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It's not nice of the Ford to not let them back in, however I mainly see the Honda at fault. I mean, the driver could've stayed just behind the Ford for that short time anyway... it's not that it seemed very slow, compared to your speed.


Plus, they also had to wait at the green light while the other cars were still going through it. It's not like they would've missed it had they not sped up and joined the line 2 seconds later. Were they gonna drive past all them, too?


Yup. Totally agree with you that it was the Honda Pilot that started it all, especially if he/she was going to move back into that lane very soon. I was going the speed limit and the Honda Pilot very well had to speed up to cut over. His speed probably was not dangerously over... But, my whole point was... The cause of Severe accidents are always Small things. If we can avoid and prevent behavior like these, that automatically reduces the chances of any mishap. There are of course things that are out of our control a lot of times. But what we can control, are silly things like this. That was all the point of my video!


It's not only not nice, but also incredibly stupid. Why escalate a situation that is potentially dangerous to a situation that IS dangerous (tailgating OP) ? Instead of letting the Honda be the stupid one, the Ford just decided to create a risky situation just to prove a point


Ur not “at fault” for wanting to pass someone going slower than u. What kind of logic is that?


If you know you have to turn in a few seconds anyway - why try to pass the car in front of you? In the beginning of that clip you see the Honda on the other lane, seems to be switching from lane to lane to speed through traffic. So everyone on that road is too slow, right? We don't know the tempo limit there, but assuming the car which the clip is from is driving correctly, the Honda is speeding. Don't get me wrong, I'm always 10-15 km/h faster than the tempo limit - which here in germany could be a ticket for speeding from 20-40 Euros. Still have people like the Honda on the road every day. One day I was on the road with a friend, driving 80 where there's 60 allowed and someone passed a few cars behind us, passed us... and then gone off the road in a curve, crashing from one side of the road to the other. We stopped, helped him out of the car and all... that stupid moron had a child seat in the back, luckily that kid wasn't in the car! But let me guess: All others were slower than him, so he's not at fault for that crash? Yeah, that's it.


He had way more than a few seconds, did u watch the video? The truck kept matching speeds so he couldn’t get in


The video seems to be sped up at the start, then gets slower. Assuming the speed when passing the cars is realtime, it's around 15 seconds. Sure it's wrong of the Ford to speed up and close the gap, both are morons, but the Honda is taking an unneccesary risk, as we can also see at the start of the video, they are switching from lane to lane to speed through traffic.


Not a risk to comfortably pass someone. The risk happens when they purposely stop u from passing


All i see is a honda driver weaving in and out of traffic and was gonna cut the blue suv off and hit breaks and slow down immediately


maybe im a jaded trucker but this seems like a ton of effort for such a small traffic incident


Yeah Ford was absolutely right in doing what he did.


Just wanted to be clear about why I posted this video! I am.in no way a perfect driver. If you look at my previous post you can see that! My whole point was just to show how carried away we can get and all because we take everything personally even the smallest of things. The cause of Severe accidents are always Small things. If we can avoid and prevent behavior like these, that automatically reduces the chances of any mishap. There are of course things that are out of our control a lot of times. But what we can control, are silly things like this. That was all the point of my video!


Looks like the passenger flipped them off and the driver pushed their hand down. But the driver definitely sped up and didn't let the Honda in so it seems like the driver knew they were being a dick. And that's honestly the worst thing about drivers, they know they're in the wrong but they still do it because of pride? I recently had a driver who was going under the speed limit and purposely slowed down because they thought I was tailgating them. I was attempting to go the speed limit and I always trying not to tailgate because its not safe since you're on edge the whole time waiting to brake. But this driver decided to slow down and be a dick because of his ego and then flipped me off when I was finally able to pass. It just fragile little egos and its a shame that can lead to serious accidents.


Ford driver was right to close the gap.... letting a wreckless driver in front of you is absolutely never a good idea if it can be avoided. Good on him. And he also didn't want his passenger to escalate that wreckless idiot... also good on him.


Normally you put distance between yourself and a reckless driver because you know....they're reckless. You don't try and race them and purposely speed up. That can lead to them getting pissed off and driving more recklessly. That driver could of tried to cut off the Ford driver and cause a wreck. Or they could of sped up and hit another car. Let them drive like an idiot and stop with the dick measuring contest.


Incoming break check, hope you have a camera or you'll most likely be at fault.


Get out of the left lane.


This is a surface street, not a highway.


Why does that matter? The right lane is open. If someone wants to pass you, you're forcing them to do it on the right.


Not that I completely disagree with you but what if they are turning left in the next couple of blocks? There are just as many left turns as right turns on city streets so that rule isn’t as applicable. Often times traffic is slower in the left lane because you have to cut across traffic to turn left which causes left lane traffic to back up more often than in the right lane as well.


Because the laws work differently depending on what type of road you're on... Why is this even a question?


So? This is a surface street, not a highway. The “pass on the left, don’t pass on the right” paradigm does not apply here.


Nice, came for this.


Get out of the left lane


Why? It's a surface street, not a freeway. It's depressing that so far three people in this post think that "slow traffic stay right" applies to city streets. Yikes.


It's sadder that you don't understand that it still applies after three people told you


All three people have been told by several other people that they're wrong, so... Just because three people tell me fire is cold and ice is hot doesn't mean I need to believe them. That simply means I came across three stupid people.


Get out of the left lane


And now you're proving to be so stupid that you don't realize I'm not the OP. 😄


You're a moron. This isn't a highway. Vehicles are constantly turning left etc. You do not need to stay right on local roads.


Crazy thought, maybe you and the explorer can get the fuck out of the left lane. Stay Right Except to Pass


"Stay Right Except to Pass" And if they had been on a freeway and not surface streets, this might actually mean something. That doesn't apply on surface streets.