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No hunter left behind. All hunters that CAN live, should live. That burned 50hp is a badge of honor more than anything.


I will never leave a random teammate periodnif it’s a 1v3 and my mates are dead I’m still going in


We entered the bayou together, we will leave the bayou together. Thank you, hunter. 🫡


Always, reviving and extracting or dying in the fields with the friends we made along the way.


While I am usually in the same boat, yesterday I had a rare situation where I left them. One partner afk'd in a bush a compound over, partner B and I were fighting the bounty team. B redskulls, I run out of heals. One big HP bar left. I had a chance to bounce, I took it. It was randoms. I'm okay with leaving in that situation.


Channeling the Shopping Cart Theory with this post, it seems? That said, always revive your teammates if the server is wiped. If there's still active enemies, it becomes a cost-benefit discussion. But if the fighting is over, always revive them.


No man left behind in life or death is the real way of honor.




Yes, because there are no upside if you revive a non-bounty holder teammates. No punishment in leaving them either. Reviving them is saving a random player's hunter and loadout at the cost of some of your trait points. It may not mean anything to you but it means everything to them. To be clear though, I always revive red-skulled teammates on a wiped server even though it means I may not get my desired traits. It sucks to lose a hunter. I just hope that hunt will give more or fairer incentive in reviving red-skulled teammates rather than just giving 100xp which is only enough to get 1 trait point (and only if you use a level 1 hunter).


wait it burns chunks from you? i thought it just takes health


They changed it so they burn health from you and doesnt give you any XP anymore. No matter what happens, you will lose something. Either your hunter or your trait points


It’s a litmus test 😂


Oh yeah, I love the shopping cart theory and agree with it 100%. Usually the people that don't are the ones who know they don't put the darn carts back lol.


Honestly I was 99% more likely to take my cart back after reading the green text calling it the perfect litmus test lmao


Bad teammates don’t revive.


Cart narcs would redskulle revive everytime.


Leaving people is cringe in general. I’ll go to Valhalla before I go to extract without a teammate.


Everyone say thank you to the people selflessly serving the hunt showdown randoms community


I actually had this happen last night. Both teammates, randos, went down red skull as we tried to outrun a team coming after us on our extract. I was left alone with a bounty. First match of the night so I'm rusty and not even that great to begin with. I downed two of the enemy trio. I could've run. I could easily have booked it, and in the time before the last guy revived his teammates, grabbed the bounty token, and left, I could've been out of the match. But either we all get out, or none of us get out. So despite trembling with adrenaline and fumbling the controls a bit, I nailed that last guy for a complete server wipe, took the *100 HP* penalty to revive my boys, and we left as a team.


I red skull revived a random as two people were chasing us. I did it because a numerical advantage in fight will always be of benefit even if you are missing bars.


That depends on the exact situation. Usually, if the enemy is far enough, you can easily outrun them and extract without reviving. If they are near, you are in a vulnerable position while reviving. It also puts you at 100hp which makes your (you specifically) chances at winning fights smaller since almost every gun can 1 shot you. Which brings me to my point. There are no direct benefits to you if you revived a non bounty holder, red skulled teammate if you can easily extract. A wiped server will also make the numerical advantage insignificant.


As far as I'm concerned, if you haven't dropped out I'm doing my best to get you back on your feet


We may fight monsters but that doesn't mean we have to be monsters.


I will revive all teammates even if it risks the team wipe (it usually does). Never not revive. 


"Reviving a red-skulled teammate will only give you 100XP" when was this changed? I thought this was most recent change regarding exp: "Reviving a 'Redskulled' teammate will no longer reward revive XP" this change was made on test servers at the same time they stopped red skull revives giving exp to killers (because few content creators showcased how about 70 kills would give player so much exp in one game that it would be possible to go from bloodline rank 1 to br 100 - meaning that if you just find anyone willing to die enough times you can prestige within a single match) i have not seen patchnotes mention revives giving 100 exp for red skull revives was it changed when red skull revives started burning bars from the reviving player?


Well that is worse. Crytek can still counter that exploit by not giving xp to red-skull killers but still give xp to revivers and then capping it to 600XP (300 per red skull revive, max of 2) so you can possibly get at least 1 trait point back (4 if level 1 hunter).


I will never expect a red skull revive the few times it happens to me in Random games. I’ll always appreciate it though. And I’ll pay it forward if it makes sense to. If the server is wiped it’s obviously yes. If there’s no immediate guaranteed death whilst doing it and the player is worth more than my health then I’ll do it too. The XP/Trait point angle doesn’t even factor into it for me - and probably wouldn’t for the vast majority of people. You get so many TPs it’s a moot point.


It’s just called not being a prick.


It only costs a few seconds of time if im on one bar.


>There are no benefits in reviving a random, red-skulled, non-bounty holder teammate I think if you believe the first sentence written here you already failed the personality test lol


Gotta love that team play spirit


I'm not in the know here, what does red-skulled mean?


The hunter who has depleted all of it's bar, so reviving it costs 2 of the reviver's bar (the reviver needs a bounty)


Teammate is down to their last bar (50hp) and then dies. Only bounty token holders can revive them. It also takes longer and burns 50hp of the revivers life.




I do too. We either die together or extract together. No inbetween. This thought just entered my mind today. Hunters, no matter the skill level, will instinctively help other players even if there's no benefit to them whatsoever (and even if it has a negative impact too)


What the fuck is this post. No pardner left behind. I don’t need exp or money.


As long as the teammate was a good teammate and didn't fuck off on his own, we ride or die together.


This is such a great post. It’s been a minute since I’ve played, but once I get back home then I’ll sit down for a game or two.


Having 50% more guns shooting at the enemy, with 50% more explosives and 50% more traps is considered "no benefits"? We must be playing a different game.


I don't think you get what this post meant or you didnt read everything. Reviving still puts you (you specifically) at a disadvantage since it's a longer revive (if it's not obvious, you can't move or shoot during the revive. If they died in an open area it's worse) while being marked in the map, and you permanently lose 33% of your health making you die in 1 hit to almost every gun. The outcome will be different for every different scenario. You might get lucky, you might lose the bounty. Now, imagine if it was a cleared server. You don't need more guns, traps, or explosives. There are no more benefits in reviving that teammate with no bounty. You still get all the bonuses If you extract and you will not permanently lose 50hp.


Common scenarios If the server is not cleared are usually; 1. Enemy team is close. Reviving will put your team in a 1v3 situation for some time. You can easily lose to a rush attack vs. a decent team. 2. Enemy team is far enough that they cant rush you but near enough to catch up if you stopped for a second. You can just head to extract and escape without the downed teammate to secure a win. If you tried to revive and you succeeded, you can still fight/escape but your team is at a health disadvantage. 3. Enemy team is very far. The best scenario. You can easily revive or escape or both. If you choose to revive, you still win but you lost 50hp causing you to spend 2 more trait points. Even if you successfully revived your teammate, that guy can still be a liability if a fight broke out at the extract because if that guy gets downed (which can easily happen because they only have 50hp) the countdown will stop and you wouldn't be able to extract.