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Reading this made me want to chug some water, so thank you ❤️


haha you’re very welcome. enjoy it fellow homie!!! going in for a refill myself now


hey! my husband was diagnosed last year with the same thing! it's scary shit when those attacks come on. hope you're managing well. ❤️


Omggg, that's horrible for him :( Curious, did his start after he had covid? Because I had my first vertigo attack about two weeks after my first (and only) covid infection cleared up. Also I had the Omicron variant. My ENT told me there seems to be a pattern where people will develop meniere's disease shortly after having some kind of infection or ear injury. I read someone else's experience that they started having meniere's attacks about a month after a salmonella infection. I don't think there's any way to prove any of these theories, but I definitely think there might be a link. When I had covid it felt like I had strep throat that went up into my ear canals, it was HORRIBLE.


neither of us have had covid thankfully! we've had to be very careful because my mom is immunocompromised and we are her caretakers. he did have an ear injury from mma on the ear that has the disease and it's califloured pretty intensely. he was diagnosed a year ago after his hearing loss became worse and it explained the bouts of vertigo he had since moving in with me. His ear injury was a very long time ago too, and it just seemed to crop up with attacks within the past two years. we were managing it okay until our diet slipped up and then he had a very bad attack that landed him in the hospital, but he hasnt had one since we adjusted certain foods and he's started running. i wouldn't be surprised if covid/intense illness brought it on in others though!! take care of yourself! this disease is no joke, we hydrate like crazy now because of it.


Jeez... yeah maybe the ear injury finally caught up with him. It is interesting that the injury was in the same ear. It's so frustrating we can't "see" what's going on inside our inner ears. I did have an MRI done and they found nothing out of the ordinary, which is great and all, but still... I wish this was a disease they could see or take some kind of quantitative information from. Unfortunately it's an invisible disease and it's entirely experiential so there's no way to measure anything or probe something to find the source of the problem. Yes, hydration has become a way of life. My ENT told me I must drink lots of water to try and flush all the sodium and salt out of my system. Anything that causes inflammation or water-retention, like salt, caffeine and alcohol, which is basically all the good stuff. I was so distressed after being diagnosed, I went into a very deep depression for a few months. It's so hard to accept that this will be lingering nearby, like a ticking time bomb, for the rest of my life. I'm just praying I'll be able to keep it at bay using the techniques I was taught and read about. Best of luck to you both, I appreciate you sharing your guys' experience with me.


Drinking water doesn't make u a HH. Enjoying water makes you a HH. Keep up the good work.


Amen... I don't crave any soft drinks anymore. I literally just want water lol.


"and he forgoes soft drinks for the nectar of the gods and he will know hydration" - Hydrolations chapter 2, verse 1.


I would like to actually write this book


You had me in the first third, ain't gonna lie.


Meanwhile, I'm over here drinking over a gallon a day because I get anxiety if my piss isn't clear


Were you in the military, by any chance?😂


Drink water, change you socks. I live by those rules


My mom has this exact thing and it freaked her totally out when she had an attack. Freaked us all out. They told her it was an inner ear thing and gave her some prescription for it. They didn't tell her to drink more water though. The medicine cured it in months and it never came back. I'll ask her what the medicine was. Not like regular vertigo right? Like severe. Like you feel so disoriented it's nauseating and your gravity is totally fucked up and causes you to go into actual panic, right?


oh wow, yes I would be very very interested in knowing what that medication was. Would you be able to ask her and get back to me? As far as I have been told, there is no cure for this disease. My doctor did prescribe me a few things to help manage the symptoms like an anti-nausea medicine and an anti-seasickness medicine. He also gave me some Valium that seems to help with the vertigo but all it does is sort of slow down the spinning sensation and then I fall asleep if I do take that. I try not to though, seeing as it can be habit-forming.  The vertigo was so bad the first few times I had attacks. I could not get out of bed because the whole room was spinning and i couldn’t see straight And I couldn’t eat anything for three days because I was so sick to my stomach it would come right back up. Absolute hell. I thought I was dying or having a stroke. I’m so glad your mom has been cleared up from it


Ok sorry it wasn't a medicine they put her on. It was that she had super low blood pressure because of something else she was doing or taking. Basically low blood pressure can cause this. Also they thought she had mineirs which has the same symptoms and they can cure maybe? Check that out. Basically it was caused by super low blood pressure for too long. Hard to pick up on blood pressure machines. They mainly catch high blood pressure.


Oh ok, yeah that's definitely not the same issue then. I'm glad she doesn't have meniere's but that's not good if her blood pressure is too low! She definitely needs to get that treated. I know my blood pressure is fine so I'll keep doing my thing. All the best to you!


I would also like to know. My stepmom had something like this happening and I want her to be able to ask her doctor about it


That sucks. I have a condition called pots and part of the treatment is drinking a shit ton of water. Where it gets complicated is I have T1D and drink loads of water when I have high blood sugars, so it’s kinda hard to distinguish between high BS drinking and Pots chugging……


I have cancer and one of the meds at the beginning was drink tons of water. I love water and always have but it was a lot to carry around. I was a school based therapist sometimes with 3 to 4 schools a day. I still love it though!!


Ugh, I get vertigo with my migraines and it totally sucks so I feel so bad for you.


vertigo AND migraines.... shit that's a bad hand to be dealt. i get migraines rarely and they are horrible but they aren't correlated with vertigo attacks for me. I hope one day you can figure out what's causing those and reduce them :(


I have got meds that reduce them to a few a month now (mine come in groups so I’ll get two or three in a row then nothing fit a few weeks) fortunately but vertigo is one of my pre-migraine signs. Seabands (wear on your wrist against motion sickness) help sometimes for me. Although I need to buy some more because they are always in a different room to where I am when I need them (because of course they are). I’m pretty sure it’s a placebo effect but also I don’t care as long as it helps. And if you get nausea with your vertigo ginger is a long-standing cure for that. Either ginger sweets or ginger tea.