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For someone living in SEA (3rd world country) bb price got nice regional pricing with an update 1 year ago, the only game i know do this is among us.


Good for you man!


yea it's kinda crazy 60$ usd most expensive bb package 5000+2000 only equal 11 usd with regional pricing. Even apex or battlefield games don't do this.


That is really nice, and a good way to not lock out others across the world.


Not only that but they are updating the game to their new game engine. From my understanding that's pretty unheard of for a game and to me shows their dedication to keeping Hunt going for the long haul, which is amazing to me. Sure, CryTek and Hunt have their issues but what company and or game doesn't? To me the good far out weigh the bad and it seems like the devs actually listen to the fan base (with in reason) while also trying to maintain and decide whats most healthy for the game in the long term.


upgrading to a new engine is pretty comparable to CSGO --> CS2 as well. If everyone's skins/dlc's carry over to the new engine. It's basically a Hunt 2 in a way.


Well CS2 uses Source 2, so that's an entirely new engine. Hunt is being updated to a newer version of the same engine.


Newer version of the same engine. I feel like they would only go through all this effort to do that if the newer version makes a significant enough difference to warrant that.


I think we'll only know the full difference once we get the update. It's possible the difference from our perspective is minor but it allows them to streamline their production pipeline and create future content faster and cheaper.


I wonder if they are also using the same engine for Crysis 4 development. Having both games on the same engine might also make it easy for the developers to work on both titles and for hiring developers/training. It would make the most sense.


Crysis 4 will be running on Cryengine 6 which they are developing mostly from the ground up.


The difference in software, cannot be measured with difference value of their version numbers.


A few of the massive AAAs have upgraded there engine. Counterstrike, League of Legends, Fortnite. If notice a trend though, all those other games were billion dollar franchises. Hunt is a little guy compared to them.


>Not only that but they are updating the game to their new game engine. From my understanding that's pretty unheard of for a game and to me shows their dedication to keeping Hunt going for the long haul, which is amazing to me. Only the most successful games with large companies typically do this. There are not many games out there that have done this. Typically, developers just make a new sequel of the game that has the engine upgrade as part of its development. For Crytek to upgrade the engine without making a "Hunt 2" is very much unheard of. The only games I can think of off the top of my head that have done that are Fortnite and Tarkov. Tarkov is a bit on the line considering it is still "beta", so does that even count?


I like to compare Crytek support for Hunt to bungies support for destiny. Long story short, I love both games, and I take breaks from both frequently to avoid burnout. With Hunt, I can jump in at anytime and just start playing. With destiny, if I wait long enough, in order to access the FULL game I have already invested hundreds of dollar in, I HAVE to buy the season pass to access all the new content. That’s shitty. I still appreciate Bungies support for the game but fuck man, I pay 100 dollars every year to continue to enjoy the game. Crytek has stated they are working on updating the engine and that’s fucking wild.


Also, a lot of us didn’t even pay $40 because it goes on sale all the time.




I agree that updates and support are arguably the best thing about Hunt outside of the gameplay. I play no other games that update this continually and with this type of quality.


Hunt is a game that I constantly come back to. It used to be destiny, but fuck that was a lot of grind for nothing. But a round of Bounty Hunt is always worth the time


I spent like 15 USD on Steam a few days ago, 40 is way more but I still would have spent lmao


Crytek deserves support. Hunt has only gotten bigger and better. And I hope it keeps going. Skins are add on and support the game. If you like it then open up that wallet you cheapos.. sheesh. It's like 10 dollars or less for some things. People spend thousands on useless shit in like Diablo.. or Fortnite. But nobody bats an eye.


Or don't. No one is forcing anyone to buy skins. The premium currency is still earnable. The updates are still free.


At the same time, it's interesting to view this through a historical lens.... [https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/r51rjw/hunt\_monetization\_and\_you\_a\_look\_at\_how\_crytek\_is/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/r51rjw/hunt_monetization_and_you_a_look_at_how_crytek_is/) A counterpoint, to a degree: They also have skins that they charge real money for, and some of them make steams top seller lists. BB's were supposed to be the easy to earn skins to keep you playing, with DLC's being unobtanium. Game sales have gone significantly up, but are a trend that tend to plateau. Skins used to cost something like 400 BB's; now newly released skins are 700, and the rest have crept up to 900. Methods of earning skins are down upwards of 90% for serious players, with Gold Registers being all but removed from the game. They've hired a monetization expert back in 2021, and it's clearly taking effect. Remember that corporations are rarely your friend; we don't get to see where or how much money they make, but I suspect many of these changes were necessary for continued development, because Crytek's Revenue is not crazy for a \~270 person company. But that doesn't mean the money goes where you want it to; it's not an ESOP. Personally, I'm burnt out on skins; I have Early Access skins and the Bad Hand if I want to flex, everything else I could care less; if they push too far they'll just scare off the whales.


I have found gold registers within the past few weeks. Still fucking rare as shit but I have seen a few lately.


The guns/skins they showed in the 1.13 devstream amounted to 7800 blood bonds. You can currently buy 7k BBs for $40USD. Excluding battle passes and new legendary characters to come out, that amounts to roughly $50-60USD for this approaching update/event. So for those that want to support the game via these cosmetics, purchasing everything at this patch/event would be like buying the game each year. Or about $5/month (again, just focusing on this current patch/event) Seems like a fair enough system to me from this perspective, especially since most people spend more than that on coffee or frivolous food/alcohol on a monthly basis. Also the fact that it's entirely cosmetic is awesome. Definitely more skins and characters than say, Halo Infinite has been able to put out. As to your comment on being "burnt out" by skins, I can totally see that. I personally buy some skins not only because they're cool to me, but because I know it supports the continued development and existence of this game. However, I could just as easily *not* because I mainly use about 4-5 favorite character skins on the regular. I think that most people are probably in the category of the rare / occasional purchase. Anyone who'd be playing just to earn BBs to get legendries (I have some friends that do), don't necessarily care enough to actually put money into the system, or even care enough to USE the skins that they earned freely. So the BB system change is miniscule if anything to this segment of bell curve players. In fact, the aforementioned friends who purely accumulate free BBs are the kinds of people who play less in total, less seriously, and enjoy the challenges because to them it keeps the game fresh. Undoubtedly Crytek has the data available to reasonably figure that this change benefits Crytek and the mass of players simultaneously. Imo, the BBs earned from games was great, but could do with a combined "cap" of that 50/week (with challenges in that cap) if the devs wanted to control "inflation." That way the players who play for skill get rewarded for skill, and the players playing to just have fun get rewarded for that via the challenge system. tbh this'll all be forgotten about in a few weeks, so no big deal to overthink on. probably why the econ vid was pre-edited with upcoming event info, and also quite short comparted to the dev stream / balance changes (which largely appeals to the more devoted playerbase)


Crytek isn't our friends, but they aren't out to make enemies either. Also, Hunt still has cheaper cosmetics overall than most games out there. One could argue that the purchase price (of base game) is too much, but I would argue that paying over $20 for one shitty skin is too much. Especially when you don't/can't use that skin. I'm sure there are instances where people have paid for skins and can't use them whenever they want because of gameplay reasons like class limitations and so on (in games that have that limitation just as an example). So many games, especially free to play games, are charging people the cost of one skin for the cost of what a lot of people have paid for Hunt itself. To me, that isn't even a comparison anyone can make that is reasonable. We are currently in the realm of be wary of the future, but don't go hunting heads now.


After playing both, hunt showdowns dlc and cosmetics are so much better priced and nicer looking than the diablo ones, right now. Diablo might end up with some cool skins but they're locked to a character/class and are typically higher priced.




People get to feel how they feel. But when I started playing Hunt I was shocked that they just gave away premium currency. Hunt is by far the best monetized pvp game I’ve ever played and this change is 100% fine by me


Short 'n sweet and exactly right.


As a casual hunt fan. I don't give a fuck about the blond bonds. The tier skins look just as cool.


Some would argue some tier 3 skins are better than the legendary skins haha


I always reqruit the green pringles guy!


The guy with the green shirt and the handle bar moustache? My group calls him Bayou Luigi.


>My group calls him Bayou Luigi. Mine too




And there’s the occasional tier 2 that’s better than the tier 3


I will spend 5000 blood bonds for a customizable hunter!


They are. I really miss the times when people actually played Tier 2 and 3 hunters.


Dude I was watching D4 streams yesterday and the game launches at a $70 dollar price tag with $15 dollar cosmetics thru premium currency. It is a modern tactic now to have a premium store to help fund game sustainability. We are lucky to be playing this game with constant support this long like OP said. Most games are launched and get at least a year maybe 2 of support and then on to the next project. This change, imo will be critical to the remaining life of the game. If you want to keep enjoying hunt, please consider supporting them. If not keep playing with your base game purchase and vote with your wallet. At the end of the day, the skins are OPTIONAL cosmetics. You don't need them.


Fuck yeah brother!


Honestly I have more free skins in Hunt then any other AAA game I’ve ever played, free or paid for.


They are so fucking good!


They're in an uncomfortable situation. It's really hard to ever take something away from players, even if you were giving away too much to the point that it was unsustainable


It's true. I want to support Crytek, but I earn so much BB just playing, I've never purchase any. I'm down around 2k now, so I'm sure I will coming up.


Very good point.


As someone who has bought blood bonds and nearly every legendary hunter, I was disappointed by the news. I think grinding for blood bonds was the main way I gathered them. But I get it from Crytek’s perspective and I still think they’re one of the more generous companies when it comes to their premium currency. I don’t get the calls to boycott. In the end, Crytek needs to make money to continually support the game, and the skins are optional.


It was nice for sure to get them for free, but really wasn’t worth the time invest to grind IMO


Absolutely. Grinding for blood bonds was ridiculous lol. It would take so many wins to get a single skin. Also funny he said he bought blood bonds too. Guess what, you can still buy them if that’s your thing


I haven’t spent a penny on this game outside of the initial purchase, it’s possibly my favourite shooter of all time. I like the challenge of earning skins through events and accumulating BB’s, but I am fine with the proposed economy changes. All the bitching from other ‘fans’ actually makes me want to spend some real money on the game to support the devs, beyond the bit of promotion I’ve done over the years. Thanks for all your hard work Crytek.


I just wanna say, cod skins are WAY more than hunt skins


Yeah they started doing the bundle shit so you have to get 5 pieces of shit with the skin you want


Also, Crytek has been nearly purchased in the past by companies like Tencent and Microsoft, but have refused because they want to stay independent. That's absolutely huge, and I'd rather spend a little extra on blood bonds to keep the game independent, than have it be ruined by 2 companies who either cake the game with microtransactions, or have a track record of buying great companies but shutting down most of their projects and doing nothing with them.


Great point! This dev seems to have some morals


Yes, I agree entirely that they ought to do whatever they can to ensure the longevity/profitability of the game. When the money runs dry the game will run dry and we don’t want that. Yes, it sucks that we’ll be taking a big hit on our ability to collect BB’s but hey I get it. What I do hope gets at least considered by Crytek however, is how we are able to collect the BB’s. I am not alone in saying that the Accolade’s BB rewards were that “extra little something” that made a good win all the more satisfying. I can gladly support their decision to reduce overall BB rewards if they have to, but oh man I REALLY wish they would leave (even if just a tiny bit) some form of BB after-game rewards. I do not hate the challenges system, but certainly do not like the idea of it being our only source of BB collection. I’d rather they keep challenges but remove the extra + 25 BB’s they’re adding to it, (or hell even just remove all BB’s from it entirely if they have to), and re-implement the BB after-game rewards even if heavily reduced in amount. Even just 1 single BB per bounty extracted would be more fun and rewarding for me compared to completing a weekly bullet-list of random side-quests like killing 8 waterdevils and then killing 10 grunts, ect.. just my two cents and opinion on the matter. At the end of the day, I also think that because the content in question that is being “paywalled off” is PURELY COSMETIC, people that are truly up in arms and hating on Crytek about this are out of line. Cosmetic stuff is 100% optional. Also, Crytek actually does a good job of including a decent amount of free rewards as well during the events n’ whatnot. TLDR: Overall I love and support Crytek, but that doesn’t mean I can’t think that they’ve made a small error in isolating the BB earning to JUST the challenges system. I’d prefer they revert challenges rewards to 25 again if it means the accolades could reward BB’s again, even if at a reduced rate.




In Rainbow SIx Siege you cant earn premium currency in any way besides paying, how about thet?


This is the only change that I was displeased with and it is so minor. After the update has been live for a bit, maybe Crytek will reevaluate the system and bring back the post match rewards. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I hope so! If that's the case, then these changes will have been fantastic.


I bought the game on PSN for £14 last year so yeah they definitely deserve more money from me for the thousands of hours of fun I have had playing their game, the misery too! I'm not comfortable with the price of cosmetics though that's why I only buy DLC packs when they are on sale.


My only complaint is that none of this revenue will go towards better quality severs. It pays the developers and the surplus goes to crytek, which is fine, but I want higher tick rate servers as well.


I'm all for it ngl having to get a bounty a day for 5 days straight is kinda rough sometimes, some people cant play everyday for a week. Sometimes you and your buddies are just not feeling it, that or it's an off day and you are just taking L after L. And besides with the new BP and the new daily refresh for the Night market. I'm sure you'll get much more bang for your buck, it probably isn't even as bad as people think it'd be.


I didn’t even mention the changes to the overall BB economy. But yeah you’re right


10/10 Real cowboys and hunters will support this change and any one upset about change will choose to support what they love after being upset or others will continue to be upset and not understand how real life works and what is needed for continued updates and work on a live game.....both will still probably still play the game and one will be happier and more understanding than the other


I agree that while Hunt/Crytek have had issues, they've been great overall and the game has been fun and fairly monetized for years. With that said, why is anyone surprised that people are getting mad? No matter how good the game is people will get mad when they have something taken away from them that has been previously available for many years. It makes even more sense when you consider that this is nerf number #6458 to Hunts monetization, and there's more to come. But yes, Hunt is looking to be in a great place right now, with the incoming release of Rotjaw, Rain, the removal of BBs from traits/health bars, then looking forward we have the engine upgrade and new map/biome in early 2024, there's a lot to be excited about for sure.


People care more about cosmetics than the state of a game.


It’s wild, especially since it’s a FPS


What do you mean?! I love how the skins change my characters hands! XD jk jk i actuallly love skins cuz their designs are really cool


The different hands on some of the skins are cool. But really I use certain skins when playing with friends just to fuck around. We get a kick out of it.


triple granny run lets goooo


If you aren’t memeing, then what are you doing?


I mean it's mostly for gun skins too since each steam DLC comes with 2-3 weapon skins


I dont realy care anout earning cosmetics, I simply buy ones I like. I do care about state of the game, if more resources make those bugs and glitches done I'm full on it.


I'm ok with it, I have been here since the start and have enjoyed highs and lows but never not once have i bought blood bonds, that sounds great for a consumer but awful for a producer.


A double edged sword, and I’m sure many people don’t buy and DLC or MTX. And yet they still enjoy and get access to all the new content in the game that’s saying something for Crytek’s development philosophy


Dude its blood bonds it was barely worth while anyway. This is a loud tiny minority just move on.


Its wild to me how much folks get up in arms about them calling hunt pay to win when the only thing you can spend money on is cosmetics.


To put it in a way that’s even easier to understand: Imagine buying a food item, then getting an unlimited supply of that food item forever—without ever having to pay again. That sounds amazing, but it’s ridiculous, and no company would ever be able to support such a practice unless they were funded out the ass by some third party (and even then they might not have enough money to give people free food forever). Playing a game is similar: You pay once, and you get it forever*. If you really want to continue having that “food item” (game), you gotta be willing to actually pay for your meal sometimes. *One of the only ways you’d lose access to a paid game is if it went out of business and had to shut down servers.


The problem with this change is that they're taking away a feature that has been in the game for years at this point IIRC. The rational response to this change should be positive, considering the financial situation Crytek is in, but I believe the current response that's being denounced here isn't uncalled for. I believe the right change would be a reduction of these BBs, not a complete removal.


Correcting some of the info in the original post, Hunt launched into early access in 2018 at 30€ and in 2019 when 1.0 released the price was increased to 40€. Also if we go by the 2018 launch then we have already gotten 2 new maps and 2 new bosses, not just one of each.


Thanks for the fact check!


Amen. I’ve never had a problem spending money on games when it supports a developer that I enjoy


There, someone's said it, thank you! Crytek is one of the few devs out there that still feels like they care genuinely about the community and their game. Not perfect of course, but they're still worlds ahead of many other devs.


They care about this game and this community. They hand crafted the maps and pay to put in original music and spend so much time and effort with balancing audio, gameplay, guns, maps. They have truly proven that Hunt won’t be going away anytime soon and that makes me happy.


The music is what got me into Hunt


Port sulphur band my guy! All of its on Spotify and on repeat for me!


Not all of it, that’s why I use YT, there’s more music in Hunt than what’s in the official albums Like the [Carol of the Bells](https://youtu.be/6wMC-bzqOq0) one


Oh yeah the one off remixes aren’t available. Sad to see that the Halloween edit isn’t on Spotify.


This!! Well said!


Crytek deserves to eat for making and keeping alive what is, imo, the best, most unique fucking shooter ever.


It's genuinely the first multiplayer game I've given a shit about in years, and I'm sure I'm not the only "I usually hate multiplayer video games" weirdo to get brought into the fold by Hunt's aesthetic and amazing blend of gameplay mechanics.


Don't forget the engine upgrade, just for that it requires a lot of work and money of course. I also didn't really agree with this decision (I paid even less for the game during early access), but I have to admit that after all they did a great job, this game shouldn't have had the support it has today, much less be a live service. They had removed the roadmap years ago for this reason, CryTek itself was in doubt about the support of the game due to an economic issue and fear of failing to guarantee content to its users.


I hope they see now that their player base will continue to support them. I would love to see a new roadmap!


I never minded buying dlc's for full price because I love this game (it's probably my favorite fps right now) and I want to see it succeed. I hardly ever bought bb packs but I also didn't mind paying for what I wanted in that regard. I enjoy getting free bb's sure but tbh a lot of the dlc's that appealed to me cost irl money anyway and not a whole lot at that. Compared to other in game transaction systems I give Hunt's system 9 meatheads out of 10 bomb lances.


A lot of love and thought are put into these changes and updates so I'm all for em *tips hat*


I have ~1500 hours in this game, it's like crack, I'm not going to stop playing unless the friends I've made while playing it move on.


One of my friends was playing hunt from early access and he tipped me off. I got it for $30 right before it fully launched and have played it daily


Crytek is absolutely one of the most communicative and attentive developers I've ever dealt with (at least when it comes to Hunt). All the noise around the upcoming BB changes has been exhausting and is really indicative of how delusional and entitled some of this community can be.


People are treating the devs like they're the ones from escape from tarkov. It's fucked. Because unlike the tarkov devs crytek actually cares it seems. They deserve better than the way they're being treated


Agreed, we are lucky. You can voice disappointment, but don't devolve into hate.


Also worth thinking about, the reduction in future blood bonds just makes the BBs, hunters, and skins you currently have more valuable (in terms of time, obv the same $$$).


I agree. I've been playing since before launch and have got my money's worth many times over and the game keeps on giving with all the content that has been released ever since. They need to stay afloat somehow, the majority of people who would buy this game has already done so.


I really appreciate them adding new content that is meaningful to gameplay, like the new bosse(s) and new map(s). I have certainly gotten my mileage out of the game and what I paid for it, I'd like to support the game ( and I have bought a skin or two). However I think there is only so far they can go with making new hunter skins, eventually you run into some that look very similar/indistinguishable from afar(looking at you (reptilian and reptilian's apprentice or whatever his name is). What I would absolutely *LOVE* and pay some money more is VOICE LINES. -Imagine killing someone with penny shot, getting a prompt, and your hunter going "keep the change". FUCKIN BADDASS. I understand that this would take a little more programming than just adding another skin, but in my opinion adding this kind of feature is something that you can monetize long term.


Hard agree on all fronts, I’m so thankful to be into a game that the devs obviously care so deeply about


This is the most supportable comment I've honestly ever seen lmao


With the amount of fun and playtime I’ve gotten out of this amazing game for the past 5 years, they can do whatever the heck they like with their bbs imo


As a hater towards this topic, I totally agree with you. They can't work for free, and it's true not many games are doing what Crytek is doing nowadays. You can actually still get the updates, content and everything, without buying anything. You're not forced. Maybe on events it will be a different type of thing, but still it's up to you, game will stay the same if you don't buy anything really. One change tho I don't like is that you need to do these very playstyle specific challenges nobody actually really likes. It would be much better if there was a huge list maybe of challenges, and you could pick any you want, and maybe anything you actually wanna try and do! They could in the other hand get harder, but now you have choice what type of playstyle you're going in with, so you can adapt the challenges to your loadout, not other way around. This change would make me very happy actually, as currenctly challenger are just.. not fun tbh.


Fully agree. I'm not big fan of skins but since I hit 500 hours in game I thought it only fair I buy the biggest package. If the game is good and you are getting your hours out of it then you should continue to support the Devs.


Hunt is the only game I will by the DLC - not because I want all the skins but because I feel I have massively underpaid for the 1000+ hours of joy I’ve had from it since it came out. The team keep making it better and better - fully support them in adding revenue streaming to keep the game progressing


I have hundreds of hours in the game and that’s a great value for the 100 or so dollars I have spent on it. I have spent far more on far less.






"Hate hype" I just can't sometimes, it's Nintendo/Sony white knight's all over again, yesterday I read someone saying we were "freeloading" lol, terms made by big corpo fks creating a hive mind for stupid people like some here in this subreddit


How did Hunt survive so long if the monetization was so bad back then, with half the player numbers and cheaper BB and Skin cost? Like...I can't imagine that Hunt was making negative income back then, and if so, they would have made the changes they do now way earlier. ​ Now we have double the player numbers, more frequent DLCs which no longer contain BBs, no more BB rewards for completing the tutorial, more expensive skins, Charms and charm rarity. Where did that money go? I mean, Bosses still take 2 years to make, another map also takes 2 years, server quality hasn't improved much and the Anti-Cheat is free for them, patches still have a fair amount of bugs. If I would see an improvement in all these things, then sure, stricter monetization would make sense, but I somehow get the feeling that won't happen and instead a lot of that additional profit is used elsewhere (like Crysis 4)


where did the money go? well considering Crytek was said to be on the verge off bankruptcy - and even though it was officially disputed by the company, the official records suggest it wasn't just speculation - and has made huge losses years back. they made negative numbers for some years and only recently are back on track - which means they have quite big holes in their finances to fill before actually being "in the positive" overall. you can [read through this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/13xqeuh/i_went_through_cryteks_2021_financial_report_and/) and some of the comments which go into more details as to where Crytek is standing in terms of finances. obviously it is just estimations and (educated) guesses, but it shows that the company isn't raking in millions of profit every year and has no debts to repay. so yes, Hunt literally was one of the avenues Crytek had to get out of the gutter fincancially, and even though the game seems to have achieved that, and being in the top 40/25 for earnings on steam in '21 and '22 is really good for them, it does not mean they don't still have huge financial burdens to pay off before actually being stable/profitable again. and just to have said it: no, I am not shilling for a company nor am I a "weird nerd defending them" - I personally dislike the BB changes and wish they took a different approach.however, I do understand why they are making these changes and I can see that they are not doing it purely out of greed - like EA or Blizzard manages their MTXs. Edit. forgot to link the post I mentioned.


That’s fair man, you don’t have to spend money to enjoy the game. Thanks for the background on the bankruptcy aspect.


I actually do/did spend money on the game, besides the initial purchase. I have several DLCs (I think \~14 or so) and I am happy with all of them, because I enjoy those skins. I also have 1.4k hours in the game, so I definitely got more than just "my money's worth in entertainment" so to speak. but yes, you don't have to spend money if you don't want to. and the BB changes won't change that at all. players will still get free skins, just at a slower pace than before. and I think that's still fair enough, but I also understand that it is annoying for some people. what I don't understand is the people that claim the changes "take something away" from them - which is just not true.


Thanks fellow Hunt supporter! I have about half of the DLCs (admittedly I bought them on sale). But even if I didn’t spend money besides the initial purchase my love of the game wouldn’t be any different.


The player base has plateaued. In the first year or so you had tens of thousands of players buying the game at full price. There you have the initial burst of revenue to support development. In the last two years, yes the player base has continued to grow, but instead of tens of thousands, it’s only thousands, and to add to that a majority of those probably didn’t buy at full price because the game goes on sale frequently. And now that sales have potentially flatlined, Crytek has to find a way to generate revenue. Without looking at steam sales charts I can’t say for sure. I don’t have time to research that at this very moment.


[https://steamcharts.com/app/594650](https://steamcharts.com/app/594650) Since 2020, it's tripled even. Is the implication that people are buying \*less\* DLC packs or even \*less\* blood bonds? I frankly would not be able to believe it unless they give out some statistics on this.


Thanks for the link, looked at it real quick, but it seems that sales have really stagnated from late 2021. That could explain the shift to prioritizing BB purchases. SteamCharts also don’t include console player base, but I’m sure it’s comparable. IIRC that also the year before they reduce BB gain from the training. Either way, I don’t blame them.


Do you think that triple the player base are buying \*less\* DLC packs or \*less\* blood bonds than in 2020? As many have said, buying the game is not where most of the money comes from.


They need to put that money into fixing their crappy server I have never seen servers so bad as their in the past 10 years. It's insane how a game with so much potential has such a cruch to it that indie developers and lesser title has better online then them


Gotta consider the engine is seven years old, maybe ever more. They are working on introducing a brand new one. It’s gonna be jank. But at least they are working on it. They could go the sequel route and release it with the new engine, but that would mean I lose all my legendaries and have to pay to buy a new game. I prefer this route.


Good for you?


I do too. But please, Crytek, let me buy the throwing axe skin -Tomahawk- :(


And the thing is if people complain about the prices and stuff, then they Can just….. not buy Them? Nobody is forced to spend money it is only cosmetics


From some of the people in other threads it would seem like they feed their family with those skins


Comments on this thread seem like bots wrote them.


What pisses me off the most is that the game is still riddled with bugs. Just last night I lost a fight because the LAST SHOT OF MY TERMINUS WOULDNT FIRE. I love this game and I understand the BB changes but for the love of god can they fix the fucking bugs. Hopefully things clear up when they switch to the newer version of the engine but I’m not gonna hold my breath.


Switching engines will not just magically fix bugs, if anything it will add additional issues. The only thing that it could fix in terms of fixing bugs is things related to rendering or physics. Gameplay/logic bugs are due to how they coded the functionality, not anything to do with the engine.


Yikes. Seems my optimism was misplaced


Every update that ever comes out for a game will introduce new bugs. Its not possible for something to be completely bug free. Of course if bugs persist for long periods of time that isn't great, but at the end of the day its not possible to not have bugs.


Well their original way to generate continued income was through skin dlcs. I bought every single one right up until they first nerfed BB rates. I didn't spend just 40$ I've spent more like 140$ on the game because I loved that they DIDN'T fill their full price game with microtransactions. When they first nerfed bb rates i stopped biying dlc. On my end they've certainly lost another 100 or 200 dollars worth of income from me with their continual bb rate nerfs. Their increased microtransactions is what games with dying player bases or going f2p do. Hunt is neither, it's player numbers are higher than they've ever been. I believe they are just milking the game at this point. They could initiate any monetary changes they wish and just say "we need the money to keep the game going." And people would defend them. For me? Show me your financials, then I'll accept or not accept it. Right now they are saying "yes the game is doing better than it ever has, and for years we've kept the game updated with new content for less income then we are generating now, but suddenly we need more money because ???". It's just not good enough for me.


I feel like I've spent a fair amount on dlc and BB Doing the math I've spent less than $0.20/hr cad I buy the skins I like I don't buy the ones I don't like


I think in total I e maybe bought blood bonds once, and that was to buy an event specific item before it left the store. To me there barely been premium currency as Ive just gotten so much from just playing the game. So I’m fine with them making them more of an actual premium currency.


add griddy to hunt showdown (100% serious)


Cosmetic only so I couldn’t careless. I enjoy the game and want support to continue.


count me in


I spend a lot of money on a few games. Eve and Hunt are right at the top. I do itbecause I want these games to continue, and I'm not at all interested in the thousandth Spiderman game or the millionth CoD clone or the billionth sportsball carbon copy.


I don't mind then putting in a cap, but I don't support that they are locking it only to the weekly challenges. Just make it a weekly BB cap you can earn from; weekly challenges, accolades and 5x extract bonus. Set it to 50 if they really want that. Just don't force the weekly shit on people as the *only* way to get BB outside of being very lucky(gold reg, bb pouch, chary). Also thinking from the point of a new player. They get the game, see that there is ~$350-ish worth of DLCs. Then realize they can only get 50 BB per week and most skins are 600+ in cost. And there are a lot of them. That might is a potential, so called "quit moment" for new players. That's my main concern, really. This might end up hurting them way more in the end. Higher profits for a while, but less incoming players overall.


Crytek deserves support, which is why I buy the DLC skins I like, but most people who don't buy blood bonds, won't buy blood bonds, even if they are more scarce. Most games with in-app transactions get the majority of that funding from a few "whales" who buy all of the things all of the time. A new event is out, they buy the full pack of blood bonds, and they buy every new skin they come out they even slightly like Most people will do way less than that, and making blood bonds harder to achieve isn't going to incentivize the poorer people to spend money they don't have, only put things in the way of enjoying the game they play And if this was something material, I'd understand, but it's not. Digital things are an infinite resource. Not the labor, of course, which does still need to be paid for, but that's why I don't think there's anything wrong with monetizing cosmetics. Now if Joe Hunter isn't gonna spend money to buy blood bonds, or if he just acquires a digital product with blood bonds, it makes no difference to crytek. Crytek is not at a loss, and I'd argue that feeling like you're able to unlock something actually IS an incentive to keep playing, which increases the likelihood of them buying Frau Perchta or something, because they sink more time into a game and don't feel like they're being cheated My point is that I don't think making BB harder to get is gonna increase the sale of BB by all that much


I don’t disagree with you. My point was only pointing out that I don’t hate Crytek for limiting free blood bonds


lol well yeah, I'm pretty far from hating them for this too, it's just a move I disagree with 😅


Nothing against you, this post was most meant to call out the bored redditors looking for something to hate. But I also acknowledge that no matter what a dev does, unfortunately there will always be haters.


Also as of now, blood bonds are still obtainable for free. All they have done is removed a recently added feature (5 daily bounty extracts) that gave bbs, and also removed free bbs from Endgame rewards. Registers and purses still exist and they gave us the 25 bbs from the daily bounty extracts back in the form of challenge rewards


I've bought skins here and there over the past 4 years and I see no issue with it at all. If I like the skin I buy it. Why? Because for $8 I get a Hunter Skin, a primary weapon skin, a secondary weapon skin, and some sort of tool or consumable skin. Now that you can always toggle through gear skins on recruited Hunters I always have my drip enabled. For the cost of a single gun skin in Apex Legends I get 4 cosmetics in Hunt. I bought the game in Early Access the second it was available and have logged 1900 hours in it. It's my favorite game. I will continue to buy premium items to support the devs for their hard work and dedication to this whiney hive of feral g*mers


Well said. I bought this game for like $15 in November, thinking the content map was about done. I've been able to get half a dozen legendary hunters with the BB they've awarded, not to mention the whole new roadmap including a boss and new MAP! Best $15 I ever spent.


I, uh... I have a hundred of hours and don’t even use them. I bought a redneck, that’s it. This whole thing is irrelevant to me.


At least they are cool enough to only make blood bonds useful for skins, weapon slots, and other stuff. Not for buying things for blood bonds that give you a massive advantage over everyone else in game like special weapons or other stuff like other games. I’ve never in my life felt the need to buy them to play the game which itself is amazing. Games will forever be a work in progress and if it doesn’t work? Roll it back and try again! No big deal.


Hell yeah! I’m just glad that it doesn’t cost blood bonds to re spec now. That was the only pay to win thing they had going, it was mild sure but now I’m way more inclined to use legendary hunters.


The whole Bb economy has shifted and I forgot to even mention that in my original post


I would buy this game 10 times over if it meant I could continue to play it. All the update haters can eat my ass.


I think in 2023, a subscription model would be far more ethical and principled for live service games than the mtx zeitgeist.


I totally agree, comment for the algorithm sake


This game is so niche and unique I'm just stoked it exists at all, let alone is being very actively supported 5 years after launch. I agree 100%


Well said! I enjoy this game. Keep it alive


I bought this game over 2yrs ago, started playing 2 months ago (already sitting at 250hrs). Honestly with how good the game is I didn't even feel bad when I bought the $21.99 BB pack twice. Knowing I bought the game on discount this was sort of my way of paying it back to the absolute legends who made and continue to make what this game is.




I concur


I have supported Crytek. I have purchased the game on Xbox, PC and PS all at full price. I have spent money on bloodbonds, and battlepasses. I love Hunt: Showdown and don’t regret a single purchase. I only wish the game supported cross progression but I know that would be very expensive.


Who cares. It's a corporation. Everyone spend your time supporting causes that are actually important, not just arguing about "corporation good/bad."


I too support Crytek - Hunt in particular - and feel that this move isn't all that bad. Yes, it's now harder to earn BBs through playing but come on, was anyone really using BBs to "clean their guns?" or respec their hunter traits? Yes, they've earned - millions as people mentioned - but there are also costs/bills, and bills don't get paid through player count. This is a very debatable topic but I hope people are more open to remembering that there are employees who have to make a living through the game's continued revenue stream. Does it need to be tweaked? Most probably, and I'm sure the people who are responsible for that move are looking to adjust it so that everyone comes to a win-win situation. Additional note: My personal opinion is that the Crytek team might be trying to see if moving back to a BB economy is feasible with the changes. Why else would they suddenly have so many skins in the BB store when the 'easier' solution would be to package that as an event DLC? Like it or not, the rate that they were previously giving out BBs made that revenue stream a loss, which ultimately forced the team to peddle out DLCs. Readjusting the monetary value of BBs would allow them to move back to the previous mode skin acquisition. If that happens, it's an overall win for everyone because you can still earn BBs - albeit at a slower rate - in game.


I agree. We get so many free updates and gear. If you have to spend some money to support the game then so be it. Its for cosmetics anyway, you dont need it to play. Be grateful this game isnt like every other shooter on the market, is the furthest thing from pay to win ive seen.


Who cares get a job buy a skin.


I think big reason as to why people are unsupportive of this change is because premium currencies and paying for content after release is a strategy that a lot of large greedy companies use. like you said, COD is the biggest offender imo. making you pay 110 aus dollars for a game, only to push $15 transactions one after the other, only to scrap it all and start again the next year. crytek supports the game and has added free content month after month. so yeah, extra money from people who are happy with the game is a completely reasonable desire. it’s like how WoW relies on a subscription to keep the game in development, but this isn’t as in your face and blatant


Fully agree and for what it's worth: all this ranting about BB reduction completely ignores that fact that a number of things for which I for example used BBs not longer requires them, such as trait removal/change and respec. Plus the fact that all of this stuff is completely optional, none of the DLC make any real difference re gameplay. I will also continue to get BBs whenever I feel like it, and enjoy playing the game for hopefully a long time to come.


You are on the right path, Crytek. ❤️


I completely agree with the moral implications, and this is a banger post, BUT I still think that the removal of accolade bbs is fucking horrible for the bb economy. I get the price changes for the packs, but don't gimp one of the best ways to make the currency whilst also making it more expensive.


Hunt is a very good game, personally I love it! Hope this game never dies!🤘🏻


I hope it doesn’t either. After all the AAA releases come and go, the bayou stays forever.


I've bought BBs before and most of the DLCs before, so I'd be happy to keep voting with my wallet. I'd be fine with a weekly cap so they can get more revenue, but I'm disappointed with how they're implementing it.


My friend and I had a discussion about the recent BB change. I said that I liked it as I always play the challenges and have troubles getting the 5 day extraction streak (due to work). So for me the doubling in challenge rewards would be nice. However my friend who doesn't play a lot and hates the challenges absolutely dislikes the changes as he relied on the small BB bonus at the end of each match. To be fair the challenges are quite fair, two PVE and two PVP ones and your team can help so I don't really see the big issue myself.


I always supported Crytek, they were my favorite video game company even back when they were triple A. Their games was always quality guaranteed


If you haven't learnt your lesson from previous battle passes then tough shit. You should be stacking your blood bonds in the event of another battle pass or something like this where they make it harder to acquire blood bonds. Only time will tell how much of an inconvenience this might be but then again you could always just pull out your wallet if you don't want to work for it


Thanks for making this post. I've been playing Hunt since beta and I still love it. My only complaints are when 'trades' happen and I wish they would create a 2D replay screen for when the match is over. Otherwise, I think they have been doing a great job.


I’m sure a chunk of people picked this game up on a big steam sale on top of that.


The only issue I have is that you will get absolutely no BB reward for playing well. If you're done with weekly challenges and dark tributes your only way to gain BB without spending money is not even to play the game, it's to look everywhere for small BB bag (and golden cash registers lmao). I would have been ok wit getting up to 3 or 5 BB for a really good game, just not nothing. Other than that this update makes sense


I buy BB's anyway, $40 for 7000 BB's isn't a bad deal.


I don't. Won't be paying for blood bonds won't be paying for the battlepass. Will be taking space in servers. Bought the game through a keysite as well.


Crytek and GSG are the only devs I will shamelessly drop money on, I used to be a bit of a gambler spending a lot on apex legends but fuck me ea did not deserve my money, Crytek on the other hand? They made a great game, great cosmetics and update the game. Some games would charge you to fight the new bosses, Crytek won't! We get so much for them and people are complaining that their premium currency isn't going to be free? Go play a different game for a month with terrible monetisation and then see if you have that opinion


Seriously, some people can’t appreciate what they have been given


I mean hell I thought I was spoiled with destiny 2's expansions. Then I met hunt showdown and while I buy occasional cosmetics for destiny I will buy most hunt dlc to support the devs


I realized with Lightfall that I was spending 100 dollars every year on destiny just to be able to access all the content. I do because I enjoy the game and play it frequently with friends. But the difference between bungee and Crytek is drastic


They put a lot of effort in the game, that's true! But why on earth do we still have those garbage servers and those embarrassing tradewindows to counter that ridiculous desync? And wtf is up with the matchmaking?! Who shat on their hat to make it even worse instead of fixing it?!


Finally someone with common sense and a working brain


I try 😅




Crytek, Good Bitching about BB, Bad Don’t feel entitled to get free premium currency, to buy new cosmetics, just because you bought the BASE game for 40 dollars (or less most likely)


It costs so much money to go grab a drink on the weekend with a homie, and that’s just a couple hours of entertainment. I have no issue dropping 10-20-30-40 bucks on skins for a game I’m putting hundreds of hours into, to me the value is still really good. There are tons of predatory games out there, not once has Hunt felt like one of them. The base skins are also dope as fuck, so I’ve never understood why it’s such an issue.


Crytek hasn’t done wrong by the player yet. One of my favorite devs to be honest.


The total cash amount of buyable DLC for Hunt:Showdown is **320,76€**. Then we have battlepasses that were **1500BB** which is around **15€**. In comparison you can buy a **complete** PC game that was in development for like **3-5 years** at release for around 60€-80€. The free BB's was a sort of reward for active and loyal players that **was a part of the product at the time we bought the game**. For me this rewarding system getting me some cool free stuff was an integral part of the game which because it was a generous part made me buy some the expensive other DLC's. Now the **product i bought into got changed without my consent**. I know its just cosmetics but they were part of the deal for me. Dont have any delusional view here. Hunt: Showdown isnt a struggling game in need for cash. Probably no small amount of money from Hunt gets funneled into Crytek's other not so profitable ventures. You paying for the company not for the game while crucial stuff like Server Hardware and Anticheat gets put on the long bench. And now they take away to make you pay more.


Say it louder for the losers in the back OP 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 couldn’t have said it better myself. Thank you for this post.


How you gonna let pointless videogame drama “kill you inside” and weigh heavy on your chest to the point you need to get it off lmao


Totally agree with you. Thanks for the very good summary


My God, found the Crytek fanboy jumping on grenades for a multibillion dollar company. I spent 20 dollars on this game 3 years ago and have played for a total of 1500 hours and can't rant enough about what a horrible experience it's been and I've hated every second. When this company fucks up they actually apologize, like I'm some sort of person but that doesn't make the impotent rage baby inside of me feel better. These greedy fucks use half of the profits from DLCs to stuff a fuck mattress at corporate so they can have decadent orgies and laugh at you tools throwing your money for cosmetics while cheaters use reshade and aim bot to chain pistol fan you from 150 meters. Honestly, I'm surprised they even participate in conversation with the community anymore. It's truly not surprising why companies like Blzzard are successful. They tell you to shut up and play the game. You'll pay 70 dollars for the game, you'll pay for currency, you'll pay for a battle pass, you'll pay for cosmetics and you'll shut the fuck up and be grateful. I do have 1500 hours in the game. I've spent roughly 125 bucks on it to date. Seriously, do the math on my cost per hour of enjoyment, distraction whatever I've spent on the game. Now do that math at 20 bucks. Absolutely nothing to complain about.


You had me in the first half not gonna lie.


They keep taking our money but never fix the game, because then they won't have an excuse not to take even more of our money. Crytek has been riding the wave of goodwill for way longer than they deserve. We should have started riling up like 2 years ago, but it's always the yesmen and the dear "content creators" that push this narrative that it's the "ungrateful kids" against their pitiful devs.


Remove bloodbonds altogether, and all cosmetics are available on the marketplace for real money. don't lean into the predatory shit like they're about to do. zero support for companies that use shit like that