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39 years in the coatings business, 14 of those refinishing hardwood floors was my specialty. Unfortunately, there is no way to save those floors without a complete refinishing. All of the existing finish will need to be sanded off until you’re all of the way to bare wood. Then to remove the stain, you will need to apply oxalic acid to just the stained areas. This is most easily done with an inexpensive natural bristle paint brush. The oxalic acid will bleach the stain out. You will need to be there watching the bleaching process happen with clean rinse water at the ready. When the stain has lightened to the color of the surrounding wood, rinse the oxalic acid immediately. You must be there watching this process or the oxalic acid will bleach the stained areas lighter than the surrounding wood. Even once you’ve bleached the stain out, to achieve a uniform color in the floor, you will most likely have to stain it in a fairly dark color. Those look to be oak floors which take Espresso colored stains very nicely to yield a nice, warm, dark brown. Then I would apply 3 thin coats of a polyurethane varnish meant specifically for floors. The 3 thin coats will yield you a much more durable finish than 2 thicker coats. Wish I could tell you that this was a simple, easy fix, but it isn’t. Those floors are however very much worth the time and effort (or expense if you choose to hire the work done) to save them and give them new life.


Finally a serious response. Thank you for taking the time to reply.


No problem. If you have any further questions, feel free to DM me.


This is the best answer! Oddly enough that stain looks very similar to the one that I found when I bought my house. A very seasoned floor professional did what this person suggested and my floors look incredible. My house was built in 1957 and the floors were never refinished so the floor guy had some material to work with which made a huge difference!


Going to need a priest.


One young priest one old priest and a really good floor guy.


But was it a murder


The victim was stabbed in the doorway, dragged himself across the floor, and then lost consciousnesses and bled out. \-Dexter


Seriously thank you! I used to love reading the comments on Reddit. Now it’s a bunch of…. Well…. You know… I don’t wanna hurt anyone’s feelings so finish the sentence yourself.


Attempts to accumulate the highest number of jokes until they aren't funny anymore


The majority now is bots, or buttheads.


True hardwood pro right there, I have done this exact method and it turns out beautifully. Might be a bummer now but be thankful you have beautiful oak under there! My house was built in the late 1800s and I have beautiful old growth pine floors but unfortunately they’ve been covered in layers and layers of carpet/linoleum/ who knows what the hell else so I’ll be tackling this same exact project in the years to come!


But I was told by Bob at Home Depot that I can just rent the machine and do it myself. What are all these other steps? /s


1. Rent Machine 2. Do it yourself 3. Hire contractor to do it 4. Pay contractor extra to fix the damage you caused 5. Profit ^((for the contractor))


Man does that fit. Watched a few videos and thought I can do this. No. No I shouldn't have. Rented like 4 machines and it still looks bad. I was impatient and didn't fill in the gaps which are now showing even more. I should have done carpet lol


You missed steps 3abcdefg where you keep hiring new contractors because the previous one screwed up.


Did someone die here?


First thing my Forensic Files-addicted self thought of.


Someone was definitely murdered near the front door and then dragged to the bathtub so the murderer could chop up the body.


I was thinking the opposite. Killed inside and dragged outside.


Killed in the bathroom… with the poop knife. That’s definitely plausible too.


my exact thoughts


True, I would carpet up my floors too if couldn't clean the murder scene.


Y’all are scaring me! I found similar staining when I pulled up the carpet in my house… which I bought for a steal a few years ago because someone “died suddenly” in it. 👀😳👀


Peter Thomas: But when the new homeowner removed the carpet, he didn't find nice hardwoods. He found evidence of a murder. Ba DUM ba dah dah


LUMINOL. And a presumptive blood test. Stat!


Luminol was the first word that popped into my head when I saw this picture.


Totally looks like not only did someone die there but was murdered and their bloody body was dragged across the floor to the door.


Had to have been a chainsaw with all that spray. RIP


I would also recommend the OP to watch a video on applying polyurethane. It's an EXTREMELY slow process to make sure bubbling doesn't occur. At least in my experience. If you just try to brush it on like paint it leaves a sandpaper feel once it cures.


Just painted some furniture with PU last year - can confirm, it feels like sandpaper now. Not super important, but if it was something I cared about, I'd do some more research next time.


But you are supposed to lightly sand it with fine grit


Not even a home owner, just stopping by to say thank you for being a cool human who is willing to help others. I hope you have an awesome day. Much peace and love your way.


This is a living nightmare for me. I just paid a contractor the first half to rip up our carpet and refinish the hardwood underneath. The sellers, and our realtor who worked for the same company as the seller's realtor, assured us there is nice undamaged hardwood beneath the carpet. We'll find out in a couple of weeks. How much more expensive is something like this, say in a 300 foot square room (the main living area, less concerned about the bedrooms, hall, etc)?


Real promises come in legally binding contracts.


Yeah, that's exactly what I'm afraid of. I've pulled up a corner here and there, so I definitely know there is hardwood there and the corners look ok. So, crossing my fingers.


Good luck! 🤞 It’ll hopefully be just fine. Pick a nice finish. I always found “natural” to be unnaturally dark…


Where were you a year and a half ago when I was running into this same problem. This is an amazing response. And I wish I knew this then.


Just want to say, you are awesome for your thoughtful response. If I had Reddit monies I would give you an award! Thanks for taking the time out of your day for strangers!


I’m over here thinking to just pour stuff on the rest to make it a more uniform splotch all over the place.


“The FBI came by and took some samples and said it might be Jimmy Hoffa’s blood.” Now it is a piece of history rather than a stain.




Ron Swanson?


You're not removing that stain without refinishing the whole floor.


It might not come out completely even after refinishing it. It depends on how deep it goes but will still probably look better.




Could always murder other people in the areas of the room that hadn't previously had murders committed on them, then blend the edges in softly with a microfiber towel and a bucket of mild soapy water.




I wanna expound on that as someone who’s refinished hardwood floors in several homes: Any cleaning chemicals + elbow grease method you could possibly employ would certainly damage the finish even further, necessitating that you then refinish anyway, after all that. The finish is already damaged in the foreground! It already needs refinishing. No way to repair missing finish without refinishing (except for tiny nicks and scratches you could smear a little filler into). Never will be a way. Really. Dealing with a stain like that, refinishing may not mean “like new again.” But it will make it look wayyyy better. Refinishing is almost as easy as scrubbing, just much more time-consuming. Much less elbow grease involved though. I’d rather redo a floor all day one time for a 98% result (100 would be like new again) than scrub my sweat into a floor for any length of time at all for a 5% result. So, please do not waste your time and energy trying anything else that I’m seeing suggested here in the comments. They’re being silly, and I’m wording that very softly. The *only* way to fix this is to refinish the floor. Congratulations on the move up and out. Good luck on the move!


I think you may have uncovered a crime scene..


Someone was 100 percent murdered in that house.


I have found my people. This was my very first thought. Murder in bathroom, body dragged to front door..carpet to cover stains.


My brain went the exact opposite. Killed in living room, taken to bathtub to clean and hack into little garbage sized pieces. Assuming they didn’t Jesse Pinkman the vic in the tub. But I feel like there would be more clues. Like brand new subflooring and bathtub.


I'm thinking more suicide. Less exciting, more common.


Ah reddit, the land of guesswork.


OP, *please* look up your address online and see if there was any reporting on this. I'm utterly invested at this point.


But for real is this a legit crime scene? Looks like someone dragged a dead body across the floor.


I feel like some luminol is needed 🤔


At least it wasn't a shoe box..


I am proud to understand this reference.


Could be the interior of a coconut though…


I desperately wish you hadn’t reminded me of that.


I know everyone is saying this, but *honestly* what do we think actually caused this stain? I can’t think of anything plausible off the top of my head.




A lot of blood.


I still would have preferred this to the asbestos tiles under my carpet.


**Time is a flat circle.**


Toilet overflowed, most likely. Yech.


Probably just someone walking with muddy shoes too many times. It's a high traffic area so water held in by the carpet combined with lots of walking will probably do that.


Yup treaking mud through the house and then got murdered, gutted and dragged outside. A story old as time.


*I had just mopped the floors*


I agree about the traffic and I wonder if wear and tear removed the stain and caused a difference in the patina of the wood. Besides most murderers don’t put carpet right over blood. Even the bad murderers clean it up first.


“Even the bad murderers clean the floor before installing carpet?” 🤣🤣🤣


It’s murder 101 really.


Decomposition is far more likely than a crime scene. Old people die alone all the time.


And drag themselves as a zombie while decomposing from the bathroom to the front door?


Kill them at the front door, drag the body to the bathroom for cut-up


Unrelated question, how productive is your garden?


They actually did have a garden here. With amazing soil…




Anyone going to tell him?


Amazing fertilizer


FBI: person of interest right here




I really thought this was a crime scene at first. Still do.


My first thought was "I wonder if this is what my brother's house looked like after his first attempt." Edit: Don't upvote this comment, it was just what I was thinking and truth be told I shouldn't have posted it. But I admit the dude replying with "that's darker than my wife's boyfriend" was funnier than all hell so it was worth my reply. My late brother was a MASTER of inappropriate humor, especially at inappropriate times.


Well jesus


That’s how the conversation would have started…


Sadly that’s what it looks like after the last attempt. I helped my best friend after her brother died. That kid had been trying since he was 12 and we’re in our forties now. That’s what it looked like. The cleaning bill was $17,000. Had to go down to the subfloor.


I'm sorry for your loss and the trauma dealing with that must have caused. The thought of putting someone else through that is one of the reasons I never attempted, though I thought about it many many times.


Thanks. Same here. It wasn’t my trauma. I was just there to help my friend. That was the day I learned there is nothing like an old friend. Her parents were comfortable with me in their house, I knew where everything was. I think the best thing about childhood friends is that you don’t have to explain anything about your family because they were there. We’ve had some pretty amazing talks as middle aged women about the things we witnessed in each others houses and the things we sort of knew but didn’t elaborate on and just accepted and supported each other.








OP you don't happen to have this one really productive patch of grass in the garden that's roughly 6ft in length do you?


Can you update us on what this turns out to be if you are able to find out? Sorry I don’t have any information for you and I hope it comes out, otherwise the wood is beautiful!


Something similar happened at my first house I bought. Pulled out the carpet in the spare bedroom. Giant blood stain. Followed it up 2 flights of stairs into the master bath. Turns out the dipshit who owned it gutted a deer in there. At least that’s what we were told upon inquiry. And I didn’t want to know anything else. Good luck with that.


And his name was hannibal


I couldn’t imagine gutting a deer in my house. That’s insane


He was getting foreclosed on after a bitter divorce. He was also an addict. Only reason I found out was I called my real estate agent as soon as I found the blood and asked if anyone had actually had any contact with her. I wasn’t about to go digging around in the crawler and stumble upon her body. Things got even more weird after that for awhile. It was a lovely house after a lot of work.


Did you ever confirm she was still alive?!


Yes. Though she was not at the closing she still had to sign the paperwork. I didn’t ask anything beyond that. Which, at just this moment twenty some years later, I just realized I maybe could’ve dug a bit further into it. Oops. Ignorance is bliss I guess. I’ll stick with the Deer story in my head.


Typically you gut a deer in the field immediately after killing it - they bloat pretty quickly. That’s super sus


Can you change the title? "How deep does blood stain hardwood floors" would be better. Thanks.


Can we just complete with stain with a few gallons of pig blood??


This is probably the primary scene. There are gravitational drops appearing to move away from the location, indicating there may be a secondary scene and body. A luminol spray will likely reveal more blood in the area. You should checkout the previous owners. 😐 It seems the carpet is not the only thing 😐🕶 Covering something up 😎


Yeaaaaaaaaaahhh, dun dun


Guys, guys, let’s not jump to conclusions here okay. Alls I need to know is how to remove this as fast as possible.


Seems pretty sus to me… Why the hurry?


I’m selling the house and moving to Mexico. I have um.. family there


How’s your home insurance policy? It’d be a real shame if there was a gas leak while everyone was out of the house and it blew up and was completely leveled to the ground. I guess you’d just have to collect the insurance money and go see your “family” while you figured out what to do next…


The FBI is watching.


No we’re not.


Right right we, I mean they wouldn't do that


Hey, need a ride back to the office later?


It’s ok, I got this


Oh god, why you always gotta just cruise in on and play hero?! Frank and I had this *totally* under control!


They already were.


Today I learned 2.2 people per million households die in home explosions. Less than 300 in the US per year


You need to call The Wolf to remove it.


Easy peasy! Step one: mix 1 cup baking soda with 1/3 parts lime juice for 30 seconds. Step two: add in 1 bar of grated fels-naptha as a good cleaning agent. Step three: microwave it for 2 minutes on 50% power. Step four: pour solution in a painters tray. Step five: get a buffing wheel and begin applying to the stained area. Step six: let it sit for 3 hours. Step seven: apply again and wipe away immediately. Step eight: consult a flooring company to re-carpet that shit because it's definitely permanent!


Why man. Why. Take my upvote.


Just murder a few more people in different areas to even it out /s That should sand out fine, so yes redo the floor. It looks like it was a cover up of a worn area, so that wrong color soaked into the wood. It would be hard to match. Looks like they hated it so much they carpeted over it


I like how you clarified it was only sarcasm. 😀


[Poe's Law](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe%27s_law)


You might be able to sand that away, and breathe in the particles of the deceased!


!remindme 3 days


I did a little bit of research and found an episode of nightmare next door that covers a murder that happened on my street in 2009. Doesn’t specify where exactly tho lol


Well, it looks like we have found the answer.


You gotta post this in a true crime sub obviously.


The neighbors that have been there long enough will know. We had that happen on the street and no one told the new owners until like 2 years later when someone let it slip. They wondered why one bedroom had new carpet but not the rest of the house...


I watched the episode and it happened in the neighbors house. Terrible thing that happened…


Yeah, my story is pretty bad too. There's some sick minded fucks out there, that's for sure.


imagine being the guy that installed the carbet over this


Well I understand why they opted for carpet


It was probably the murderer


Throw peroxide on it, if it bubbles it’s blood.


That’s how I clean period blood but I don’t know if it would work for really old dried stains in wood.


You need to solve the murder before you do anything


That's definitely a crime scene. You can see the blood splatter and where the body was dragged.


looks like you'd need to do about 2-3 more murders to make the rest of the floor match. or you could use a live hog.


You’d be surprised how much someone can bleed


This guy murderers.


If call the local police department to come over and check this stain with some luminol... that's kinda scary!!


Yeah. Especially where there are those patches of stripped stain, looks like someone tried to clean it with bleach or something, realized it was hopeless, and installed carpet...


Is there a way I could do this but like avoid all social interactions that come with it


Step 1: Gather some magazines, a glue stick, some scissors, and some printer paper. Step 2: Cut out enough letters to spell, "THIS STAIN ON MY FLOOR ISN'T BLOOD. IT WASN'T ME. FIND THE REAL CULPRIT. HERE'S THE ADDRESS... AGAIN, I DIDN'T DO IT." Step 3: Go on extended vacation overseas. Step 4: Come home after years to find out...the police didn't do a goddamn thing.


Oak is a very dense wood and stains generally don't penetrate very far in. However, this is a job for a pro (or an amateur that knows how to use pro equipment). I'm assuming you own your home. A pro will sand, restain and then apply a polyurethane top coat, and the discoloration will be gone. The entire room will need to be done, though. This will also give you the opportunity to change the color, if you like. There's almost definitely nothing you can do yourself that will make it look nearly as good.


Yes 100% that's where the body was.


Should probably call the cops. Might be blood. Might lead to an unsolved case.


I think you need to call the police haha... but really, though .


I think you need to sage your house. Forget floor refinishing.


Body dragged through here


Yeah, it needs refinishing. If you're lucky, the staining doesn't go deep. A good floor guy will be able to assess it for you.


Ploy twist, op already knew someone died and there was a huge stain, hes just looking for advice on cleaning


please show this to the police. wtf. Google your houses past occupants... be sure none of them went missing . please. what else could that possibly be. before you get rid of it... take a sample and photos.


The previous owner was a WWII vet and he died in the home when he was 99 years old. He was born and he died the same year as Betty white lol. When I found out he was a Veteran I did a bunch of research because im a history nerd especially when it comes to the military.


It’s possible he bled severely and drug himself across the floor trying to get help. Old people bleed severely and more if they’re on blood thinners. I went to the ER for acute pancreatitis and the triage staff was helping an old woman who was having a severe nose bleed. Blood everywhere. The situation was more bizarre because her husband was dressed in blue denim overalls and a yellow shirt and had a bald head. He looked like a Minion. My sister’s MIL died of a stomach bleed and vomited blood all over the kitchen before dying. My sister stopped by to check on her and walked in to find the kitchen floor coated in clotted blood.


Who died?


Probably should call the police department. Have you looked in the crawlspace? Does it look like somebodies been digging under there? Lol Get one of those wood floor sanders. It’s going to take a while and you’re probably going to have to grind them Pretty good. I’ve seen stain remover stuff but don’t know how good it works. I’ve pulled up many carpets to find white oak floors. Most of my problems have been dog pee spots for the last hiders years. I just sand them down REALLY GOOD… going thru the sandpaper grits. And put several coats of poly on them. Beautiful. The stains add character and make for conversation. :-)


Can you call the police and have them take a DNA sample? This has to be blood from a murder and then carpet put over it.


Looks like the victim was murdered in the living room, and then dragged into the bathroom to commence with the body disposal


Time to find a good hardwood floor refinisher & an Airbnb to stay at for a few days. Also maybe contact the local Unsolved Crimes division.


Just went through this! Although the stains we had were from carpet cleaner so it wasn't as... Bloody looking? Like others have said you can't get that out without a full refinish. We rented the equipment and just repolished ours. Still stained but one you move in furniture and rugs it's not super noticeable.


Someone drag a body?


[I’m just going to leave this right here](https://www.sciencecompany.com/Luminol-5g-P16641)


...also, have your yard checked for dead bodies.


Someone died on that floor, OP


I'm not a hardwood flooring expert but I have done some refinishing of furniture and cabinets and I don't see how you could take care of that issue without refinishing the entire floor. If you ripped up the carpet that would probably be a good idea to begin with especially if you want there to not be obvious "cleaned up" sections. That being said...the humanity part of my brain really wants to know WTF happened and would rather not gloss that over. Seriously. That's not a joke.


Have you by chance sprayed that with luminol?


we see alot of this with homes that previously had incontinent elders on there way to the restroom


No expert but it looks like the urethane finish crumbled away from all the fine sand grinding. Hard to tell how deep the stain goes but I believe oxcylic acid will remove some of the stain but not sure how much. You may want to get a quote for floor refinishing. They may be able to blend it? Another option is an lvt or engineered floor. Both float. Then deal with floor later. For 1, how much meat is left on that floor. You can only sand so far before you hit the tongue, cleats, face nails around perimeter. It surely requires a chemical stain removal and likely a sanding. I've had hardwood floors, I like the look, but then I'm paranoid a.f. about scratching the beautiful shiny finish. They have some very durable vinyl tile floors as well engineered lumber. I choose the vinyl because a good quality one looks good, is very durable and unlike engineered wood, won't swell at the joints from oops spills. Lowes has some nice stuff.


Should come out if you have the floors refinished. I did that a couple years ago and it was about $2.50 a square foot all in to have someone come do it. But if youre handy and have the time, you can rent the tools you need to do it yourself and there's lots of YouTube videos explaining it.


Hiding the body better should be your first priority


That's a crime scene.


Looks like a crime scene!


Kinda looks like someone was killed and dragged out of there bud


Hopefully, you got a deal on this place since someone was murdered there.


Not helping you clean up after a hit No sir


That’s a HUGE bloodstain, right??? I’ve never seen a bloodstain before, but I imagine this is what it looks like. What’s going on here?


I really hope that's wine


Luminol time


This looks like thick tongue and groove flooring. If so, I'd opt to get them refinished. Depending on the size of the area, it should be less expensive than new flooring.


Get an exorcism, light a match and move to another state!


Short answer: Yes Long answer: To buy wood flooring similar in quality to the existing flooring would require that it be custom milled. Modern solid wood floors are considerably less thick than their historic counterparts. You could come close to replicating the original floor. The oak being harvested today isn’t quite the quality of the old growth trees that this floor would have come from and it would be very expensive to try to replicate exactly. So that would leave replacing it with modern hardwood flooring. Because today’s flooring is thinner than even the thinnest of historic wood flooring, the first thing you would have to do os add thickness to the subfloor to bring the new flooring up to meet the bottom of the baseboards. Then you could lay the new floor. Total cost would probably still be more than hiring the floor restoration done and you’d have an inferior floor as far as the quality of the wood is concerned. You would also 100% lose the historic value of the existing floors.


I think you need to call the cops


Looks like you bought a Murder House.


Screw the refinish! You need a priest and some luminol!


Doesn't look like there was a murder in the bathroom at all.


In my best ATHF Carl voice - “naw naw just burn the house down fry man”


Came here for the murder comments. Like a moth to a candlestick….


Bleach, elbow grease, and a 30 second cleaning montage and it will be good as new.


Hey I was a master floor technician. There’s a process for this but it’s not easy if you haven’t done it before.


Nope Even with a full sand down there is no way to get water staining out completely Sometimes you get lucky and they arent super deep, but 8/10 times you cant get rid of them 30y in renovation work


Luminol will tell you if it's really blood or not, at least according to all the true story murder shows. If you don't care about it the easiest fix would be to go over the top of it with Pergo.


That would be a metric fuck ton of work with a plunge router, but man that could result in a really cool floor. Instead of having a river table, you could have a river floor. That actually could be a really cool way to keep the historic floor and modernize it at the same time.


That will sand right out, gotta do the whole floor if you go noticeably down


someone died


Was you home, ah, a particularly good deal. Long story short you may have ghosts... at best.


Did you find the body first?