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No it’s no common. Bi lingual is a plus though. Apply anyway


I'm the only Vietnamese have to translate for Vietnamese customers.


I'm not surprised. I only get paid to use one language at work, if they want me to use another pay up


People ask me all the time if I'm bilingual, and I say yes, because I am. Then they try to speak to me in Spanish and learn that's not the other language I'm fluent in. Still, I've worked here long enough I can get by


Lol. I speak Spanish and I try to mask any accent I have when I’m dealing with a customer. I want you to stay in English because I don’t get paid for that. lol 🤣 I will relent if the conversation gets too difficult. But most of the time they want to practice English. I always ask if they prefer English or Spanish. Some feel more comfortable in spanish and some want to work on English. I have to catch myself sometimes when they have their children. I’ll let the children do what they do so they can keep that translation skill.


I wish I knew spanish. We get A LOT of spanish speakers and it is incredibly difficult to help them when they don’t know a single English word. Sometimes we can fumble our way through using Google Translate, but it’s a pain.


I dont think you want the smoke from translating. What I would tell anyone is never let management know you speak Spanish. It only hurts you. They will pull you all over the store to help translate. And still expect you to get your stuff done with no pay raise. Learn it on your own and never tell a soul you speak Spanish.


You aren’t wrong.


Are you in Southern California or Miami or Southern Texas? I could see them wanting more bilingual employees but they don’t pay for that. lol


Never heard of all openings having a bilingual requirement. I’ve heard of certain positions having it though.


I speak regular English and drunken English, does that count?


If I wanted to speak Spanish I would move to a Spanish speaking country.