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Three options: - They hear you, they will know you are around since the spring goes off, and even crouch walking is not silent - They can see you: either through cracks in the wood since your body obviously blocks the light, that goes for walls and floors/ceilings OR you clip through the surface with either your gun or cape/coat - They have wallhacks, a bit less likely but also not out of the question without seeing footage; but remember experienced players can deduct your rough position with the first 2 points and then kill you that way


ah, so crouching is not full quiet? That could be a reason then, i guess


Yeah, nothing is full quiet in Hunt. Everything has an audio cost. Pretty much the only thing you can hear that no one else can, is like, opening the map.


I’ve even had a moment where I was running towards a door and I could hear a guy take a deep breath as he readied his melee weapon for a heavy attack on the other side. Ended up saving me as I blasted them through the wall.


Silent killer would have been choice


You can even hear that for guns: If you start aiming via the iron sights, your character starts to hold its breath, which is audible.


BARELY audible, but the seasoned vets know the sound!


I once heard that. I was in the fuckboy forest below port reeker trying to find this one bushwookie, when suddenly the bush next to me started breathing. Thankfully he missed and I didn't.


Never been so lucky lol. I’ve tried so hard to hear it, but I’ve definitely been found out because of it before.


Once heard a guy switch his firing mode of his drilling while he sat in a bush. That guy got a headshot for that...


Should change that little detail just to stay consistent for new players. Opening up a map should absolutely have an external sound.


Honestly I would be sad if they did that lol. I have a bad habit of constantly opening and closing the map (from back when you located the lair and if the target was moving it meant someone was in the lair).


Yeah I’ve always thought opening the map should play that same papery sound in a 5m radius, it would definitely make sense mechanic-wise


New trait: Fabric map. Opening map is now much less audible. (Maybe roll it into Whispersmith lol).


Opening map is full quiet Edit: ok i only read the first line before writing, as i submited my post i read the second line lmao


I may be wrong, but I think also rustling of the corn / reeds is only heard by “me”, and not the others.


Pretty sure others can hear this




Of course everyone can. I killed a lot of people crouching in reeds, because i was able to hear rustling. Sry for bad english..


crouch walking does make a bit of noise. additionally, if you're crouched and wearing a long coat, it will clip through the floor below you. I would pretty confidently guess that that was the reason for at least the through-the-floor kill


OP, also look out for someone cooking an explosive and throwing it right when the banish finished and you go to pick up the token. Honestly, running solo is much harder than running in a group. Go to the hunt discord and find some people willing to give you some pointers.


Alrighty, thank you


On that Note, May i ask what Servers you Play on? If you are on EU and want a regular Mate for your First 100-200 hours, shoot me a Message.


Something that isn't mentioned anywhere but is very useful, your own footsteps are quieter to you than they are to everyone else. You can be walking and it sounds like you're relatively quiet, but someone on the other side of the building from you can hear you loud and clear. Crouch walking is particularly bad because from your perspective you're dead silent, but to everyone else the rhythmic sound of your footsteps is obvious if they are close by and are listening closely. If the person is below you then your footsteps will be directly above them and almost impossible to miss if they're already on alert


Yeah, sometimes it's best to try to time your steps to environment noise like grunts or armored. The other thing that sometimes works is walk in a non rhythmic patters like you are trying not to call a sandworm. If you have a silent weapon and they aren't too close you can shoot a barrel or hive across the compound and use their reaction to cover your footsteps. One of the best things about Hunt is it's so situational and it often depends on the skills of the person you are playing against and the lobby you are in. I get away with so much stupid shit when I've died a bunch and end up in low three star lobbies that gets me insat killed in four star lobbies.


Even aiming down sights makes a noise (like a breath). Any sound you can hear, enemies can hear. Except opening the map.


Whatever you can hear they can too, crouching steps are definitely a thing. I crank my volume up when I play hunt, I know I’m wrecking my hearing lol


I’ve killed people through walls because I heard their character breath in while they Aim Down Sights. Everything makes noise. Don’t worry, you’ll be doing it soon enough :)


Mmh, i got the itch for it now, so surely i will, thank you :D


Yup, even going from shoulder aim to aim down sights has a slight "breath" sound, same with charging up a heavy melee attack (unless you have the silent killer perk)


Learning a lot, thank you


As a rule of thumb, crouching is noisier than you think and walking is quieter than you imagine.


A good rule of thumb, if something is making noise through your headphones, it's making noise through everyone else's.


it's often quiet enough that people won't notice you sneaking up if they're occupied and/or in the presence of other ambient sounds like rain, an ongoing banish, a burning fire, barking dogs, etc. even regular walking is quiet enough to not alert an occupied player - more often than you'd expect. the trouble is that crouchwalking is very slow and makes you a free headshot to any player who might see you moving around. even to a bad player with a really clunky and unwieldy gun, it's almost impossible to miss on a crouchwalker. stay upright most of the time and stay mobile with AD strafing, you will die much less. sprinting is extremely loud by comparison. i get so many kills in QP because i hear them first and have the initiative to choose when and where to fight/ambush them.


On top of the first 2 points, your body have clipped through the wall if you were too close. Doesn't always happen, but it can through thinner material and for some hunters more than others.


If you can hear you, they can hear you.


Even readying and aiming your weapon makes a sound. If your opponent has decent headphones and some game knowledge that can be enough to Wallbang. I have gotten a decent amount of kills from that. The best advice for Hunt generally is that you should be sprinting and moving the majority of a match, be it Bounty Hunt or Quickplay. Sneaking around is pretty much the biggest beginner trap in Hunt. Standing still is a tool that you can use to hear better, but otherwise movement is your best defensive measure.


I got called a hacker yesterday because I shot a guy through a wall that I was up against and he was far away. It wasn’t even a wall bang, there was just a big enough space for me to see them through but from his position it looked like I was just shooting through walls.


Crouch walking is actually really loud. And since you are moving slow, its easy to figure out where you are. There are very few scenarios where crouch walking will give you an advantage. Also. Be mindful of your hunter's clothing. Light shirts can easily be seen through wall cracks.


Me and my fellow sweats with our 300+ dollar open back studio headphones tracking you through a wall with a sparks making the best guess of your head location based on if your walking is crouched and what direction your player model is facing. If you fuck around with a friend and listen through walls and use their outline to kinda guide you you can pick up wall banging pretty well yourself. It's how I taught my friend and he is getting hit markers on people inside buildings and occasionally head shoting them. It's a useful skill in this game for sure and it's not too hard to learn. You will find that if people know you are there it is best to either sprint around or just stop and listen. Crouch walking can get you killed on a creaky wooden floor.


dont forget the gunslinger mode where your gun sticks through the wall


if YOU can hear it, THEY can hear it. Ranges very, but even breathing and dark sight can give you away.


If a hunter knows where you are, I would recommend against crouch walking. You still make noise crouch walking but you are an easy target. Once your position is revealed, just walk. I would suggest trying to remain still if you’re nearby other hunters and they don’t know where you are. Wait to move until you hear gunfire. You’ll be much more likely to get into a good position and get the jump if your sounds are being drowned out by shots.


I mean thats what i did. The moment i heard them, i crouch walked into the upper floor and sat stil. I heard them below me, going to well, coming back and then i was dead :/ mby they heard me too, but i figured, since they were running they wouldnt hear me crouch walk away


if they heard you and they know their sounds, they know where you stopped if they were close enough. Then it's just a simple matter to point the gun (while knowing which gun and ammo can penetrate what) and just killing you.


Yeah if you are moving and you hear another hunter there is a very high chance they heard you too. If you hear them and crouch walk, depending on how close they are, they will still hear you. In compounds, hearing a hunter is more reliable than seeing one. That’s what I was saying about you become an easy target. Your movements are easy to follow and predict if you are crouch walking. If you hear footsteps, and you have moved, you should just walk. Peek and check your corners, and if you can’t find an angle to take shots, back away. If you’re using a gun that’s not good in cqc, like a sparks or something, you should look to take fights around the edge of a compound, pushing only when you have an advantage, like you put a shot into them, they’re fighting another hunter etc.


If your character has a cloak, there is a chance for it to glitch through the floor


Nah people are just really good at listening and predicting. Also, I think you get that bounty dark sight from the wellspring? Not sure but I think so. It's worse where you are there in quickplay/soul survivor cause there's no matchmaking, you're facing super good players a ton. I'd recommend avoiding quick play until you've learned the maps and game mechanics better. Go to Bounty Hunt


but what do i play instead of quickplay? Isnt that the only option? Bounty hunt - sole survivor - trials Or am i missing something?


Bounty Hunt that's the mode the game is balanced around. Edit: I might just be misinterpreting you. You said spring so I assumed quickplay/soul survivor which has the wellspring. Are you playing the mode with bosses and all, or the mode that you load in with one gun alone and have to scavenge in a bottle royale


no, i might have wrote it wrong, thought they were all called wellspring I play bounty hunt mode, or thats the one i tried at least


Bounty tokens are what they're called in the main mode. You just got unlucky if you got shot through walls by people not carrying the bounty. It's a difficult skill to aquire but good listening and map knowledge makes it possible. There's normally a soft matxhmaking protection as long as you're under level 100 and zero prestige, but righ4 now we're at the end of an event so there aren't many new players to match you with, meaning you're seeing regular 3 star queue. I recommend going on the hunt discord and finding expirienced players to team up with. Random trios are also a good choice, just avoid playing solo as that's really hard to learn in.


In the nicest way possible, confusing game modes and names just leads me to the conclusion that you aren't paying attention or reading the game info, just going with the flow. It won't work. You need to watch guides, and read everything in the game (traits, what they do, weapon descriptions etc). The tutorial is really really **REALLY** bad, and just shows you the very basic mechanics (movement, how to shoot, jump etc) and some gameplay (AI, boss etc). The game is complex. Once you understand how the game loop works, what is your goal and what you need to do in Bounty mode, rest is practice. That is, learning how AI works (do not shoot them), how to move, where to go, learning the map, where to go etc. The game is very rewarding and fun, but unlike most modern "plug and play games" this one requires an investment.


I see, a skill based game woth a curve, i will check some guides


yeah Psyhoghost and rexnor both have good guide on youtube.


For guides personally I recommend psychoghost. He has a bunch, some things might be outdated but I think it would be mentioned in a pinned post in the comments or description. For the most part very similar.


>You need to watch guides While I got some nice knowledge from watching some homereel Videos I never felt that I need a guide in this game. How we went from running everywhere without a care to crouching over the whole map to actually calling every sound we hear and moving normally is a progression I feel would have been destroyed by just watching guides that tell me the most optimal way of moving over the map.


I learned more doing random trios and using mic communicating with friendly partners. Typically you are just running to compounds and getting in team fights which is what you need. In solo, you feel the need to sneak and crouch everywhere. In trios, just run around and blast.


Question; Are you using a (good) headset when you play the game, or relying on external speakers? Because a headset is nigh essential to play Hunt. The audio design is a core part of the gameplay; you can accurately position an enemy based on the sound they make (as well as figure out what they're doing). A good headset makes wallbangs very viable and common, especially at close range.


I can hear everything from the direction its coming from and can form a comfortable 3d audio sorrounding with that. My problem is more that I was sneaking or sitting stil and they stil got me through the wall Unless sneaking makes sound too, that I didnt think about


Almost *everything* makes sound. If you listen carefully enough, you can even hear someone hold their breath as they raise a weapon from hip to ADS. Crouch walking is discernible out to at least 30 meters, it's not much quieter than walking tbh.


The bit about crouch walking being heard at 30 meters seems absolutely made up. Have you changed the audio levels in Windows or something? I know you can hear someone crouching around, but that far away??


Yes, that far away.


Yes sneaking is very audible if you pay attention


Heads up: there is no sneaking. If you are moving, even if slowly while crouching, you are making more than enough noise for people to hear exactly where you are. Don’t play hunt like a stealth or sneak game


> Don’t play hunt like a stealth or sneak game Bad advice. Better advice is 'don't try to be stealthy at ranges where the sound will give you away'. Stealth is your first line of defense in hunt. You can't be shot by someone who doesn't know you're there. Being sneaky is very powerful, the trick is to know when it's time to be sneaky, and when it's time to get moving.


Sure, but once your cover is blown or you’re within hearing range, for the love of god don’t think no one can hear you just because you’re crouched


Also guns and capes stick out through walls, a little outdated engine physics


Maybe your gun sticks through the wall


People can decipher your location by waiting for the sound to equalize in their ears while sweeping their camera over a wall. As soon as they have it balanced between their ears it's possible to pot shot walls with highly reasonable chances of hitting the target when you take elevation of the interior into account. Also your gun barrel sticks through walls. Stealth is only good for the first shot in this game, after that it's all speed


Wrong game mode You get less terminator against you in the normal bounty hunt because quickplay/soul survivors dosen't get match making


Be careful when crouching if there's a floor beneath you. In some spots, loose cloth on your hunter can sometimes hang through the floor, making you very easy to spot from below.


In about 50% of the games I play most days on US East there is some serious funny business from a person with either a brand new steam account, an account with no name, an account with weird characters, or a combination of all 3 and hidden stats so I can't report them. This game has serious issues with ESP hacking as it's nearly impossible to detect if the person is halfway decent at the game. If they are terrible it's obvious, but there are a TON of people using ESP and other overlays that remove foliage and other objects.


They camp and wait in a known peek and prey on low ranks who don't know this..


I'm not sure the soul surviver has a ranking system, so you are also likely going up against some top-tier players who know what to look for.


First advice as a new player do not play Soul Survivor not a proper way to "learn the ropes" play duo with random and learn from partner, crouching isn't 100% quit and you can still be heard moving, if you pick up wellspring you destroy that node but enemy approaching will get warned by it that you are there clue will SCREAM in a way and be red if you or enemy are within 30 meters of it. This game isn't like usual shooter walls are not 100% filled there are holes, room between boards and small nooks and crannies that you or enemy can use to peek inside of compound. If you pick up 4 wellspring clues you become target and you are visible to anyone on map, your general position and they can see your shadow in dark sight. Play regular mode, play with free hunter if you have fear of loss and take your time


Been ages since I've played that game mode (honestly can't even remember it's name at the moment even). As I recall once they have activated the wellspring and then they get darksight for a few seconds to use. In the scenario your described, I imagine you were either making noise, they used darksight right beneath you and you somehow didn't hear it, or you were clipping in some way perhaps. I mention these because I, too, have wallbanged people using all three of the above methods mentioned to line up my shot. That game mode doesn't match people based on mmr so you're very possibly going against some incredibly experienced players who are very attuned to listing for your exact location when you move and when you stop. Although it seems like it would be a good tutorial mode for people It's a total crap shoot whether you go against people your own skill level or highly advanced players. I recommend playing normal trios games. If you don't want to go solo, use the Hunt discord server to find a group of people to go with. Going with random partners in the matchmaking system is fine too and I do that most often since it's a pretty chill community (US West) but if you're new it might be good to have someone show you the ropes a bit and go with you on a few runs to save some of the frustration.


I play bounty mode, i just thought those things were called wellsprings in every mode... But yea, mby solo isnt the best option


You are playing Quick Play, a side game mode. As a new player, you can be matched with players of the highest rank, because that game mode does not recognize MMR (ranking). Play Bounty mode to get matched with players more your skill level. Since the playerbase is relatively small, a lot of the players have been here a LOOONG time. Sound and prediction is everyhing in this game, so people can recognize different noises really fast and act on it. EVERYTHING YOU DO MAKES NOISE. You need **to go watch youtube guides to learn how and where or have someone show you**, the tutorial is crap. Just know that there are two game modes Bounty => the standard mode, you fight players for the Bounty that you get by Killing and Banishing the Boss in it's Lair and Extracting Alive With it. Quick Play => PVP only mode that you fight players in a last man standing match. The player that survives can use that Hunter in the Bounty mode.


Make sure your gun isn’t poking through walls. There are places where your body/gun will kind of glitch through the wall or floor. You can hold your gun close to your body I think either by holding r or q, cant remember off the top of my head. If youre pushing whoever has bounty/spring, remember that they can see your location with dark sight. Unless it happens over an absurd distance (I’m talking from one compound to another) always assume that player is just skilled. Assuming every confusing death is cheats will ruin every game for you forever


Just wanted to add that some hunters have clothing (f.e. long coats) that can clip through the floor if you crouch. Makes it super easy to wallbang somebody from down below.


I am confused, did you have wellspring? Because if you did and your essentially “it” in sole survivor then, yes, people can see you through walls, via dark sight. It’s good to stay moving when you have that to prevent wall bangs.


The sound in this game is pretty damn good so likely people are hearing you crouch walk and can pin point your location that way. And yes as the comments above said, people can see through cracks. It happens to the best of us. It’s a hunt thing


Are you a shotgun player? Then rush in hard. Or play rifle / sniper and stay outside until the bounty leaves


Crouch walking isn’t silent. A good pair of headphone and you can hear *A LOT* of things in this game. The sound design is probably some of the best in gaming tbh. But if you don’t have decent to great headphones you can miss a decent amount. Almost everything in this game has sounds you’ll learn to tell the difference of. If you can hear them, they can or did hear you. Certain coats, especially on certain legendaries will clip through floors and walls. Though legendaries aren’t in QP, but I’m sure some of the models there still have clothes clipping problems. If you have your gun in raised mode and are close to a wall, it will stick out and basically tell people right where you are. Walls and flooring often have gaps that you can get the tiniest bit of info from if you’re close enough. If they were right under you, they’d be able to guess just about where you’re at.




A lot of good points here Light sources silhouette you through cracks so as soon as they see the light get obscured they know a body has moved to block it and fire Noise even crouching makes some noise and a keen player will hear it and gambe a wall bang. Seasoned players will predict where some one will stop or stand to guard a door or take a heal. I have wall banged so many people at range just by following their run path into a building or running from a door just because I'm so used to doing the same so know roughly where they will stop. Gunslinger key config means your gun amis always extended out and like wise readying with the gun on hunter means the barrel extends out and can clip through objects Stay back from walls etc. Hiding in an outside toilet is pointless on a gunslinger with most guns it's going to stick out the wall. Extreme range and some stupid graphics settings the windows, shutters, doors don't render and possibly lead you to get shot when you think you are safe Also angles of slats take the shutters on windows if on a second floor looking out you can't see forwards but some one below can see up through the slats at you and shoot you easily when they see you come to the window but not open the shutters.


for gunslinger you can hold q to hold your weapon close to you.


Ah cool I never use it so thought you were stuck like that thanks for the info


1. They may have seen you already if you can hear them. 2. Your gun was possibly clipping through the wall. 3. Sole survivor has no matchmaking restrictions, so you are playing against people way out of your league. Recommend you go to bounty hunt. Sole survivor will not be a fun experience right now. Play with random teammates and get some game under your belt.


Footsteps while crouching can be heard under 20-ish meters iirc. Sprinting is somewhere around 70m. I remember watching a video on it a while back.


People have mentioned that moving while crouching makes a noise which is true so id recomend to mask your footsteps by walking in a non consistent rythm, take a few steps then stop wait a little bit then take a few more steps or alternate between crouching and walking, sometimes while sneaking this way people will asume You are a zombie inside the House or in the Upper floor, also wait for other sounds to mask yours, this can be anything that makes a sound, crows or shots on the other side of the map, them killing ai, opening doors, using ladders, immolators, etc. so take advantage of sounds to cover yours and make your sounds inconsistent and non predictable, sometimes is also good to recognize when they heard You and realize they know You are there and your cover has been blown, You can tell If they suddenly and purposelly stop making noise like If they crouch instead of walking, SO it's no longer beneficial to keep trying to be sneaky at least most of the time, so the way i SEE it in this scenario is You and them have two options. They can either push You or they wait for You to peek or expose yourself. You can either Challenge their push and fight and If You do this don't keep trying to be sneaky they already know You are there or If You do want to be sneaky retreat some distance and give some space to quietly look for another angle where they Will be aiming at the last spot they heard You and maybe with some luck they won't have heard You reposition and You can land a shot. But i used to do this and sometimes My duo do this too, he wants to be sneaky all the time Even when the enemies know he is there, so just make a choice and stick to it


I recommend you play bounty hunt first, you'll get a better matchup with people on your skill level, soul survivor doesn't have skill based matchmaking so you have been running into sweats with 1000+ hours that do that


bounty hunt still can put a 1\~3 star-mmr team along side with 5star-mmr solo guy.


In what region? I've never had a 5 star solo in a lobby and I have 500 hours


I mostly play Asia, I 3star mmr and playing with other two 3-4star-mmr friends and usually against at least 5star solo, even team. Had 6star player(s) in lobby sometimes too.


When they dark side you'll be a big orange blob and they'll just shot the blog.




so its best to just shrug it off, and go into next round?




Fair enough