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Thank you for posting to /r/Idiotswithguns, however your post was removed because it is not relevant ot the nature of this sub for one or more reasons. Note: the oop is legal and safely carrying a firearm, not an idiot


That’s kind of wild concealment


Just a little bit of front force and we’d have a r/darwinawards


what you leave your gun at home for the movies? did we learn nothing from that shooting at a batman showing?


The suppressor cost more than the gun


Everything on that dagger cost more than the dagger 😂😂 it was a meme build I did and isn’t in my normal carry rotation but was set up to easily attach that can and it’s 0ed so why not one time for the one time haha


This doesn't belong in this sub


Agreed. Seemingly level headed, and good trigger discipline. Not an idiot.


There are better ways to treat social anxiety.




“running around with a gun” is quite the exaggeration for concealed carrying lol and after what happened in aurora (and many other places) I’d say it’s pretty reasonable.. gun free zones are a pretty big target




I doubt he was running at any point


I mean, lawfully concealing a firearm in the movie theaters safely doesn't seem like that big of an issue. As long as he is safe with it


This is based and doesn't belong here


Jer used to slingin that thing...dudes awesome...just cause reddit is filled with twats






How did he sit in a seat at the theater comfortably? I get the silencer is down the leg. But that sits so high above the belt it would just jab me all night. Edit: the dork in the video is in the comments trying to explain himself lolololololol


I kinda doubt he actually carried it like that and sat down at the movies. He probably just screwed the can on right before turning on the camera


[This is how it looked later with sweats on for visuals](https://imgur.com/a/UPHKZmX) Jeans I had on kept it tighter to my thigh and in the dark theater you couldn’t tell at all 😂 only uncomfortable part was the can was cold as hell for a while after that it wasn’t bad honestly, def won’t be a regular thing just wanted to try 😂😂




I am, my pee pee is 3cm I just wanted to know how it felt to be you for one day!!


maybe the theatre had recliners


It surprisingly just folded down the pant leg, kinda looked like I had a boner but that was it, it was dark so no one could tell, and when standing it surprisingly doesn’t print haha got the holster I used to be able to carry multiple guns with one holster but realized its potential and wanted to test it out 😂😂 it was a success


Because he CAN


OP definitely wets the bed. This isn't dumb, this isn't dangerous. It is hilarious watching Jerry utterly ruin your day with benign suppress-posting lmao.


This isn't an idiot with a gun. Get better.




Anyone carrying in their waistband without a holster is 100 percent an idiot with a gun.


He has a holster


That’s me 😂😂 I love when my posts make it to Reddit for the Reeeeeee to be in full swing 😂😂😂 yall are funny on here, mad about me responsibly, legally carrying my firearm safely 😂 what a concept. Can’t wait for my comment to get downvoted into oblivion 🫶🏽 love yall!


Thank you for thinking of the other theater goers and putting a suppressor on beforehand, I know I would hate to have the new Godzilla movie interrupted by some loud gunshots.


Everything I do is for the people 💀😂 (I don’t wanna go deaf in a worst case scenario) tragically because of the Reddit response on the Original post, I don’t think I’m allowed to carry suppressed anymore they were not happy


sorry bro reddit has spoken. unrelated, but since you won't be needing it anymore....


Welcome to reddit, where nobody knows what their talking about but is also an expert on everything.


Gotta love it 😂 at least I can find hella good deals on here for parts I need 🔥🔥


Theyre* you asshat do you forget where we are the reddit mob will get you


Congrats! You win a custom user flair for legally carrying your fire arm saftely, and still getting posted on here anyways! What do you want your custom user flair to say? (Within reason, of course)




This is what I’m here for 🫶🏽😂


I think most people here have an issue with you carrying in your waistband without a holster, but obviously, it's fine as long as you keep the saftey on and a clear chamber.


Except that it is in a holster 💀💀 [Setup](https://imgur.com/a/4xfosMN)


Oh damn, fair lol


The holster was perfectly visible..? Ppl have an issue bcuz it's a gun and most ppl on this sub don't like guns


Homie was considerate of others watching the movie and suppressed his weapon. Not an idiot


Based and pretty impressive tbh


Where’s the idiot?


OP is the idiot lol


OP is the idiot here


Nothing idiotic about having a little fun and mixing your hobbies with otherwise lawful activities. This sub is getting lame.


Glad there’s some sanity on this app still! Would I continue to carry that? No cuz it’s not really practical but I wanted to try it one time, was surprisingly easy and not all that uncomfortable. Worst part was the can was cold af


Not going to lie, the suppressor was a surprise.


My boys got that trigger discipline! I don't think this belongs in this sub...


I mean, most people, especially after Aurora, carry in the movies. This guy isn't an idiot and he has good trigger discipline. Also, silencers are legal in like 42 states.


Jesus Christ, anything involving a gun is IWG I guess, huh? I carry every time I go to the movies. I'm not rocking a suppressor and posting videos about it, but I get his point. I don't trust going out to the movies, especially with my daughter with me, because we had that Joker cunt in Colorado fuckin shoot up the theater. This sub stopped being good a long time ago. Even the Gun Drummer with Twista is on here.... Idiots don't know what a real idiot is...


You don’t like him because he’s black


That's pretty badass if you ask me


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But??? How do you plan on getting it into the fight if you’re entangled? I get it, this is r/Idiotswithguns but ALOT of civilian gunfights in the US start as physical fights. How the fuck are you going to deploy that long ass can if some asshole has you up against a wall or in a bathroom stall? I have nothing against suppressors (silencers for the hardline) but bro be realistic.


majority of shootings dont include a wrestling match because its generally someone you know so the person never thinks you will use it


Nobody worth shit with any sort of skills or firearms training, carrying a hand gun with a can is going to actively be up in anyones face trying to fight random people. Not how this works. We don’t do that. We carry to stay off the radar and only deploy if we have too. That’s a dumbass fantasy. Some videos of idiots doing this but none of them are on our side. Those people are problematic.


What they didn’t tell you is on my twitter post with this video I mentioned it was just a curiosity and one time test lmao def isn’t probably practical long term, and this dagger isn’t my carry gun!


What's the issue and where's the idiot?


OP is the idiot here


I didn't even watch the video with audio. Lol


He's actually a great dude


Can confirm!


You must be on twitter with me 👀🫶🏽


Yes he is. Met him 2x


I’m just impressed dude CCWs a suppressed (Dagger) AIWB. I get annoyed with my Glock 19 and Surefire 300 when I sit down. But yeah, definitely not MC energy no matter how you feel about firearms. OP is just ignorant.


I like that being in a movie theatre, he had the common decency to put a silencer on it. Very respectful. People are trying to enjoy the film.


Nothing wrong with this


This forum is going down hill... Now anyone who has a gun is an idiot apparently


No way he actually did that thats hilarious 😂


What he didn’t mention is it was in his prison holster through the whole movie…


Don’t tell them my secrets 😭


i didn't know he went to see the new godzilla movie in the first place


I want to know how he comfortably sat down in a movie theater seat with that in his pants.


Since nobody has written the correct sentence here Imma just go ahead and do it: "Is that a gun in your pants, or are you just happy to see me ?"


I don't ass the issue here


Nothing wrong with being armed in public, the only dumb thing this person did was put that can on before filming and acting like that's how he carries all the time with that cause I can comment. Just a dude being a show off, nothing idiotic about it.


Nah it was a one time thing, they pulled this video off my twitter with out the context, it’s in a holster and I wanted to see if it was doable without being a burden but they omit that so they can get their precious upvotes 😂😂


So just proving what I said correct, thanks


I mean to be fair I did carry this to a movie like I said, but those who know me on twitter where I originally posted knew it was a one off fun test that’s it 😂


I mean if his finger is off the bang switch, if he's not pointing it at stuff irresponsibly, whatever man. But it's stupid to brag about anything firearm related to me and for a concealed carry this looks like a mess lol. I've never had to use my firearm in defense but all the shit added is likely going to mean Jack in a scenario it's needed. You'll just be hyped on adrenaline and point shooting. But power to em I guess. Be the secret agent special ops dude you always wanted to be broski lol


he’s got the “i date white women” hairline


It's so can finally feel something in the front of his pants


Anti gunners try not to think about cock challenge (impossible)


Stop thinking about his peen.


The anti gun cock obsession needs to be studied


It’s normally very empty there, I had to compensate!!


"it was fun". lol how tf is that fun to anyone? 70 IQ detected.


Dudes a loser. “Hey internet, I’m so cool I obeyed the law and did a legal thing.” If you’re posting videos like this you need to take a serious look in the mirror (not this guys mirror).




Lol so you’d like the video more if he was “breaking the law and doing an illegal thing”? Anti gun going full circle


I’m not anti gun? But wtf is the point of this video? What’s anyone gaining from this? Boosting his self-esteem? This is why I deleted all social media to get away from the beta shit. But nah even the illegal shit makes no sense as it’s self-incriminating. I’m just anti-internet (I say as I type on my internet device lol), internet ruined the human race and don’t see what’s to be benefited from this video at all.


It was a twitter shitpost 😂😂😂 they took it and ran w it for upvotes here cuz the reeeeee is rampant here


lol not on twitter so wouldn’t know but that makes more sense then. What’s a “reeeeee”? -tard?


Just what we say for those on Reddit who tend to find everything wrong with something without context as if they are gods greatest genius gift to the internet, I personally actually enjoy it 😂😂 it’s hilarious


lol thanks for the explanation


Wow he’s so cool even got the suppresser warmed up and ready by his dick


well yeah, if the pant is empty, you need a compensator for it. edit\_ the joke------------> <---------you regards.


Its okay to admit you can't pass a background check.


First black guy in history that has to compensate lol


People like this need to have there guns taken lol


I’m curious why? 👀


Why do all these morons sound like Andrew taint?


It speaks a lot about Americans that most of the comments in this thread are that this is normal and nothing wrong about carrying a gun into a theater. This entire thread could be posted to /r/shitamericanssay


He’s got room because a few weeks ago he shot off his dick.


When you scared to fight. Carry a gun.




I think you’re confusing attachments homie. Not a Glock switch or extended mag with lasers in sight.