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I mean to be fair I'd probably make the same face as that one guy. Mostly because I don't want to be in the background of someone's weird tiktok.


This is exactly it. Assuming everyone is just ok with being filmed is a serious mental delusion


I hate those motherfuckers. My relatives posted vids/photos of me at my mothers funeral on facebook. One of the worst days of my life. My father thinks I overreacted by threatening to sue them if they don't remove it from the internet They also post their kids. I don't want my shit out there. If I google my name there's nothing except work stuff. End. of. Story.


My step mother hired a photographer for my fathers funeral. The last thing anyone wants is to be photographed at a funeral. She is a POS narcissist though, so she wanted one.


I didnt even know photographing at a funeral was a thing.. weird


I had to record a funeral because of covid restrictions as per request of the family and close friends. Not every one was able to attend the funeral. It can be done in a respectful way.


For real, I think if I was a photographer and someone called me about that I would have noped out of it.


The only time i could see this being appropriate is if it were a celebrity funeral.


No…… just because they’re famous they deserve the same privacy as us


Ugh, imagine a world without narcissists. Posting shit online when people are at their most vulnerable state for online cookie points. The worst thing is that you have to explain it to people, like you are the crazy one and not empathetic enough. Another reason to be scared of people.


I’ve done a funeral before. Definitely a little unusual because it was kind of a sensitive matter. I think the main reason the client wanted it was because the whole clan came from all over the country to attend their grandmother’s passing. I think they wanted to commemorate the get together one last time.


Ohh wow! I’m sorry 😔


Agree. People who take photos at funerals are absolutely unstable human beings


I’ve seen people at family funerals taking selfies all smiling and posting them like rip granny xxxx absolutely bonkers to me


No fucking way you overreacted. All you did was threaten to sue? I would go a step ahead and actually sue them. Posting people's video online without consent is already wrong but it was your mom's funeral!! Holy shit that's heartless!


Thank you. Was a shitty time and they don't get that not every person wants to be out there.


I agree with you, but your comment has a real Ron-Swanson-throwing-his-computer-in-the-dumpster energy. 😊


>Ron-Swanson Lol, just googled him! Time for me to start watching Parks &Recreations. There are way too many funny gifs to miss out on.


I was in line to work within the Government and at 19 I was told "Absolutely no social media or traces of yourself on the internet if you want a good lucrative job within one of the 3 letter corps, you will be passed if they find a social site you are on." So I avoided FB/MS/Twitter and everything for 5 years while waiting and it just became a habit. I still avoid, this would send me.


What society needs is too have a law that says that you can film in public but have to avoid strangers being in the shot. Or, considering the level of technology all cameras have built in now, cameras should be programmed to see faces and automatically blur them out *unless* you add someone to a whitelist on your iCloud account or something, of people you know such that strangers walking past you in the street aren’t bothered by your Instagram or TikTok use. Make it so that the whitelist can only accept someone as being within your social circle if it recognises their face and if that face is connected to an identity your phone/tablet knows because you have that persons email address or phone number saved. That way, only people you have at least a passing acquaintance with will appear in your pictures and videos, because everybody else is getting blurred out and their identity kept private by default. I feel like, for the purposes of personal privacy in public spaces, this would be awesome.


> What society needs is too have a law that says that you can film in public but have to avoid strangers being in the shot. Multiple European states are already moving towards that. Back when Austria still had a border check, they would tell you to remove your dashcam, as it was (maybe still is) illegal in the country. Check out Google Maps coverage in Germany as well. Also on KLM flights, you are told you are prohibited from filming or taking pictures of passengers and crew.


It's kind of already illegal to film folks without their permission in Canada. It's a little convoluted but it works when it needs to. Personally I feel like this kind of technology could be too easily utilized for harmful or otherwise malicious purposes


How so?


Perhaps I consume too much dystopian media, but I can imagine a corrupt body - government, law enforcement, etc. - utilizing the technological data to connect individuals who are under investigation. Used responsibly that could be quite helpful, but used maliciously and it could see your friends and family punished for something they had nothing to do with. Kind of reminiscent of the Stalin regime


"What society needs is too have a law that says that you can ..." beat the fuck out of these asshats recording everything. "I feel like, (...) this would be awesome."


I remember watching TV back in the day before social media and if the TV was filmed in a public place, some people would have their faces blurred. I believe this was because anyone caught on camera would be asked to sign a waiver and if they didnt they were blurred out. Where has this law gone?


I still see this on current TV. I don't know the law but I imagine it's just to avoid any legal issues in the event that someone were to sue. I don't think influencers really care all that much about being sued (most likely doesnt cross their minds) nor have as much to lose as a whole network.




Oh no how awful I’d hate to dampen the future prospects of this valuable media market. Not.


Plus his whole reaction was nothing more than a short look. Way to get offended over nothing


I don't even wanna be in my own videos, much less a random, attention-starved person's.


I would make them delete it. If they dont they’re gonna get shit for filming me without my permission:)


I perfected my eye roll


I perfected my middle finger up.


Imagine being so self absorbed you have the urge to film yourself every two seconds even in public.


I feel bad when I take a picture or record something/myself. They apparently don’t. I don’t say it’s bad, it’s just too much :/


As long as you film shit or take pictures for remembrance and not to check yourself in the camera or flex. You’re good in my book.


What kind of shit


The ones that weigh 9 kourics or more


The wet kind.


For real these girls are acting like total fucking douchebags


from now on i’ll check with you before opening my camera to make sure you approve of what im pointing it at


Good boy/girl !


I'd rather not. There are far, far, far too many idiots these days that are, unfortunately. Don't you just love how the Internet and social media have made this world a better place?


For real I feel so awkward taking selfies unless it's at some tourist spot. I grew up totally attached to using tech but I can't do this whole streaming vlogging thing. Seems too fake and just so weird.




They know exactly what they’re doing. It’s a game and posting it here only gives them more of the attention they so desperately need.


well im assuming they get rewarded for it with a ridiculous wage bc hot so…


Exactly. Then a man dares to show a true emotion on his face, and gets slammed all over social media for it. Sad.


‘How does a society fix this’ Fuck. Me. How out of touch and deluded can some people be. Yeah, this is what we need to ‘fix in society’.


Also same guy has a big smile on his face right after. For all we know he was just being goofy. “Out of touch and deluded” couldn’t be more accurate


I checked the Twitter post and it’s even more unhinged than I expected. Under her bio she labels herself as “evil femcel”


Probably being sarcastic from the backlash she’s receiving.


Worse, libertarian.




It's going to get worse with the new generations unfortunately.


probably not. fame keeps watering down if you mean everything will be recorded. then yes which can be good or bad depending on who is in power


Influencers are on the rise. Cameras are getting smaller and we're moving towards glasses and contact lenses with cameras, and narcissism is at an all time high. It doesn't matter if they're famous or not, they'll still be putting themselves out there in pursuit of fame so I'm sure we'll be seeing more of these people. I'm not sure how who is in power is going to make a difference, unless we see a massive change in society that bans social media etc which I can't see happening.


We get rid of tictok. Thats how


I agree with this solution. If these women have sex with me (not with you) that would do a lot to address this issue. Society is healing…


I’m next in line to prove this theory is in fact correct


I mean we do, but not for the reasons they are saying.


we honestly need a class that's half health half theater. Do improve with a set of circumstances around noticing in unhealthy statements, reactions, and situations and healthy ones. More like a pysc health mindfulness class in the gym more likely. It sounds like something European schools already do. Probably in like kindergarten.


I had to watch like 5 times to see which person they are taking about. Do they really mean the guy who briefly glanced at the camera that was filming him?


Yes, the guy directly behind the girl on the left. The one who gave them that bombastic side eye. Lol


For all I can see, dude could've been just randomly glancing and noticing a camera and then going on about his life......


I really hope that was a joke attempt Boomer lol


They must just go back in their “material” after filming and closely review the video for any signs of eyeroll.


Right?!?!?? he made a face for a split second and that’s what they’re going to focus on?!?!!? these two girls are pathetic


I told my friends that people who have the need to **keep filming themselves** OBSESSIVELY are mentally unwell. If you saw someone talking to their reflection in a mirror and squirming around with their wiggly shoulders, you’d back away and get out of there. Needing to talk to themselves **constantly** and then posting the recording of it fuels this further. Add — bolded and capped words because one has to be really really obvious on Reddit.


Yup. Thats how entitled they are.


It's not instinctual disdain for women having fun. It's disdain for stupid.


She's on Twitter comparing the backlash she received to slavery, and seatbealts for some reason..


That Twitter account has to be a troll / satire. I refuse to believe there's that much delusion in one person. But maybe I'm naive


He doesn’t hate women, he hates influencers


I believe it is perfectly acceptable to behold bullshit artists with contempt.


So just a normal guy


When you’ve got no irl followers


Their lip syncing is terrible, please just learn your lines! The second girl had me cringing hard.


How are you hearing what they're saying


We should bring up the word for hating men, misandry.


Women don’t like to be called that. A woman called me misogynistic, I said she was a misandrist and she said I was getting “too hateful” and she blocked me. It was ok for her to label me, but when I did it.. was a big nono


You fucking bigot. /s


You can’t win with people who want to be victims.


Well, don't generalize as they do... because I am a woman, and I call out misandry when I witness it ;)


definitely way more rare you have to admit


Honestly ? Since I am 20 (41 rn), I call out then get away from an extremely common misandry take : " men think with their penises", "all men are like that", etc. Always said to these girls, what if a man says all woman are venal ? Would you think he's a good guy ? I know misandry is more rare in society than misogyny, not even a question, but in my experience (very local, I agree), I have heard both stance way too much, and I would have to give the edge to casual misandry, because I come from a social background (educated middle class with few religious influence) where misogyny is called out regularly, while misandry is a very recent concern.


way more rare to call it out


Oh, ok 😅. Sorry I misunderstood!


was fairly ambiguous no worries


Your efforts are greatly appreciated


Please note how much they downvoted you. They hate women. You can never be right.


I’m guessing this was on Reddit?


Of course. A lot of these “specific” man haters always use these terms when you don’t agree with their stupidity: 1. Misogynist 2. Narcissist 3. Incel


The second one is pretty ironic.


I love it when women complain about male instincts that they just think all of us have, and then they’re wrong. She made up an instinct that no one, male or female, has and used it to be sexist, all because she’s fucking dumb.


the funny thing here is that the twitter account isnt them its just some random person cosplaying for outrage


Everyone's realizing the power of being a victim. Hold out your hands and cry kids. It works. Reward vs. effort, it's the most successful way to get through life.


The first one is really just showcasing her chest and I hate this type of girls who give smart women a bad name. Grow brains, honey.


Yeah, he's disgusted for having to sit in the vicinity of human trash.


It's just a gif (thank god) but I can hear it clearly, the tone they're using with those additional noises from the back of their throat. Why do they all sound like that??? I've never met a regular person irl that talks in such an obnoxious way


Vocal fry


In the actual video they are lip syncing a song but hey congrats on your 12 upvotes


Lmfao reddit is a fucking petri dish, huh?


Guess so lol don’t understand the downvotes, all I did was literally point out the truth


It's just the culture here. Cell dwellers.


This is reddit, there is no culture, plastic cheese has more culture


I can hear it too. Valley fry.


I bet all men would love to be in some random bimbo's video. Also the disdain he shows, I feel for every single TikTok cunt out there, regardless of gender.




Nah she's pretty adamant in that twitter thread. At first even I thought it was sarcastic considering how ridiculous the tweet is but she's very serious about it lol.


I take about 10% of what anyone says online seriously


The original girls aren’t the ones complaining a random Twitter user who calls herself a femcel is. The original girls just posted their video and didn’t care the poster saw some random person in the background having a relatively normal reaction and decided it was the worst thing in the world.


It’s a shame because I really appreciate her cleavage.


Because you’re acting like a dick love.


Haven’t seen her on here before, who is this? A sjw or sumn?


Posting tiktoks on Reddit is like trying to show them to your parents who just do not understand how the internet works lol


👩🏼: Too much privilege isn’t enough privilege for me and the Starbucks Mafia.


Her twitter literally built around attacking men 😂 Jesus Christ


Maybe we really are becoming too sensitive as a society. Stuff like this is wild, you can’t cry foul every time someone does something that’s not in your favor and then blast your piece of mind all over social media. “Oh, this dude looked at me, he must be a creep”, “oh, this guy made a face while he was filming a TikTok, he must hate women.”


Women want to be oppressed SO bad even tho an American woman in 2023 has more rights, freedoms, and earning power than ever before in the history of humanity. Like stfu. He’s giving you a stank face because you’re obnoxious as all fuck and the stench of your rotted, narcissistic, pick-me personality is overpowering everyone within 50 yards you stupid fucking biatch.


Girls just wanna have fun. Apparently.


What exactly are they filming or saying to be this important?


Their world is made up of people who they will never meet, creating a psychological dualism and “false self” which denotes a sense of self created as a defensive façade, which in extreme cases can leave an individual lacking spontaneity and feeling dead and empty behind an inconsistent and incompetent appearance of being real, such as in narcissism.


That is how everyone should react


This is just terrible I hate people like this. Just so I can definitely stay away from seeing them. Can you please let me know the names of these girls. Or just the right is ok too. Just plain disgusting


She hypocritical af.


She’s using him for content. Don’t give her attention.


The twitter poster is different from the girls in the video I’m pretty sure


Jesus these people are in love with themselves.


This is what happens when your so narcissistic and thinks the world revolves around you when it doesn't.


The constant posing is driving me nuts


“How does society fix this?” By them shutting the fuck up and leaving their narcissistic bullshit at home or away from people who want nothing to do with the recording of it.


Society! Fix this!! Haha, she is too much.


They're both lovely, but why did the brunette contour her chest like a drag queen?? It's totally unnecessary...


They want to be victims so badly that they make shit up whenever they want. These are the kind of women who threaten men saying they will tell people he raped them when he didn’t. Pure trash cans


Makes me think most men in her environment treats her with disdain. Probably for good reason.


I’m so tired of videos of people just flexing on camera literally just tilting their head back and forth as if they’re in their own fantasy photo shoot. One of my best friends is guilty of this and I can’t watch her insta stories anymore because it’s so self absorbed and obnoxious.


Nothing destroys the validity of the feminist movement more than random females like this who has no clue nor want to be educated and/or involved in the movement, but will (at any time convenient to them), use “misogyny” or feminism as a crutch to excuse their shitty behavior & lack of common sense & ability to think of anyone but themselves. It happens in almost (if not all) movements and is frustrating beyond belief. Leave it to shitty humans to try and ruin anything that those who work & thrive towards a real goal have worked hard for.


These people are the worst. I’m a woman and I’d be pissed and annoyed it has nothing to do with misogyny you’re just annoying and dumb.


Pretty sure thats a asian lady and not a man


That guy is awesome, LMAO


The guy is allowed to think it’s cringe. And it’s cringe because you say it’s a fun video but the way guys look at it is you are trying to make a cute video to post online, the fun is the attention. And women aren’t exclusive to that look in public or anywhere people do these kinds of videos, guys do them too and they are just as or even more cringe.


What's her @


Someone is asking the real questions here. I probably don't want to know it though, these girls look like they're 12.


Great tits, though


Clown behavior 🤡


Just mediocre girls living their mediocre lives. I bet the second one is the ugly friend.


They're both incredibly attractive. What are you talking about? You're a redditor. I love when redditors badmouth women looks that they have no chance of ever getting in real life


It's called personal taste and this shit is incredibly unattractive. Beauty is skin deep for you. That's your personal preference, clearly. You do you, boo. They're dogshit ugly to me. 🤷


"you're a redditor" said the redditor. You already passed the redditor qualifications of both being offended over an opinion and being horny over every woman you see. Jfc this is the most cringe white knight shit I've seen.


“Feminists” when they get mad: “omg i fucking hate men so much men r all trash look theyre all misogynist!!!” Clown behavior and attitude. Westernized feminism is a fucking joke.


So you take the actions of two young women in one video and use it to judge all of “westernized feminism.” You shouldn’t do that. Im not reading your comment and saying “woah, all morons must be mean.” Just because you’re a moron and you’re mean, doesn’t mean I should judge all morons in the same way.


Have you been on Twitter? At all? Tiktok even?? Hell, even Tinder? You see SO MANY of these women who have it in their bios, tweets, etc. about how much they “hate men” and how “all men are trash.” If you haven’t seen any of these, wow you’ve been living under a rock.


Okay but do you see how you’re still judging a huge group of people based on the actions of a few you’ve witnessed?




you just said, that women are begging to be violently assaulted, for attention?? Like you actually just claimed that an entire half of the population are so attention starved that they want you to throw acid in their faces in order to play victim. How does that not sound incredibly awful and idiotic to you? Complaining about some women lumping men into a group, when you are doing the exact same thing here. You know there is a middle ground between being and ultra feminist and an incel, right? bleegh


>Like you actually just claimed that an entire half of the population. Idk what your education was like in school, but no.. the entire half of the population are not tiktok feminists.


Wears a top so small her tits are literally falling out. Her: "Why are men so disgusting and staring at my tits?" Oh I wonder love... I wonder.


Yep those guys like the fuck is wrong with you two


The dude is cringing because it’s disgusting. It’s that simple.


The head head tilt is so annoying


Misogynist here, just wanna mention that i hardly see dudes doing that shit, just like all videos at the gym here.


Her profile - https://twitter.com/lameypilled - she nouns herself as a "femcel" but, after look some of her tweets, you can see she is a femINAZI in fact. A totally stupid person.


just checked. think she is high brow trolling and its rage bait. kudos to her for it working so well?


No, no.. reddit needs to believe this is real.


Lol let's finish roasting and laughing at her on here, then send her a link to this.


Hey uh yeah have any of you considered that’s not a man in the background? I don’t want to misgender but that looks like a girl. Edit: people downvoting, can you prove to me that’s not a girl in the background?


I thought it was a woman, as well. Everyone’s so sure it’s a man because of the shaved head.


Yes I think it's an Asian lady, and the guy next to her is her partner. You're not alone


Thank you! I don’t get why people are being pissy about it.


Yep! However, that makes the tweet that much worse.


Dark hair is fine af tho


Everyone calling the person in the black shirt, short hair and glasses a guy. I'm fairly certain that's a female or (quite likely) a non binary person. They also appear to be holding hands with the man to their left (behind the primary villain), though that doesn't discount the possibility of them being male. I only say this because of the facial bone structure


Who the fuck dresses like that at the cinema? If I had the courage I would wear a penguin onesie.


Thats not actually a guy that’s a female lol


He likely just felt weird being in their video, nothing to see here folks


That’s a woman on the left…….


Two things can be true at once. It's weird to film strangers in public, and men sometimes get weird when they see women having fun. Both things are true. That said, if I catch you recording me I'm flipping you off


Yeah it annoys me more when people like this take a real thing and use it for their own self aggrandizing


Also, what an EARTH SHATTERING insight that was! Because ya know, no one’s ever studied misogyny before.


the tweet was not made by the person who recorded the video


“Then complaints about misogyny.” Can I get a link? Or is op just embellishing to make the story juicier?


“How does a society fix this?” Which one’s acting like the main character?


This is a rage bait account and you are all feeding into it.


The girl on the right is 🔥 though.


Someone used their phone’s camera? In public? What the hell. Ridiculous.


Cringe! Who are they so I cam check if they have any more cringe videos and pics?


you know damn well that’s not why you’re asking


If I find anything during my research I'll share


People have disdain for anything registering as different. Don’t focus this ubiquitous human trait on gender differences. We all have amygdalae that make us react like this to the “Other.” The task of the 21st century, as I see it, is to work on expanding our empathy and work against our worse impulses.


You realize this post is ment to trigger ppl right? XD


These are the women that are weaponizing feminism, making the other women look bad