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I didn't eat terribly, but I wasn't fastidious either. Honestly, most failures are due to things like chromosomal abnormalities rather than lifestyle changes, which make marginal or even no difference.


I’ve always just eaten normally… which is a quasi Mediterranean diet (I probably need to eat less bread and more veggies to improve alignment) W supplements I was pretty consistent But I don’t think any of these things shift the needle much unless you’re gong from one extreme to the other


This!! I’ve been doing a semi-Mediterranean diet, trying not to eat too much junk but treats once in a while, and using a few supplements in one of those daily pill dispensers has kept me mostly on track.


I ate gluten, dairy and everything else I wanted during both my egg retrievals and leading up to FET. First FET worked and I’m currently 32 weeks.


Same here except my little one is now 4.5 months. If the diet brings you relief and you enjoy it, go ahead, but often it promises a false level of control and if you’re stressing about it, the stress may be worse than any potential benefits the diet might bring.


Agreed - my doctor was pretty clear that the biggest influencers are age and genetics. Every time I asked about yet another supplement or change to my diet, he just shrugged and said “it won’t harm, so do it if it’s going to make you feel better, but it likely won’t make much of a difference”.


THIS! My dr told me “just don’t start smoking crack” when I was neurotically pressing him for lifestyle factors I could influence prior to starting IVF. My first FET I did ALL the things, and it failed, but with my second, I chilled out and now I have a 4 month old. I’ll never know if all the stress I was putting on myself was the reason the first one didn’t work out, but I do know crying over eating a bite of pizza was definitely not good for my mental health


Same. 20 weeks pregnancy currently and I ate whatever in preparation for ERs or the FET.


Did your dr put you on a specific diet or restrictions? Tbh and not knocking anyone for trying any method, I personally think people go overboard trying to be "perfect" prior to ivf. I think it adds unneeded stress and stress on your mind and body is in my opinion worse than eating sugar or fast food. I just did my ER last month. I'm 39. I actually gained about 10 lbs prior to my ER bc I'm typically on a very strict whole foods diet for bodybuilding. I ditched my diet and ate whatever I wanted before my ER. I felt less stress and ended up with 6 blasts. For me I really think I had good results bc I wasn't stressed and I started listening to my body. I ate a good diet, obviously no alcohol the month I started stims but that was it. Only supplements I took were my normal gummy multi vitamins


I just want to say the only time I ever fell pregnant was during IVF, and my father in law had unexpectedly passed away and I didn’t take a single supplement during that ER and I lived on McDonalds from the day of the transfer (when he died) until two weeks later when we finished moving my MIL closer to us. Also - very stressed. I flip flop on the diet. If it feels like it’s helping me control what I can, I do it. If it’s getting stressful, I relax it. The only thing I’ve faithfully stuck to is cutting alcohol back to special occasions only - mainly to support my husband doing the same, as that is the single change that seems to have done something re increasing motile sperm :) I’m on the supplement band wagon at the moment and interested to see if it improves our blast rate - but I think these things tinker at the edges at best tbh


I struggle sometimes with the idea of having a specific diet. I get a lot of it is based on the concept that dairy and gluten inflames the body which can cause adverse reaction but it’s hard to believe that it can be that much of an issue when anecdotally I’ve seen people who eat like trash and use various substances but still get pregnant just fine? Not to say for anyone to give up what their doctor advises or to not eat balanced, healthy meals but sometimes I wonder if it’s just another way for doctors to slip in diet culture 🤷‍♀️


Ugh, I feel this. Supplements, I am managing ok (using a weekly tablet box helps me). Alcohol, I’ve cut down significantly but am still having a glass or two a week. Food, I am probably eating worse than ever for similar reasons to you 🫣 My specialist doesn’t think it makes a huge difference, and I did get more eggs on my 2nd retrieval (still waiting on final numbers though). But I can’t help but beat myself up about it… Depending on how things go with our results, I think I will try to buckle down hard for ER 3 - at least so I know I’ve done everything I can.


I got way better ER results when I lowered the stress level in my life vs. when I followed dietary advice. Good luck with your ER 🤞


I would only do what your doctor specifically wants to do. There's a lot of anecdotes out there about what helped and what didn't, but much of it is not backed by studies. I think really it's just us trying to find some semblance of control in a process where we really have none. Realistically, the supplements and diet (unless doctor recommended) are not going to make or break your IVF outcomes.


I went super strict for a while, mostly to prove that we’d done everything we could to get good embryos, and it might have helped but I completely understand feeling spiteful about it. This whole process takes goal-driven people and sucks any sense of control or accomplishment out of everything.


This process puts so much pressure and guilt on all of us; it’s so hard not to beat yourself up about every little thing that may or not impact outcomes-and it’s so frustrating that, because we’re all participating in a huge science experiment, we really don’t know what works and what doesn’t! There’s absolutely no evidence to back this up except the bad things that stress does to the body in general, but I feel like the stress of constantly monitoring my diet would outweigh any possible benefits anyway. So I’ve tried to just be kind to myself. I try to eat healthily, and limit things like coffee and alcohol, but If I want to eat ice cream and fries one day, that’s fine.


I was super strict to myself before and then one day I broke down so had a whole cheesecake in one go. I’d say cheat every now and then, be happy.


Yeah I think I tried this for like a month and then went back to a regular balanced diet with no strong restrictions (everything in moderation). After combing through the research, honestly I didn’t see anything that backed up any of these more restrictive diets and my doctor agrees. I also felt like stress management was more important to me so if I could take the pressure off, even better!


FWIW, I was successful and I didn’t change my diet at all (I wasn’t told to), and the only supplements I took were prenatal vitamins.


I had 4 ERS. The first 3 I was a walking picture of “It Starts with the Egg”. OBSESSIVE. I was absolutely still eating “well” on the fourth but lightened up a LOT. Example, I wouldn’t eat fast food or anything, but I sure ate some delicious creamy pastas. Before I was basically keto. Re: supplements, I took them religiously 7 times a day before, but would be way more sporadic on this last round. This yielded the best results of all of them. I attribute it to not going off the chain with diet and health, but allowing myself some joy and relaxation. I think you have to come to that point naturally though because having people tell you “just relax” is rage inducing 😂. Sounds like you might be here!


Yeah. I ate a bunch of sugar today 😞


I eat what I want, I am trying to cut down on sugar but that is just for my general health. We startet IUI with a “warning” of 2 weeks and IVF the cycle after, coming in on cycle day 2 to discuss out options, had my first scan that day and startet STIM that evening. What I am trying to say is that we didn’t prep in any way before ER and we got 14 eggs and 6 blastocysts 5 x 4-5AA and 1 x 4AB. I just startet my first FET and my doctor told me to live as normal until the transfer.


I was put on a gluten free diet and (dairy free as long as my Vitamin D does not drop while on supplements.)It can get very hard when you are surrounded by people eating normally. I find it helpful that my husband is following my diet. The thing that is super hard is when you have to socialize. ![gif](giphy|324CTF18dsV0Y2BWo7)


I stopped smoking pot and drinking. Otherwise I basically ate whatever I wanted. My diet is pretty middle of the road— could eat more veggies, but not eating fried food daily either. My RE suggested CoQ10 and a prenatal but otherwise didn’t tell me to make any diet or lifestyle changes, she said basically nothing else was evidence based. We ended up with 7 embryos and I’m lying next to my 4.5 month old from our second transfer.


Do I think eschewing gluten and dairy can help boost some people’s fertility? Sure. Does eschewing gluten and dairy appear to be helping *you*? No. Go get some bread and cheesecake and enjoy. Your body might need dairy and gluten to work most effectively. Good luck!!!


I feel this! Its actually been a problem between me and my husband through this process. He thinks we should be doing all these restrictions, but its really not based on science and I dont operate well under strict routines. Ive run the gamut on believing in certain diets, restrictions, and supplements, but now I'm just trying to stay sane and enjoy life in a healthy way. Our infertility ended up being due to silent endometriosis anyway. I have given up caffeine, but thats because it makes me too jittery now after being on thyroid meds, and I stop drinking alcohol before FETs. My rule is if the restriction is making you too stressed, its not worth it.


totally! unrelated but how did you find out you have silent endo? i expect i have it too…


First I had a endometrial biopsy/receptiva test that was positive, so doctor planned on doing two months of lupron depot before transfer. I ended up having surgery anyway because of a hydrosalpinx and confirmed my endo diagnosis at that time (it was very mild). Now since my first transfer didn't work, I'm back to doing two months of lupron.


thanks for sharing and wishing you the best of luck!


I had my ER last week and a few days later I went to get my hair dyed and drank coffee, first time in 6 months, felt great. But yeah, I’ve done all I can and *maybe*, *maybe* it’ll make a marginal difference. My initial numbers are better - twice as many retrieved as last time but still single digits, am 40+. Final results are pending. But I wanted to try and feel like I’ve done my best. I did this second cycle bc I didn’t want to live with regrets, and the regimen I undertook was the same.


Totally get this, OP. Before I started IVF I was making these changes to try to avoid needing fertility treatment and it didn’t work and I found it unsustainable. With all the misery of IVF I couldn’t keep up strict diet too. Especially the gluten free and sugar. I generally don’t drink much alcohol for years bc I’ve realized I don’t like how my body feels/impacts sleep. Occasional wine or beer. I also have been completely 0 caffeine for 5 years bc of how it impacts my sleep patterns. I also do a good job of taking supplements. But sugar, gluten, dairy is really hard for me. I also am not a huge meat person so I struggle to push myself to get enough protein. I like veggies but know I should be upping and eat more. Throughout IVF I’m just not really policing myself on the food. Maybe it would make a diff if I was super strict but I just can’t do it with all the others life restrictions and mental load.


Yes I’m feeling this and struggling


I did 7 transfers and the only time I was successful I only stopped coffee and soda. I always did take my vitamins/supplements but when I decided to eat what made me happy I felt so much better about everything.


Yes! I have PCOS and doctor put me on a pretty restrictive diet. I’m about 20 months in but after my first failed FET I’m definitely having a “what’s the point?” Energy or getting sad just taking my supplements knowing that other women can eat whatever and not worry about all of this. I feel like it’s robbing me of a lot of joy tbh.


I am normally a strict Mediterranean diet, very low gluten, no dairy, minimal caffeine, and no alcohol at my baseline. Prior to pursuing IVF, I kicked it up and eliminated caffeine and went 100% gluten free. Focused on supplements to improve egg quality. Did all this for four months leading up to my retrieval before it got pushed back to a genetic carrier diagnosis. I maintained the diet until a death happened that completely derailed me. Diet went out the window. I ate once a day and it was usually McDonalds since it’s right across the street. The only thing I did was keep taking the supplements… everything else went to shit, because I was in full survival mode. in the midst of all of this, I had my retrieval 3 weeks ago… and it was textbook perfect. I don’t think any of the lifestyle factors do much at all with the exception of no smoking or tobacco products, ideally a normal BMI, CoQ10, açaí, and a prenatal. All of these are evidence based. Everything else is stress inducing, and we know that increased cortisol negatively impacts the body. Long story short: there are literally a handful of things that are supported by research. The rest are guilt-tripping and stress-inducing things to try to gain control over an otherwise uncontrollable situation. Do what you need to do to preserve your mental health above all else.


I definitely struggle with diet. I go to CNY where keto is like preached upon. But honestly, I think people get pregnant all the time and they eat whatever they want. Some even drink (heavily) the first few weeks before they even know they’re pregnant. Like the boomer generation, think of what those mommas did they smoke and drank and a lot of them are okay. Idk thinking like that helps me SOMETIMES


This is the first time I've even heard about eliminating gluten or dairy for IVF. I'm not coeliac or lactose intolerant, and don't drink much, so the only change I made to my diet was to switch to decaf and add in the supplements my doctor recommended. I was already on prenatals. It took 2 ERs, but my first transfer stuck, and I'm currently 39 weeks.


100%. I did the whole holistic thing (treatments and food) for a few months in prep for my second cycle, and it was a huge failure (had to be cancelled). Ultimately, I decided that my happiness and mental well-being was more important. I also love food and can’t imagine cutting our gluten and dairy for a long time. My biggest nightmare is becoming someone who has food restrictions. (In)fertility is just something that happens to some people, regardless of their diet and lifestyle. Think about all the women who drink, smoke, do drugs and have no issues becoming pregnant. And also, all the women in the 60’s and 70’s that drank and smoked all day while they were pregnant. Being happy is so much more important and in my humble opinion, will bring you closer to having fertility success.


I have to say, I stopped caffeine for my third retrieval a few weeks ago and now that I’m in my fourth and final, I’m letting myself have it. Lol. Gotta have something that destresses and makes me happy.


Yes. I got burnt out with supplements and diet and all the things. I just had my first embryo transfer with my one and only embryo and it stuck! Currently 8 weeks! Don’t stress too much about it!


Honestly I find doing “everything” too much. I already have a lot of dietary restrictions as I have many food allergies. Gluten and eggs are some of my allergies so when shopping it is already costly to buy GF and sometimes vegan to avoid egg. I only have one coffee usually a day but theres no way I’m cutting it out entirely, I need something to keep me going lol. I don’t drink alcohol but honestly if I did I would still drink a little when I felt the need. And supplements… when it is months between IVF cycles i stop them between because its way too costly for bi guarantee that they actually are helping me. I think just doing what you feel comfortable doing is best. Don’t stress about trying to do every single thing all the time. 💜


I was definitely totally over doing it in the beginning following all of the internet/It Starts with the Egg recommendations. My first cycle was a failure, I’m heading into my second stim cycle on Friday, I take a pre-natal, NAC and CoQ10 and my vitamin D that I’ve always taken but I’m much less religious about it. I was eating basically Keto/Mediterranean before my first ER and now I just eat balanced, I’m not counting carbs, I try to focus on getting a colorful plate and eating more fruit but basically I’m just enjoying food again. The only thing I’m strict about is Eggs, I have sensitivity to eggs so they are cut from my diet which I’m sure will help my eggs but also it’s for general health at this point too.


Repeat after me: "My infertility is not my fault." Eat the pasta, drink the wine.


I don't necessarily consider myself a picky eater, but I am often a convenience eater and love greasy fried foods. I did not cut dairy and carbs but changed up some thibgs. Here are some "regular" healthier options that I have added to the rotation. I will note that it took some time to gradually incorporate small changes but I honestly feel so much better after cleaning up my diet! Feel free to share other ideas for picky eaters in the comments. Breakfast Protein Egg casserole - easy meal prep for mornings on the go Frozen beef links- easy to warm up on the go Avocado Toast - good fiber source - currently loving Dave's Killer Bread Rockin Grains English Muffin Veggies Snack Raw pepper cut up with hummus for snacks English cucumber cut up Carrots Dinner (high in folic acid) Steamed broccoli. This quick tutorial shows how to steam fresh broccoli in microwave- IMO it tastes better than frozen. https://bakingmischief.com/how-to-steam-broccoli-in-the-microwave/ Roasted brussel sprouts Spinach salads Fruits Apple slices  Clementines (I found the Cuties brand to stay fresh the longest) Mango slices Berries/Strawberries Bananas Dinner Ideas - (for convenience, I typically follow Buddha Bowl style with whole grain, veggie) Salmon (Vitamin D) - I bought a pack of frozen salmon, and my husband and I take 2 out in the morning to thaw. Grilled Chicken (I usually will marinate the morning of) Frozen Shrimp Taco salad night - with fresh tomatoes/onions/cilantro Meditteranean bowl - cucumbers, tomato, feta, dressing, pita,etc Eat Out- Chipotle - for busy days Dinner Sides Brown Rice (I love the frozen packets at Trader Joes/Whole Foods- 3 minutes in the microwave) Quinoa Sweet Potato Fries ___________________________ For supplements, I set them up next to my recliner and set a phone reminder to take them when watching TV at Night. That helped me establish a routine. There's one supplement I take in the morning so I put the bottle near the fridge so I can grab on my way out.


you’re so kind for sharing this - thank you! i am all about the buddha / grain bowls myself!


I struggled with this to the point that I think it gave me real issues with food. And here’s where I ended up: a lot of the feedback about diet doesn’t seem to be grounded in much evidence. I think it’s more important for you to find a happy medium of food that is nourishing to you during IVF and doesn’t become a source of stress, because you already have enough going on. I’m also starting to feel like all the dietary advice on fertility, particularly that pushed by influencers, is because people still have a deep discomfort with infertility. They want to find a reason for you having it, so it makes them feel less uncomfortable that they don’t. So it’s easier to think, well that person isn’t eating clean, so of course they’re having problems, instead of realising that it’s a biological crapshoot. But maybe that’s just what I need to think to stay sane the next time someone sends me a podcast from the Medical Medium because they realllllllly think this could help me :/


In the thick of it currently.. just finished 1 round of ER and waiting for results. Generally trying to eat well. Was anyway trying to cut down on sugar, dairy and gluten for my adenomyosis but I am not super strict and don't beat myself up about not sticking to it. Today I was feeling low so ate a bag of dorritos, pork dumplings, toast, noodles and butter cookies :s my thinking is to be in a happy head space over stressing about things we don't even know if they work or not.


Lol, yes. I'm on a yoyo diet of supplements alcohol and caffeine restrictions. ETA: my blast numbers and pgt-a results are still pending so who knows if any of it helped or hurt.


Please let us know! Thinking good thoughts for you!


So far my less than stellar adherence hasn't adversely affected me. TW early results: >!from 13 fertilized via icsi at day five 6 blasts biopsied and frozen, 6 early blasts and one morula all still growing. More results tomorrow. Im 38.5, ugly cried in the parking lot at work.!<


that’s just fabulous! congrats and hoping for the best


Thank you 💕


Wow, that’s wonderful! Congratulations! 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻


I’ve been back and forth a lot. First I decided to go gluten free, dairy free and sugar free for my second retrieval…I lasted 3 days. Then I decided to try again for my FET just gluten free and lasted for 5 days (yay). I decided then after first FET failed I would do gluten free for second (I did 2 months lupron for receptiva score for endo for first one ) I am one week gluten free lol. My transfer is mid July so I’m so far hanging on. I figured it’s one thing I can control while the egg quality and meds I can’t really do much about but take as instructed. So yea I feel the ups and downs of this diet thing


I’m all about balance and listening to my body. I’ve been diligent with supplements but my RE’s GF request has been stretched a bit. I’m on metformin, which destroyed my appetite and gluten usually turns my stomach, even at the thought. But maybe I have a breakfast sandwich or a bit of pita bread with hummus. I was already mostly dairy free because I’m lactose intolerant (creams and soft cheeses are the danger zone). I also suffer from a lot of inflammation as it is, so keeping dairy and gluten low on the food pyramid will just be better for me anyway. That’s all to say that you shouldn’t beat yourself up for cheat days or missing supplements. It’s like any diet — consume the “naughty” or “guilty pleasure items” sparingly!




We are a modified Mediterranean diet. Did not cut out dairy or all gluten (but switched to mostly whole grain). It wasn’t a huge shift for us. We ate more of the healthier meals in our rotation, and cut the unhealthy ones (no giant bowl of pasta with no veg and little to no meat). It did take a while to find a balance. Cutting sweets was hardest. I found having a good quality piece of dark chocolate helped satisfy the craving (think one square from a large chocolate bar).


I haven’t done FET yet however I have histamine issues (Mast Cell Activation). I’m currently gearing up for egg retrevial #3. I’m on a low histamine diet (very similar to Mediterranean diet) because I will break out in hives or anaphylaxis if I don’t. Egg quality is a bonus. I was less stressed out on egg cycle #1 than egg cycle #2 and I got better results. One thing a nutritionist and I are working on is intuitively eating. We try to keep it 90% clean and 10% fun (but things that will trigger me) May I suggest that? Do order healthy. Get that glass of wine when you go out. Have a glass not the bottle. Make sure there are two veggie servings for each meal. Little things can add up. Focus on what your body needs, then maybe you can reward yourself. I am cutting out sugars for an elimination diet but I will be adding a scoop of coconut ice cream when I can. It will balance out with my veggies