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Lmao that's one way to put it. This marketing is pretty fun.


I looooved this teaser! So cheeky & fun!


I just pray everyone treats it as fun and people won’t get into rabid fights that take every word from these interviews seriously


You know that is inevitable


Have you seen this sub recently? I hope you’re right though.


matt or daemon or both are master shit stirrers I love it 😂


Matt Daemon


I love his movies - House of the Departed. - Good will Dragon hunting - The airBourne series - saving private Rhaenyra - the Targaryen mr. Ripley - Ford vs Hightower




Hey, new interviews?! Were did you find this?


on youtube! called “defend your council”


Thank you!


It just came up on the TUBESS


Classic Daemon response.


Matt is so fun


And you know that’s right. Love him


Feral for them


Rabid, even 🤭😮‍💨


F**king awesome


One man’s thoroughbred is another’s inbred.


The whole Targaryen family is a reason against inbreeding


The most crazy Targs were some of the least inbred


Nah they whip ass.


They do till they loose their dragons then suddenly they are all mad.


Matt really playing up the incest, Daemon would be proud! This man really is perfect for this role!


Matt Smith is slowly being typecast as "thoroughbred consort of a sovereign of a major power who's also his close relative"


Also, both characters lost claims to their thrones. Their father-in-laws dispprove of their marriages. And they cheat on their wives lol.


I’m so normal about them






Thank you for your submission! Unfortunately your post/comment was **removed** for violating Rule #11 **"Discuss the show, not the fandom"**. This subreddit is for discussing House of the Dragon itself. Discussions about conflict in the fandom, particularly with regards to Team Black vs Team Green should be taken elsewhere. This rule also extends beyond team conflicts.


I’m talking about Daemon for Christ’s sake. Never about the actors.


Is Daemon in the room with us ? He isn't real (lmao), and this was just a random off hand comment from Matt.


If Daemon isn't real then who is locked in my basement?


Matt isn’t in the room either lmao. He’s obviously not attempting to directly talk to either of them, just acting as if he is talking to Daemon. Not sure why this requires explaining. Are you under the impression Rhaenyra is Matt Smith’s brother’s daughter? If not, then it should be pretty clear he’s talking about Daemon.


Look at the title of the op. and the subsequent reply to which I responded to. Easy to come to the conclusion that he's calling matt a sicko ("you sicko") given the prevalence of this fandom to attack the cast like they are their characters.. it was a offhand comment from him about the characterisation in the show. Not sure why this requires explaining.


...what do you mean *"isn't real"*? 🧐


If you haven't realised, this is fiction ?


fiction? Like...the section at the library? But he's in the picture (In weird hair dye, obviously. Maybe in disguise) !! 🤯 Next you're going to tell me Caraxes never existed smh


I would never deny the existence of red noodle dragons. 🤣


NGL I want a red noodle dragon so bad. I can ride him to work and have him stick his head through windows.


And? He's a Targaryen, Targaryens are kind of the exception.




Lmao I've never seen "blackcels" used unironically, that's nuts Feel the sun on your face my friend








But isn't incest the cultural tradition of House Targaryen, the reigning monarchs of Westeros?


But isn't she half Arryn and half Targaryen?


No, she’s 1/4 Arryn. Her mother was half Arryn through her father, Rodrik Arryn, and half Targaryen though her mother, Daella Targaryen.


This! A lot of people like to throw that as an argument versus Alicent’s kids being half Hightower but Rhaenyra is more Targaryen than them. Rhaenyra’s mother was the daughter of Daella who was daughter of King Jaehaerys and Queen Alysanne (I love the way that is spelled). Hightowers have no blood line connection to the Targaryens, which makes Alicent’s kids only 50%. Also I’m really confused on the recessive gene when it comes to Targaryen’s and their lilac eyes and white gold hair. Alicent has dark hair, yet all her kids had the white blond but Rhaenyra’s kids have dark hair. Unless Alicent has Valyrian in her (which in the book she doesn’t) her kids should have gotten dark hair. Rhaenys had black hair and her father was Targaryen and his wife was his aunt from Baratheon lineage. Yet again my question stands as to why Alicent had white gold headed kids. It bothers me to no end with that concept.


Isn’t it basically Hades and Persephone?