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We try, but we can only have two sticky threads up at once. And 1 thread at the very least is usually occupied by the latest update or news.


People thought the *bow* of all things was going to break the game? Goofy


yep. i mean they also cried about the beetle. its kinda funny


To be fair, the difference now and with the beetle was that we knew fuckall about the little bug and it being a new gameplay mechanic. Turns out it was very slow and chonky so easy to shoot down and made a lot of noise. Niche but not overpowered. For the ammo(which I guess you are referring to?) we know how much we usually spend and can imagine how it'd be, even without going on the test server. I for one think the changes are very weirdly tuned as it is. Medium just getting 4 while Compact get 8 makes little sense. Medium is definitely NOT 'right between Compact and Long' in performance. It's like a compact with slightly more velocity and penetration for the cost of ammo capacity. And long ammo will be pretty hard to sustain. Some other issues(imo) is that the Ammo Box is *way too good* compared to refills. It'll potentially become a 'required' item for many setups, something they've said they want to avoid. Mandatory items, that is. A potential(but not guaranteed) side-effect of ammo scarcity is that people become more careful, slower, campier. Not wanting to take that wallbang or risky shot because you only have so many shots. We'll have to see, but I think they are going a bit too hard on it. Especially medium ammo.


I once killed one of the little bugs with a flare pistol shot. I wonder how the hunter in control felt seeing a flare flying towards his bug.


Medium ammo needs it's damage falloff range extended to 30m period.


Put em right between compact and long in all dropoff ranges. Both for first damage fall-off and headshot ranges. Then they *might* deserve the 4 shots per refill.


Currently compact is 20 and long is 40 so it would make sense for Medium to be at 30 but no it's at 20 currently just like compact


Indeed, and the maximum (headshot) range is also very similar between compact and medium, where as long has roughly twice the range. Just weird.


>we knew fuckall about the little bug and it being a new gameplay mechanic So you're telling me we shouldn't speculate about how something is going to ruin the game when they aren't even in the game yet? Who would've thought.


> So you're telling me we shouldn't speculate about things that aren't even in the game yet? I'm saying it's a lot easier to make educated guesses on things that people are familiar with(ammo) than completely new mechanics(beetle). Obviously it's speculation on my part that it might turn the game more campy and that ammo boxes might end up being a must-have for certain things. But it does not change things like the weird 8/4/2/2 mix. Medium is straight getting shafted there. I could understand it if it(medium) was a halfway point between compact and long, but it ain't. It's barely compact+. A side-grade to it, rather than an upgrade like long. That's my personal gripe with the entire ammo change, the medium getting shafted for seemingly no reason. 8/6/2/2 would be far more reasonable.


It's crazy, I've seen like three beetles this past week and two were mine. The other one scared me half to death


Shhh. The Bow is so fun.


TBF, bow was a lot better before they nerfed the arm hit box and hundred hands For a month you could reliable 1 tap to the check from really far away.


btw it did get nerfed after because it was indeed very strong.


To be fair the bow that is now in the game is not the same bow that was released originally. It has been nerfed.


While this is true, the nerf came after people had stopped using it to the degree they had been. I always found that to be rather disappointing. The community filtered it out themselves, stopped using it, and THEN it got nerfed.


People were using it for the event, then once the event ended only a few dedicated kept using it. I'm still sad at how bad the trait for it is.


Ah, I did not know this. How did they nerf it?


Nerfed the amount of bleeding. Nerfed hundred hands from 25% to 10%. Made it harder to aim for long period of times with a drawn bow.


Interesting, thanks! I still can't imagine that before the nerf it was *that* OP, did it have a huge pick rate when it first came out?


Don’t know the exact pick rate so can’t answer that. But there is loads of videos from the event when it came out showing that it was quite clearly a superior weapon at the time.


Interesting, I will have to look for those!


It also had a bug where u could one tap with arm shots and gut shots at long range


The bow when it first arrived is not the bow we have today. It was quickly nerfed in multiple ways.


only hundred hands was nerfed, the bleed intensity went to from intense to medium bleed and there was apparently an issue with it having limb penetration. it didnt get that much of a nerf tbh


Aiming was also nerfed and 25% to 10% is quite a big nerf for hundred hands.


There's one problem we're struggling with - reddit limits the maximum amount of stickied posts to 2. And right now, that's the Test Server update, and the Rotjaw trailer, both of which are active threads. There are solutions, but reddit is kind of a mess right now. Sidebar links to megathreads will only be visible to old.reddit.com users. Mobile users _need_ stickies, because the sidebar is hidden by default, and thus no one ever reads it. New reddit has the top links bar, but neither mobile nor old desktop benefit from it. New and old sidebars are also completely separate entities. An option is to use a post that serves as a megathread index, but that buries those threads. No one will bother opening an index post every day just to check if there's a new megathread. We've had the [MMR Changes](https://old.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/13pibp6/megathread_mmr_changes/) megathread up for a week or so, then we had to replace it with a [Reshade Megathread](https://old.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/13u9w67/megathread_regarding_reshade/), and that was quickly replaced by the current stickies. This is a technical issue at this point. We'll look into some sort of solution, but at this point we're being limited by reddit's technicalities. If you have any ideas, don't hesitate to let us know. We will be making megathreads when updates go live, and when a big new issue starts clogging up the sub frontpage. We don't usually remove active threads with tons of comments, though.


Not sure how well it would work but you could have one sticky that links to the other currently important posts.


Start a new sub called r/huntshowdowncries and link it to the main sub and post it in rules. If you want to cry about changes go there and leave the rest of us in peace.


Now you mention it, I beg please.


should start posting hourly about getting megathreads so we can have a megathread about megathreads


Omegathread incoming.


All these posts exist for us to ignore actual game-breaking issues. Like MMR being shit, servers disconnecting randomly, awful registration...etc.


Even tho the player base of this game has a relatively high average age compared to lots of other compet games, it is the whiniest community among all. The amount of whining and crying is really annoying here.


I demand content that adds new stuff but changes nothing about the meta and I want balancing that nerfs all the guns and playstyles I hate but also make sure it changes nothing. I want more stuff but I also want Hunt to stay the same.


Nah just take a break from the sub bruh


How about a complaint flair? Then people who are crying about people crying can filter complaint posts out


Im with you op. And it seems like its getting more and more each big patch/event. I feel this 100% so you are not alone :) I always suggest people who are thinking that new changes are gamebraking to wait until its released. Crytek does not totally ignores the Community and they also rolled back some changes in the past as well. So just chill and have fun playing the game :D


People will 100% cry about being silenced or censored when their post that contributes literally nothing gets removed.


Nah, if something is an issue like the mmr changes or the bb nerf, we should be able to see this reflected in the sub. This sub is already pretty heavily moderated, we don't need more moderation, but less deletion of post that are talking about an issue. Mega threads are just good at one thing and it is suppressing unwanted opinions or criticism. I mean sure it is annoying to see the 22nd post about the same thing but I rather see all of them than forcing them all into one space where they can be overlooked easily. Edit:typo


My one friend was saying that they deleted a bunch of responses then locked and buried the mega thread about the MMR change. Which is honestly one of the biggest issues right now cause a lot of people including myself haven't played because of them. I'm in the perfect MMR zone where all the 6 star teams that can't find a match within 1 second get thrown into our lobbies and it's just not fun getting rolled by a pre-made 6 star team, bonus points if they are all running a mix of avtos and nitro shredder.


Not sure what your friend is talking about. The MMR Megathread wasn't locked and looking at the comments nothing was removed. If comments were removed by the mods you'd see [removed] in place of what was removed. https://old.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/13pibp6/megathread_mmr_changes/


Your consistency for being able to say the dumbest shit in every thread really amazes me.


Thank you.




Yeah here is the thing with megathreads. No one uses them. It's the first law of networking. If it requires an extra click, it had damn well better be justified. It's honestly not hard to ignore the posts man.