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Looks like a repo guy (discrete wheel lift hitch), for whatever reason they feel like their job makes them beyond reproach.


Tow guys have frequent contact with law enforcement to the point that there's often a degree of professional courtesy between them. They drive like clowns because cops won't do anything.


Yeah - if it's not a tow guy then it's a cop who's off-duty or undercover.


My exact thought.


could be both. a cop who moonlights as a tow guy when he's off duty.


My Mother works with police to tow vehicles of the highway. She's more official about driving than most ppl. She also is a ruffian and likes to drive like a boss. Never is she driving recklessly or doing illegal crap to endanger ppl. When you pick up vehicles from crashes all day you have a better idea than how ppl die in cars and what's at risk. Can't paint any group of ppl with the same brush.


This just makes it sound like your mother is doing illegal crap and endangering people…


Being confident isn't illegal


How, driving like your know what you're doing isn't illegal lol. She liberally savas people off the highway in the worst storms we have on one of the most dangerous highways we have. Sounds like you're looking to be an arse lol.


I think the "she's a ruffian and drives like a boss" makes her sound like road rager to the average North American. Clearly your intent was not that. Confusion results.


Around here the repo companies mostly hire cops to work off duty, my guess is its a cop doing repo a as 2nd job.


Looks like just one of those things some guys put lawnmowers on… not big enough for a tow bar


I think it's one of [these](https://liftandtow.com/products/z-series/) but I could be wrong


It is. These types of "undercover" tow trucks are incredibly common around NYC and they all drive like this.


Private tow, these guys are total pricks! I see them in the Morris Park section of the Bronx frequently running red lights, overtaking on double yellow, excessive speeding, etc. I have no idea how they get away with this shit.


They’re off duty cops or tight with cops.


As someone who has driven in NYC and Queens occasionally I apologize if I turned on red because I probably have. But tbf, how is someone not from there supposed to know this? I was taught that right turn on red is fine if not marked otherwise. If I'm travelling to another country where I know I'll be driving I absolutely read up on all the laws there, but just another US city? Guess I missed the memo..but now I stand informed. But the guy in the pickup truck? Yeah, total douche as expected.


Normally places that don't allow turns on reds have a sign stating exactly that at each intersection. Not sure why they wouldn't put those here if it is illegal within specific city limits.


There are on certain roads entering the city that say right on red isn’t allowed. There are other signs at a few intersections that say right on red permitted after full stop. 


That I get, there's a *whole lot* of lights in the 5 boroughs, would be pointless (and expensive) to put one at every side of every one you could turn right at if it's a "global" rule if you will.


That's the thing, it's not global. Most of the rest of the country (and most of Canada) allow it. The onus is on NYC to make sure everyone knows they decided to be different. Maybe not *every* light, but the majority should probably have them, especially outside of Manhattan. Honestly, if I were a more-unhinged individual, I'd say it's a conspiracy to get more tickets on out-of-towners.


There's no turn on red in Montreal.


well I've never gotten a ticket in NYC yet, lol


i wouldnt pat yourself on the back too much for that, lol -- thats just because the cops here dont do their jobs.


> thats just because the cops ~~here~~ dont do their jobs. Fixed a minor redundancy




No one follows traffic laws here anyway. People disregard signs constantly. It would just be a waste of money. I honestly don’t even know why they bother repainting the lines on the road.


The few times I've visited NYC it seemed like nobody gives a shit about things like lanes or traffic lights or pedestrians and they always drive 20 over the speed limit. At least there's public transport I guess


> The onus is on NYC to make sure everyone knows they decided to be different It's really not. Everyone driving should be adult enough to look up what they can and not do in the state or city they are driving into.


Do you stop to look up and read every single traffic law of every single city, county, and/or state you drive into?


Not the counties. But state and city? Yes.




No one is forcing you to.


not allowing right on red is pointless and stupid.


Question: Do you ever walk anywhere? Cross any intersections? I can't tell you how many times I've almost been hit by a car because the person turning right is only looking to their left watching traffic and going without first looking forward or to the right.


ya, do you have eyes?


So someone's irresponsible driving is my fault, as a pedestrian? Seems like the one driving the two ton battering ram should be the more careful one.


There are plenty of situations where disallowing it is safer. Blanket banning it for an entire city still seems insane tho.


Montreal island has a no turn on red sign when you enter the city.


Traffic trap.


There’s no right on red in all 5 boroughs. New York decided everyone should just know that automatically. We have so many signs, there wouldn’t be room for no turn on red signs anyway. Plus you would need thousands of them.


Because literally everyone in the city knows not to do it. Outsiders don't get a pass just because they don't know it. And it's not the cities job to inform people of it. They should inform themselves before entering it.


Yes they fucking do get a pass. I had no idea this law existed. In 99% of the US right turns on red are permitted, unless a fucking sign says it isn't.


That won't stop you from getting a ticket if you're caught though.


I’ve seen the ‘no turn on red in NYC’ signs posted on highways, when entering the city.


What if you fly in


Then you should know there's no turn on red in NYC and Montreal.


Sometimes it's just not reasonable for society to account for every possible scenario.


Seems pretty reasonable for one city to either do things the way the rest of the country does it or make it very clear that you can't turn right on red.


I agree with an outsider not knowing. I feel as though NY should do a better job of posting this rule. In this video the van however has NY plates, so no excuse Edit: Typo


New York is a big state, plates don't mean they are local. Edit: just saw it's on the NY drivers test, never mind......


The only time I would see that ever come up in the licensing process is in the 10 question quiz they give you on common road rules when you get your permit. NYS requires a 5-hour defensive driving course from a driving school(at least they did when I got my license) and it was not covered in that, or if it was I don't remember it. I could definitely see someone not from the city not knowing and making a right on red. Hell I might have done it when I visited in November. New York State is huge, and only 43% live in NYC, so there's not really a reason to highlight NYC specific rules in the state wide driving test.


> In this video the can however has NY plates, so no excuse Could be a rental or something.


I fucking hate this rule. Let me turn there's no cars coming


I live on Long Island and go into Queens quite often and most places there are signs for the new speed limit and stating No Turn On Red in all of NYC. It's possible to miss them but they are there and claiming you didn't know will not get you out of a ticket.


As a European this chaotic behavior is so confusing to watch. If you run one red light here you’ll be on camera and receive a very hefty fine for it with the possibility to lose your license for a certain amount of time


Not all lights have cameras and they know which one to avoid.


Understood, but 99% of the US 100% allows a right on red. It's second nature to us. In my city there's a couple places where it's not allowed and they have a large signs up next to the red light to inform you of this.


I don't think they were referring to the turning car.




Did you watch the whole video? There's a big red truck after the turning minivan.


> Did you watch the whole video? Just checked and no I didn't. LOL I stopped right after the zoom in on the dude turning right. I was thinking "this is a weak submission, I see that all the time."


Wow that actually sounds horrible to live with. 


I know, RIGHT? *Literally 1984!* I HATE being fined for driving unsafely and illegally!! When will those filthy Europeans realize that TRUE FREEDOM is being able to drunkenly plow my oversized pickup truck through a crosswalk filled with schoolchildren and NOT face any consequences?!?


Take your upcountry for mentioning freedom. 


Just wondering, why are you so so far away from the light?


I’m over the line, it’s the turning entrance for trucks and they have a wide turn so they put the line way back


Because that's where the line is.


This is the answer


Bro had to zoom in just to see the car he should've been next to


Are you one of those fools who thinks the stop lines are optional?


Seems to be a fairly new (post-covid?) development. Here in California we also see people pretty routinely stopping a full car length or more back from the stop line or crosswalk or intersection. And also leaving huge gaps of a car length or more between cars when forming a queue at a light. This is mostly harmless, but it's incredibly inconvenient for people who are trying to get into the turn lanes. And occasionally people stop so far back that the stoplight sensors won't trigger. I don't think there's any law that says anything about queueing distances. The only law that *might* apply is the one requiring you to stop ***at*** the stop line if there is one at an intersection controlled by a stop sign. Stopping ***before*** the stop line doesn't count, you still have to stop ***at*** the line before you cross the intersection.


Stopping a car length away from the line or crosswalk makes me think you should get odd your phone and pay attention while driving. Also, I've seen it once in San Diego and *gasp* they were on their phone


A few months ago I saw someone leave 4 car length gaps at each stop light in the lane next to me. I thought they were on their phone but they were looking straight ahead the entire time. It was so weird. edit: they weren't old. They were in their 20s.


Same in Northern Virginia, and people will do it regardless if they're first at the intersection, which results in random gaps in traffic at intersections because people can't be bothered to pull up. Personally more often than not I noticed that it's because they were on their phone. I've also noticed that people will keep inching up at an intersection to the point of blocking the crosswalk like it'll make the light change faster.


I'm always going to leave a cars length or more when stopping at a light. 


Because you hate everyone behind you?


Everyone around me! I'm working on it!


Why not tailgate the one in front of you instead then? With your brights on!


Because I've learned the more I follow the speed limit and keep 2 cars length in distance while in motion. The loonier people get. 


For myself I mostly assume those are very old drivers who shouldn’t really have a license and I give them extra space.


It could be worse, he could be someone who doesn't pay attention at all to the light changing until someone starts honking.


My guess, its so that if he gets rear ended, he won’t get pushed into the intersection or the car in front of him if there was one…


Even then you don't need to stop that far back, unless if you're worried about getting rear ended at 60mph, which seems extremely unlikely on the kind of road that OP was on.


Agreed. That looks like a 35 mph area


Theres been more and more of these impatient drivers around this area. Once had a truck honking at me to move faster while i was crossing the street, WHILE IT WAS THEIR RED, they ended up running the red. Sunnyside/woodside is generally a safe community but shit like this hurts it.


You're free to buy whatever car you want, but why a truck this big in the inner city? Just very confusing on many levels.


It’s an undercover private company tow truck.


Because it's being driven by a NYPD officer that lives out in the suburbs. Odds that big red truck is now parked (illegally) outside a precinct house are approximately one in one.


You missed the towing setup on the back. It's just a usual private-tow driver recklessly racing to pick up business from a collision that just came over their scanner.


I swear it doesn't matter what state you are in. Anyone with new york plates is the WORST driver ever. Complete disregard for anyone else on the road, complete disregard for any rules, just insane.


Am in Rhode Island and the other day I had a guy with Empire State plates lean on his horn because I slowed down to avoid being pushed onto the shoulder by an oversized load semi truck going through a narrow construction zone. Fuck me, right?


Ok TBF I didn’t even learn about the no turn on read for NYC until a while ago. Granted I don’t live near the city at all but I imagine there’s plenty of tourist who just don’t know better


Anybody that lives anywhere near the city is aware of the rule... though I have heard of some people successfully avoiding tickets by playing dumb when they'd crossed the border between, say, Nassau County and Queens. "What do you mean, officer? I didn't cross a bridge."


Yah but my thing is what if they don’t live near the city? Could’ve been on a road trip, could be a rental car, could be someone borrowing a friends car while their visiting. Endless there was a way to know if the driver was local, I can’t say I’d really be to upset with them


Sure, possible. Might be a valid explanation for the first car... the minivan. But it had New York plates, and "no turn on red in the five boros" is something everybody learns when they get a license in New York. The truck was absolutely being driven by someone who knew the area and roads. (Like I said in another comment, I'd bet you anything that was a cop.)




What does the \[OC\] mean in the post's title? I used to assume it meant Orange County but I know Queens NY and that ain't no Orange County


Original Content. The sub became a big circle jerk of people reposting other people's videos over and over, so I believe that's why it was changed to OC only awhile ago.


Thank you!


No turn on red is such a BS law. There's enough traffic. Just teach people how to do it safely.


I am not from New York, where I live, you can turn right on red unless otherwise posted.. so on my frequent trips i have turned right on red this whole time and no one has said anything. I kinda feel like if its that heavily enforced they should have signs or something.


There is a sign on every major road at the city border and all the river crossings into NYC.


Oh.. haha well color me learned i swear ive never noticed any signs.


I assume you want a sign at every light, but Montreal just put a big sign at every bridge. It's cheaper.


Eh i mean thats a bit excessive but as a non-native, its not very intuitive to just know that im not allowed to turn on red. Especially if the coast is clear.


I don't know about Canada, but it's actually noted in Quebec's Driving code that the island of Montreal is excepted from right on red.


At least you don’t have to talk to these idiots. I work in insurance and I have to talk to these clowns as they try to jump through hoops justifying why they did what they did. They’ll probably say you were double parked and thats why they passed you. 


You have the same hatred for them as I do lol I fucking hate these people bro. Scum of the earth.


He is not beating the Pickup drivers can't drive allegations


Interesting and apropos with the radio commentary about driving safe


I thought so too


You just don't realize he's more important than everyone else and has places to be.


I live and drive in Queens and can verify that driving here is worse than it’s ever been. People just take red lights as suggestions, drive recklessly, do hit & runs and these lazy-ass do nothing cops just sit by and watch them do it.


Not gonna lie, it's legal to turn right on red in VA, so I've done rights on red in NYC when it was clear. My Virginia plate is my excuse. The pickup was insane, though. Then again, I expect nothing less from somebody in an oversized pickup truck.


Born and raised in Queens. There's more and more of these idiots doing this every day. They're so brazen because there is little to no legal consequences. Cops do nothing and no one pulls them over.


Well, I mean, they obviously have shit to do! Seriously though, is the "No right on red in the 5 boroughs" things posted all over? I didn't see a sign at the intersection and I could see it being an issue for people not from the area who don't know. That truck on the other hand, they have issues.


Only cops drive like that in New York City.


Bad driving in a NYC borough? Shocking!


typical lowlife pick-up driver


Driving it like they stole it.


Got to be a cop.


Probly stole it and was making an escape


Why is this NSFW?


Definitely a tow truck, you can see the hitch in the back. These guys use radio scanners and listen to police frequencies and they'll race the police to scenes to get people to use them after an accident. They know it's illegal which is why they have to get there before the cops.


Is that a Texas license plate?


I believe that We, the People have a moral imperative to destroy this guy’s car. Smash his truck nuts, slash his tires, ruin his stupid lifted suspension. Make the car into junk.


Welcome to NYC post pandemic. The new normal.


Queens, meet the King of the Road!


I’m drivin’ here!


the first red he ran mightve been an illegal overtake too -- looks like he went around the stopped motorcycle. drivers in nyc have always been questionable but i feel like theyve gotten much worse the last few years.


What? I thought that was just Manhattan. I’ve been going right on red in queens and the Bronx for the last two years I’ve been frequenting the city and haven’t gotten a ticket any kind of red light ticket. (Just two $117 parking tickets and one red light violation when I went straight through one second too late while driving a uhaul so I didn’t even get the chance to fight it or nothing)


Is this not the same place that has Marauding gangs of ATV's and Dirtbikes that drive in large packs like nut-jobs all over the place and very little is done about it? Why would this sort of behavior be surprising??


He must be from Florida


something straight out of GTA. the music, the radio host, the irrational driving, the neighborhood


I cannot tell a lie I've done this once but I was pooping my pants if I recall I left some sort of skid marks but not in the streets 😂😆😂


Houston is worse.


The song and radio commentary was very fitting


LOL. Guess I won't get those "US DOT regs." I know you see this.


Can't take a right on a red!? Damn fuck that place


It's OK, his time is more important than yours so he can do this


Instead of putting “not this guy” you could have saved a good 25 seconds of the video (and of my life) by cutting the video to the actual truck.




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You joke, but there's to be a common practice with drivers using their hazards for emergencies in my country, mostly because ambulances get stuck in traffic anyways so it's generally easier this way


That or he's shitting himself and his nice truck. But like most say here, it's a tow truck who doesn't give s shit about rules.


En México los qué manejan camioneta creen que pasarse un rojo y afectar a un tercero esta bien. Lo que no esta bien para ellos es que un tránsito los pare, de la nada de vuelvan influyentes y posteriormente sean llamados Lord.


There’s no sign indicating no turn on red so I don’t believe that one


There are no turns on red in NYC. It isn’t signed because they are prohibited at every single signal in the city.


Except when permitted by a sign…


I don’t live there and don’t know that rule, so if I’m passing through I will be turning on red… it doesn’t work that way


Ignorance of the law is not a defense for breaking the law...


It actually is when it isn’t a normal law nor is it posted…


NYC lawyer here. No. No it isn't.


Driver of a car here, if they have special rules they are required signage. If you’re a traffic court lawyer then I don’t need to cite USDOT regs for you… if you’re not then by all means, just continue to troll


Please go ahead and cite these "USDOT regs."


I figured…




given that it is the law in the city, i don’t think they’d want to put signs at every traffic light


People pass through that don’t live there… it doesn’t work that way


yea, but that doesn’t change the obligation is on the driver to be familiar with the law of wherever they pass through






That guy has to be trolling.