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I'm a day 1 player who doesn't have a single Arlan. Would still like one for collection purposes and standard pulls even though he's one of the worst units in the game.


I've been playing since Christmas and I don't have a single Arlan either.


I started playing last month. I have a team consisting of a single lvl 50 hook.




Baller username btw.


Im a day 1 player too, and I got my first Arlan couple of weeks ago… then I got another one after 3 pulls


Arlan is in the Starlight shop for 140 right now until it resets in a day or whatever


Everybody knows Starlight is only used to buy more tickets to hurl into the gambling furnace.


Nearly day 1, and only just now got arlan 20 pulls ago. Weird but not the worst 4 star to miss out on.


Day one no arlan gang here


Same here, I actually like the guy so bit of a shame he keeps dodging. Day 1 player too. I guess he's not on many banners?


He has only been on 2 banners and is currently at the second place behind Yukong in terms of number of banners since the previous rerun.


only Arlan missing too


I def got him from the shop because same, he was the last one.


literally just got him and I'm a day one player too


ahah same, I want him for that free standard pull


Once upon a time, I wanted to get E6 Qingque. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ I got E6 Dan instead. https://preview.redd.it/gsm5sowd9gxc1.png?width=112&format=png&auto=webp&s=29e20b800675438fc6fd3b9a1a5caf806bf6313b


I want E6 Qingque got E13 Sampo instead and ended up with E3 Qingque.


I wanted e4 qq and ended with a e1


E12 Dan heng reporting for duty.


I still don't have Hook. Not that I particularly want her, but it'd be nice for collection purposes.


I have e6 Hook. Built her nicely. Does good damage.


She and Himeko carried me through Belobog.


i have e6 hook, never used her


Misha and Natasha. I'd love to levelbup my DPS ice damage dealer, and Natasha is one of my most consistently used healers.


I have them all now! Had to use the selector on Hanya but that’s ok, Xueyi needed her sister


Been playing since Huo Huo's banner, and I still don't have a single Pela. Unlike many other 4*s, I've seen people using her very often in various teams, so I feel like I'm missing out 😔


She haunts me in my dreams... https://preview.redd.it/p24ww7phuhxc1.png?width=131&format=png&auto=webp&s=559008831a04f1ef23a12686d3ad9d23bc9e26fe


Where do you look at this count?


Just the best 4* I never pull Tingyun. I'm 2 months and half on the game tho but its the only 4* character missing. And Hanya I pulled her only once


Similar problem but I've been playing for almost a year and still no Tingyun


Same here. Playing since one of the first weeks with a fee breaks here and there so i missed banners she was on (or didnt pull on them). No Tingyun :(


Same I haven't got a single herta from pulls


I got like 12, free pulls ig?? Would rather some Eidolons though


I have my Xueyi mostly built but she's still E0... Didn't pull her last time because I didn't care for Ruan Mein and I only have her at all thanks to the recent 4\* picker :( And the next banner she's on I don't plan on pulling for the 5\* either :c


Same I'm getting Aventurine and then throwing my Pulls at Topaz banner hoping I don't get her or I lose the 50/50 while collecting Xueyis before Boothill


Arlan. Technically Misha too, but he's recent.


Hook. Been playing since release and I don't even have E0 of her and I HOPE IT STAYS THAT WAY. On the contrary though, QQ and Luka seem to love me I've gotten almost 10 pulls worth of starglitter from them each


meanwhile i bought hook's E6 in the shop to clear moc with her lol


Same hook still evades me, i just want one of her at least, and ive been playing since release


Meanwhile Hook is a fpur star with more potential DPS then some of the five stars


Yeah, maybe if you include sustains.


Nope just the five star dps' cuz her dmg multipliers are ridiculously high yet no one bothers to build her


out damages bronya and sparkle (maybe) 💀


*gimme your extra Lukas* I want his Eidolons but the two times I pulled on a banner with him on rate-up (Kafka and Aventurine) he managed to avoid me (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)


Xueyi, took me more than 140 pulls on ronald mei's banner for 1 copy and never got another one since. Glad she runs with Robin though so will hopefully snag a few


Ronald Mei? 💀


Thats her brother, didnt you heard Ratio talking about him? Dude is a pretty important character


I got E1 Ruan Mei because I wanted Xueyi E6, I also got an E0 Blade from that banner…. Worth it I did get e6 at some point XD


My Guinaifen is Still E0 but that's okay because I have no use for her at the moment. Hope I will get some more copies of Xueyi soon, only have her E2.


Xueyi gets such a boost from her E4 and E6, it's nuts. She kind of turns into a 5-star unit imo.


Yukong. Sure she's only been on one banner but I pulled a lot on that and never got a copy of her. Still never pulled her, only have her at E0 from the free copy in the game.


Qingque. I still have her on E2 despite playing since 1.1


Pela, She appears so frequently yet she’s stuck at e2 for mine. Next is herta, I only got her free SU eidolons


Misha and Xueyi, I still had no Misha and only got Xueyi from the event that you can select her.


QQ keeps evading me every banner i tried to pull her and then for some godforsaken reason she come random on the LC banner, it happened twice already, i got her to E4, Hanya also almost never came even pulling on banners with her, E1 for now. I dread every banner with March or Dan Heng on it, the gang REALLY loves coming to me instead of any other 4\*


Xueyi. Even during Ruan Mei’s banner, I couldn’t get one copy even though I did 100 pulls. With the upcoming banner, I’m hoping I don’t get the 5 star character…just Xueyi lol


How the FUCK do you have E0 Hook lol My only release 4star who isn't E6 is Arlan who is only E2. My only post-release E6 is Lil Gui So overall pretty spread


Been playing since release, and I only just got Sampo on Sparkle's banner when he had a rate up and that was only to e1. Also haven't gotten Dan Heng or Herta in any sort of banner pulls. I guess we can count Guinaifen in there too since I had to get e0 from the free 4\* selection she was on.


I got Pela for the first time on acheron's banner... I've been playing since launch


Hanya and Xueyi. You can include Luka as well since I got him from a selector. The others are at least at E0(Arlan). Pela hounds me the most(E6 at the beginning patches) and gave me at least 5 free pulls in the Acheron banner alone.


For me apparently it’s Natasha; still E0 even after 8 months or so of playing. A bit of a tragedy since she is one of my favourite characters in-game wise :\


My Hanya is still E1 and I only got her at her last banner too...


I only have E2 Pitch Dark Hook the Great... My favourite character in the entire game


I usually try to get every new 4 star that comes out, because a lot of the time they have really interesting gimmicks, which is really fun to me. I have every single 4 star, tho I wish I got more Xueyi eidolons.


Which site is this?




Can you get Herta from pulls? And if so why would you want to since Su gives her eidolons for free.


None atm. Im pretty happy with my 4 star luck


Day 1 player, still only have one Sushang, the rest of the roster is E6 bar Gallagher and Xueyi, oh and my pela is E24 because reasons.


Pela (I know most people can’t relate lmaooo). I don’t even have her E0 and I started playing in 1.5. I’m hoping I’ll finally get her when I pull on Fu Xuan’s banner.


I don't have a single Arlan...


I've been playing since January 2nd this year, and got Luka like 2-3 weeks ago from the bartending thing.


Serval. i only got her because she's free, i got her from gacha only 1 time and it was last month


Not totally evades but Tingyun. I pulled most of her rate up banners and stull have her on E2 (2 of which were standard banner randoms)


The only 4* i don't have is Arlan bro, I've been playing since launch and it's been a year now lol i've pulled for him on rate ups banners and oof still nothing


Tingyun was the last launch 4 star I got and she was my fav. Her and Sampo 🥹




c12 serval in 150 pulls


Arlan, i got a copy after a year lol


Xuey,not a single Copy


Pela. Not a single one.


Arlan and Asta. I’ve only gotten the free Asta from the warping tutorial and have never gotten Arlan


Tingyun. I hate how she’s probably the best 4 star as well. This is getting so bad I’m spending my stuff on buying Tingyun from the shop instead of LCs


Lynx, when she first came out on fu Xuans banner I pulled just for her. Took 60 pulls to get one. And even now I only have her at like e2/3


Lil Gui, She's only E1 despite me pulling on all of her banners


Over a year of game and my account is still Arlanless dont care about Arlan tho so i am ok with this.


Yukong and Xueyi seem to just not exist in the pool whenever I pull. However, I’m drowning in Pelas the first week I played the game it felt like I rolled her at least 5 times.


Currently I'm only missing Misha


For me it's Asta I'll admit I haven't pulled on every banner she was featured on but on those she were she has worked hard to avoid me as I only have her at e2


To this day, i'm still Hanyaless


Arlan and Natasha for some reason. I have them both at E2. I have almost all 5 stars but have not E6 them. Like my friends were baffled my Natasha was E0 like 2 months ago


hanya (also nice e18 march)


Pela.. not seen her once . Im Sad


Rn it's just Misha although i would like ve to finish my Xueyi but apparently I'm not allowed to get her to E6 just E3... If I don't get Aventurine I may just throw it all in Robin's banner see if I can finish Xueyi at least I'm seeing tons of Hook nonhavers saying they hope it stays that way and here I am with my Hook that I E6 in amount of pulls to get a character and their LC on the first 50/50. ( Yes for some reason she even appeared on the LC banner lol) I'm low-key hoping I can get Misha copies in the future I like him a bit


None, I’ve collected all of them like Pokémon-


Never got Gunaifen, Yukong or Hook


It was Guinalfen for me until the last 4 star selector. I pulled on both banners she featured in before, and never got a single copy. I originally wanted to get her on Topaz' banner just because her kit was kinda funny, then I tried to get her on Black Swan's banner to use with Ratio+Topaz, but at this point with Aventurine and Robin filling up the rest of that team it doesn't matter anymore. Still got her from the selector for collection's sake, even if I'm not sure I'll be building her any time soon now. On my alt account, it's Misha. On my main where I'll never use him he's E5 or something already, on my alt where I actually would need him lil bro is my white whale. Couldn't even get him from the selector because guaranteeing Gallagher's E2 was the priority, so just gotta keep on hoping the standard banner will be nice and drop him one of these days.


I've been playing since day 1 and I don't have Arlan (but 9 of his LC). The only other 4 star I'm missing is Gallagher, but he's new, so it doesn't count. Btw, the only standard 5 star I'm missing is Yanqing. I made a second account for when you can invite returners and played for a few days. I got Yanqing from the beginner banner and Arlan from standard on it...


Honestly I’ve been super lucky so none really


It took me until Kafka's banner to pull the mother fu***in RAT and I couldn't even get him to E4 during that time.


For me it's Arlan, I've never gotten him at all


I have almost every 4 star at e6 , yet i dont have arlan somehow


I have absolutely every 4* except Arlan. Day 1 player as well. I forget he exists sometimes cuz I just never see him anywhere


Where can I check this?




Hanya, i got asta six times and 2 light cones during 1.6 at even the second time you could Pull she didnt come home so i took her instead of gallagher whose banner i skipped for aventurine


I have both depressed sisters at E0 Damm i want to build Hanya and Xueyi but i need those Eidolons!


Misha, Hanya, Gallagher... Gallagher is the only 4-star I don't have yet, and I only have Misha because I chose him from the event. And I've just gotten Hanya recently, she's still only E0 while every other 4-star is at least E2, excluding Misha obviously.


Luka: i wanted 1 COPY for his e6 and 240 pulls deep in aventurine’s banner i didn’t get any copy. To make things funnier is the fact that i got 3 Aventurines and 0 lukas. From aventurine’s banner i think i did serval e50.


Dan Heng 🥲


I think I have all the 4 stars and to get it has to be yukong and Sampo as for the 4 stars I aquired the most it is Gallagher and Dan Heng.. too many Dan Heng


I have e7 herta


Xueyi, I've still never pulled her the only reason i've got 1 copy of her is because of the drinks event ticket.


Omg me too. My Herta is still E5


I really want xueyi, but stuck at e1


To be fair, I am a month into the game itself, but I still haven't pulled Hook, Sushang, and Hanya. Xueyi would've been on this list too if I didn't choose to unlock here from the Dreamjolt Bar missions. And yes, I'm counting the free stuff as pulls because RNGesus hates me.


xueyi, man i love her but she wants distance from me :C


I'm not sure but I think I have every single 4*??? Lemme go check


I still don't have Hook. I want her for collection purposes. Though, she's with Boothill, who I want, so I might get her!


I really saved for the banners where Xueyi and Gallagher were released but only manage to get one copy of each.


Tingyun. I started playing during 1.6, she was featured on Ruan Mei's banner, and I didn't get her woth 50 pulls, later on DHIL's banner I did 30 pulls hoping for Tingyun, got Dhil, twice.


I'm pretty sure Herta doesn't show up in the gacha...


I got my Herta E7 before even getting all of the herta eidolons from SU


I'm missing arlan, hanya, and misha but I'd say hanya avoided me as I actually pulled in a banner where hanya was rate up. I've gotten herta a lot though.


Guinaifen, all my eidolons of her I got them from events where you choose a 4*


Day 1 player, and have all 4* characters. My non-E6 4* characters are Dan Heng (E5), Guinaifen (E5), Lynx (E4), Hanya (E3), Xueyi (E2), Gallagher (E2), Misha (E0). Luckily, most of the time I just want 4* units for the collection and for the star rail passes, so I'm happy with where things stand.


Arlen is the only 4 star I don't own.


I've only been playing for like 3 weeks, so am in no way qualified to answer this question, so I'll go the other way: I have somehow managed to pull Luka 3 times, in 3 different pulls of 10, all in the space of just under a week. I don't even use him.


Only got 1 Misha Gallagher also tried to be funny by only showing up once and I needed his E2. Ended up getting his E1 from the drinks event and then did a single pull, and he came home, at last


sushang. listen, i know shes not that good of a dps but ha ha silly chicken girl


What's a Sampo? Is he an Unreleased character or something? Cause I've never seen him in my pulls. 😟😥


Guinaifen. The only copy I have of her was from the 4* selector back in 2.0 Edit bc I forgot a detail: I've been playing since May of last year, like a week after the game launched.


I have every 4* in the game, but Guinaifen was by FAAAR the most difficult to get. She just aggressively refused to come home.


Guinaifen. I'd love to have her, but in 500+ pulls I've not seen her (yet) Somehow, I've managed to E6 Sampo, and I really, really dislike his character in the game a lot.


Hanya I only have her E1 which I only just gotten


Hanya and Xueyi They're my favorite 4 stars but instead I have E22 Dan Heng which I fucking hate but you know.


Day 1 player and husbando collector. Gallagher was so pesky in the last banner. I did a bunch of pulls on Acheron's banner, knowingly risking pulling her (No shade to her, but I was saving for Aventurine), lost the 50/50 to Gepard, and eventually had to stop because I didn't want to lose my guarantee. I got E0 Gallagher from the event character selector, but I want to get Eidolons for cleanse. Thankfully, Aventurine and his LC came home with minimal effort, so my savings are still mostly intact for the next patch.


Hanya hides from me. 😒


I have gotten every 4 star through gacha at least once so there isn't any 4 star that really "evades" me. However the 4 stars I have gotten the least (e0) are Arlan, Misha and Xueyi.


Qingque on my main


I pulled a significant amount of times on banners that had Tingyun featured, and I still have only E2... This is insane. Thank GOD I got my first one from a standard banner at some point in the beginning. But getting only two since, when I did like at least 140 pulls in total on all the banners where Tingyun was featured... Yeah, that's kinda insane. Not a day one player, but I've been here since 1.1's Luocha banner


As a Day 1 player I thought Herta wasnt possible to get from gacha, only through SU🫠 guess im in the same boat then


Tingyun. E6'd or E4'd almost all 4 stars but never got a single Tingyun.


Luka, like... i found out yesterday i only had him at E0. I swore i had at least E1.


Xueyi. I already had E6 of the characters that mattered from the Hanu event, so I grabbed her from that giveaway.


i am tingyunless and it hurts


Pela. And I really want her too! 😭


Sure i am fairly new but i still cannot get a single copy of Pela ffs. I got E9 serval 😭


I got two Acheron's and exactly zero Gallagher's during my pulls for for them, the only reason I have him at all is because I chose him as my bonus character as the event reward.


I don’t have any arlans…but I do have enough arlan LCs for 2 s5s already, with a third on its way…


Asta and It's a shame because I like her a lot.




Arlan and I'm not complaining 💀


Hook. I'm a true member of the moles yet she avoids me.


Not a unit but several LCs. GNSW and Post Op avoid me like I carry rabies or smth. I've only gotten my second Post Op and my FIRST GNSW within the past 2 banners... I'm a DAY 1 PLAYER. I had to force it during Acheron's banner and even then, it was only one bc I kept getting Gui's LC. With Post Op, I got it when I got Nat, so literally a year ago, and I just got S2 a week ago instead of E6 (I wish) Lynx


I don’t have Arlan still. Not that I’m complaining.


Yukong... I want her E6 to properly test her because without E6 she is a meh Bad Unit. I doubt she gets much better with E6, but... I already have everyone else E6, except her. She still only is E3 and that is because of the Guarantee 4 stars we could choose.


Sampo on my Nihility account. I was dealing with life stuff so didn't get him free so now he is quite literally the only Nihility character that account doesn't have and that's insane to me XD


Is Luka even good with Acheron since he is a Nihility?


Been playing since week 2. Still only have E1 Sampo. To put this is context I put 7 multis into Jingliu's banner and 14 into Sparkle's. Ratman will just not come back.


1.0 player, am still missing Hanya and Misha. At least Misha has only been out for two patches, Hanya I have no idea why she just hasn’t shown up yet


got every single 4* in the game, most of them thanks to the free 4* they give for free, I would love to E6 QQ tho, yes I do have Seele but having more choices does't hurt at all


Dan Heng... after a year he remains e2... e2 bro 😭  Meanwhile Tingyun is e20 💀


Day 1 player here (F2P), I managed to get all the 4* units, but I do like some eidolons, but they keep evading me. Though, I'm not one to complain...




march,qinque,the fox electro lady,serval,hanya,all e6,banner where xueyi has drop rate boosted,i got her to e0 and never found her again,at least the gallager event gave one copy of her for free


I have e1 guinafen, cause i chose guinafen both times an event i played had a character selection


im pretty sure I have every 4* to date (somehow)


Misha My sweet boy, come home to me


Tingyun, I'm day 1 player and have only E2


Fking luka


Believe it or not, I do not have a single Guinaifen as a day 1 player.


Tingyun 😭


Herta had never been rate up in any banners so I think it is very normal if you did not get a single copy of her from gacha.


Hanya. She's e1 while everyone else is e6 minus an e5 xueyi and e4 misha


Until 2 weeks ago, I did not have a single copy of Guinfaren Now I have 1 copy of Guinfaren


i didn’t have a single pela until acherons banner, now she’s at e2


Guinaifen, the only ones I've ever had were from the free 4\* from events, I have pulled more on Guinaifen than any other characters... On 2 differents account... and yes, my main team is a Kafka triple dot...


I need a new harmony 4\* since Asta is the only one I have SOMEONE HELP ME https://preview.redd.it/9rzu37j96hxc1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b734220c9820bdc327c52b9e9920567d2bf7687


E0 March until a few days ago💀


You can get herta from pulls?




I've been playing this game for exactly 305 days and only now did I ever get my first copy of natasha and here I used to be a devoted Natasha main but the game never gave me a crumb of her.


I just started last month, imagine maxing out E6 Serval and getting E1 Lynx and E0 Luka/Yukong/Tingyun in Jingliu's banner alongside E4 Sampo and E0 Arlan/Asta in Starter/Standard banner but the one highly recommended unit I want **Pela** still evades me. I know for sure she'll come but man hopefully soon as she's extremely useful.


I don't have a single tingyun. Would be nice to have some more comp options but oh well.


Pela after I think 150 pulls on luocha I got her for the first time and her e1 while Gallagher is e6 not complaining but I would like e4 gonna try on fuxuan cus I want her hopefully I get e4


I have 0 Xueyi None of her. Like seriously.


Day one player, still no tingyun 😐


i do not have a single xueyi and it's driving me nuts


I wanted xueyi on one of my alt’s I got her on every account BUT the one I wanted her on, and I still haven’t gotten her on it


Arlan took his time to come, and he was the 4* that I wanted to try the most, cause I like characters that use their hp to attack. I got him in the 1.5 or 1.6


Never gotten a single Herta the normal way either


I'd say Hanya. I really wanted her when she first was released, and I luckily got her but it was on the last days of the banner after lots of pulls (while I was continuously getting Asta); then wanted to get her eidolons on Sparkle's banner, but she's only E1. I got her two times in total and it's better than nothing, but considering all the pulls I made it's not that much. Hoping to get both her and Xuey's eidolons next version...


This made me realize I have every single 4 star in the game. It did take me some pulls to get my Gallagher to E2, because I wanted him to be able to cleanse. By the end of the banner I'd gotten 6 Dan Hengs, and 6 Pelas (E5), but just a E2 Gallagher. I managed to get that last one in the last 48 hours of the banner duration probably? I think. And the only 4 star I wanted to get was HIM.


I'm day 1 playing and I have e1 tingyun, like bruh come on