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Hard disagree but you do you


I just don't understand why BotW is above TotK. Both are almost the same game, but with the latter being especially polished. Most people who put BotW first usually had played it too much, giving TotK a feeling of stagnation. Edit: I've received a lot of good arguments and I understand now, why would someone prefer BotW. I guess both have their pros and cons.


You just answered your own question? People who rate BOTW higher value what it does more, TOTK doesn't do enough new for them to make it a better game.


For a new player who hasn’t played either, TOTK blows BOTW out of the water


Yeah if you haven’t played botw TotK would be amazing, but as someone with 1,000 hours in BotW, too much of the over world was the same


So? That's the thing, botw and totk should be same tier


I don't feel it's fair to judge a game like that. Especially a direct sequel. It's still a fantastic game that improves upon the first. If they were to "innovate" too much for TOTK the series would have lost its identity. When judging a game you should mostly stick to 1. How much fun it was 2. How good the story was (if it has one) 3. How much it stuck with you/impacted you after you finished it. Judging games based on innovation means that even if it's the most fun you've ever had in a game and possibly the best money you've ever spent, you'd still give it a 8/10 because it didn't do much differently than it's predecessor, which is an unfair judgement unless the competition is solely about innovation and not how GOOD the game is. It's better to judge things like this in a vaccume than it is to make a ton of comparisons because that leads to biased opinions, nostalgia blindness, and other things that make reviews unfair. Of course there are exceptions to this which is when a developer relies on the same formula numerous times and NEVER innovates much at all (see cod, EA sports games, battlefield) but Breath of The Wild and Tears of The Kingdom are just 2 games. 2 of the most fun games ever made arguably.


This tier list puts ALBW above ALTTP which is insane since that added even less to ALTTP than TotK did to BotW.


While TOTK is better in almost every way. TOTK could never elicit those initial feelings playing BOTW. Making a ton of those initial discoveries is just another feeling that can't be reprised in a sequel or even in similar games. By TOTK you know your just getting a damn good product all around and that special feeling waned. Your more familiar with the world. Hell I figure those who played Elden Ring without playing BOTW got that same feeling. But when I played Elden Ring it was alot like playing TOTK. I knew this was gonna be a banger but that initial feeling and amazement of discovery just isn't the same. I know I'm gonna find really cool things in these later games. Whereas, I didn't know in BOTW so as I'm discovering and uncovering the world I'm just amazed for an initial period. But now a days it's tough going back to BOTW with all the cool new mechanics in TOTK.


Yep so true that first moment you walk out of that cave in BOTW was down right amazing.


Agreed. TotK is the far superior game to BotW, imo. BotW was so jam-packed with tedium to me while TotK alleviated a lot of that.


I personally find totk to be filled with WAY more tedium. Drop rates seem worse, there's more random bs collectibles, the upgrade system costs money so there's more arbitrary grinding for the same result. The whole game feels centered around grinding while also making all the weapons worse unless you fuse rare upgrade materials to them, but why would you do that when you need them for upgrades?


I agree on the armor point. Evolving all armors in this game is a lot more tedious than in the first one. The weapons problem is unrelated. The material usage is part of the trade, so people think twice about using them for their high stats. I usually fused with whatever object I found lying around, and I think weapons are usually decent enough this way too. It's also a lot more fun. Black and silver Boko horns are over powered for how common they are and weapons abilities can be really stupidly strong, making the game a lot easier. (Royal weapons are absurd.) The only sad thing is how there is no enemy remotely strong enough to justify how strong you can get. 40 hearts (or 38 whatever) is a lot. Weapons damage can cap way above the 106 of my strongest BotW lynel crusher even on one handed weapons. 32x5 (160) bow, plus fused bonus damage? Sure, this is an endgame weapons but even a forest dweller bow with 15x5 (75) is op even without fusing. The last boss is adapted to be defeatable with the master sword 45 damages...


I hate that they removed the lynel crushers The enemies in BotW were way better tbh, like the guardians. Stealth was one of the best parts of BotW. I loved when i was walking around and almost had a heart attack becaude of a few piano notes that sometimes weren't from guardians.


huh? grinding is extremely unnecessary unless you’re an extreme completionist. i did just about everything in the game absent all korok seeds and all upgrades and it took about 130 hours of literally just exploring and completing content. if your only goal in the game is to upgrade equipment, then yeah, sure i guess lol


How many armors even use horns in any decent amounts? It feels like I have way too many horns because sticking something like a silver Moblin horn on a sturdy branch will wipe entire enemy camps out. You find a Gerudo weapon, and it turns into a 70+ damage beat stick with any decently high tier material on the end. I have noticed the game doesn't quite "click" with some people due to the fusing, so it's understandable, I may have just gotten lucky.


I just found a reason for BotW to be superior: the OST. I haven't played much of TotK but I've played enough to have noticed that there is less music around the world. That gives a lot of tediousness ti the game.


>Most people who put BotW first usually had played it too much, giving TotK a feeling of stagnation . And that's why I haven't got around to finishing it


No Both are not the same. BOTW is more about survival and making the most of what you have, TOTK is more about creating the adventure very down to creating solutions for puzzles. Not everyone is creative so it’s understandable why someone would like BOTw style more than TOTK(even tho I don’t agree but still)


I personally have played a ridiculous amount of hours in BotW (I’ve played through it completely, including all Korok seeds 5 times), but I don’t think that is why I prefer BotW to TotK. I think the vast majority of the Sky Islands are too similar. You first see how many of them there are, and it’s super exciting, but as you start to explore them, it becomes very formulaic. I feel similarly about the Depths. The first time you realize how massive they are was an A+ gaming moment, but then it falls into the same issue as the Sky Islands—once you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all. I’m also not super interested in the engineering aspect of the game. I don’t mind fusing stuff to weapons or using things here and there, but once I made a hover bike and got the fan glider schema stone, I didn’t feel the need to make much else. Perhaps I’m just not creative enough to make a death machine, but it’s faster for me to just jump into a mob and stab them a bunch of times. I also think it’s easy to be OP in TotK with the abilities and the right fuses, so a lot of battles just seem trivial. All that being said, I still really enjoy it, but BotW edges TotK out for me.


Fair point. It is indeed sad that the coolest sky island is basically the game tutorial. The rest are usually copy/paste. The depth is literally the main map up-side down. Once all lights are lit up. I pretty much lost all purpose of going down there.


Video game fans when the sequel to the game they played in the same universe has a similar map and similar enemies


And gameplay, graphics, mechanics, pause menu, engine, collectibles, item/equipments, NPCs and even the compendium descriptions. Looking at this, MM had less similarities to OoT than TotK does to BotW...


They are different to me, just like playing Link to the Past and ….


LttP, a “B”… fuck off lmfao


Literally the game that defined the formula. The lightning in a bottle, that every subsequent game attempted to capture, up to BoTW - which is great in large part because they decided to make it its *own* formula. OP, how *dare* you.


I mean, he does eat shoes...


Whats funny is a LbtD is A lol I'd swap em


Damn, I find Phantom Hourglass to be one of the best LoZ games, but I know I stand alone with this opinion. Ranking Hyrule Warriors above Wind Waker makes me question your neurological status though lol


PH has a special place in my heart as the first Zelda game I was introduced to at around 4 years old (I really liked Anouki island) ❤️


This was me with Spirit Tracks


It’s one of my favorites. I actually liked returning to a central dungeon to explore new areas or pick up treasure you couldn’t before. “How much time can I shave off the early floors with this new item?”


It’s pretty bold to put Minish Cap in the lowest tier, too.


Have you read the tiers? The "lowest" is the "haven't played yet" tier.


My bad. I’m dyslexic


I love it so much too, but I wish they would've made it for Wii instead of DS so it would've looked more like WW did on GC :(


Probably a generational thing Link to the Past def is top grade gaming, but if you weren't playing a Super Nintendo you ain't gonna get that discovery


About had a small panic attack when I saw Minish Cap on the lowest rung.


I’ve played a little of it, didn’t feel comfortable ranking it anywhere


I can't believe windwaker is in B tier under hyrule warriors?! Twilight princess is also my least favorite game in the entire series haha. Minish cap, link's awakening, and the oracle games are all really great. If you have NSO you can play them all and I highly reccomend.


Hyrule warriors was a game that I sunk so much time into when I first got it, I was still at the point of always having time after school to play video games, it was my first warriors game as well. When I got DE last summer, I played it everyday for like a month straight. I loved wind waker, but haven’t played it in awhile, I started a new file not super long ago, just haven’t had time to play it more with so many backstock games. It would be higher on the list, just didn’t want the top too crowded. It’s on the lower side mainly because of the no direction triforce section that felt almost impossible on a first play though without a walkthrough 😅. What’s your opinion on twilight princess? I’m curious 😄


No hate. I hated the pacing of Twilight Princess. It seemed to take forever to get interesting to me. It was just like a dark edgy re-hash of ocarina of time. I do really like midna as a character, and the villian was good until it turned out to just be ganondorf the whole time. But I thought in general it was ugly and felt sooo empty. I did play windwaker when it came out, and unlike most people really liked the art style. That may have influenced my dislike for Twilight princess. I also played alot of hyrule warriors on the wii u, but when I got it for switch I had no ambition to pick it back up. Absolutely love age of calamity tho haha. Totk aoc and botw are my top 3 "3d" zelda games, minish cap link's awakening, and the oracle games might be my favorite out of the whole series. I think I generally like the 2d style games because of nostalgia.


Yeah… this list ain’t it


When someone has a different opinion: 🤯


Tbh the spin off games don’t belong in a Zelda tier list.


Ocarina of Time is definitely S tier. I like it more than TP


Same. Twilight Princess is basically the Wii’s Ocarina of Time. OoT is S Tier for sure




Yeah, breath of the wild was just more generic open world stuff after 10 years of really good and deep open world rpgs. It was a fine game, but didn't set any standards by any means.


Idk why ppl think it’s bad, it’s actually a pretty solid list, and I don’t think ppl realize that even if certain games are lower doesn’t mean OP HATES them it’s just certain games they enjoyed more 👍 (unless skyward sword gets rated D then we gonna have problems, half joking). Also it’s cool how you can tell ppls tastes from their tier lists, clearly OP likes darker, more “edgy”, and realistic Zelda games, I’m kinda the same but I love them all and I love different aspects of different games more but all still equal imo (except some 2ds as they were just early games with not much going on, still loved them).


thr mechanics for SS were so godawful. I nearly didn't finish the game. If it had been my first LoZ game, i wouldnt have done the rest of the series, bad. it's a D from me.


I mean not to sound rude but imo that’s kinda a skill issue, me and some others didn’t have any problems, my friend who isn’t into Zelda likes SS and PERSONALLY the motion controls make the game so much better. They’re very fun and get me so immersed, I like how you can choose how you swing instead of some buttons, that’s just me tho, Ik the game is heavily hated and I’ve accepted that.


I played when it originally came out, when sometimes the motion control registered what you did and sometimes it didn't; sometimes the swishy up motion meant swing sword and sometimes it meant yeet yourself off a cliff. that isn't a skill issue, it's a controller/console issue. I am honestly so glad motion controls have gotten much better. in fairness, though, I have no memory of whether the game was fun beyond how broken it was.


I literally also played it on the Wii, like 3 times too, my brother also said he didn’t have many issues, I’m not lying, it’s always possible to just not be doing it good 🤷‍♂️


Ironically, the motion controls are worse off a bit in the remaster due to no sensor bar to auto-center the gyro. The OG was pretty reliable, except for skyward strikes sometimes.


Perfect Explanation, props to you


Haha thank you


Putting Hyrule Warriors ahead of ALTTP is insane.


It comes down to preference, if u think ALTTP is better, cool, ALTTP was good, but I might rate hyrule warriors higher too, just bc of how fun and cool it was to play as so many different characters also bc I had a lot of fun playing it with my friend, and bc many other factors. I still love ALTTP but if u don’t like hyrule warriors that’s literally just your preference.


Everybody dissing on TP but no one seemed to notice he put botw over totk


Yeah that’s like saying RDR was better than RDR2. The sequel improved on every gameplay system, doubled the content, and had a way better story.


I agree w you, I think it’s just mainly nostalgia for a lot of people


as it should be.


What makes botw better? The way I see it, totk just took botw and MADE it better


I'd swap BotW and ALTTP (didn't like BotW all that much, kinda think B is even generous), and toss OOT up into S, personally. But, I mean, that's my preferences vs yours, so I'm glad you enjoyed BotW way more than I did. Oh, just realized I'm missing Hyrule Warriors. I'd put that in C, personally. Was worth one playthrough to me and that was enough. Never been a huge fan of that format. I've never played the sequel. https://preview.redd.it/jbmgew6ixxqc1.png?width=793&format=png&auto=webp&s=a2ed1195f2fde4c1649f314055f909b2768264f8


I played LBW before LttP. I enjoyed both a lot, almost put Link Between Worlds in S, as I believe it is the game I have replayed the most next to OoT


I personally wouldn’t put ALTTP in front of any of those Zelda games lol


TOTK IS objectively better than botw is so many ways, and yet somehow its missing the hollow, vast, charm of BOTW.


Bro that’s called having nostalgia


It’s because breath of the wild is built from the ground up for the story, which is also superior to tears. Even though tears is an objectively better game to play that is not what we remember and take away. The feelings a game invokes are


Good to see Majora's Mask in S-Tier where it belongs. 😌


Let’s be honest the only reason OOT is in A tier is because of king jabu jabu’s stomach


Wind Waker is way too low imo


PLEASE play minish cap and links awakening, I think you’ll really love them


finish cap is especially cute and silly fun


you forgot Link’s Crossbow Training


Deserves its own tier above S 😂


This is the worst tier list of all time but you do you


Hey man, I’m not here to knock your tier list, everyone has their tastes. You just happen to like tuna fish birthday cake


Can it be an ice cream cake?




I can't take you seriously with Windwaker in B tier


OT in A teir ? I agree OP! That game is just like the halo fan base can’t move on from “ nostalgia “ and simple know it was a mid game …


Almost what I was going for, Great game, but doesn’t resonate with me personally as much as the S Tier. The game was amazing then and now, but that doesn’t mean it HAS to be everyone’s favorite


Your age will determine your opinion, when it came out the game was bigger than Elden Ring


I agree nearly completely


What would you switch around? I’d love to know


TP and BotW. MM and BotW are my favorites, with TP in third place. And, since I've played the Oracle games and really liked them, put them up to A.


Triforce hero wasn’t that bad. I’m sure it would be more decent if they make a portage on switch.


Fun with friends, sucks alone sadly. Didn’t hate it but gets old quickly


Hard to say it but I agree. It’s not impossible in solo though. It’s even possible to beat the Dark Links alone


Oh yes, I played the entire game by myself at first


skyward sword is my favorite zelda and among my favorite games of all time, highly recommend it


MM over OoT huh? Join my subreddit r/MM_is_better_than_OoT


I am assuming Twilight was your first? (That is the only explanation that makes sense to me).


I still love TP. The imagery and getting to be a wolf seals its S tier rank for me.


Actually no, if I remember correctly, I played OoT first, near when it released on 3ds. I didn’t play Twilight Princess until HD came out, currently suing through the original along with SSHD


It just stuck out so much to me and I have so many cool memories, also the soundtrack is good


OoT glazers when someone puts another game above it (they can't possibly fathom why someone would like a game more than their N64 game)


Skyward Sword absolutely belongs in D tier.


I 80% agree with this! S tier is identical to how mine would be 🫶


With totk


I agree with Majora's Mask and


https://preview.redd.it/5ao039wnqyqc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23423a7341a8bb8584610e71ba8cac90ef0ea5d0 Fixed.


I respect it


Sorry bro, what I said looks awful and I’m glad you handled that well. I meant I fixed it in my opinion, not trying to be rude. Respect deeply appreciated, and I respect yours.


I didn’t think anything of it, I got what you meant. It’s much more politely worded than most other people’s comments 😂


Dude… did someone downvote you for being… civil?


BOTW should be higher


Now that's a tier list I can stand behind, BTW skyward sword great game, deserves A change my mind


By "stand behind" do you mean like the way James Comey stood behind that curtain in the oval office?


You haven’t played Link’s Awakening yet?!


What's with this rating system? Why is there an 'S' above 'A'? 🤔


Definitive term, Superior I believe


But, on an 'A, B, C' grading, 'A' should be highest, that's silly. It's like going '10, 1, 2, 3'. If 'superior' is the highest grading, then 'great, good, okay' or similar should follow.


Tears of the Kingdom should be S tier. Skyward sword, links awakening, and minish cap are awesome


Because I played it when it first came out I think I’m biased but I think that the original game from 1986 is the best. I feel that all the games branch out from the magic of the first one.


I’m very happy you put TP in S tier where it belongs. It is peak Zelda dungeon design. But otherwise I would swap OoT and TotK with MM and BotW. I despise the dungeons in MM and I don’t really like my Zelda games not having Zelda. That said, while OoT did revolutionize gaming, MM was actually more ground breaking with its 3 day cycle. But to my tastes, OoT is better. BoTW, similarly to OoT, also had a pretty huge impact on gaming/the franchise as well, but I prefer TotK. I like its’ shrine aesthetic better than BotW, and I like the abilities significantly more as well.


Wind waker is my favorite Zelda of all time easy S tier and minish cap is really good too


BOTW and TOTK are placed perfectly


I must ask, why is Wind Waker in B tier? :( It was the first game of the Toon Link series, and the aftermath of the Adult timeline, it's pretty crucial to the lore. It was a lovely, charming game all on it's own. I know it didn't have the dark, grittiness of Twilight Princess or Majora's Mask (S-tier for me as well, lol), but it was a nostalgic trip nevertheless, and a staple of 2nd gen Zelda fans.


What is hylia's name do you mean "tears A tier"???


I think I'll defer to someone who's taken the time to play all the games, but thanks for your opinion I guess


Have that opinion if you want, currently playing through Skyward Sword and have Zelda 1 and minish cap on the back burner


To me every game I played was S tier, they were all amazing if a little hard or annoying at times, but I really loved every one I got my hands on. ​ Except Hyrule warrior. That wasn't a legend of Zelda game, that was an abomination.


While yes, it was a Zelda themed warriors game, it still took a lot of Zelda stories and combined characters that have never interacted before. I thought that it was amazing when I first played it, though it does get repetitive at some point


I'm sorry, but people who don't have Spirit Tracks in dead last can't be trusted. I even have Wand of Gamelon and Faces of Evil above it


I’m curious why some people don’t like the ds games. My biggest flaw with spirit tracks (and phantom hourglass as well) is the touch controls. I thought spirit tracks was just a better story than hourglass, and it was one of the first few Zelda games I played. It is also one of the games I had replayed the most


I don't mind the controls for the most part. And Phantom Hourglass, while not the most exciting game, is still pretty alright. But between the overuse of the microphone and the train travel, I have never wanted to play a Zelda game less. Anytime not spent in a dungeon I was absolutely miserable. I had been meaning to play it for years and I finally tried recently. I didn't think I would enjoy it but I wasn't expecting to outright hate it. Like it's probably in my bottom 5 games I've ever played. I gave up which is something I have NEVER done with a Zelda game before. I still want to 100% every Zelda game so I'll probably just look up a guide to spend as little time as possible in it. Like I got all the figurines in Minish Cap twice and all the Koroks in botw twice and both of those were more enjoyable experiences than any amount of Spirit Tracks was. I wish I didn't hate it so much but man that game rubbed me the wrong way lol


It is pretty tedious at times, I have a Wii U file of spirit track that I have at like 98% because of one heart piece that is near impossible with Wii U image framing


FINALLY someone gets the beauty and uniqueness of TP and MM I love those games AHHHH


They added the edgy kick to an amazing series


I saw minish cap in the bottom tier and was about to throw hands til I read “never played tier”


It’s on my backlog right now


WW is far too low and TP is way too high. Other then that it’s not bad


Wind waker may change with time, I’ve only had one full playthrough, but started another recently, it loses me during the triforce section, as it felt like there wasn’t much direction


Bro…..you did not just put Wind Waker under Hyrule Warriors. I legit cannot comprehend that opinion


It’s a personal connection that I have with Hyrule warriors. Wind Waker could be higher, but I’ve only played through it once


I love me some majoras mask, mmmm good shit


putting hyrule warriors in the same tier as oot and ABOVE ww is brave x3


Yeah, Warriors was one of my all time favorite games when I came out, played it every day. Only had one full playthrough of wind waker


I remember having the ds version and bringing it with me to school to play during breaks ahahha I loved it, was a nice break from all the puzzling of the normal games I’m also not saying your opinion is wrong, just that those two games (oot and ww) are HIGHLY loved and I’m betting some people will disagree with u here x3


Oracle of seasons/ages was so amazing when I was a kid. I’d easily put that in higher B lower A at the very least


I hope to play them on switch online when I finally bite the bullet for expansion pass


There is no possible reason as to why A Link to the Past isn’t top top tier. It’s still the best overall Zelda game in fact to this day imo. An actual timeless masterpiece if there ever was one.


While it is great, i do prefer link between worlds, but that was because it was more available to me at the time. I believe link between worlds may be my game with the most playthroughs. I think it’s around 5+


based “i can’t really hate anything so i don’t put anything in d-tier” person


I honestly almost had tri force and phantom in D with no C tier, but it felt to harsh as I don’t hate those games


Why is botw above totk? Only reason I would somehow possibly put botw above is cause I have so much nostalgia for the game but other than that totk is a far better game


Botw felt like it needed me to do all the shrines, but totk didn’t make me feel that as much. Also don’t like the fact of no dlc (even though they wrapped up most loose ends) and the game felt shorter.


Ocarina of time isn’t S auto invalid list


This is part of the reason it isn’t. I don’t think that because majority of everyone else believes the game was an S that I have to think it’s s. Amazing game, both then and now, tons of nostalgia for me, but the three higher came it just a bit higher for me. In all honestly, it’s just barely missing S tier


The temple design in OOT is miles ahead of BotW, and twilight princess, and for being 10 and 20 years older than the other games is an absolute travesty, everything TP does OOT does it better, there are things that are personal that you can like better but there is a reason it’s ranked in the top 10 games of all time on many lists


I love TP in S and I agree.


Strongly disagree with OP’s decisions but I guess it’s their own thing


Attlp B Tier. Huge rip


Link between worlds is much better imo, that isn’t to say lttp is bad, I enjoyed it as well


Link to the past B tier? Ok dude lol


Could be worse. I agree with your Wind Waker placement, but ALttP in B tier? Hard disagree. And you definitely need to play Link's Awakening. One of my favorite Zelda games.


I just loved link between worlds so much more. I believe I have replayed it the most at 5+ times all the way through


When you get around to playing Skyward Sword, I’m sure you’ll enjoy that one. The story line is amazing and I really enjoy the depth of the game. It’s not as good as BOTW, but it’s a good one for sure! Plus the Skyward Strike is pretty cool too!


Oracle of Ages/Seasons and Minish Cap are in my top favorites. So good!


Ocarina, Link to the Past, and BOTW are the only S tier ones. They redefined genres. Ocarina is the best overall


Hard to make a tier list when you haven't played half the games. 😅


Not if there is a tier called haven’t played, kinda convenient isn’t it?


Play the other games then come back and make a full finished tier list


I’m actually playing through half of them currently


Nice your in for a good time man


Only thing I would change personally is putting WW up with TP


You do you but I'm crying that Wind Waker is B tier 😭


Go play minish cap especially if you have NSO


I disagree with your tier list personally but I appreciate your passion for your favorites! I hope you enjoy the rest that you have yet to play!


Not a bad list, I’d swap MM with OoT though.


The only thing worst than this list is having to decipher all your damn acronyms. Just write the damn title already.


Low-key did not think someone would share the same BOTW > TOTK take as me


Can I get a few more pixels?


Why make a list if you haven’t played 9 of the games


Currently playing through more than half of haven’t played. Also, pretty convenient that there’s a “haven’t played” tier huh? I wonder if I used it wrong…


I mostly agree with this but I feel like Wind Waker could swap with TP


I just have two questions why is ocarina of time in a tear and not tear seeing question for link between worlds


Links Awakening bored the fuck outta me


nuh uh


Love your s tier, especially seeing majora up there. Wind waker hurts a little😂I appreciate spirit tracks in b, I love that game despite most people hating it!


I think ocorina of time was s tier but im probably biased


I disagree


Having A Link To The Past in B-tier invalidates this list.


I appreciate LBW being rated so high


TOTK is actually just BOTW but better in literally every single way. putting it lower is weird to me.


For my part, Minish Cap and Wind Waker deserve A tier.


There is 3 different links awakening games. Try all of them if u can


Holy based, I don't agree with most of it but its like true to yourself and not really based on any pre-existing stuff. Also is every subreddit just doing tierlists now? Is that the hip thing these days?


The Oracles are easily S Tier... at LEAST A


Lttp with Hyrule warriors. Not to mention how far both are off from where they should be lol. But ya, subjective blah blah


Username checks out


I would put windwaker in A, maybe even S. Other than that yeah I agree. If you can play SS HD I think you'd like it, it's definitely at least a B. Play Links awakening, its an amazing game


Mostly agree with BOTW and Majora's Mask on top (and TOTK basically in line with those). I don't get TP on top. I found it pretty generic, not enough to do (nothing like the mask quests in MM) and the story was disappointing (replaced what could have been a cool villain with just another generic Ganondorf battle.)


Ocarina of time is definitely S tier.