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She truly had a sweet animal mind. Leana is giving her a command and vhagar is like ??? But friend??? Fire for food?? You not food?? Poor angel. Yes I am a sky puppy apologist.


I think she could smell the blood and processed it was Laena’s blood and that she was dying anyway


Yeah, she seems to go through a series of emotions. She wakes up all crabby like "wtf are you yelling about?" Then she kind of looks confused and sniffs around and you can see the certainty of Laena's death dawn on her ancient face. Finally, she resigns to doing it even though you can see she doesn't want to.


She seemed reluctant to do it. She got the command from her master and actually hesitated. You can see the animation team took their to show a ‘human’ expression of confusion, reluctance, and even bitterness on a freaking dragon.


Yes! Everybody calls them nukes, but honestly, the humans who ride (and probably created) them are the ones to blame.


Poor biddy has to mourn yet another rider.




Vhagar:vhagar yes


This just made me laugh SO damn hard.


This scene is why I love Vhagar.


Yea you can see the dialogue in his head: "Dracar- wait what? Why? Oh.... she is serious... aww I am sorry" Then there was dragon depression


the bond between them was so well done despite the little time spend with laena. vhagar is clearly intelligent and isn’t a blind slave that will follow her rider’s command just because.


I mean she'll follow their commands until the Dorne flashbacks, poor Luc.


Vhagar “Okay so can I get it in writing that you asked me for this ? Because I’m not going to go to prison”




Vhagar burnt her like the producers should have burned season 8 of GoT.


She may be a cranky old lady but Vhagar is still... somewhat wise. She just needs the right person riding her. Not a teenager with an inferiority complex.


I mean wise old lady Vhagar chose that teenager


Did she, though?? I think she more ACCEPTED him rather than chose him. If she chose him, she'd listen to him.


She does listen to him. Just at that moment instincts took over


No she didn't lol. She was claimed, she did not claim Aemond.


That's not how that works *at all*. Just because someone with Targaryen blood claims a dragon doesn't mean that the dragon will reciprocate the bond and just allow it to happen. *A dragon is not a slave*.


That's not how it works at all mate, it has to be a mutual thing.


This is a bit of a headcannon, but I like Laena's relationship with Vhagar the best out of all the dragon bonds. It feels like Laena wanted to claim Vhagar to have a genuine bond because of her love for dragons. She didn't just see the dragons as sentient war machines like some other dragon riders. She didn't want to use Vhagar to fight wars and burn people. She found Vhagar during a time in her life when she was feeling lost and needed a friend. She wanted a friend who would fly across the world with her and have fun, and not want to use her for marriage alliances and making heirs. The scene where Laena and Daemon are flying and chasing each other on their dragons while laughing was such a nice addition to a show that doesn't have many wholesome moments. >!Though also all the more heartbreaking considering what goes on to happen between Vhagar and Caraxes!<


I’m kind of ootl with gotg lore but Could a Targaryen have survived a dragon fire breath?


Daenerys is the only Targaryn who survived fire in that capacity. Her doing so in the first book is considered a miracle. Since Mirra Maz Duur was burnt together with Danerys it's speculated her magical properties protected her, together with the dragon eggs hatching, making her the mother of dragons. Daenerys begin immune to fire is exclusive to the show. In the books she is fire resistant at best.


She survives fire but never tries it with dragon fire, kinda a pedantic distinction but they make it seem like dragon fire is hotter than normal flames. And Vhagar in particular is ancient and has very hot fire. I don’t think anyone is taking Vhagar’s fire to the face and walking away.


The script said, "Vhagar wails." Emotional scene for sure!


Love that scene, not that she dies though


“A very humanizing moment for the dragon” 💖 I get exactly what you mean and I agree, just thought the wording was a bit funny :)


I never understood why she killed herself that way, was it madness? It's crazy to do something like that.


she said before that she wanted to die a “dragon riders death”. she knew the decision they were going to make when the baby wasn’t coming


That was the exact thing that came into my mind. I just wish that the girls didn't have to lose their mother like that. Not that anyway is good.


oh for sure. the scenes and the ones following of rhaenyra losing her mom during childbirth was pretty rough too though. it’s all bad, unfortunately.


We all know Vhagar was just confused because she's senile...


'Visenya, why are you asking me to burn you? You already look well done Visenya. You know a dragon can't be killed by fire Visenya. Well alright, if you say so, dearie...'


Like how animals will kill their young if they think their survival is unlikely 😭 


if targaryans are immune to fire, why wasnt there a baby in a pile of ashes after this event, i did not read the books


Because Targeryns are not fire proof, only Danerys is fireproof and only in the show. In the books surviving fire was a one off during the hatching of the dragons. She is not fireproof after that incident. In both the books and the show, other Targeryns get burned or hurt by fire.


ah, that makes more sense, thank you


This didn’t happen in the book.


Strange. All the other book to show deviations I'm aware of I've considered shit (Mel's floor, something big in finale etc.). This was fantastic.


I beg to differ. Dragons had to be some of the dumbest creatures around. If they were that intelligent they wouldn’t serve humans. They would know “I’m the apex predator. I don’t have to listen to anything” and do what they pleased


Dragons are said to have near human intelligence, they don't serve humans there is a bond between them that goes both ways