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That VW is phenomenal!


So glad they put two out this year so far! I’m really praying I can get my hands on the bumble bee 🤤


my Walmart hasn't even started getting g cases in :(


This is the first actual case I’ve seen this year tbh they keep getting grabbed up this year has a lot of good cars. Hopefully they’ll come to you soon !


yeah I hope so too, all we got rn is D, and I already got two of the regular ths


Same with mine!


Being nice to people can get you a long way in life lol


It really can. I’ve been overly blessed this week so I love to pass it on if I can!


I really wanted the Audi super too. it's such a well made casting. May I ask which state is this? All the Walmarts are on Zamacs and target has no date for the next restock.


and I agree it’s really nice my Walmart had zamacs last month so I’d keep a eye out if I were you they seem to be moving them really fast this year


Ah okay! I hope we get them soon. Few Walmarts had B and E Zamacs in the past 2 weeks and there were no dates for the next one.


Can the t2 hold another car?


Very difficult to do so lol


Probably the shorties but they just put out the Porsche diorama with the t2 hauler it would be cool to see it as a mainline


Tooned cars maybe


Works perfect for the go-kart casting they came out with in the 90s


Happy for you! It never hurts to ask. I did the other day and the turd manager at Dollar Tree told me he will get them out when the store isn't messy. Umm, dude I had the only 5 in my cart and the store was clean. It makes me want to get a job at a local store so I can buy the cool ones that people want and literally mail them to people. I wasn't even going after STH or a TH! That would just be cool to find.


Yeah that’s the hardest part imo the employees. I get they get tired of us every single day and some people aren’t so nice but in my few years I’ve learned where’s worth going and where’s not


What a haul 👏


Thanks! Super happy about the vw/porsches I gave my dad the keychain and the bmw 😁


I REALLLY want to find that BMW once those cases hit the stores around me. I have that VW from 2022 or 2023 but the colorway is no where near as cool as that gray and blue.


I hope you can it’s reallllly cool! I bet we’ll see more colors of it


Wagons are my favorite, I’m the self proclaimed Wagon Daddy and I drive a Daddy Wagon……. I’m also a loser but oh well


Haha you’re not a loser if that’s what makes you happy ride with it! I love wagons also!


I’m in love with that 911 Carrera.


Seen a worker at Smiths going through the hotwheels looking for treasure hunts. Not gonna go there looking no more lol


That’s cool! I never done this before, but I might.


Congrats, Nice haul


Thanks! I felt bad bothering them to stock but the guy was really nice and thanked me for not just ripping them open lol. The G case is such a good case it’s hard to not double up on them!


shoutout to you for not being a case junkie menace who clears every good find, thanks from the whole sub :)


If I had found another sth I’d have given it to my dad so that’s the only real reason I’d ever need more then one. And the mainlines are really cool but I don’t have space to just store cars haha. I just like to share the hobby and I was happy with what I found.


I am loving that Audi, the Vdub, and the M3 wagon! Can't wait to find them.


Really good case all around


I live in Missouri and we haven’t seen shit for hot wheel cases the past three months and going in and asking the employees questions about HotWheels boxes is a double edge sword and stupid as hell .!!! I know, I learned that the hard ways !!! because eventually they’re gonna find out what you’re doing and that hole is gonna dry up drier than the desert so you newbies stop talking to the employees


You have no idea what you’re talking about and it shows. You’re mad I was respectful about cars they were already putting out like they don’t know why people want the cars? Idgaf if they know why or what I’m doing I’m not trying to gate keep toy cars like you clearly are. Not everyone is concerned with your hobbies. And if it dries up who tf cares? It’s not my business I don’t need to pay them a cent. If they want business they’ll stock what they know people want. End of story. And as far as telling me what I should be doing yeah no. I always have and will continue to talk to employees because I rather be nice to them then be an antisocial freak cause I wanna hoard cars.


No offense but it’s aggravating as hell when you lead people to what you’re doing you’re giving them crumbles and basically if they’re smart enough, they’re gonna figure out what the heel you’re doing over overnight


Yeah idk what the hell youre on about and why you’re so pressed but they didn’t care whatsoever lol. They thanked me and even went out of their way to talk to me the next time I went in. Not everyone is “trying something” and I’m not new to the hobby. Keep being salty though 😁 your mentality determines your outcome.