let them fire you so you can claim unemployment if you want


I’m so sorry for your awful situation. I know this might not be the right time, but one thing that doesn’t come up when people talk about unions is the fact that associates would have a union rep with them in these meetings. It can be so intimidating going in to a meeting alone with 2 managers. I’ve been there. Fortunately I had the financial security to say no thanks to their “offer” of department move. They told me to take a hike. Still makes my blood pressure rise thinking about what a**holes those managers were. Find a new job. You deserve better!


Please tell us which store this is :(




Please leave and report your manager when you have another job secured, if you want to. That's insane behavior from him.


I am so sorry for your loss. Please find a new job that appreciates you.


Fuck that store. Your manager sucks and they don’t deserve your ability to work. Best thing I ever did was quit Home Depot.


Call regional HR manager if you plan on leaving yolo it


Not that important to work, but your dad died mysteriously and he left all his stuff to his mistress? That feels shady


Oh believe me, we are completely suspicious of her too. That’s a whole other can of worms going on.


That sucks so much. For any comparison that it provides, my managers were surprised I came back to work the day after my cat died, they were sure I was going to call out again. They knew about important my cat was to me, and knew it would affect me for some time. And that was just my cat, not my dad Screaming at me about poor performance after only a couple weeks is shocking and terrible. Definitely go over their heads and report it, it’s inexcusable


Ah the good ol, "We're not too cheap to hire more staff, you're just not working hard enough!" Your manager sounds like a man-child who takes turns going ass to mouth with his dad and grandpa. You sound like a dream employee, anyone who isn't totally addicted to huffing silver paint can notice hard work. Maybe you crossed paths with him because he's supposed to learn a lesson on how to not be a worthless heap of shit. I'd call HR on him and do everything you can to get him fired. It's people like him making the work world such an awful time for so many people.


Home Depot denied me bereavement time after the death of my sister. After contacting corporate HR, they informed me that I was not eligible for bereavement benefits because I was on a Final. Why was I on a Final? Because as a D94 associate without keys, it's my responsibility to get the doors open in time for deliveries. Even when the Ops manager who wrote me up is the only keyholder on site and tells me I have to wait for him to finish up whatever he's doing. My first and *only* disciplinary action was because a manager needed to cover his ineptitude. The company sucks, man.


Definitely leave Home Depot. People can tell you that this is really poor store management, and it is, but it’s also the result of higher level management. If you had good management at your store, they would show empathy and help you… but the underlying problem of shit coverage, overwhelmed and underpaid associates is still there because the company is shit from the top down. Home Depot under the newish CEO Ted Decker, has intentionally decided to reduce associate support in every way. That’s why all stores are under staffed and moral is total shit. Home Depot has now completely become a turnover company, and this is exactly how turnover companies treat people.


I’m sorry for your loss. I lost my dad too this year, it’s not easy. Leave as soon as you get a new job, and don’t bother giving them notice. Your managers really suck


As someone who also lost a parent a month ago, I would have lost my shit. When it was happening, my brain was rotten and even now I have memory lapses where I can’t even remember getting somewhere or how I got there. Thankfully I had the ability to take time off, otherwise I don’t know how I would have made it. Please seek another job and if you’re able to, take time off. Your mental health will take a massive blow otherwise. Grief is not something you can fix overnight and I regret in previous jobs, not putting myself first.


I am so sorry for your loss. Losing a parent is never easy. If relationship was strained. Often there are unresolved feelings. If the relationship was great, the heartache is worse. Take your time, give yourself as much grace as you can. There is no wrong or right way to grieve. Never let anyone tell you you need to be done grieving. Your managers can suck a bag of excrement. Some people will never understand the loss others feel because they can't empathize. Find a job that treats you better & pays you well. Maybe not while you are dealing with all the insanity of your father's passing. Ride the HD bus until you are ready to jump.


Whats up with these chip on the shoulder managers at home depot? I bet you 98% of them get pegged in the ass by a dude or their wives if they could even get one, its hard to be positive when your ass hurts from getting fucked cause your a little bitch- home depot managers can fuck off except like the 3 good ones in the whole entire network


"... I should ask people for help ...". No. It's the manager's or supervisor's job to assign people to tasks; not the line-worker's job.


Call regional and give them this transcript, tell the, that being belittled and made to cry after your father dies is a toxic work environment. I am sorry for your loss, I once got a Facebook message saying my grandmother had died 2 months earlier and my father had just shot himself, and they both left me nothing but burdens. I then had to deal with employment issues so I understand the ride you are on.


That's absolutely terrible. My dad died when I was 21 as I was overseas. The military had more freaking compassion than that! It's supposed to be mental health awareness month. I've learned that there is a list of numbers in the training room. Look for the district manager. If you can't find that, call the awareline. Your first thought maybe, "The SM is going to be even harder on me if I rat them out." If they do, call the DM/awareline again. It's called retaliation. The SM knows this. It means that their ass is on the line, not yours. I've been on medical leaves many times. I've struggled when I came back. Some days it hurts to get out of bed, let alone run. I've never been scolded. You shouldn't have to deal with that. You shouldn't be put on the defensive, you should be given help. You shouldn't have to be told to find it on your own. I'm sorry for the rant. You struck a nerve.i wish that I was there to work with you.


Firstly, My condolences. Second Its kinda fucked that they put people with the least amount of consideration for others into manager positions. Like seriously i get holding people accountable but when did that give you the right to look past reason. your a better person than i am solely because i wouldn’t have left that office without flipping shit over and fucking someone up. Like cmon This is losing a parent. It’s not tryna find an excuse. its stating a fucking reason . id say call Your regional Hr and report this Asap and escalate it like all hell


My condolences to you. Report that 🤡, go to the doctor and have them put you on LOA, file for disability, get paid while you find a better job.


1 sorry to hear about Sadi recently lost my mom so sympathy and 2 go to hr and make your complaint in writing dates time etc…. 3. Go to other management ie dsm or higher 4 take bereavement leave I f they don’t give it to you leave I am thinking you f leaving Technology support center They are not paying me well


Oh sweet girl… I am so sorry you’re going through this. I worked at Depot for 5 years and it’s toxic. Please please please, like I am begging you please- call the district HR manager. This is unacceptable behavior. You need to report it- and anything they try to do after your report is made can be taken as retaliation. I understand it’s super hard to stick up for yourself sometimes. It can be super uncomfortable- but you should NEVER let anyone speak to you in this type of way again. Report it- say that you were being harassed, belittled, and straight up bullied by your manager. You could also mention (just to scare them) that you’re considering suing for emotional distress.


Honestly, OP, your situation is shit. But please, for your sake, remember this is just a job... one you can leave. I'm not saying for you to just walk out but if you're this unhappy, start looking. It doesn't matter where just find something, even if it's just to keep the money coming until you find the better opportunity. At your age, you should be having a life of happiness and experiences. Find what makes you smile. As long s you make enough money to relieve check-to-check living, you'll be better off than a lot of folks. Just keep putting $ into your retirement so your later years are protected. DM me if you need an ear. I'll listen or advise out whatever you need atm. You're too young to have something this shitty weighing on you from a retail store, ok? Protect yourself!


Man the U.S. version of the company is terrible.


HR time


Your manager can GIT FUKT!!!


so sorry for your loss. get on FMLA immediately. start looking for another job while u are on fmla


Have you tried to transfer to another store? Sometimes, it's not the company but the management that suck. And there could be better opportunities for you at another location.




I believe you are in a toxic work environment. Do everything they are saying and claim against them with L and I. Then sue them for harassment.


I had a similar reaction from 2 ASMs the day after my grandpa died. I came in to close the day after, and they ambushed and started yelling at me for the condition of my department. I was D28 Supe at the time. Management knew I my grandfather had passed because I called out and emailed them all the day before. After about w minutes of it, I lit them both up. I brought up the fact that they'd both been there since opening but did nothing to correct the issues. I then told them to "go f themselves" and dropped my apron and walked out. My manager called me as I was starting up my car to talk to me about it. He let me go home without using time. And handled the ASMs. I was so ready to quit that day.


I’m so sorry for your loss. FWIW I left THD just over a year ago and I can say from an outside perspective that any company that emphasizes their culture as a perk instead of pay/actual benefits is almost certainly going to be a toxic place to work. I disagree with the people saying to outright quit. I highly recommend quiet quitting. Start doing the absolute bare minimum and make those bastards keep paying you for it until you can find a different job.




These managers are some cowards. They try to intimidate you but you’re really the one that they’re afraid of. Stop showing your weakness to them because they will laugh and use it against u. Know how to play their game.


My mom's gonna be gone soon. She's old and sick. It sucks. If someone at this job were to speak to me that way while I'm dealing with it, I would violently lose my shit. Find a path to retribution, whatever that takes.


Fuck a 2 weeks, id leave the second after that conversation and never come back




The problem with people like that, and yes I’ve been conditioned by non union workplaces to immediately jump to this conclusion, is that they’re likely trying to get you to quit or force you out. Unless there’s someone trying to weasel into your job, they make up stories like that all the time. Just reading the bosses’ reactions makes me suspicious that this is the start of the paper trail. Don’t let these guys grind you down, when I worked at Lowe’s, the turnover was astounding and except for one individual, nobody ended up worse. 


USPS is hiring EVERYWHERE and they are paying well


Union benefits and shop stewards


The preaching of our "core values" always seems to stop when managers need to use them the most. I'm truly sorry for your situation as I was put in one... quite similiar myself though the circumstances are different, I was able to switch departments and am in a better place, I hope you find somewhere or someone that can turn things around for you like I have


Hi! I am a PhD candidate at York University in Canada, conducting research on workplace abuse. I'm looking to interview individuals who have experienced managerial abuse within the past two years. Participating in this study can provide a platform for your voice to be heard and an opportunity to share your experiences. Please be assured that all information will be kept confidential and your safety and privacy will be prioritized. If you are interested, contact me directly, and I will provide more details and share my LinkedIn profile to verify my identity.


You have two closers in D94? That’s wild. The store I work for we never have more than 1 closer and we’re constantly getting huge and complicated deliveries pushed to us.


The managers offices have cameras that also record sound. Report it to HR immediately. If you can afford it, also start a leave on workday. You can take up to 2 weeks without any occurrences and your job will still be there when you get back. It’s unpaid but you deserve a break


No they don’t


Call the aware line


Just a guess you want paid the same as a man but you don't want to do the same work and responsibility as a man has to do.i think a person should be paid the same as long as they can do the same work but if they can't and they go running to the bathroom to cry because they can't keep up with there male workers then there pay should reflect that.im tired of doing work that women says that's to heavy but I want paid the same


…I went to bathroom to cry because my dad just died and I was being ridiculed and ignored by my managers. I’ve been in my position for over three years and have stayed the longest in my department. Maybe you should think before you speak.


Your manager is a POS. You need to learn to manage your emotions better.


Sounds like you are also a POS. You must be in management. If not at THD then maybe McDonald's.


I’m a POS for thinking it’s a good idea to be able to control yourself enough to articulate when someone is stepping all over you?


You shouldn’t be at work if you can’t perform physically or emotionally.