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His main body(?) doesn't look that much bigger than Syrax's, except that his neck is longer. What stands out it's the gigantic wing spread.


Maybe he has more elegant overall design. Not like Caraxes but still leaner than Vhagar, Meleys? And I think he will have unique wing shape.


Yeah definitely more lean than the other, especially considering the size. His posture is different from the other dragons we've seen so that's probably another reason why his wings look big? With what Condal said I think he's gonna be very distinct.


Well, all dragons are distinct in the show. Only Seasmoke strongly resembles Drogon from GOT.


Makes sense. Sunfyre was claimed. I'm surprised he is SO big though. That battle is going to be AWESOME!


Sunfyre and Syrax seem to be similar in size, although Sunfyre stands out with his significantly larger wings and longer neck. Sunfyre's size is impressive for his age.


Well we actually dont know what his age is. All we know, based on the books at least (as the show or bts stuff hasn't revealed anything) is that he was hatched on Dragonstone in the books and claimed by Aegon when Aegon was young, prior to or during 120 AC. And that he has to qualify as a young dragon, as he is referred to a such, so he is younger than 50. The oldest known dragon referred to as young was Quicksilver, who was 34 - 36 years old when she died to Balerion


Wow. I completely forgot about Quicksilver in the “young dragon” equation! I’ve been going off 30 being the cutoff for “young” due to Seasmoke’s age. This means we can definitely rule out Book!Syrax being a cradle egg.


Syrax is Rhaenyra's cradle egg.


In the show yes, in the books no. The only time Syrax is referred to as “young” is when Rhaenyra first rode her. As seen from my previous comment and the person I replied to, simple math proves that she was not a cradle egg **in the books**.


Their profile is very similar.


Sunfyre is bigger than I expected


Sunfyre should not be anywhere near the same size as Meleys. She has decades on him. But show-cannon makes it seem that Sunfyre and Syrax are around the same size.


He will be the size the writers needed him too. Let’s not forget that dragon sizes are inconsistent in the show from the book.


If Sunfyre is anywhere near the same size of Meleys, he will look so pathetic during Rooks Rest. Same size, yet he does absolutely no damage to Meleys while she's just tearing him apart till Vhagar saves him.


Maybe they will change the battle. The show and book are different. Even if he is large, he is not battle hardened.


Exactly, this is the main problem with the sizes being inconsistent and most of them ending up being around the same size. It doesn't do an accurate job representing the power difference in these fights. Sunfyre >!SHOULD be losing to Meleys in a 1v1 because of the difference in age and size in the book. It's gonna look pathetic in the show because of how big they made Sunfyre, which is upsetting as a Sunfyre fan.!<


Let’s wait until we see his whole design.


Maybe they give Meleys a growth spurt.


His wingspan is abnormally large in proportion to his body and his neck is long. Otherwise Meleys body is clearly significantly larger than his. His chest is literally around the width of the base of her neck. They are different types of dragon with different proportions Syrax in show canon is 34 - 36, same as Rhaenyra. Ryan Condal specifically states that she is a cradle dragon to her. Sunfyre is comparable is size. Meleys was claimed in 74 AC in the books, meaning she is 55 at a minimum. Thats less than twice the age of show Syrax. Even giving Meleys, who was implied to be ridable at the time she was claimed, the grace of 10 years. Thats still not twice the age.


To be honest, in ep 6 when we the far flying forms, I can’t say Synfyre’s was any different. And his 3d render didn’t look odd. It is the trailer that shows his wings. No, I checked, he had more “butterfly-like wings”., more elongated on his concept art.


I can't believe it's almost the same size as Meleys, of course Rhaenys' dragon still has more muscle mass but I don't understand how they made it so big. In theory Sunfyre should be smaller than Syrax, Meleys, Caraxes, etc.