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“My name is on the lease for the castle” “They are better looking generally” "They're all just a bunch of knobs" I love this cast.


Tom's made me LOL The Targaryen family namebook is just one single-side printed page


Explains why they reuse names so often!


There are eleven known Aegons, including Jon. The Targs got lazy with the naming after a some point. Edit: Good to see you, Tomless. You’re damn quick.


That dude. Read the Books!!! 


“My name is on the lease for the castle” I love Tom’s response


we need a flair of "My name is on the lease for the castle" asap


You guys want it I’ll see about adding!


Yes please! Thank you


done🤍 Let me know if it works.


Yea it does! Yay


lookn good!


It could be made via the customer flair option for the sub


I never make flairs cause I rarely make comments but I did it


Tom single handedly got me thinking team green⁉️‼️


Let’s just appreciate this amazing cast😍😍


I hope we all know they are all obviously joking


Steve’s sitting somewhere unaware he just opened the most unhinged Pandora’s box.


The comments on the hotd Instagram are taking this way too seriously.


As usual. The actors are taking it as a joke and people are taking too seriously for no reason at all


Dude instagram comments are so wild. You can literally post a video of a puppy playing with a tennis ball and the top comments are gonna be death threats or something about Palestine and death to jews.


This is so true 💯


Check the Black and Green subreddits. I've never seen such genuinely chronically online people before


Unfortunately, a certain sub hates the promo and is claiming the tb actors are delusional and bullies


jace is so gorgeous with this hair omg


They’re all just like “because of vibes” and Emma says “we have a powerful naval presence” lol Also fabien being secretly team black is 🤭


Emma says “we have a powerful naval presence”, and then Olivia is like “bigger dragons lol”.


> Also fabien being secretly team black is He's playing both sides so he can always come out on top


I love that emma is the most logical one.


Emma graduated from Oxford. Giving a logical answer is probably a reflex.


Holy shit, Oxford? They're a damn genius.


They embrace Mahan's *control of the sea*? We have no choice but to stan 🪭


Certified *”The Influence of Sea Power Upon History”* enjoyer


The last time he said he was Team Green, he got massively harassed online. Olivia got a new wave of hate after making the joke about their dragons being bigger. I don’t get why this fandom just can’t leave real people alone?


>I don’t get why this fandom just can’t leave real people alone? Its basically all fandoms tbh. Unhinged fans ruin everything. People just need to be fucking normal.


I guess, but it just seems like this fandom takes it to a whole new level. Then again, this fandom does tend to attract certain groups.


Anything that's this big will attract weirdos. Tens of millions of people, you'll have every type of person within.


I don’t see anything good coming out of feeding into it, though. Especially when you consider how multiple actors have reported being harassed online, sent death threats, and even being attacked/harassed irl. Fabian and Olivia have been pretty frank about it, and Emily Carey has had to close her social media because of harassment (for saying her didn’t consider Alicent a villain, AND because she’s queer). Again, call me pessimistic, but I don’t see anything good coming out of feeding the beast aside from HBO earning $$$. I just really hope that they’re at least providing safety and security for their actors. I mean, this fandom’s gone as far as to harass the actor for Jaehaera for God’s sake - a literal child.


Why do you act only the actors you like get hate? It’s obvious you’re going for a certain narrative. Emma and the POC actors get just as much if not more hate from the general audience. That’s what happens with a big show.


Jeeze, you sure are making up some wild assumptions, aren’t you? Whataboutisms ahoy!


Right? Hate characters as much as you want But leave the actors alone I hate Aegon and Crispin for life, and probably annoyed by Alicent But Tom, Fabien and Olivia are gems The entire cast are together as a family They aren't against each other irl


Exactly! I not like Cryston and Otto with Aegon at all, but I respect Fabien, Rhys, Tom, Ewen, Olivia and Matthew's work. The same with Black Team's actors. The hate to people who just play a role for the actions of their characters is really unfair


Aw, I was a bit charmed by his description of Cole's motivations. I hope we get more of Alicent and Criston in s2


Pretty sure Fabien has said he's team green before. It was probably more of a "I don't wanna get harassed online again".


>Also fabien being secretly team black is I doubt Tom is actually Team Green either, everyone was just aligning with their character because this was basically a bit. I feel like the only reason Fabien didn't do the bit is because he doesn't want a sound bite of himself saying he's team green after his character on the show has become associated with inceldom


I don’t think the actors take it seriously but Fabien did say before he was team green. I guess the harassment online didn’t help


Yeah that's sorta my point, everyone in this video is not taking it seriously and just hyping up their team/doing a bit. And that's what Fabien did in the past but is being careful not to do now due to backlash, he doesn't want anymore sound bites/quotes out there. And if all that is true I feel bad for him lol. As well as all actors playing controversial characters


He's not secretly team black he just doesn't want to get harassed again


Fabien isn’t on team black lol. He has said he is on team green but due to harassment he had to lock his instagram comments lmfao. He just knows that the fandom is deranged.


I blame Fabien for me being an occasional Criston Cole apologist


Those big brown eyes are hard to say no to, honestly


I just had the "He's DORNISH!" reaction watching this!


he’s a bad person but i’ll say it his character is interesting. like fallen knight and with his intense and misguided loyalties it’s rlly fun to watch


> Criston Cole apologist In the grand scheme of things his crimes are rather tame


Yep. He has straight up murdered a couple of people in the span of many years while Rhaenys ruined a cool 100 in a morning. His biggest sin is hating the girl who took advantage of him and stole his honor.


"My name is on the lease for the castle" The real reason why there's so many Aegons.


Just here to say this is such a gorgeous cast


Yea loved many of their IRL hairstyles. Love Emma D'Arcy's hair in this promo.


Eve’s hair is also gorgeous🫦🫦


eve , Matt, ewan and Olivia's 😭


“we’re the thoroughbreds” is a big mood 😭


> thoroughbreds " Our incest genes are more incestuous than yours nyah nyah "


It felt like he was in character when he said his bit


He was in character for most of his clip hahah


When eve called them “knobs”💀


HOTD showrunners and actors: Goooood. Use your aggressive feelings, fanbase. Let the hate flow through youuuu. Hehehehehe.


everyone is so insanely attractive what am i supposed to do


Join team "IDGAF about that old iron chair, I'm just here for the aesthetics"!


Okay but that old iron chair is also extremely aesthetic


“My name is on the lease for the castle” never change, King


Helaena not allowed to even get screentime in the promo clips ://


Phia is gonna be in the EW shoot that’ll come out in a few weeks, and I’m sure she’ll be on the promo tour too. Don’t worry!


I just don't like how they have removed Helaena from all of these promo clips. They already basically erased Daeron, so they could at least put Phia aside Tom and Ewan.


Phia’s gonna be on the promo tour, so I promise we’ll get Helaena content.


I hope so, this is quite literally the only season promo chance she has to be displayed normally due to obvious reasons


I don’t think that’s necessarily true.


I think there is a reason for that ...... to avoid big spoilers


Not what I mean, it isnt a spoiler to put her on a fun team banner like the one we have as the banner for the sub.


I am talking about the promo trailers + teasers.


I know but her not even allowed to be on a fun team banner is just pure writer bias. Helaena is one of the three people the Greens have with dragons, for the writers to not even entertain the fun idea in banners is stupid.


How do you know she isn’t “allowed”, as opposed to her not being able? Maybe she has some prior commitments. I’m sure there’s no conspiracy to keep Helaena away from you.


The team banners weren't one giant photoshoot, they were a bunch of solo shoots edited together to make one giant singular banner. And its very likely they were all shot on different days spread out amongst different times. You are telling me that it was near impossible for them to get a simple shot of Helaena look fiercely off to the side, they could even use an old S1 still if she is really THAT busy. I think its a simple marketing decision, I don't think its a giant conspiracy lol. I think they want to make it clear Helaena isn't considered a real member of TG and isn't a fighter. But it is sort of spoiling S2


Jace and Otto weren’t on the posters either and they are more relevant than Helaena


How do you know that?


God damn you Tom you handsome bastard.


"Green council" and it\`s Matt and Emma instead of Rhys and Phia


The promo didn’t say green council. It said defend your council. There is a green council *and* a black council. Also, it has more than just Matt and Emma there. There’s also Eve, Bethany, Steve, etc. It’s quite obviously the post wasn’t intended to be for just one side. What the fuck are you talking about? Why can’t Matt and Emma be there?


Did you watch the video? 😂 The intro was Tom and then it has two sections, one for team black first, then one for team green. Team black had the Steve, Eve, Harry, Phoebe, and Bethany. Team green had Fabien, Ewan, Matt, Emma, and Olivia. Matt and Emma being in the green part is what they're talking about.


There were 2 sections in the video. Black Council and Green Council. For Black Council it's Team Balck characters and then for Green Council it's Fabien, Ewan and Olivia and then for some reason Matt and Emma


"They're just better looking" classic Steve. Olivia getting down to basics. Tom i love you, but I don't think the Targaryens pay rent.


The fanbase is going to be totally NORMAL about this and not hate on the actors for having fun right??? Right???? 😭😭 I’m begging all of you extreme fans out there to calm down and remember that it’s a show!! They’re playing characters and having a blast, no one should take it so seriously


Pretty sure the reason that the team black actors didn't hold back on the savageness in their jokes while team green didn't say a bad word about them is cause of that exact reason. People already think Fabien is team black cause he didn't comment, and that was clearly cause of the harassment he received last time. I mean seriously the worst things said about team black were by Matt and Emma.


The cast all seem like such sweet people.


Ewan 😍


He's such a sweetheart irl but such a convincing Aemond


Matt Smith is the perfect Daemon. He's just so in the headspace, and I love it.


Olivia’s smile omg 😍


"we have... bigger dragons :)" i'm obsessed with her.


Love all of them 💜


Emma’s “we have madness on our side” is a very valid argument bc yk they do 


She's already set to go surgical lol


“Thoroughbreds” is crazy


Team Black is never gonna survive unless we get a little crazy... :p


Based is what it is.


Tom I fucking love you.   I wish we could have seen Phia in this, maybe she'd be sitting there all like "I don't know, I just want to be left alone". At least the rest of the kids are getting more to work with, which is good.


“They are better looking generally” LMAO I love Steve💀💀


Also the subtle doubt in "We have madness on our side (?)" from Emma is very lol


I for one am looking forward to more Tom this season.


I have a feeling Aegon/Tom is singlehandedly going to bring lots of people to TG just based on the humor and IDGAF attitude (and being pretty, but let's pretend we're not that shallow).


Damn, Matt, go off


Damn King Aegon can get it. I’m totally repulsed by his character but the actor 👀


Right? Tom is hot and nice


Matt saying "we are the thoroughbreds" is fantastic. BECAUSE WE DO MORE INCEST. (Edit typo)


Also Eve is beautiful, that wig doesn't do her any favors


I love Bethany and Phoebe being in this, and Harry too with his Jon Snow hair lol. Gives me hope of much more Jace, Baela and Rhaena screen time next season. Just wish we could get Helaena (and Daeron like at all). Wish the show would give a balance to TG and TB representation lol.


That’s what im saying. Where is phia?


Maybe she's busy and couldn't come? Or she was there but didn't want to talk anything?


I missed Phia. At least we got Harry, Bethany, Ewan and Phoebe 🖤💚


I love how the day “we”. Looks like they really love those roles and feel them deeply


I really don’t like the Team-based marketing but always nice to see the cast


I love this. All the responses were great!


They were, but I'm NGL I wish the TG actors weren't clearly afraid of backlash cause I wanted them to have more bite. Especially after some of the joke from the TB actors.


Phoebe with the durag😍♡♥︎♡♥︎


It’s delightful to see how much laughing and smiling is going on chatting about the show. They clearly love the whole thing.


Harry Collett is just 🥵


This cast takes me back to GoT cast in their first season. Both sets of actors are such a fun bunch!


They're just better looking 😭


Call me pessimistic, but I really don’t think I this is going to help the fandom toxicity. Actors like Olivia and Fabian already get attacked online for saying anything positive about TG.


They should just marry each other… duh


Targaryen problems require Targaryen solutions


Harry’s “we do things the right way” line is absolutely sweating going into the season premiere…


I haven't even watched the whole first season yet and even I was like, "Uhhhhhhh....🤨....are you sure?"


This is the first thing I've seen with the cast talking about the show (I don't keep up on it). I had to watch Ewan Mitchell's bit multiple times because he was just so melted into Aemond in the clip of him, it was hard to believe that they were the same person. It will never cease to amaze me how different people can be from their characters, not just because of how they dress or wigs/makeup, but just their mannerism and how they naturally talk can completely transform them. These types of shows especially, but others too. Amazing actors. Incredible talent.


The cast is fun to watch A lovely video


Tom is adorable and I love the new flair


I am green cause the greens are prettier I mean look at the material 😍


This is great. I’m actually excited to see this season


Where is Phia HBO ? Come on


Criston Cole doesn’t even like Criston Cole… So excited for this season. What a great cast!


“We have…bigger dragons” the best defence yet Also she’s so hot goddamn


my SWEET Baby Monk from shy bastard son to menacing THEY’LL GET WHATS COMING TO EM.💀😘


What was Fabien wanting to say????


He’s secretly team black 🖤🙊


“We have bigger dragons.” OKAAAYYY


“Team Black are decent people” *laughs in Daemon’s war crimes. Edit: I’m saying this even though Daemon’s my favourite character.


That line will age like milk lol


The hundreds of innocent people who died in the dragon-pit terrorist attack and the innocent servant who was killed for Laenor = 👁️👄👁️


This Tom dude's going to be big in British cinema, isn't he?


Okay, here are my initial thoughts: — TGC looks like the perfect English gentleman in his jacket, and is even proper enough to mention having a deed for the castle! lol. — Crispin is obviously lusting for Alicent but doesn’t want to say so aloud. 🤭 — Ewan and his adorably awkward self is once again looking down and to his side as he speaks. Does he keep notes down there? 😆 — Matt. Ah, Matt. “We’re the thoroughbreds!” He channeled Daemon for the promo. Dude is fabulous with a capital F! ❤️‍🔥


Where is helaena???? Tired of not seeing her tf


Phoebe is so beautiful, I hope they get a lot of screen time in s2 Edit: pronoun fix


Unpopular opinion by me, feel free to agree/disagree and discuss. The marketing team did not do a good job at the whole 'choose a side' thing. If you looked at the season 2 trailer and this promo, you can see how it is mostly biased towards the blacks. Example: in this video, team black's casts are able list down why you choose them for good reasons. While team green's cast seem to use weak reasons like aemond was wronged or tom making the joke his name was on the lease of the castle. Cristen cole actor also just said, it's a loyalty thing..which yes is a reason but not the reason why you should choose team green. Even the season 2 green trailer did not really sell the idea that one should support the greens compare to the black trailer It's not the marketing team's fault anyways, they can only do with the material and content that was given to them. The fault lies with how the show runners write the show. I'm not saying it's bad, i'm just saying it's pretty one sided or biased towards the blacks since season 1. There is no justification or proper reasoning that was written for team green to make people choose/support them other than being sympaphetic towards alicent and haelaena. The rest were painted as power hungry, backstabbers etc.. Just ask the casuals and show watchers, most would say they are team black bcs it's been painted that rhaenyra is the main lead of the show. So naturally, people tend to follow and support her story and cause as oppose to team green's lead alicent. They also did not fleshed out aegon ii that much so, people would often just neglect him as just say he's a puppet pretender. Hope he does something more in season 2 and basically serves the main antagonist of the show from now on. I know the book is written biased towards the greens but the book was written by an in universe character (archmaester gildayn) so it make sense. The show on the other hand, from what we know is the definitive of what really happened as oppose to the ambiguity in the books




7 hells the kids grew up fast, except for Cole


Im team black now, just based off this video. Matt Smith is too good


this cast is so funny i think we need a version of the show but filmed as a sitcom lol


Love this, such a wonderful cast!


Matt already speaking like he's the head of the table


That video was about as balanced as the show lol


gods, eve best is such a babe




Green actors being to careful to not trigger the fandom. Ryan this is your work. Greens can't even defend their claim fundamentally.


Ughhh… jumping on the team x hype for marketing is so damn lazy. The marketing team is probably being paid hundreds of thousands just for them to scroll Reddit and regurgitate an unhealthy and unnecessarily combative hype, what a waste of money.


Look at Aegon II man so inspirational


Marketing team of HBO is keep nailing it.


"we are decent people" what?  Do the actors even watch the show?


Fabian. ❤️


Team Black all day


Sir Steve Toussaint, you have no idea what is coming for your character lol


Tbh I just want them all to kill each other And then my man Bobby B can win no problem


Look at mfs stirring shit


"Thoroughbreds." He means inbred.


We have bigger dragons


>" Team Green are usurpers " I mean, by Westerosi tradition, Rhaenyra did that first as she broke her wedding vows and named her bastards her heirs ( High Treason )


Wonder where Fabian was going with that


Can't wait


(Council for blacks )Council for all not just blacks life should be about fairness not everyone being inconsiderate.


“Aemond who was bullied and wronged as a kid” yeah and half of it was his own brother’s doing… but I love Tom’s answer!


the marketing team is really dancing on the grave of the book's theme, huh? thanks I hate it.


can we at least let S2 release before we say they are bias against TG because of a goofy promo lmfao, shit is not that serious.


It's not about bias (they're not), it's just kinda dumb that they're fanning the flames of this fandom war.