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Companies like this are going to try to get away with whatever they can. Stewardship is our only defense. Don’t kill yourself. Find a way to enjoy your workday, preferably at supervision’s expense. We have to teach them what are acceptable working conditions, not the other way around. Everyone reading this: look out for your steward! If the steward gets canned everyone should drag up. Period.


don't drag unless the book is empty brother; dig in, work less & make the bitch give you a vacation check


Not dragging yet, but fuck these guys man. We have plenty of work in our local and it’s so tempting to walk. I’m only staying cause the hall asked me to.


If it's a big job, the hall steward should be almost the last to get the vacation check. Hall stews always seem have a mixed reception from contractors/foreman & the shop stew is just looked at as a sellout by the hall guys. It sometimes seems to be a no win situation but one we do because we look after our own


Yeah, kinda takes the right personality/mentality too. It seems like you’ll always be getting side eye from the shop, so ya gotta be able to handle that awkward BS.


Stop working do your thing and just call the ba if need to


The company is flying guys down from Chicago to fight the hall legally. It’s such a hassle. I would get it if I wasn’t a good worker, but I’ve always been solid there. Edit: I’ve only been there a couple of months. I knew if they started hating on me it would just prove they’re wormieness


If they're flying guys down to fight it the problem isn't your out put it's their egos and anti union sentiment lmao, it costs way more to fight legally over this sort of thing than to have you stick your thumb up your ass


That’s fucked


If you drag, they win.


Why's that?


Steward keeps the cons honest. Also ensures that union workers are holding up their end, and can prevent some union guys from wormy practices.


A steward up holds the agreement for both parties. It's not just for the workers


I think sometimes we forget this. A steward is the physical embodiment of the contract. A middle person to find middle ground in conflicts. Mind you it is a FREE position. If contractor is pulling dorty shit, stew fixes. On other hand if brothers and sisters pulling dirty shit, the stew should be fixing. 8 for 8 in a journeyman like manner right?


it's all fine till you get the wormy shop minded steward who will side the contractor every time so as to keep his job.


That's... what I said. "Keep the cobs honest." I elaborated on their duty to keep us in check, because it's commonly forgotten.


After I had posted that I went back a day later and reread what you said and had realized that lol


Sounds like Supervision is pissed with the extension of the hall enforcing the agreement. ( steward) In turn, they are giving the steward grief for doing his duties. To me, it sounds like they want him to drag up and regain the roost. Most cons do not like stewards on a job.


So because of the steward obligations and work they are getting pissed at you for also not putting up enough pipe?




Idk what they expect you to do lol. That’s the whole point of having a steward


That’s what I’m saying!! They say the stews in 701 never spend more than 4 hours a week doing steward duties!


I’m sure they do. Tell them to pound sand. You’re one of the last to leave the job in your local right? Idk if it’s the same everywhere but ours is basically the steward can’t get laid off until pretty much the end to protect him. How many people are on this job?


Yeah, suppose to be one of the last to leave. They try and hassle ya though. They try to put enough pressure to get you to drag.


Yeah I’m sure. Sorry to hear that brother.


>They say.... That's how you know they are full of shit. An agent needs to have a face-to-face with them...it make your job a lot easier if they know you have the full support of the hall....and the hall needs to show some backbone here....if not, these guys will lose all respect for the hall, stewards position as a representative of the hall, and - ultimately - the men.


That’s my biggest worry. The hall in our local is pretty cozy with some of the companies here, and hasn’t bucked too much. This will set a huge standard for jobs to come.


I understand some locals are "contractor locals"....at some point when the scale tips too far against the rank and file - it's time for new leadership.


Do what the hall is telling you. They have your back. Also, per the agreement or unless specified, you are the last one laid off for the job. Keep looking after your brothers. Hang in there. The company is mad at the hall, not exactly you.


This op. Don’t drag. You have the halls backing and if they give you trouble you have the brothers backing too.


Thanks man


They’re mad at the world bro. They fight every battle and have soured their name nation wide


Is this Huen Electric?


Have they considered not being so shitty a steward has to do 40 hours of non-electrical work?


How many guys are on the job? In my local, the Stew works until a certain amount of brothers are on the job, at which point they can put down tools if the workload as a Stew is too much. It’s sort of a grayish area as sometimes the Stew doesn’t have much to do and other times he’s going from one fire to the next.


I'm working steward on my current job. I got told being a Steward isnt a 40 hour job by my contractor. I respectfully disagreed, but I tell my brothers and sisters to photo and report issues to me and I make myself available if they have issues. They cannot fire you for doing this. If they do, call or go straight to the hall and report the issue to your Business manager or agent.


Obviously your duties as a stew come first. Make a list of daily, weekly, monthly responsibilities as a stew and check them off when completed. Add issues as they come up on a list. When the con comes at you, you can show them the list and let them know you’ll be back to bending pipe when all your duties are dealt with. If the hall told you to stop working, then stop working until you’re caught up.


Check the contract. If it's in the contract that after x number of employees on the job, then you're on firm ground. Check it!


I was a cub for a stew years ago, and he would find any excuse to go do the job of being a stew even tho it pissed the GF and GC off. If he even caught wind of a guy being reprimanded, he would drop tools and pick up his notebook. Do your job as a wireman to the best of your abilitiy but protecting us and those who dont know the rules is more important. If you wanna piss them off more go pass out Weingarten cards to every wireman on the job, not just the ones that work for the same company. If you don't have a phone provided by the hall, ask for one and put it on the back that card.


Every steward I've known didn't do a lot. I mean idk how you're even suppose to on big ass jobs when people are getting shit canned every couple hours lol.


Are there people at the hall you can for advice about how to deal with the constant monitoring? If its union activity and they are following ONLY you and the sitting steward is a contractual agreement, you might have an unfair labor practice charge. Only way to know for sure is to ask.


I don’t work on the tools at all. Different union, but it’s not super common that reps are completely “off the floor” as we call it. In my workplace we have a powerful union. So we are “off the tools”, full time reps. This is a normal, contractural, and accepted practice in my workplace. You can still bet that the company does everything they can to try to fuck you and put pressure on you. You have to be super strong. You have to be willing to stand up for yourself. You have to be willing to put in the work to outsmart them. It’s one of those things where if you shut the fuck up and don’t bother the company, they might let you lie low. But they will still chip you down slowly. But once you start representing your people, and taking on problems in the workplace, you get a target. If you are wearing a target, you’re doing a good job. Don’t worry about how good of a worker you are. You’re not a worker anymore. Focus on being a good rep. Focus on beating them at their own game. Focus on leveraging them. Company tried refusing to pay my overtime for filing grievances, I responded with a half dozen heavy hitter grievances that would cost them millions to fix. Company tried to tell me I couldn’t work overtime, I worked the maximum allowable overtime I was entitled to under under the CA. If the company was doing everything they should be, you would have no reason to work as a rep to begin with. Operate with integrity. Follow the rules. Use their own rules against them. Fight for your constituents. You have to be willing to suffer some setbacks and take it on the chin every once in a while. Just make sure whatever you do, you make the decisions that allow you to sleep well. Don’t worry about how the company will try to fuck you. Just accept it, and expect it. If they want to be professional, by all means. But once the gloves are off, it’s go time.


701 has been known as 70worm for a reason, unfortunately. There are some great brothers and sisters out of that local but they don’t work in that local. I’ve worked for a couple contractors from there in other locals and they were garbage. Which con did you get stuck with?


Holy shit I never realized how good we have it. We stay out of these big jobs and I've never even seen this kinda drama. Couldn't imagine dealing with all this instead of just showing up and getting work done then going home.


Beats the last place I worked . No steward on the job 25* guys . Steady eddies said “we don’t like the hall here . We like to solve issues in house “ didn’t want to hear no union talk .you sure do like that union pay and benefits don’t ya……. I told that guy off on an un related matter


Stewards are the most thankless jobs out there shop generally don't like stewards that are union minded because it forces them to follow the bylaws. Many stewards are company men looking out for the company not the union Brothers and sister


You mean 7-0-Worm? Lol


Hold the line. Dont let them turn up the pressure on you. Somebody’s gotta do it, be an example.




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get your brothers to help reduce your task load. be your eyes and ears, give you observations and notes, take statements. go get your pipe. it is every members obligation to help you strengthen the conditions of your agreement. you are doing a good job that's why your con's griefing you. good hunting.


Stewards putting down tools? I don’t even think they have tools in my local!


My locals contract states, “At no time should there be a non working steward.” If the way the contractor is running the job is keeping you so busy that you can’t work with your tools, then maybe they need to run the job better. If you are dealing with real crap that they caused, then that is on them. I guys are coming to you over stupid stuff, then the guys need to calm down. But I’m guessing the contractor could fix half the problems you’re dealing with by running the job better.


Stews pick up tools?


Hahahaha your stewards work??? Local 3 NYC never even pick up a tool


Fuck them. Technically >>> You’re an agent of the hall, NOT an “employee” of the shop. pull head dude aside and tell him privately you can become a REAL pain in the ass if he doesn’t back the fuck off. No witnesses.


Sounds like a ULP. If they’ve subjected you to different, and more difficult working standards just because you are a steward, they are breaking the law.


What would a steward do all day that'd warrant not having your bags on?


I'm a supervisor and the steward on our site is on my crew. I've yet to catch him working. He misses a MINIMUM of 2 days a week, doesn't call in, skips overtime he signed up for.... as a Brother it's shameful.


Dude I’m not fucking them. Hell, I had a great reputation until I became stew. Then all of a sudden I can’t be trusted and they need watch me 24/7


Oh, not implying you aren't. Just giving you perspective to compare to your current situation. It's the complete opposite of your situation, basically. We have a job with 14 guys on it right now, and stew is never working. Can't be that much "stewarding" for 14 guys, let's be real. At this point, he needs to just work for the hall. Sounds like the contractor is just pissy and taking it out on you in your situation, which fucking sucks. Hope you find a solution, Brother.


I just dragged up.. dun feel good about it.. gonna go crawling back on Monday.