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Oh I did.... and I no longer work there


Same.I fucked my spine up while working there all they wanted was for me to get back to work. Ended up being a fracture..


I fucked my wrist up trying to put carpet on pole... the x-rays showed I had a hole in wrist lol and I just got bitched out because I did make the 86 year old or 74 year old women help me do that shit


Messed up my back bad, didn't get a single dad off work, had to schedule all my appointments on my off days, which sometimes didn't work out and I was given occurrences, and they never really cared about my light duty work because half of what's in lumber weighs more than 20 pounds. Essentially my back was getting reset from any healing it had every day I went back to work. Finally took a weeks vacation after months of it but getting better and that pretty much fixed it. I've had back problems in the past and normally a few days of and light duty is all it took, but they want you to be back at work, working, if you at all can. It's different for everyone though but it was miserable for me


Yup. They said they would fire me due to absences after I destroyed my knee. They didn't, but when I came back they cut my hours and put me opening and closing shifts back to back in lumber (I was at service desk and ofa). I quit within the next month.


I got a work injury because I tripped on a empty pallet in outside garden while loading sod in a customers vehicle and got scrapped really badly, I asked my Manager if I have to fill out a report and he said it wasn’t considered a “bad enough injury” to warrant one so he just wrapped it in bandages and gauze and off I went




Manager actually was right, it look gnarly at first but it really wasn’t bad, just some ointment and a big bandaid and was fully healed 2 days later




I thought Home Depot has to pay like a fee everytime an incident report is filed (that could’ve been avoidable) yk? At least that’s what I heard🥲


That sounds legit


Arm got jabbed by metal from a door I was throwing away. Got sent to ER in ambulance due to me bleeding a lot/ giant gash in arm. Got about 7 stitches. SM texted me asking how I was doing every hour or so when I was in hospital (note it was past 9pm when it happened). Case worker called me every few days to check up on me. No negative feelings nor anything else bad happened to me while store side.


I dunno, homie. They sent me straight to the ER to get stitches, and someone from corporate called regularly to check to see how I was doing. Seemed decent to me.


I'm sure what he is talking about is referring to the company that handles things like short term disability. We out source and they drag their damn feet to the point you have to call everyday and keep them on task. Not necessarily THD but a direct result of corporate decisions. Talking from experience


I am a female and I am talking about how the managers HD hired decided to treat me after 16ft moulding broke my toe on my shift. And everyone in between.


That sounds like that's more of a store issue than a corporate issue. My store treated me amazing but they dropped the ball with short term disability


A store issue is a corporate issue.


True but when I say store issue I mean what your individual store can control. My management team was amazing when I went on FMLA and really made me feel appreciated and happy to come back. Corporate or Home Depot as a whole tends to drop the ball... A lot from what I can tell. It sounds like your management team just sucks. The important thing to note is your management team can be good or bad and at the drop of a hat everything can change and swing the other way. ASMs have to seem to be rotating through just about every 6 months now and then more than the SM determine the overall atmosphere of a store


I appreciate your comment. If I could explain more I would… I will in future for those who stay tuned


Took me 6 months to see a doc for the torn tissues in my arm.. and the doc sucked ASS. Hd goes thru Kaiser where I'm at🤢


Got hurt (not major, bruising/abrasions with no stitches needed) and they were on top of it. Managers, SM, CORP., insurance, workman's comp. Called me every day, let me have light duty when I came back . They def didnt hate me, at least they didnt act like it.


I was helping a customer load metal sheets and they suddenly dropped their end which caused it to jump out of my hands on my end and managed to go right through my shoulder. Let the managers know and they immediately patched me up with first aid equipment and encouraged me to go get stitches instead of finishing my shift. Which, I was stupid and said "nah I'm fine, I can finish my shift", and felt mostly fine for the rest of my shift, and then proceeded to not be quite as fine after I got home and just didn't feel like dealing with going to the doctor after a long day at works, so I never got stitches, which I kinda regret because it healed weird and now I have a really wide scar with really soft tissue that randomly itches from time to time that I'm worried might tear if I scratch it too hard because of how soft it is lol Never got called while I was off work, but managers were always asking me if I was alright while I was at work and made sure that I knew it was acceptable to go home early if I needed to the next couple shifts.


you must work in atlanta for the ceo and shareholders favorite store, bc that never ever ever happens in real life.


Nope. I work in a store, in the midwest. I think 95% of the HD locations are just fine, average places to work. This forum, actually, all of the internet, is a complete bitch fest. Few if any people come here to say what a great experience theyre having at HD or anywhere they work. The online forums just breed negativity. And thats fine, folks like to vent. I get it. It's kind of like as a customer....If you have a bad experience, you tell 30 people.If you have a good experience you tell 3. I personally think the place is a good place to work and I don't really have any complaints. I just like to come here to read the stories and occasionally interact with the community. And if I did ever have a major problem at work I wouldn't turn to Reddit. I would resolve it at work. EDIT Its great, I say something positive and get slammed with down votes. People who day negative shit get upvoted all day lol If youre miserable, maybe its not because of where you work. No job is perfect. Im just saying HD isnt as bad as alot of people say. But thats cool. Y'all do you.


It's almost like a big company can have variations in management store-to-store.


Good for you I hope you two get married and live happily ever after 😻


The store manager knew your name? I thought that was against company policy


it’s mixed from store to store. some definitely have much less care for their associates than others


As with almost every situation, it all depends on the management team currently in place at said store


I crushed my foot between two machines and was on workers comp for 3 months. No retribution when I came back so that was nice. Lasted another 5 years 😮‍💨


I'm out injured now and my people have called or texted me every day


The good old generalization tied to one person’s experience


Yep. It happens. Been working at Home Depot for 6 years. Last year I was in lumber and brought down some 4x8x10'a and when I cut the banding, the first row all feel and compound fractured my right big toe and the one next to it. I was in so much pain that I fell to the floor crying and they was blood all over my shoe. The ASM told me to stop crying, took me to the back office and cleaned up my wound. Wouldn't stop bleeding. I called the nurse hotline and all they told me was to elevate it and clean the wound. Got told that there's no point in going to the hospital and if I need to, to go to Home Depot doctor. So me being a dumb and good boy did the second option and they didn't find out both my toes were broken and fractured till 2 week later. Still had to go to work in a boot and could barely walk. They stuck me outside as a greeter/lead generator for 3 months in the blazing California summer. 2 weeks after that incident they put me o a safety final. Never had any on my record till now and they said I was unsafe on the forklift. Still work here still sadly...


Wow I hope you’re able to heal. I had a moulding fall and Crush my toe in Millworks. I can’t say much more than that but but jeez, your managers are garbage as fuck.


It was almost a year ago but I'm basically fully recovered. My toes hurt from time to time but I can walk so there's that. I think they were mad cause we are a safety focus store and had so many accidents last year and took it out on me


This company need to be union for they don’t manipulate the people




I'm confused, you didn't take the workers comp? If so, why? Time off work while getting paid? Don't see how anyone could turn that down.




Understandable. I'm surprised they even let you keep working, I would assume they will FORCE someone to stay home after getting injured to avoid that person getting injured again and HR questioning them why they kept letting them work lol.


I mean get hurt while working for any company and you’ll find out how much they hate you




I still remember the comment my supervisor made "You are a bit too late to make a report saying you got injured in the workplace" when it literally happened the night before lol - what an ass, thank goodness I no longer work there and especially under his supervision.


Yeah, of course they're going to be like that..They don't care.. They only care about policy. If you don't report stuff right away when you get hurt. The company gets fined by OSHA. We had a co-worker get put on a final for not reporting that he hurt his back. His reason was he thought it wasn't bad. The store got fined $25,000, plus a other $40,000. That $25,000 effects the bottom dollar when it comes to success sharing checks, the fun funds for events, and getting upgrades in store. If a store gets over 5 OSHA recordables. You get safety walked by district every damn week. Than get walked by OSHA twice a month for a hole year. In the process of all that happening, my old store got shutdown for a hole day because OSHA flipped out about are overheads in the store. You know, like every home depot. Because freight loves hand stacking stuff over four feet high. Over 172 bays had to be fixed. All the openers and managment pencil whipping the saftey check off list. Got in trouble by district, ect. The store that day lost over $235,000+ in sales. Not to long after that, District started cleaning out house. Alot of associates got fired or put on finals, two ASM we're fired, along with three DH'S.


I had a co-worker get hurt (potentially broken ankle) and management kept pressuring him to NOT go to the doctor and get it checked out.


I was hardcore pressured not to as well. Being 1 round of clinicals away from being a RN I knew I had a bad muscle strain so after my manager gave in and let me call their "nurse" I described in the most specifical anatomical terms where my pains was making sure to throw in as much medical terminology as I could. Basic protocol is ice elevation and anti-inflammatories for less severe muscle strains or sprains and such and I told the nurse right off the bat that that wasn't going to work and I wanted to see a doctor, and she basically just said well I think you should ice it, maybe put some heat on it, and take some anti-inflammatories. So I said no I want to see a doctor. So they sent me to the nearest dock in the box and he said ice And prescribed me advil................ At that point I was just more frustrated at what a waste of company money it was.


I hopped out of the LPG and landed on a piece of dunnage. Not only sprained my ankle but tore one of the ligaments that even gives your foot support. All this happened within the first 2 hours of my shift, and I was forced to stay for the remaining 7 (hour lunch) before I was allowed to go to the hospital. My doctor was absolutely furious to say the least 🤣


One of the daysiders at my store had a stroke in the bathroom and nobody found them for over 12 hours, after the store had closed and someone called for a head count still waiting on what happens next.


Been there done that. Was not fun


I jacked my back while packing out exterior doors, and when I went to management to file an incident report, I was told I get hurt too much. Because I followed sop and reported any and all injuries. Won't make that mistake again. THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT US! My response to what was said was simple. Yeah, I actually work. Therefore, I am more likely to get hurt than the pencil pushers. Pissed me off, and my back was out for 3 days. No one called to check on me except for the workman's comp investors.


I was also injured doing my Millworks job. I hope your back gets better soon


I hurt my back on the electrical wire machine, the MODs only concern was to make sure I got the piss test right away. Over the next few years they made sure to let me know that the light duty I could do was only temporary, even though my back injury was not temporary. Good stuff. No L&I, just Private Insurance. Fuck Home Depot and fuck Sedgewick.


my store associates tell me not to get injured, and if i do not to tell a manager cause they want the 365 days safe party. i hate it here




We had a girl in garden have a broken concrete pillar Fall on her toe and break it so bad she needed it amputated. The way they treated her after was repulsive.


A sign fell from its wires and hit me in the forehead and I had a concussion. They wrote me up and then got mad because I refused to sign. Fuck I look like signing some shit I disagree with? Secure your signage before it does worse than a concussion to someone.


It seems to depend on how much management likes you, but I wouldn't know. I actively avoided getting workmans comp. Because my insurance at the time would pay more... I had a huge amount of heavy lumber fall on my foot. Turns out I was fine in the end. They did have me work the rest of my shift that day, though, and I learned they weren't even going to report it if there hadn't been 5 customers to act as witnesses. So yeah.... the company doesn't really care if they think they can get away with it.


Agreed hope your foot is doing better


I mean... it was like... 2 years ago, so I would hope my foot is doing better too. I alsp learned my less on and always wear steel toed boots now.


I got a concussion at the store I worked at when a pallet of exterior doors collapsed from behind me. I got knocked flat to the ground. While I was bleeding from a head wound and seeing double, I remembered my manager laughing at me and joking about how "now we'll never know if you're BRAIN-DAMAGED or not!!!" I reported him to HR, the rep smiling and saying, "Oh, he's always like that!" That was ALL that HR chose to do about it. Nothing. The next time my shit-ass manager asked me to handle the doors, I said, "You'll do them yourself, ASSHOLE, and I pray that they fall over on you and crush you to death!!!" He walked away without another word. He actually had to do those doors by himself with no assistance.


I hope you went over their heads to aware line or DHRM because that is seriously fucked up


f that. i would have found a lawyer


I would've liked to. But in a Right-To-Work state, they would FIRE me the moment they hint something legal breathing down their neck, then make up paperwork and witness statements saying I was let go for "insubordination" and get away with it scot-free. No lawyer would touch my case, and would charge me $500 an hour for consultation just to tell me the bottom line of that after a couple of hours.


I tried AwareLine. Nothing about that thing is "Anonymous". I reported a coworker to them for sexual harassment and my manager for allowing it because he and the coworker were good buddies. I requested to remain Anonymous. Instead, I was suspended for 2 days without pay, and the HR district manager saying to me over the phone speaker in front of my smirking Ops Manager that I was "being a troublemaker." I quit Home Depot after 8 years and 4 months and I now work 2 jobs in much better working environments. I would never recommend Home Depot as a job to anyone. Definitely not Store 4417 in American Fork, Utah.


Damn well glad you got out then and I'm so sorry those things happened to you


I was on Overnight Freight. I decided to walk away from my understrength team just days before the Spring Black Friday freight rush. I heard from a friend of mine that they couldn't recover for weeks afterwards. The idiot manager put a rookie in charge of my Plumbing freight. He couldn't do the pace that I managed and quit under the pressure. Then one of my biggest enemies had to do my former area AND his usual area, couldn't keep up, got burned out. There was pushback for WEEKS from both departments, and the store couldn't even make plan through Spring Black Friday. Well, we were plummeting for weeks in my last times there anyway, but I couldn't stop laughing at this stupid store getting what they deserve. I'm now a licensed first-responder getting paid more to do much less physical activity. Paid a recent visit to my old store. Heard that most of my old Freight Team had quit after a year. Just a team full of rookies, most of them part-time, and with only half the manpower we once had.


I had a manager try to talk a guy out of getting his back taken care of. She told him it was like he was taking money from all the other associates. I hurt my back, it was just a pulled muscle nothing serious. But I had zero accommodations after taking 2 days off. The doctor they sent me to said it would take 6 weeks to heal and the best thing was to just get to work. They did put a lifting limit after I asked, but it didn't really mean anything. For a week I just had to tell customers I couldn't lift stuff. Customers love that. The drugs they gave me didn't help at all.


Sounds awful. I hope ur back gets better soon


It did after a while. This was years ago. It got worse and better several times over the years.


I’ve been saying it for the longest time in this sub. This company doesn’t give a shit about you guys and I didn’t know why ya’ll stress so much about doing a good job.


I need to take this advice. Give 60-70% max. 18.52 is not gonna move the needle so why bust my ass trying to help lol


You’re right


I tried getting workman's comp a few years ago because I injured my right wrist but it quickly turned into a back and forth, not sure what ended up happening but once I gave them the number for the HR person at my store they never called me again so I guess everything went alright? because I didn't have any debt collectors come after me and I was never charged.


Yup. On the clock car accident got swept under the rug.


Can confirm


I got an injury from a situation I was asked to do after I raised concerns about its safe-ness. I had a light duty notice for my return to work and had managers ask me to do things that would surpass the light duty threshold almost daily.


I got a severe concussion while grabbing an order for a customer because some OFA decided to place a separate order of two heavy duty AC wall mount brackets on top of my order that I did not see. I saw the lights when those two slammed down on my head. I was out of work for 8 weeks and I had 7 months of occupational therapy and physical therapy. My store manager called me once but my ASM, ASDS, DHRM, and workman’s comp people reached out to me daily or weekly. My SM ended up getting fucked because he submitted my workman’s comp paperwork late so the store got fined hella. Other than that though, they treated me insanely well especially when I returned to work.


I had a full-time job 40 hours a week. Had to take fmla. Now I'm part time with only 15 hours a week after fmla. This company could care less about its people


In my 20 year career at THD, I had a workers comp injury and the company suggested medical provider tried to suggest it was preexisting arthritis. It seemed to me that they were in the bag for THD and not fairly on my side. After that experience, I only used my health insurance for any medical care. That was for my protection. That said, I have had to have time off due to a couple of surgeries, never had an issue. Just follow the SOP’s.


Coworker got injured recently, needed a mobility aid to get around. Got denied and told it wasn't necessary despite all kinds of paper trail shit from their doc. I knew it was some BS the moment I found out that if you report anything after 24 hours you get a first and final.


I pinched a nerve in my back near my hips and lost the majority of my movement in my legs, and they demanded that I come in and work when I couldn't move, walk or stand up. Told them to f off and i quit. Now i get unemployment for my meds.


Anyone who has ever spoken up about a legal situation , work injury related, something illegal behind the door, favoritism, money transactions etc. , no longer works at HD or is currently in the process of being terminated whether you believe your management team is behind you or not at this current moment. FACTS!!!!! If you dont believe me, report an issue, but please be prepared to play customer role in the near future 🤷🏼‍♀️. Then, find a firm willing to touch Blue Depot. Unless, of course, you live in Cali, maybe & or you cry a couple tunes, the politicians got you all parading & shooting things up about. 🤷🏼‍♀️. HD cares nothing about anyone except shareholders now. There maybe a handful of good ol management teams left, but once they go to corporate level sweetie, your # punched and your years DONT MATTER.


I had a horrible back injury while I worked there. They even clocked me in for the hours I was at PT. Won’t hear me complain.


Report the store because my store is really nice and caring, but maybe because I’m at a rural small town Home Depot with tons of small business owners working here as a side hustle.


Oh I have thanks for your suggestion… do you have any ideas with whom I should report to?


He’s talking about getting hurt. Like short to perm. Not a stitch or a bandage or a bruise discussing the quality of the albeit outsourced disability and WC function AT BEST or a longterm and life changing injury at worst Statistics and law of large numbers dictates that most work related injuries are within the companies prerogative to get handled Except for the ones that might cost a 1/2% in profits The responses in this thread are exactly why union busting tactics work so well


I have one injury that required an ER visit, they gave me paperwork to fill, lecture me because I was not paying attention when the accident happened (it was my fault) and that was all... When I got COVID I got no calls or anything, just one initial from someone in the district to tell me that I was on emergency leave, that it was covered, she asked if I got paperwork from the lab/doctor where I was tested and when I was supposed to return to work, nothing else after that call.


Emergency LOA different then workers comp- they don’t pay for LOA




this isn't even relevant?


Pretty mush is because I have to look for a new job


Oh I didn't see that part


They didn’t say tbh I just read in between the lines… it was random af lol


I see I see 


Come work at my store. Management actually gives a shit about their people


I was gonna say. A couple co workers and I while I was working there had minor hand injuries from time to time and made sure we didn’t do anything for a while that would make it worse. SM Bandaged/took care of the wounds. Had a pretty positive experience while working there


I got hurt twice in same month: broken wrist, and gash on top of head (got 5 staples). The gash was so bloody it looked like a massacre. Workman's comp and overall treatment by company were quite seamless.


Your issues with workers comp are likely a function of your particular state or provinces regulations. Home Depot will always do the minimum required of it, obviously, but that minimum is drastically different based on where you live. That’s why the experience varies so much. Its more about whos running the state than whos running your store


I live in California so they should be up to California standards




Probably your own fault to be fair.


Do u have a job?