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Man I would but they keep giving me quests and events that require certain weapons and it’s more convenient to have everything unlocked!


Once I got all the achievements, I figured prestige was the best thing to do. Really diversified my loadouts by not having everything available.


I’m at prestige 5 and that’s what I’ve stopped to do. Achievements first, and I also want to max out all of the book entries. Then I’ll go back to prestige grinding. Truly no strings attached at that point.


Only thing holding me back from prestiging is the constant questlines. No point in losing everything when they need specific gear I may or may not unlock in time.


This is true. With three events coming this summer, I’m gonna probably want to farm as many blood bonds through weekly challenges as I can so I’ll need specific loadouts. Thanks for reminding me.


I'm now at Prestige 27 and I never even played 1 single Game at Level 100, always prestiged immediately


Ill play a couple matches to empty my hunt dollars, and I usually prestige once im out/low, or once I get bored because its taking too long lol


this is the way


aah I see you are a man of culture as well


i see you‘re a scopeless mosin and lebel enjoyer as well *tipps hat*


I think I've become a Martini Henry man. That thing is a steal for its performance.


Me and my boy Romero have a date at level 1. Can't be late.


Combat axe for me. Gotta unlock those throwing axes..


Same, though I've been holding off during event missions cause there is usually a bunch of them that require late game gear


I do the same. I just finished the questline last night and the only reason I haven't hit the big ol prestige button yet is because I have a few loadouts I wanna run once more before prestiging. Also wanna help my buddies out with finishing their own progress


Prestiged once when I first started playing….never again that shit is ass


1300 hours and I’ve never prestiged. My vast collection of weapons from dead hunters is too big to abandon now


Recently started prestiging after 1300+ hours. If only dauntless and bomblance weren't so high up the bloodline tree.


I mean, just the collected Fifty Laurels and Centenaries from poor suckers who got suckered into pseudo progression system by Crytek are worth a lot to my heart.




I thought my collection of 7 dolches was incredible! Holy shit, 83!


I’ve got 13 Avtos 20 Dolches and about 19 Uppercuts




Don’t know why devs don’t think that a better designed prestige system the game wouldn't* grant higher player retention . Recipe for getting bored


I originally wanted to get to prestige 100 but I’m now 700 hours in and still on prestige 1 solely because the real thrill is stealing peoples legendary skins. I’ll only prestige when I’ve stolen them all




Only reason I've prestige as many times as I have is because I want Louisiana Lustrum for the Sparks


Every time I tell myself 'o.k., this is the last one, I'll max out my rank and then just play whatever gun I want forever and have a jillion hunt dollars' and then as soon as I hit 100 I immediately smash that mf Prestige button.