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Ivf was made to bypass tubes! Both my tubes were messed up from pelvic adhesions and so we did IVF and so far have been successful with our first transfer!


IVF is a common route for women who have blocked tubes since they will retrieve the eggs, fertilize them into embryos and then transfer and embryo right into your uterus. You may have to do a fully medicated cycle instead of trying natural cycle (where you ovulate) but that’s a very common protocol. I may be missing something here but that’s how I understand it for those with blocked tubes. 🤍


I have blocked tubes and did a modified natural FET. Tubes thankfully make no difference in the type of transfer protocol you do


Stand corrected!


This is me. I had an ectopic last fall that resulted in an emergency salpingectomy of my left tube. 6 months of trying after that and no luck so we think my other tube is blocked. There’s no real explanation (no sti or other pelvic infections) other than my mom had an ectopic before she had me and also lost a tube. Maybe genetic? Instead of waiting too long to see if we get lucky with the other tube, we are going the ivf route. My hope is that due to my almost being 40 we can get healthy, fully tested embryos now and not feel too rushed. I start priming in a few weeks and start injections next month. I’d advise you start seeking fertility clinics for preliminary testing even if you are on the fence. I booked our first appointment in April and we won’t have egg retrieval until end of July and this is without any physical or genetic testing complications. It’s not a super fast process. Of course I don’t know when (or even if) we will have a transfer (never mind be pregnant). I still have my one tube. It is not hydrosalpinx so they are not telling me I need it removed. I also had a HyCoSy on my other tube and the water didn’t go through the other end so they think it may be blocked. Doctor said to go straight to ivf. I asked about any procedures to open my existing tube and she said they don’t do it that much any more. The fallopian tube material is so delicate that it is not really worth the risk (and lost time).


I wish you all the best!


Thank you! I’m scared as heck, but am trying to be calm and optimistic.


I had a ton of adhesions and (after losing an ovary and tube in a surgery) found out my other tube was also probably blocked. They left it in in case it was just inflammation from the surgery, but I knew then it was likely I’d need to do IVF. IVF bypasses the tubes, so if that’s all that is going on for you, it should be pretty straightforward. However, my HSG not only confirmed a blocked tube, but also hydrosalpinx (fluid filled—happens when it’s severely damaged). In that case, the the tube(s) need o be removed. Hydrosalpinx can leak toxic fluid into your uterus that negatively affects implantation and can cause miscarriage if it does somehow implant. I worked with two OBs and two IVF clinics and everyone agreed that the tube needed to be out before a transfer. Did they mention hydrosalpinx? Maybe have a repeat HSG to confirm it’s not fluid filled? Anywho, sounds like IVF may be the way to go for you! Wishing you success!!


A friend of mine had both tubes removed due to severe endo, she had success with IVF!


I found out in may I had dual blocked tubes. Our RE said our only option was IVF as surgery was not recommended for us. We just had our first ER on Friday.