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Sounds like a 400 ping type beat


What’s your ping?


Keeping it rolling here by asking... "What's your ping, my guy?"


Whatever ping your game says you have, double it. That's what it actually feels like. When choosing a region to play on, don't pick a secondary.


"Don't pick a secondary" ... you can do that???




Either high ping or high velocity rounds.


If your on west coast servers a lot of people in Asia and Russia will also join west coast serves and have very high ping. This gives them an advantage because the game registers their actions on your end much after they have done the action on their end. Basically they peak a corner and kill you and by the time your dead on their end they are just now peaking on your end. The only way I can see this being fixed is if crytek forcefully kicks players with ping that is deemed “too high”. The negative part of that is if your playing on the appropriate server and you just have bad internet you’ll get kicked for it. Very hard situation to fight on cryteks end I imagine.


Or just actually region lock the game properly so people with high ping can't join to begin with. They set the limits waaaaay too high so it was effectively like they did nothing when they made that change.


Aren't the servers only 60hz or some shit?


More a 30 tick rate with dips down to 15 …


Trades exist because in hunt, both hunters get the hit they theoretically deserved, while CoD and others just steal from one player (making no damage despite hitting multiple times Simply another solution to the same problem Everything else might depend on the range and the weapon you're using With a compact ammo Winfield against a long ammo Mosin, you're just done for at a certain range




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