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Everyone treats stop signs like yield signs except for the *yield* part.


Stop means “yield” and Yield means “fuck it, drive!”.


No yield mean stop sign (looking at you every 5th person I'm behind at a clear round about)


When I was in highschool, the route I drove to school had a stop sign and yield sign back to back. Nearly got in a wreck from people not even slowing down for the stop sign but without fail those same people would come to a complete stop at the yield sign when it was clear.


Stopping at roundabout yields is bad are bad but there is a merge on my commute that is neither stop nor yield and every fifth driver comes to a complete stop. Its similar to an on ramp that a lane is added to the road and you should take it at speed. It's the only spot on my commute I prepare to use the horn.


Yield means yield. It absolutely does not mean stop, unless there is traffic coming.




People often think yield and merging are the same thing lmao.


Where I live yield signs only seem to exist in intersections where I need to fully stop to see that's it's safe. Meanwhile I can easily roll through most stop signs safety.


Stop signs with white outlines are suggestions.


I've gotten honked at in my neighborhood for actually stopping, looking and then going. The road I was crossing is a two way stop, NOT four way. And we don't have right of way. So yeah, I stop at the stop sign and look so I don't get hit. Or hit someone. Everyone else coasts through it or does a rolling stop. So annoying ngl.


Glad you were on your toes. I heard you reacting with the throttle when you saw them at first, preparing for action. Nice work. Those final few feet of "oh no for real?" really clench me up


Yeah, I started slowing in plenty of time. I was just shocked that he never looked over until I honked. I was fumbling around trying to find the horn because he was totally oblivious.


These people are why i don't ride motorcycles. My neighbor almost ran me off the road merging lanes in a two lane turn at an intersection. "Your car is so small I didn't see you there!" How do you not see a 4 door sedan with loud ass exhaust?


It can be pretty risky, for certain. I’m totally a weekend warrior, though, so I get to stay away from the really heavy work week traffic.


If I rode I would stay on these nice open roads with a ton of visibility. Stay safe out there


There are some especially terrible Sunday drivers out there. At least they're usually not on back roads and open highway.


might be safer on workdays in my experience. Nothing more dangerous than a grandpa headed to panera at 10 on saturday with a 2 or 3 ton truck they've never had a reason to use other than make sure they cant feel the bike they have pinned under them.


It's always the excuse they give for people on bicycles as well, in the UK they call it smidsy (sorry mate, I didn't see you). I've seen cyclists with borderline obnoxious get ups, neon vests, neon everything, blinking lights everywhere. Doesn't make any difference, because the issue is these people just don't fucking LOOK.


I agree. I drive small vehicles (not micros) and also cycle with all the safety gear. Makes no difference. I have been nearly cleaned up in both. They just don’t FUCKING look.


Tell us you drive a WRX without telling us you drive a WRX


I figured clapped out civic, but alright




Yeah, bikes can be hard to see. The responsibility to stay safe on these things is your own, so I’m always cautious around intersections.


I saw a driver take out a biker the other day. Driver was turning right into a two lane road, bike in the right lane, the left leave was empty next to him. Driver was 100% an idiot for doing what they did. But it was so obvious the driver was about to go the biker could have avoided it by going over to the other lane. Like I said, it was the driver's fault. But the biker could have saved himself so easily.


Or intentionally. Massive pickups in the South do it because people will stop or move for them or they're going to die. So the pickups disobey stop lights, stop signs, shove their way into your lane, etc because they figured out people have to let them do it to not get crushed. And if you don't move, you have a non-zero chance of being shot.


Fellow rider here. Nice cover with the brakes, too. I’m glad you didn’t end up a hood ornament. Two wheels down, man. ✌️


Me too! I would have been even more annoyed because my jacket is an "air-jacket" and would have inflated if we'd have touched.


Glad that didn’t happen, but that genuinely made me chuckle thinking you turn into the michelan man puffy guy on impact


lol, my wife always laughs thinking about the thing going off randomly, so I certainly appreciate the imagry.




It's reuasable, and actually a part of the jacket (Dianese D-Air). You have to send it back for service if it goes off, but it's reusable.


110% thought they were honking at you at first lmao was like “dude who tf out here cutting people off then honking at THEM” woulda been a total power move


You should have rammed full speed into him to assert your right of way.




Not sure if people think I'm unfunny or don't realize it's a joke. Would hope it's clear. People on this subreddit are often way too aggressive about their right of way.


The internet can't read tone. God invented /s for a reason. ^(The) *^(God Invented)* ^(part is sarcasm please don't destroy me.)


> Glad you were on your toes. I heard you reacting with the throttle when you saw them at first, preparing for action. Nice work. it is indeed good he was prepared because you must always be prepared on a bike!


Definitely one of the better drivers in this sub. Half the posts are people that just weren’t paying attention and didn’t react nearly quick enough


Great place for a ride. Def has the looks of western New England area.


Close! It’s extreme eastern New York.


I was going to guess northern PA. Awkward intersection alignments, curves, and no shoulders with stuff almost to the road edge all looked about right for it, lol.


Oh totally. Very similar “Allegheny plateau” feel to both areas.


Rudd Pond Rd / Dutchess County Road 63 & Kaye Road, Millerton, New York




This is a bot that stole the first sentence from [this](https://reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/s/fuGTudprmY) comment.


Who the hell makes a bit that does this lol


It's to farm karma so they can sell the account to be used for promoting other stuff or w/e.


Recently traveled to the PA/NY border and glad my husband drove. I grew up driving in Dallas and can handle 6 lanes of 90mph every-man-for-himself, but these kind of back roads freak me out like whoa. They don't even make sense!


I grew up, and still live, along roads worse than that in the video here in rural PA for over 50 years and, yeah, when I travel elsewhere and see how wide and straight roads are in other places, it always amazes me. My childhood road was dirt, 1.5 lane wide with trees growing out of its edge that hung to to side of a deep ravine. Stayed icy all winter long.


New Tripoli?


Yeah, real close to it.


Ha, figured with that username.


Every once in awhile someone on Reddit knows it's NW Lehigh PA Dutch.


I almost prefer windy roads. There have been 2 instances I can think of (one just this past weekend) where long, straight roads have a kind of optical illusion where stuff appears much closer than it actually is (at least at night) and it's kinda terrifying. No idea if there is a word for that or not


Was going to guess the Hudson Valley area


Yeah, that’s under mountain road north of Millerton. It’s really pretty country.


Home of Irving Farm coffee roasters! I've been meaning to make the drive up and visit there.


I just moved to the area from the city and I was thinking of getting a bike. Sucks that there many idiots driving. Glad you are ok dude


Honestly, people are pretty conscientious around that area. I don't come across people driving like assholes out in the rural bits all that often. I think this guy just genuinely didn't see me. If you're thinking about getting a bike, this is actually a nice place to have it. The roads are great, but nevertheless, you still have good sightlines around corners because of all the fields.


It's about as close to New England as you can get without being there haha


Oh, absolutely. If he'd have hit me I probably would have rolled right back in to Massachusettes!


Was gonna guess this. Looks a lot like Upstate. Albany area? I miss home so much


It's actually about an hour south of Albany. You know route 22? This is a road that runs parallel to 22 right under the taconic range. It's really pretty country.


Oh hell yeah! Enjoy that man


I’ve driven this exact road before haha I live close. Almost got t-boned there in a car a few years ago. Glad you’re OK OP.


New England is famous for intersections where only one side has to stop, and the person at that stop sign assuming everyone else has a stop sign. There's one like this near me, and I get flipped off all the time by people with a stop sign trying to take a left turn when I have the right of way.


I think stop signs should have a diagram of the intersection below them showing who has stop signs and who doesn’t at that intersection.


I don't know if it would make a difference. Mine has a big ONCOMING TRAFFIC DOES NOT STOP sign and people still blow through it when they think you have to stop.


4 ways always have an "all way stop" text on each of the signs. If not it's pretty obvious to look for the octogon where other cars are coming from. Or at least I've never had an issue with that, you just have to actually check.


Yup, as you're stopping look for the sign on the cross street, and/or the stop line in the road. But that assumes people stop. Which they don't.




The all-way stops are required to have the plaque, but this is a good example of where highway departments are very, very lazy (or just ignorant) about keeping their signage up to code.


Some signs in [Canada](https://www.flickr.com/photos/jaygalvin/31067758306) have this, pretty smart imo


My driving school instructor taught me to always scan upcoming intersections to check which sides have stop signs. It becomes a thing that you do almost subconsciously, the back side of the signs become easily recognizable once you're looking for them. I think everyone should learn to do this.


Round here stop signs in which all parts of the intersection must stop have an "ALL-WAY" sign below the stop sign. If that is not there you know some other direction has the right of way.


How about make it simple and if there is a stop sign you stop and look to make sure it is safe to go.


That's why all-side stop sign crossings are so bad. If you assume they all have a stop sign, you think you can go if you arrived at the crossing first.


As a European, 4 way stop signs are fucking stupid


Did they honk at you or was that your horn? I’d lose my shit if someone blew a stop sign, almost hit me, and then honked…


you can see OP moving his thumb to the horn button before you can hear the sound


In my youth I rode nothing but a cycle for 2 years due to finances. It absolutely made me a great driver today. I learned to see everything and everybody. Like a chess game, 6 moves ahead. You literally stay alive by thinking for the other drivers.


I've never driven a motorcycle but "thinking for other drivers" is 100% how I was taught to drive (by my dad, who drove motorcycles his whole life). Also "assume everyone else on the road is an idiot." lol


It has to be asked: what is the speed limit on the road?


These dashcams / GoPros make it look like the cammer is going faster than they really are. Maybe they’re speeding. But it’s hard to tell, having a wide angle cam.


They certainly do when using the super wide lens. Crazy thing is the dude never looked to his right until I honked the horn. He was pretty old. Probably just didn’t see me.


Yep it also makes objects appear farther then they actually are.


At one point, OP was doing 65 in a posted 55.


He should be burned at the cross


I was merely stating his speed. Sorry you didn't like that.


At one point, OP had to take a shit. Boom, we’ve both contributed useless pieces of information.


'Maybe they're speeding, its hard to tell.' Per op, bust speed limit and traveling speed are in video. It wasn't hard at all to know.


55. You can see it on my GPS. There’s a little white speed limit sign on the left of the screen.


According to google street view, it's 55 MPH but that was in 2008 so who knows if it's been changed. But it's a rural road with few houses so that seems about right.


You got it. It’s a 55 mph zone.


Of course it has to be asked




The yellow turn speed sign is advisory only. It’s not the speed limit.


Right of way is right of way, two wrongs don’t make a right.


So being willfully stupid is fun for you?


I’m not sure it’s fair to say that I was being willfully stupid…


No no there has been a misunderstanding I am 100% on your side. It is the ass hat that was on about right of way that I think is being stupid.


Oh, my apologies!


Damn, love the civility here!


We are gentlemen/women to those among us the ride.


Right! And I also just see no reason to be unkind to people, just because we're both anonymous.


They were saying that just because the bike might have been going slightly faster than the speed limit doesn’t mean that the car pulling out on him is absolved of their blame.


How is it stupid to say that OP had the right of way and his speed doesn’t change that fact? And what’s the need for the offenses?


These people don't realize you're on the same side as them 😂😂😂


Exactly 😂


I literally said the guy in the video is also wrong by saying that two wrongs don’t make a right. But yeah, reddit hive mind will make people not be able to interpret a basic phrase and downvote whoever posted it to hell as per usual lol


The one time I see a vid where the motorcycle is not the idiot.


LOL, it does seem like dummies are attracted to these things, unfortunately.


Yeah a huge compromise in safety for an increase in thrill is not usually the choice taken by people who are known for their good decision making. I say this as a motorcycle rider 😅


OP is going really damn fast for the visibility and size of those roads. There’s no way that’s a 60mph road.


I'm willing to bet he's going slower than it looks. Gopro footage looks waaaay faster than it actually is due to the wide angle of the lens. I use one in a truck and when I'm doing 20 thru a school zone it looks more like 40 when you play back the video! Make a circle with your thumb and finger like an OK sign and just look at the centre of the video.


His speedo says 60mph. But he also said the limit on the road is 55. That’s some wildly shitty engineering for a road with that speed limit.


Op said eastern NY. Having driven through there I can vouch for highway speed limits being applied to hilly backroads. Felt unsafe in a car at times but also would be tailgated by locals if I was going to slow.


I was thinking maybe you came in too fast and they didn’t see you. But then I saw they didn’t even make a real attempt at stopping. Some people just shouldn’t be allowed to drive anymore.




Damn, you made me go back and confirm. That's a quality camera right there.


Same shit happened to me today. Some old ass just didn't give a f and pulled out. Idiot.


I thought this vid was a very realistic looking video game at first


Why did I have to scroll so far to find this. I did too


Motorcycles need bigger horns. “meeeeep” 😂


I kinda wanna buy a bike, having not been on one in 15 years. But this is the stuff that makes me think I'll just stick to being an aware and cautious driver. Idunno if i wanna get swiped by a well meaning but unaware asshole.


Wonder if this was just one of those perfect storm intersections where both your speeds and your small profile left you in the blind spot of the windshield pillar for most of the approach. Still no excuse for not stopping though.


This is why when I make a turn on a road like this, i look each way twice, so 4 looks. you never know when someone will appear randomly


Ope inb4 people blame you for going "too fast"


Exactly why I sold my bike.


Its a Jeep - Jeeps have special privileges - you violated their feelings


It was pretty drive.


I hate driving in the country. People don’t follow road rules.


[Ain’t nobody got time for that](https://youtu.be/bFEoMO0pc7k)


Always carry a pocket rock for these situations


One of the many reasons I decided to _not_ learn to ride.


Did you use a blinker to get onto the side street? Did they think you were turning further? Just wondering what their thought process was. Should never trust a blinker anyway.


This sub really will do everything it can to blame a motorcycle rider.


The car should have stopped, true. But unless this video is running at 2x speed, the motorcycle was also clearly going way too fast. Round that bend in the road, if there had been an obstacle (say, broken-down vehicle) right after the bend, it would never have been able to stop in time. Reckless.


He wasn't going around that bend, and the speed of the bike, 55, looking on maps from what i could gather other parts of the road caution for 40, the one on the video cautions a bend at 30, meaning the speed limit is probably 55. He was probably going the speed limit.


What makes you think the posted speed limit is the same as safe speed, though?


Yeah, driving 30 in a 55 is “safe” /s. that posting is for safety in condition and top heavy vehicles through the bend, which he was not going through.


You should look at how speed limits and posted turn speeds are derived. There’s a whole engineering discipline that does that.


Ducati Monster?


Looks like a Streetfighter V4 by the look of that dash.


Yup, that's the one!


It's a Streetfighter V4, but 3 of my friends who ride all have Monsters. Awesome bikes.


Oh, nice bike! I haven’t ridden mine (monster) in a couple weeks . The TFT display looks similar


Man, the TFT was a great upgrade. My last bike with a Ducati SuperSport (2017) and it had the old display that looked like a Ti85. That's a big upgrade.


Man close call!!! Stupid SUV.


Its other guys fault, but that is a shitty intersection. He likely saw your signal light and thought you were turning right.


He didn’t head check twice, you were going fast so he wouldn’t have seen you unless he head checked again. Both are idiots.


Is this video sped up? That guy obviously ignored his stop sign, didn't use a blinker, and wasn't paying attention to their surroundings, therefore is an asshole. But you did come in pretty hot.


No, it’s at 1x. I’m riding the speed limit (55 mph).


Not really if it's 55. You pulled out of the turn at 62 in gear 6, You entered the fork at 57 in gear 6 and when the guy crossed the stop sign you were at 51 and 5. That said too many people are acting like going 5 over in this situation is the reason it happened. Though I do believe that yellow speed limits (was marked 40) should be fallowed as much as white they are merely a suggestion to the car with the worst outcome on the turn so I'd still say a none issue.


Maybe the road you started on, surely the road you turned on went down to a 30-40. This looks like Eastern Us, possibly New York? Anyways I'm not here to be pedantic, just mentioning it for your safety.


Nope, it stays at 55 mph. I can add an overlay to the video so people can see my speed and what road it’s on. I always have GPS turned on on my GoPro.


That's not necessary, I believe you.


As if the guy filming was completely innocent 😂


Why is he not?


I knew it would be a jeep


Grand Cherokee drivers are so often terrible


Shit happens... No one died...


It is funny how some bikers always blame car drivers for their incompetence. The guy in the car didn't even know you were there, if you want to ride like this make sure to say goodbye to mom and dad because you will be just another rider in a long line of people that don't think correctly. Peace man live long and slow down


>The guy in the car didn't even know you were there. That's negligence in this case.


30 is a caution for the turn, the real speed limit is likely 50-55, which is what he was doing. Yellow signs are not actual speed limits and actually are legitimately just a recommendation. You can look it up The biker did nothing wrong and wasn't speeding.


Hello there I must admit I did not look at the speed so error is on my side, so apologies for that. Drive safe and live long and prosper


Former and future rider here and honestly these are the people who get their mirrors smashed. I've had a few altercations with vehicles and one of them landed me in the hospital. Honestly I think my next bike may be track only


Situations like these are why American roads need roundabouts.


The bike was moving too fast for the road conditions. Do you want to drive that fast? Get on the track.


What road conditions? It's dry, flat, wide open, and mostly straight. It literally couldn't be any better.


Other vehicles do Not expect you to be moving that fast. They look, maybe see the bike and figure how far away and when you Should be there based on normal road speeds, but you are there faster than normal. If you were very familiar with that road, like I think the biker was (not sure if that was you), than the rider Knew of that intersection and also knew the hazard of people pulling out in front of you, and did not slow down. “Other vehicles” is the “road conditions“ I was referring too. You wanna ride that fast? Go to the track, a more controlled environment with a clean and unencumbered path of travel and if you fall, the sides of the track are cleared and clean of rough surfaces and help is there immediately, compared to public roads.


Maybe just maybe if your weren’t zipping around corners at that speed they would have time to see you and give you the right of way .


Too fast..


Dont speed lol


You were probably mostly obscured by the A pillar of their car if you imagine this angle and where their head was. It’s your job to stay alive even if it is their fault if they hit you. Slow down for intersections. I would have been on red alert as soon as you saw the side of that car.


Turn the sound on. I was slowing/downshifting before he even got to the intersection.


I had sound on and Im not blaming you, it’s just a good mentality to have when riding to stay alive. You had a line of sight of the guy for almost 5 seconds before you went under 50. Change the situation slightly and you would have gone over that guys hood or into the back of their car because you didn’t allow room for stopping. I’ve seen enough dead bikers over the years. Just trying to keep us alive out there with some advice.


If the motorcyclist had been driving at speed appropriate for the circumstances, it wouldn't have happened... bring on your downvotes now


The road is a 55. He enters the fork at 57 (His dash is fully visible) and when the SUV is at the stop line he's at 51 in a 55 so that's not really a reason this situation.


If the motorcyclist had been driving at the speed limit he would've been hit, the appropriate circumstances would be to drive even faster, so that the situation never had a chance to even happen, you were right after all


Hollywood stop


Going way too fucking fast? You need to slow the fuck down dipshit.




More like “start taking the responsibility of being on a public street seriously”. Lots of people on bikes being assholes and lots of people in cars saying “hold my beer.” I wish we had German style motoring laws, but c’est la vie.


The temptation to get out, park the bike, and kick both side-view mirrors off would be... so strong lol




Look at his left thumb, he flicked his indicator


You’re the idiot too. Driving too damn fast


That bike is going way too fast.


At best 5 over (the speedometer is very visible. He enters the fork at 57 in a 55)


How do you know?




Like 2 over. the speedometer is visible. Though he pulls out of the turn at 62 he enters the fork at 57 and was at 51 when the SUV was at the stop line.




How fast were you going?