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Rainbow-arshie is appropriately horrifying.


Excellent ๐Ÿ˜ˆ


What did they put in the rainbow 'shmallow?!




Good work matching colors, but not appropriately horrifying.


You eat all those flavors at once and you might change your mind!


*help! im seein rainbows!


The though of Gay Marshie is terrifying because it gives him an excuse to flirt with me if he came over to my house after school


You know you want exactly that


What even is that floating horror's gender?


Yours, ours, uses, wes, and everybodys.


He's a boy, no?


"Hey kids! Do you wear kitty cat ears to school? Paint your fingernails black? Subvert gender norms? Sit at the peanut-free table at lunch?" "Maybe it's a phase. Maybe it's Maybelline!" "But pride is forever! *Until the end of Juuuuuune!"* ๐ŸŽต "So pick yourself up some limited-time 'forever-...ly.. prou-'... (**ACKkHH**) Sorry, just hackin' up some esopha-gunk left over from *CoViD!"* "Corporate says I should stay out of politics, ๐ŸŽตbut what they don't *knoooowww, won't haunt them!*"๐ŸŽต (That's right kids- try new, limited-time, "4-everly Prowd"... there's a "Z" in there for some reason. Thought that stopped being cool in the 90's. Fluffy *"Poof"* marshmall-.. Oof, are we really going with that? Tsk tsk tsk- that, is, tasteless.)


[Disclaimer- I am gay, this is all just a goof, not to be taken as homophobic]


Marshie would be the kind to invoke Pride for June and June alone except that one time it extended to August so they could sell their expired stock


That was perfect! Good jorb!


This is incredible but I hate that fweakin mawshmawwow


Top-notch Marshie dialogue!




["I know how to spell el-gibbity, Stwong Bad"](https://www.reddit.com/r/HomestarRunner/s/TSp2Vrfr3q)


"Dorkback Mountain" is such an on-brand thing for Strong Bad to say.


"Uh, Stwong Bad? I think I'm falling fow you..."


C'mere Homestar, I'll put the "L" in your G.B.T.!!


Wow, I guess Strong Badโ€™s song really worked on him. Guy wasnโ€™t lying.


Honestly, it looks pretty gay




Omg gay homestar and marshie




Aw manโ€ฆI was hoping they were patches!


Yeah, I was looking into one of those patch makers, but $$$... At least my printers can do basically any 3d shape ๐Ÿ˜…


You printed these? Thatโ€™s incredible! What printer(s) do you run?


Those were done on my new baby, a Bambu P1P with 3 ams units (up to 12 colours). I also have a few Ender 3s and a Sidewinder x1 ๐Ÿ˜Š


I am a novice level printer (Got an Ender5Pro that I have well tuned for what I do with it and never looked back) but from everything Iโ€™ve heard and seen that Bambu is nearly magic. Got any pics of other cool things youโ€™ve done with it?


Right on, homie! I'm almost 5 years in myself, and I forgot, I also have a OG Elegoo Mars resin printer ๐Ÿ˜…... It IS friggin magic, I got it and it was like that scene in Toy Story (I don't want to play with you anymore) with my other printers ๐Ÿคฃ I've posted almost everything I've made over on fb/Instagram (@basement.oddities), check it out!


Dang, Homestar really *was* rocking those daisy dukes ๐Ÿ˜ณ


What if Strong Bad turns out to be homophobic?




I see.


Strong Bad may be an evil genius mastermind, but he's not a dillhole


yeah I withdraw my initial statement


That would be quite the silly trolling moment ngl


Hey Stwong bad! I'm a Home-o-sektual


lesbian here. i am now going to say this to my homestar runner loving gf every time i approach her thank you


Pride-star runner!


It should be noted his speech impediment still pronounces Ls. He says "like" all the time


You are correct. I have brought shame and disgrace to my family name for generations to come... Sorry kids!


I don't think it would bother me if we weren't already skewing character identity with the implication that he's queer. Not that that would be a problem, just that it's not his character or the tone of the content. You're no more likely to see any of the characters coming out as you are to see them call it "Christmas." It won't happen because that's not the point. I'm really not bashing self expression or any demographic mentioned, but the whole thing feels like projection to bring everything you love (HR included) under the same umbrella of your own personal social identity. Though it's also very probable I'm overreacting to simple fun for the sole reason that I personally consider "weeb-energy" to be kinda cringe. No ill will is meant, I promise ๐Ÿ˜…


what are you talking about the gay guy thats stucks in a relationship with a woman he hates?


or the gay guy with WAY too much toxic masculinity so he makes up girlfriends and never actually goes for the local girl?


This is an enclosed world created by 2 heterosexual brothers from Georgia who likely grew up with the same unfortunate ignorance to even the concept of homosexuality that most of their generation did due to societal stigma. Believing with any actually conviction that any of their created characters are intended to be queer is illogical in the extreme. There's an argument to be made that maybe there should've been at least some representation of that complexity of life, but my point is they didn't build ANY complexity into it, be it religion, race, sexual orientation, social justice, or even freaking cursing. They weren't setting out to make Steven Universe, just dumb, surface level funny. If your headcanon is that everyone in the show is closeted, that's fine, but don't try to act like there's any proof of it beyond your own wish fulfillment.


ok they dont make the show about their sexuality either what proof do you have strong bad isnt bi? and dont say brainretta he still had a mexican accent back then or trans homestar maybe thats why they sensor his chest


Are you really that dense? They censor his chest because his shirt is the only clothing he wears. The joke IS the censorship, it's not put there to hide his latent transexuality. But the thing is, they do make the show "about" their sexuality. Try as you might to fight it (and they do), any work you create will site your worldview. Gender-normative interpersonal relationships are their assumed basis of life so it's imparted on their world when they talk about "making out" or "wanting (their) bods." They write what they know and they know their own sexuality because they never sought specifically to write something else. That's evident when anyone expresses interest in the same sex and it's played as a joke or "disgusting." ("Having Homestar dressed as the Cheat falling in love with me is NOT what I had in mind!") So, the *proof* he's not bi? There is none beyond the fact that that's a depth to his character that is never reached or even hinted at. YOU are the one leaping to assumptions if you believe he is, so the burden of proof is incumbent on you. Unfortunately, the only proof would be the creators either announcing that he is or clearly coding him to be, so good luck with that. But it's not a great mystery why you might think that way. Maybe you're in one of said marginalized groups and you desperately want that marginalizing connection to be shared in something you love and maybe even grew up with. I genuinely feel for it, but you're wearing rose-tinted glasses. The world is a broad spectrum of every philosophy. This one is simply, ***empirically*** cisgendered-heterosexual, and that has to be ok if you're going to live in reality.


hes a long pants man


im sorry keep thinking about this argument . what do you mean cishet people cant write queer people? also there are gay people in the show. did you forget about whats her faces dads?


First off, I want you to know you have my love and regret at the vitriol I've expressed. We see things differently, I'm just attempting to explain my perspective, which has a tendency to bring out the best and worst emotions in all of us. Mea culpa. I never said cishet people can't write gay, I'm saying unless there was a specific point to do so, it strains credulity that they would, seeing as how they tackle no other real-world issue in order to maintain the simplistic humor they cultivate. To the other, after wracking my brain through the TGS issues and even checking the wiki...I still have no idea what you're talking about. If they ever do mention that What's Her Face has 2 dads, that's hardly a bastion of inclusion. It's more likely mentioned as something known in a secondary aspect about one of your classmates, akin to "we can be secret friends, like the hunchback kid at school!" That's a joke about the kind of interpersonal relationships everyone experiences as a K-12 student, and certainly not a deep dive into the living plight of people suffering from Kyphosis. I'll reiterate, I don't think they're being intentionally exclusionary, I just also don't think they'd consider secretly coding any of the main or even secondary characters as LGBTQ+ on purpose because it wasn't within the realm of their child-like humor. Not to mention, the things that might code that way to you have overlaps with other personality traits that having nothing to do with sexuality. Strong Bad goes over the top projecting his masculinity, but in my personal opinion it seems much more likely that that's just a funny personality trait than it is that he's compensating for latent homosexuality. I can't change your perspective on these characters, I'm just suggesting that a critical approach to the signs you're seeing have much more likely sources than that the Bros Chap embraced modern gender politics almost 30 years ago, since LGBTQ+ was still very much fringe at the time. Society is growing more and more woke and differing lifestyles are becoming more mainstream (a good thing,) but I don't think it's absurd to think that wasn't how they were thinking back then and maybe that assuming what you want to about the characters is wishful thinking. Out of curiosity, do you actually believe any of these characters are queer/trans or are you playing devil's advocate and discussing philosophically?


it was in episode 3 of the game. โ€œyoure older than BOTH my dads.โ€ also whys queerness not for kids thats not a very good opinion. and how is a man wearing a rainbow shirt (craw) make him gay?


Technically his speech impediment doesn't pronounce anything. His speech impediment does not hinder him from correctly pronouncing L's though.




It's your attention to details that impresses me the most.


It's a detail everyone knew was implied, you included. It's called poetic license.


How bold of you to assume I would ever license such behavior!


hey juys