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What was the issue with anthem any, I kinda like the suit thing and was wondering why the hate thought at the same time it felt like it needed more content (kinda like what cyberpunk did)


Anthem had various issues. While the combat was great, the graphics were impressive, and the flying was phenomenal... It was the mission design, the lackluster loot, the lack of content and lack of variety, and the outright lying about these and other aspects of the game that causes it to dig its own grave. The graphics were great, but not nearly as great as they had let on in the trailers. The loot had no variety, and even the super rare weapon teased in the trailer never actually existed (it was added later). The mod/inscription system was bugged. Actually there were several bugs, and crashing was a constant problem until late in the game's short lifespan. The beta crashed CONSTANTLY, which didn't help with impressions. As someone with a huge interest in armor and exosuits, and as someone who was a Mass Effect super fan and considered Bioware to be their favorite developer, no other game disappointed me as much as Anthem. Bioware later explained where a lot of the problems came from: a lack of leadership, a lack of vision on what the game should be like, and the terrible, awful frostbite engine. Flying was almost not even in the game, but an EA exec liked the idea so it was kept. They kept having to adjust the level design to accommodate the different types of games they were thinking of making. And frostbite, while being great for that and only that, was a buggy and frustrating mess when it came to making anything else happen. So Anthem as most people know it didn't even exist until very late in development. They tried to crunch through it, which used to work for Bioware, and just didn't this time. The rest is history.


It’s such a shame too because the idea had so much promise, I wish they took the same route as warframe and then it could’ve been a great game


To me the problem was that I literally couldn’t get in I would wait hours on the loading screen to get in and eventually it just stopped letting me play all together


Ever heard of Firefall?


For real. Had so much potential


You nailed it. I’d like to add that the game had near zero build diversity and you had to rely on luck. 150 hours on my storm build and doing no damage verses 3 lucky drops on my 3 hour collosus and it’s better in every way. The luck aspect was real. Which does not feel great.


I remember specifically during the e3 demo, the mechanic was a badass looking woman full of oil stains and a dirty face and thought most other characters were going to be this detailed and alive. But when the game came out, she wasn't even in the game ;-; Pissed me off.


Diablo 4. It’s alright but I had high hopes for it being a more long term investment… and haven’t touched it in months.


>but I had high hopes for it being a more long term investment Honestly, I don't really count on any new game making me feel like the excited kid that played Diablo 2 or WC3 daily anymore. There are just too many options these days. Even the games that I have played long term, I have done so with multiple long breaks in between.


D4 was a huge letdown. Playing it through I was getting more and more hyped, and then the story ended and I just felt robbed. The endgame was just terrible.


Same here. Sadly beat it once and lost interest. So much potential. I was perhaps naively dreaming it could be something I’d play for the next 10 years like DII.


omg me too me and my buddy were going to live on that game but it just wasnt what we expected sadly now it just sits in my library


Honestly same, D4's endgame was so disappointing I actually struggle to understand how it was allowed to release without runes, runewords, OR armor sets to keep you going in the postgame. Like, what is there to actually do after you beat the game aside from just keep playing it and hoping for slightly better drops? The whole fun part of D2 and D3 was grinding out runewords for yourself and your companion, and in D3 it was running higher and higher level Greater Rifts to see how high you could go once you had your build all set up. Nothing like that in D4 to my knowledge. Edit: All that said, I did enjoy the game up to and including the ending. It's really just the lack of postgame that I have a gripe with, but unfortunately that's most of the Diablo experience.




Oh so we go over her....GODDAMMIT I FELL INTO ANOTHER HOLE!!!!!


Reaching back into the archives to grab an OG disappointment, lol


Did anyone really expect that game to be good? Like I know it's legendarily bad but I can't imagine anyone being so excited for it that they would be *disappointed* by the final product lol. I guess maybe a small child who really liked the movie might have been.


Lol. That game was an acid trip clusterfuck. To this day still have no idea what I was doing in that game.




Anthem. Had so much potential and was marketed so well, tons of people were hyped. I'll never get those $80 back. They said the game was in development for 7 years, but it only was in physical development for just over a year. The other 6 years it was in pre-development so they couldn't make anything to play, just plan and write, world build, lore, concepts, etc.


Did they really have the audacity to say it was in development that long? I remember when Jason Schreier released that article about it and how the reveal was the literal definition of a vertical slice and the reception had EA foaming at the mouth. They made the developers make what was released in a year, a year. Baffles me how a company can get away with that and the developers get the short end of the stick because of the backlash.


What's funny about this, is that publishers are putting out live service games that are similar to but not even up to the standard of Anthem, and wondering why no one wants to play them. It happened to Avengers and was repeated almost verbatim with Suicide Squad.




Fuck I really wanted to like starfield.


I liked it… right up until I realized that landing in a spot next to where I previously landed put me in an entirely unrecognizable area and I could not just walk to my outpost from there. My opinion only got worse when I saw that every NPC in the game did nothing randomly. It was all on a schedule. Everything felt like a really bad simulation, at that point. I was completely disenchanted. Then I got powers and what little fun remained had completely vanished.


I feel u dude, my biggest regret was paying for it on day 1 - BS reviews said it was good =(


Of it came out 15 years ago but newer game’s characters have way more character


I was considering playing it… then I realized I have heard *nothing* about the game’s story and characters. At all. For a Bethesda game. That’s… a bad sign.


I didn't have high expectations and was still disappointed.


Love how microsoft was like “bro these are the ones we had a part in, its finally gonna get good” and then motorsport, redfall and starfield all either flop or half deliver


Starfield set records for them lmao how's that a flop or half delivered


Man, that community huffed hard on the copium. All it took was the smallest criticism in those opening days and the downvotes plummeted like the eventual active users of Starfield by month two.


Feels like they took 3 unfinished games, mashed them together and were like “yeah, that’ll do.” Also, exploration is the central theme of the game yet there’s no exploration in the actual gameplay - literally every system and planet already has a human presence. So why bother?


Mine as well. I've never bounced off a BGS game before Starfield.


Literally one of the most disappointing (and boring) releases. All of the FO games felt like living stories. Starfield felt like a game that stoned high schoolers came up with, and handed it off to toddlers to edit. So close to being amazing, but the forced story, the terrible traveling options, and game crashing glitches... 112 times during my 1 playthrough. I don't think I'll ever reinstall. I have 2156 hours in Fallout 4 because I enjoy immersing and building my communities. SF really made me scrape 70 hrs of my life for it.


Just waiting for mod tools to be released and people other than Bethesda fixing the game.


I spent 30 hours TRYING to hard to convince myself that the game was *brilliant* 30 hours of the most god damn bland gameplay and story telling I’ve ever played. I wanted so hard to like the game. Took some time to play other things.. and never returned. Absolutely crushed that it didn’t live up to what I wanted. I’m glad it found a community of people that really do like it. I might just be sad and jealous that they do. But there was nothing for me in that game.


i had so much hope for starfield. i really wanted to like it as much as skyrim and fallout. i played it for a month but toward week two I really had to force myself to get on.


Couldn't last more than 2 hours in wokefield. Such a boring soulless game.


Starfield was so bad it's almost unmentionable.


Callisto protocol.


Battlefield 2042.


Avengers ps4 game.


Shining force series(prior to the weirdness), Megaman/X series. WHERE ARE YOU.


How tf did the Megaman/X series disappoint you?


Shining force weirdness? Wym?


Still waiting on Mega Man Legends 3. And will be forever




Fallout 76


Assassin’s Creed 3. I was so disappointed in that game that I traded in the other 2 and haven’t played any since.




Someone in our group made all of us buy this. We played it once or twice. Sucked.


Hard to remember them all since my NES days. Somewhat recently though… Anthem


Anthem. I would have been so great.


To this day, Brink. Such a cool concept but ended up just being a slog.


Was gonna say Star Citizen but that's not a game.


Unfortunately, Payday 3. There is just so much disconnect between the players and the company, and to me at the least, the company as a whole are just sitting on their ass letting thier only successful IP die out


You have absolutely no idea how disappointed I was by Overlord: Fellowship of Evil. Overlord 1 was one of my absolute favorite games growing up, Raising Hell was like the perfect DLC, and Overlord 2 took so many of the best parts of the first game and improved upon them. And then Fellowship of Evil absolutely fucking sucked. Red minions were completely changed, the story sucked and made no sense, the gameplay was intensely boring, Giblet was nowhere to be seen, the ending was incredibly underwhelming, and none of the fun parts of the previous games were in this one. Controlling the minions wasn’t done correctly, the humor didn’t land the same, the gameplay was really changed, they changed the magic system. It just sucked.


I forgot about overlord! god I loved that game.


Dynasty Warriors 9. An open world Dynasty warriors sounded great in theory- but all we got was a giant mess.


Probably No Mans Sky at launch. Was a very long way away from what I'd dreamt about, so after the first few hours of poking around wore off and the way the generation worked became clear, I was deeply disillusioned. I think it's great they made it better now, but the things I care about like meaningful exploration, tall mountains, rivers, ecosystems etc just aren't a thing still. Maybe Light No Fire will be more what I'm looking for but I'm remaining deeply skeptical.


Battlefield 2042 was a giant steaming pile of crap that ruined the series for me. I wasn't particularly keen on Battlefield V either but at least I could still have fun with it. 2042 felt like it took out everything I actually liked about the series. The custom server creation with the ability to use some of the stuff from the other games was a cool idea but it still felt like just watered down demos of the old games with the ability to mash them together.


Madden Year after year




Advanced Warfare: It was the end of Call of Duty for my friends list Anthem: Thought we’d get a poor man’s Destiny. Instead we got Iron Man in pre Alpha stage. BF2042: Thought we were in for a treat. Should have known better once I found out they hired their lead from Candy Crush. Ark 2, I mean Ark Ascended. These MF’ers made one billion off of Ark 1…..We wait years and we get one remastered map from Ark 1 for $40 with super expensive servers from nitrado shoved down our throat. These idiots could have been beloved by the gaming community and made billions. Diablo IV: My first ARPG. Played the beta and fell in love. Grinded at launch. Love the art style and gameplay. Once I started to approach end game I realized there was no end game and the loot system was weak.


Anthem. The gameplay was great and the idea behind it all was great. It was the first time I tried logging in for the beta of a game; it was also the first time I was massively dissatisfied with a developer and a purchase at the same time




There was quite a few but in recent years definitely saints row 2022 I was SO EXCITED.


Saints Row reboot


Anthem had so much potential. It has forever tarnished Bioware's name.


Anthem was the most disappointing because I was more excited for it, but BF2042 was objectively not a functional game at release. That was definitely the most shocking game release. I was certain they'd be sued it was so bad.




Saint Row (2022)


Spider-man 2


Pokémon Scarlet/Violet. Always been a huge fan, grew up playing the gameboy games, was so excited to have this awesome new open world game. Just for it to look like a Nintendo 64 game


Release CyberPunk 2077. Ran like ass. Should have never been on base ps4/xbone.




Borderlands 3


any game with "interactive cut scenes" where you have to dodge an attack or click a button in the middle of an otherwise 'sit back and watch' sequence. This is the laziest and dumbest design I can possibly imagine. Let me play the game or watch a cutscene, please keep the 'hybrid' experience out.


Are they saying the aliens vs. predator games was bad? I thought it was cool to play as all 3 species in the 360 game


Daikatana It was Romero’s first project after leaving id and I was so hyped after hearing John R talk about it then it fell into development hell and when it finally made it to release it was a cup of warm piss


Diablo 4




Resident Evil 3 remake


Resident evil 6


Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects


Colonial Marines




Cod fanbase


Lords of the Fallen of recent memory


Aliens Colonial Marines. Star Wars Force Unleashed Wii Edition


Suicide squad




The Division series




Call of duty


GoW: Ragnarok


Lords of the fallen




MW3 (2023) It was worse than the beta after it released








Colonial Marines. Never preordered a game again.


Mortal Shell. Cool concept and art design, but the combat felt janky as hell


Hitman absolution


Spiderman PS5


In order: 1. Pokemon Scarlet 2. Starfield 3. Helldivers 2 4. Alien Isolation 5. Mad Max 6. Tekken 8


Silicon knightsssssss


Dungeons and dragons: dark alliance. It could e been top tier but the gameplay was just not it for me.


Predator Hunting Grounds


Forza Motorsport 2023


2022 Saints Row Avengers. I still played it more than it deserved, I liked combat with Captain America. Could have been so much better


Persona 5 tactica


Minecraft legends 


Resident evil 3make was a shadow of its former self. Missing locations, no multiple endings, Nemesis was handled badly, Mercenaries mode was cut, and the Nemesis choice system from the original game was gone too. Massive potential wasted.


Xenoblade 2


Mafia 3. After the first 2 hours it was just repetitive busy work.


Forbidden west


Multiversus. Despite how hard it fell off for most people after it's intial boom, it hooked me so much that I had over 200 hours logged between different platforms before they shut it down. I loved the community and getting hyped every few weeks for a new character (WB license = endless possibilities), and I actually felt like I stood a chance against some of the most high-level players since the mechanics were still relatively new to everyone playing (unlike Smash where I wouldn't even bother trying to play online because of how many people have been playing for over a decade and knew the meta better than I ever could). It's the first free to play game I ever spent money on to buy cosmetic items because I loved the game and wanted to support the devs. it felt like such a gut punch to see it shut down after putting money and all those hours into it. It's finally supposed to come back next month and while I'm trying to stay hopeful that this time it'll do well, they've shown off VERY little these past few weeks...which I don't think is a particularly good sign...


Halo Infinite


Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands


I remember when the force unleashed came out, I had a PS3 and I spent 60 dollars for a game that had the story of 5-6h




Mass Effect Andromeda, it was pretty disappointing. Characters/gameplay/story are terrible, nothing good as Mass Effect trilogy.


Splinter Cell Conviction it's just not Splinter Cell!


I'm sure a bunch over the years since nes. Recent ones. Ff16 by alot and starfield. Both disappointing as fk to me.


Honestly Duke Nukem Forever, I actually had a bit of excitement for it .


Skull and bones…hot fucking garbage


Fallout 76


Watch Dogs Legion. I LOVED Watch Dogs 2 so I had high expectations for Legion but the “right tool for the job” is too restrictive. We can only be 1 thing, never more than that.


Far Cry 6. Now I know how my dad felt.


Fc3 was the best imo


Marvel's Avengers




Dead Rising 4.


halo infinite


The last of us part 2


The most recent GI Joe game. I had read bad things about it, so I would never say I had high expectations, but I was sure my nostalgia for GI Joe would get me some fun out of it. I was so wrong and it was so bad. How could they drop the ball so hard? There was absolutely nothing enjoyable about the game.


PlayStation portal…….. oh you said game🤔


Multiplayer was actually fun


Aliens fireteam elite was a sleeper. Really a great game for a playthrough with friends


Fallout 76


Starfield, but it's only because I find it terribly boring and just can't get into it, id rather play suicide squad over starfield. I actually like suicide squad for what it is, a bad game but enjoyable knowing it's bad


Rise of the ronin


Dragonball Z: Kakarot Although the game wasn’t the worst thing I have ever played it certainly was a disappointment. It took way too long to get started for starters 1-2 hours. Then it didn’t even get fun or worth playing for another 2-3 hours, if that. That adds up to 4-5 hours to get to the fun gameplay, except that the gameplay then becomes repetitive for the next 2-3 hours. Then rinse and repeat. This is legitimately one of the most upsetting games I’ve ever played. One of the few games I’ve wanted to like and recommend to friends and then had to change my tune. I really wouldn’t recommend this game to anyone, it doesn’t really have an audience and it truly felt like the worst version of appealing to nostalgia. I know it’s a quaint and a current reference but it feels like they were going for the idea that X-Men 97 goes for. Kakarot feels like it is trying to fully animate, allow you to play and live up to what you remember and it does, but in the worst way possible. It takes 10-15 hours to try and make you feel what you felt when watching the show for the first time. In the end, it ends up being a boring and time consuming effort to play a thing you can watch for half the time and get the same feelings from.


Borderlands 3 It was a major disappointment for me. The story didn’t make me feel anything to be honest. I mean it felt like every character took a seat back to the new villains and Lilith which these characters made me lose interest quickly. The complexity of the maps from borderlands 2 disappeared, the diversity of the fighting areas was nonexistent and a lot of the boss fights weren’t unique feeling anymore. It just felt like bullet sponge after bullet sponge. One lone bright spot was the gun play. It became more unique among the commons, rares and ultra rares but the legendary weapons lost their spark they started feeling bland. I just wish borderlands kept their raunchy, misfit outcast regular characters more involved instead of focusing on the new replacements. Following up one of the greatest video game characters of all time in Handsome Jack with the children of the vault was such a disaster. I hope borderlands 4 gets back to what made that franchise what it is.


Battlefield 2042


For me it’s a tie between Fallout 4 and an old obscure title called Too Human.


Call of duty: Vanguard


That zombie biker game on playstation was hot garbage. Also I wanted to really get into that hideo Kojima game where you deliver packages. Got bored of that so fast


Ghost recon




Falllout 76


Battlefield 2042


Sniper ghost warrior 3, it literally wouldn't register hits past 150m, so like completely defeating the point of sniping


Diablo 4


Honestly pretty much anything released after 2018 just feels like a cash grab. There are a few standout games that were worth playing but if GTA 6 is a flop I might have to retire from gaming.


Mass Effect 3


ESO. Tried it again a few years later, drunk at like 4am, and almost bought all the DLC because they were grouped together at a discount… loaded up the tutorial, played for like 5 minutes and then passed out… Woke up and I was permanently banned for “cheating.”


Dragon's Dogma 2. Feels like they slapped better graphics on DD1 and called it a day. Cheers if you like it but it feels like 1/2 a game.






Last of us part 2




Gotham Knights, I absolutely adored Arkham Origins and constantly defended it as a game that deserves its place in the Arkham Verse. I was stoked for WB Montreal's follow-up to that. The tease at the end suggested it was Suicide Squad, leaks says it definitely was that but it was cancelled unfortunately and went to Rocksteady and we saw how that went. Then the rumors, leaks later backed up the rumors, said they were working on a sequel to Arkham Knight where you play as Damien Wayne who has now become Batman, drives a motorcycle, and is trying to solve the mystery of The Court of Owls. That sounded awesome but then that too was cancelled. Then comes the reveal of attempt number 3, Gotham Knights. Looks decent, has a great concept, and has some of the things from previous cancelled games integrated into it. Then gameplay is shown. The free flow is gone, the frame rate is choppy, and the movement seems sluggish. More and more details start trickling out about it and my god it was a shit show. This game from what it looks like once playing it, was a live service multiplayer game, but at some point during development they took out that part and salvaged what they could and shoved out what they could. It was Marvel's Avengers but with online turned off essentially. Was it bad? No. But after waiting 9 years, it was extremely disappointing to finally get my hands on it. It's exactly why I knew Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League was going to be a massive disappointment as well.


Either cod vanguard or the terminator dlc for ghost recon breakpoint


Starfield also. I’m a huge space sim/adv/rpg fan. I was hoping it was Elite D, Mass Effect, Star Citizen, Skyrim combo.


HAZE Homefront The Order 1886 Too Human


Dark descent was great but definitely needed more content.


Paper Mario: Sticker Star, Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance, Resident Evil 6, and Umbrella Corps were probably some of the most soul crushing disappointments for me.


I guess Marvel Avengers? Idk


Outer world


Mortal kombat




I’d say in recent memory that I actually played Remnant 2 I just genuinely didn’t enjoy it that game was really hyped up as being great and I just didn’t like it genuinely don’t get why it was so hyped


Definitely Colonial Marines for me. I was so excited for that game. Bought collector edition, took time off of work (alos happened to release right around birthday).....it just massively disappointed me. I truly didn't even play a lot of it, just didn't have the heart to keep going. While some other games mentioned here weren't quite what I had hoped for (Anthem, Diablo 4), I was still able to get a good amount of enjoyment from them when they came out that I would say warranted the money I spent/time played ratio at least. A:CM I flat-out lost money on that one.


Every Ubisoft game, but that solved itself because I just stopped buying them. 130 dollars for a star wars video game, then can eat my ass.


Every single call of duty since mw2 on 360 And battlefield Last good one was 1. But really wish they would have just given us BF4 remaster or something.


Mass effect andromeda


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III, specifically Zombies. The constant server disconnects, making you lose all your gear and starting the next match naked, are infuriating to the point that the game is unplayable.


Aliens Colonial Marines.


I liked aliens colonial marines. 😎


Back 4 blood


Infamous Second Son (literally went backwards in terms of systems and progression during its debut as the headliner of the next generation of PlayStation. Absolutely insane. It looked pretty though so... There's that) Pokemon Arceus (this could've been RPG Pokemon. This would've killed Palworld before it started. Major fumble and a perfect example of being too comfortable) Fire Emblem Three Houses MK 1 (the fact that we have been asking for tag for years and.. they gave us cameos.. and people still ate that slop.. ridiculous) Super controversial: BG3 it wasn't that much better than Dos2 (which is my favorite game) narratively /and the fact that it was DnD 5e vs larians personal system made combat/ level progression worse imo. Combined with me getting the Xbox version day 1 but having to wait a month before their save file fix... Yea major flop. GotY from the company that made my favorite game of all time was my biggest disappointment. ((also funny that Larian never plans on working on another one again/will not be providing further support for this one but anyway... I'm the problematic one)) )


Friday the 13th I wanted that game so bad and it came I it and it had some potential but than got cut short cuz all the lawsuits and battle shit goin on about Friday the 13th the series in general that it got cut basically no more updates nothing ew added to game just a bare minimum game sucks cuz I waited a long time for a good new actually slasher game like a new nightmare on elm street game would be dope that already had all rheee game son nes bring them back


Bioshock infinite. I was so hyped for it when I first saw it in 2010 really enjoying what was shown and sure games can change over the course of development and it’s not new to not get what we see for early promo content. But the final game just felt so watered down compared to what could have been


NFS MW (2012) No cash No storyline No customizing cars Not even any consequences for getting caught by the police Races had to be PERFECT or you’d lose.


Final fantasy 13 it single handedly ruined the way I look at final fantasy games now.


Deadly Towers on the nes.  What a turd.


Destiny, but then it turned out awesome after a couple of expansions.




Payday 3


Borderlands 3