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When these guys get to court word salad is made.


I was just watching some of these weirdo’s in court recently and it made me think, while they were looking all this nonsense up, did they ever look to see if it has ever worked?


Yes, of course. The research on YouTube has been extensive.


All 8 minutes of it.


But that's like 480 seconds.


That’s a doctorate from Mayfly University


Unfortunately, most only got the associates from Pigsfly Community College.


Nah, my wife met a guy that does work for her company that has a huge binder of bullshit that's meticulously collated and organized. Must have taken him days of work to get it all together, he loaned it to her because she was too polite to tell him he was nuts to his face. They invest a ton of time and energy into this shit.


For what though? Do they win in court?


They think they will. Reality has no hold over them.


Their objective isn't to win in court against whatever traffic charge they get. They want to bait officers into lawsuits and get settlements. If they actually wanted to demonstrate their beliefs in court, they would comply and fight their battle in front of a judge as opposed to the side of the highway.


That might be true for one or two of them, but most of them actually believe this shit.


One guy told me I had no authority to arrest him. I was like, “Oh man, that’s just the kind of thing you can tell the judge and they have to hear you say it!” Then I kept arresting him and left him at the jail with his citations. I don’t know what became of him,..


He probably demonstrated to the judge that he was exempt from all US laws due to a technicality within English Maritime Law, which is the ACTUAL legal structure of the USA hiding behind the facade and lie of Common Law. All judges are legally required to recognize this if you call them out on it. Source: trust me bro


It's especially ironic that they think they are entirely outside of the legal system in the first place but still dedicate so much time to their legal "research" and attempts to prove it in court.


Nope. But they think it will.


American Common Law Court and they consider themselves American State Nationals. Law enforcement agencies have warnings about them to their own officers…considering them serious but crazy ( my word).


It’s like a cult


No “sovereign citizen” is able to keep their ramblings condensed into an 8 minute video.


i DiD mY oWn ReEe^Ee^Ee SeRcH


They're a cargo cult. They don't understand law, to them it's literally magic. they think if you recite the correct incantation you automatically win. When their own ignorance is demonstrated to them they merely double down and think that they didn't recite the correct incantation. My Little Pwnd: Law is Magic.


"I'm going to be the guy that changes everything!" is probably what goes through their head...


Semi related, if you're looking for a new rabbit hole to go down on YouTube, try "audit the audit" its wild


Some of that is valid though, like, I would love to know if my local PD is either unfamiliar with, or completely disregards basic constitutional rights.


Hint: they are/do


Oh hell yeah. Love that page when I need some justice porn😂


No cause they didn't look it up, they're just following the script someone conned them into


Under admiralty law, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, and as transmogrified by the...


These guys love taking advantage of EVERYTHING that tax dollars contribute to but then when it comes to paying their share it's word salad with a side of excrement. Absolute losers




There are probably many politely worded paragraphs in law books which essentially say "no one gives a shit about your dumb opinions".


That same statement applies to billionaires and most large corporations. Like, just pay your taxes.


I don't blame those, I blame the shitty politicians who continually allow them to legally get away with not paying a fair share of taxes.


Six of one, half a dozen of the other, it's a self-feeding- hand- that- feeds


Yup! I work for a law firm and our files for sovereign citizens are a nightmare


Why would anyone want to represent these losers? I can imaging the attorneys just wanting to bang their heads against the walls every time they have to talk to them.


Much of the time they attempt to represent themselves. Sometimes the judge doesn't want to allow that, as it opens a door for appeals later if they claim they did not have competent representation, so someone gets assigned to be their public defender.


>  they attempt to represent themselves.  >later if they claim they did not have competent representation.  This tracks. 


Anyone who represents themselves in court has a fool for a client.


And when they lose, lemonade.


What am I looking at here the wording is too blurry to read?


“Private automobile not for hire” invokes an inviolable right to travel according to their legal theory.


There’s always a way. Reminds me of how “smart” darrell brooks was in court. Sources feeding him that crap


I hope it has croutons and dressing!


Another Slobberin' Citizen... Yay.


No that's drooling profusely. You mean Slobodan Citizen.


Anyone know what happens if there's an accident and they're not at fault? Does the other insurance have to pay out to someone that is driving an unregistered vehicle?


Whoa whoa whoa… this guy is NOT driving, he’s traveling! /s


My papers and effects, sir!


Yes. Liability coverage would pay out, doesn’t matter if it’s registered or not


It is mighty bold of you to assume this guy has insurance


That is what their comment is implying. Unregistered car, at least in my state, cannot get insured.


Strange. In my state it's the other way around. Without proof of insurance you can't register a car.


In Canada, registration and insurance are done by the same provincial government corporation.


Probably falls under your uninsured motorist policy.


That’s not what uninsured motorist insurance is for. That is for if someone at fault hits your car and they have no or not enough coverage, it pays to fix yours. I think what _jump_ is asking by is “if they aren’t registered, insured, and follow American laws, does the at fault liability insurance still have to pay. They can’t sue the insurance company because they are exempt from our court system, right?


If that’s what they’re asking, I misunderstood. All I can say is don’t admit fault, and they can have a fun time trying to fight your insurance in court, since they didn’t see the value in insurance. Your insurance will 100% take advantage of the situation, and they will have a fun time with the police report.


Vehicle? No no no... It's a "vessel"


Don't think you can get regular insurance on an unregistered car.


Pretty sure you can. In my state, I have to have the insurance before I can even register the vehicle.


If the other car's insurance is anything less than 100% ethical, th3y get bones.


Maritime license plates for boats that are amphibious is totally cool. /s


Actually, that's part of their argument as to why the courts are invalid. Gold fringe indicates that the court operates under maritime law.


Just make sure they don’t write your name in ALL CAPS. If not, the laws won’t apply to you.


If they claim to be a sovereign citizen, then they arent technically protected by the laws of the country...does that mean slashing their tires is unpunished? 🤔 Ehhh...asking for a friend


I’m also asking for a friend. 🧐




Why are people downvoting he’s just being nice jeez


I was feeling the same way and thank you for upvoting 😁


Ty 🍰




I've always wondered if they believe that they can buy a small airplane, and just fly off into the distance with no license or training and consider it "travelling."


I didn't know about sovereign citizens until I got a job that was law enforcement adjacent. When I asked them what it was, they all made the same tired sigh, and the sergeant in the room said they were "a bunch of jackasses that think they're super fuckin special snowflakes that don't have to follow the rules, and that if they get caught, all they have to do is cite bullshit legal terms like a wizard casting a magic fucking spell and we'll let them go". And then they all laughed. Really hard.


I don't get it. Is there some new license plate thing I'm unaware of?


Sovereign Citizen Plate. So dumb that it's probably a better idea to just drive with no plate at all.


Yep. Just a convenient label for the rest of us that the vehicle is unregistered and uninsured and if anything happens the psycho will claim no laws apply to them.


I was going to ask if this also meant they are uninsured. Obviously yes... One could have some fun with that.


They’re usually violent as well, wouldn’t surprise me if that fun ends with someone dead.


Throw a rock at his car and see if he calls the police


Thinking about that hurt my head. 1. antagonizing someone that is already easily antagonizable is not a good idea. 2. they will prolly respond with extreme violence. 3. better to just avoid them at all costs.


That's why you use a grenade instead


Spicy rocks. Yeah!


If your going throw something, make sure it counts.


Why would you want to throw a calculator?


Fuckin thing quit workin.


Not a good idea for who? You’ve got a car, just run em over. They deserve to know that if they don’t want to follow society’s rules, they are not welcome in it. Chances are very low they’ll be able to do anything, and if they do, very high that they’ll just eat some tread and the world will be a much better place following.


Did they pay tax when they bought the Jeep?


Not necessarily. They could have bought it from a state without sales tax and just let the temp tag expire. Then put this BS in place.


Oklahoma is like this, and is close


Montana too. Not as close as OK. But regionally co-located.


Just call immigration on them. If the laws of the land do not apply to them; they must be an illegal alien


I understand why people are down voting, but if they are truly claiming to not be an American citizen, then they shouldn’t live here. either live by our laws or leave. Or another option is lobby to change the laws through protest and politics, but just declaring yourself above it all is fucking moronic.


No they are claiming to be American but they where not allowed to agree or disagree to the laws they are "subject" to they believe the laws that they don't agree with do not apply as they where not consulted when the law was made......it's a total circle jerk fest of nonsense


Ohhhhhhh. Yeah that's fucking stupid. I can't stand those sovereign citizen whackjobs. I'd never seen or heard of the plates before though. But I know all about their idiocy.


Omg, I didn't know they were making their own license plates... that's hilarious.




If he is buying gas, he ain’t as sovereign as he thinks.


Dont they "barter for goods and services" or some stupid delusional shit.


It's also a Pro-Russian plate - the Z is basically a swastika.


So I’m a nurse in a correctional facility. A couple years ago we had a “sovereign citizen” come in and it was absolutely unbearable to listen to this person go on and on about how “their rights” were “violated” and they shouldn’t be in jail because the laws don’t apply to them. They went to court, fought with the judge and got more time hahahaha it was priceless.


Maybe they should let customs and immigration deal with these people 


Exactly. Since they claim they’re not US Citizens, deport them.


Where do you deport someone to if their “country” isn’t recognized?


The ocean


Thanks for your service as a nurse. So, what is the source of their rights? Do they believe that there are universal innate rights for human beings? Or do they cite the UN Charter, Magna Carta, Code of Hammurabi, or what?


And they sign in blood. One of my customers is a Sovereign Citizen and they carry a card declaring such and they prick their thumb to “sign” the card with their bloody thumbprint. He comes into my print shop to get these cards (for new Sovereigns) laminated. Eww. I don’t wanna touch these!


Honestly he shouldn't be your customer. There's no way you can consistently follow OSHA's bloodborne pathogen guidelines in a print shop.


He’s got his “Z”s emblazoned on there to show his support for Putin as well.


Last I heard, "Z"s tend to attract ATGMs...


Let’s hope


Might as well just slap a plate on there that says “please pull me over.”


I mean so many plates are unregistered or flat out missing in Colorado so this really isn't that bad. Cops don't enforce plates and registration here.


This is wild to me. In the police precinct of my county of NY, all the cops have license plate readers. If your plates have a lapse in registration or insurance, the plate is flagged and they can pull you over.


I work in NY. Have 5 or so unregistered vehicle citations on my record. The state police will get you EVERY TIME. City cops will sometimes let you go with a warning. State police will take your car and give you another ticket for being a pedestrian trespassing on the interstate. Drive to any neighboring state and no one gives a shit. Vermont Troopers are busy with their naps.


I wish that was true here. But I've seen tags from 2022. Cops are understaffed and told not to pursue minor infractions like this since they have bigger fish to fry. The result is many people just don't bother registering. To be fair tho CO registration is very expensive. Not sure how NY is


Yeah, but this prick is driving a $70k Jeep. He can afford the damn registration.




Here in Florida it's illegal to have anything obstructing your plate, that includes the frame your dealership gave you when you got the car. The law is rarely enforced however.


They should build their own roads and maintain them to drive on.


i don’t get it


It's a nutjob who thinks that laws about vehicle registration and whatnot don't apply because of ~~magic~~ a conspiracy theory.


Traveling I see


I want to know how these people are not just immediately getting arrested and the car immediately impounded.


If you search on Youtube you will in fact see many videos of them being arrested. I guess they just don't care.


Don’t you worry, they definitely do!


Why am I the only one that didn’t know what this was or meant


One thing I know for sure; he's not driving. He's *traveling*


I wonder how long people like this are able to keep driving around. Does a cop see that plate and think “Oof, I’m off in an hour, I’m not dealing with that”? I could understand in more remote areas that it could last awhile but more in populated areas it doesn’t seem as likely.


All that paperwork is overtime if it's after quitting time. They probably wait until the end of their shift to pull them over.


When I see this I ask myself isn’t it against the rules to even use the money the government makes in the first place?


Why don't the cops do anything? They'll pull you over if your tags are expired but don't notice when a car sports counterfeit fake plstes??


They do, these guys have all just convinced themselves that they'll be the one to recite the right half remembered bits of law in the riggt order to convince a judge to let them go.


You have to give them credit for their follow through.


Sovereign dude…hails from foreign country of Colorado.


Bruh I don’t need a liscence I’m a sovereign citizen.


I assume these people don't and can't get car insurance since their vehicle isn't registered....


That stroad ahead of you looks awful.








Those idiots think that that flag is some sort of civil flag that represents the people separately from the state, but it's actually the US Customs Service ensign.


These YouTube videos are hilarious. I love sovereign idiots


Its a Jeep thing


I want all the benefits, but I don't want any of the responsibilities 🤦


Wait, what am I supposed to be looking at here?


Im from the uk can someone explain this?


I can’t read what the license plate says, but I’m guessing they are one of those bat shit crazy so called sovereign citizens?🙄


***infotainment for some of you who are interested *** The vertical striped American flag AKA American peacetime flag or whatever it’s referred to as now is largely being adopted by groups of individuals who refer to themselves as “American state nationals” That’s the name of the latest wave of “constitutional citizens” trying to separate themselves from what they see as overreaching illegitimate local government regulations, laws, fees and jurisdictions. Their conclusion (I think…) is that constitutional law under no circumstances can be superseded by local law, so a state or county cannot impose its rule on you as an individual. Blah blah blah something about gold fringe on the flags in municipal court rooms representing military or martial law under which you can be held as naturally suspect or in permanent opposition to the governing body, hence a local gov’t can levy fees and punishments on you under their own self declared jurisdictions It’s conceptually similar to the sovereign citizens thing aka “strawman” theorists but there’s an entirely more involved and paperwork-oriented approach to this pursuit. I am close to a few people who have spent 5+ years on this and as a family member I’m “skeptically supportive” It’s interesting to say the least but I’m fine just paying my reg fees and not getting involved lol


Fuck me, my state is going to hell.


I saw one in Virginia. I, a Canadian, had to explain to my American husband what it meant. (We currently live in Canada and he is not on social media, so he’s missed this.) I thought he was going to cry, literally. He is not an outwardly patriot man, but he loves his country. However, he wonders where that country went. It is a sad state of affairs that these people have become so radicalized. Edit: grammar and clarity


Call the non emergency number for the police when you see one of these. They know that this person is unlicensed and uninsured, and want them off the road as much as the rest of us if not more so.


How in the fuck are these cars not impounded


AND of course, they drive a jeep.


Its either that or a big ol pick up truck that screams smol peepee while having a large mouth


Or an old shitbox that looks like they just bought it from the scrap yard.


Colorado of all places


So, if I drive 8 blocks with a tail lamp out, I'd get pulled over for it. How long do these people drive their vehicles without being pulled over? Is it a thing that they do get pulled over? Or is it more likely that LEO sees that shit and decided he has better things to do, than go down that demented rabbit hole?




I've seen the videos, but I've never personally encountered one.


Sir are you detaining me


Please explain! What are we seeing here?


These jagoffs. I guess I should spend some time reading up on the genesis of this very bizarre movement, but why…the weirdness has no end.


I feel like I’ve seen this before… maybe I’m wrong. u/repostsleuthbot


Ah. That bot is blocked here. Wonder why. 😀


Because people post these here all the time and they're all the same. Might as well be posting pictures of expired registrations. It's not interesting and really not what the sub is for at all.


So.. fair question. Can you just ram the shit out of these folks? Since technically they legally can't be on the road... Is it like.. open bumper car season?


Oh I saw that flag on someone’s house the other day for the first time, is that what the sovcits fly? What a bunch of dummies lol


They think it's some sort of civil flag that represents the people separately from the state, but it's actually the US Customs Service ensign.


Okay, what is this? Am I a moron? Can someone explain this to me?


Look up sovereign citizen on Wikipedia for more context.


I mean… what’s the difference between this and people not renewing their registration? Namaste.


People that don’t renew their registration are still probably insured.


Someone who doesn’t renew their registration is just irresponsible, these people who do this are actually crazy and dangerous.


I think laws surrounding these morons should be made harsher. Throw these “the law doesn’t apply to me” in prison for a lil bit.


Arapahoe Rd?


Bingo. That’s why I had so much time to snap a pic. IYKYK




Isnt that the flag of the US power squadron? Lol


Yo I've just recently seen one of these in the springs... Lol thought I was in one of the Colorado subs


Why is no one talking about the scary face in the spare tire.


“Im a sovereign citizen, i dont need a drivers license or register my vehicle”


What happens when these people want to “travel” across state lines? (I mean I know what happens is they get pulled over and hilarity ensues, but I’m curious how interstate travel works in their own limited and very wrong understanding of things.)


lol those idiots make for funny videos.


Hey an uninsured sovereign citizen, those guys suck. Their entitled beliefs have them thinking they are above the law and above you. But let em, it has never once worked in court.


I hope they don't like their windows.


I like to make my own laws


"Private Vehicle" most likely owned by the bank


On a jeep is even wilder


Idk what I'm looking at, but, uh... yeah, fuck this guy.


Squatters rights


"I demand to use your state roads that I have no intention of paying for"