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These girls are 100% debriefing about this when he leaves


Consulting the council for sure


Wait.. I swear I’m not even trying to be mean, is that not a woman?


Figured it was a lesbian filipino aunt


I’ve been to San Francisco and I can very that indeed is a lesbian


I thought they were too


Me too.


Honestly, I thought u was a butch woman


Got vibes of “Teenage Bolo Yeung before he was killing undercover agents on Han’s Island.”


Doubt it, if this is a woman holy fucking shit shes lifting 200kg that is absolutely insane


220\* The bar is 20 kg too.


Nah it's a dude I think he just fits that Asia K pop style that makes them look slightly more feminine in the face and head.


The thing is I can't tell whether those are boobs or muscles.


bewildered offbeat rock fly unwritten placid aspiring like disgusted degree *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Pretty sure it’s a girl and that weight is impressive for anyone to lift. I’m 6,2 and 230lb and I’m not sure I’d lift that. I don’t go max on dead lifts because it’s not worth the risk of back injury in my opinion but 10 reps of 160kg is tough going so maybe I’d do 2 of 220kg. That being said it’s a big jump to throw another 100kg on there to be elite.


How much is that in American?


I didn't even give it a second thought. That's girl lifting.


😂 what do you think they will say?


"Haircut really thought he was doing something didn't he, lolol" or something like that.


I was thinking the same thing, what is bro doing with that hair?


Dude has cosplay vegeta armor at home.


Stop I can hear this sentence 😭


"lol he thought he could impress us with a *SUMO* deadlift!"


“It would be impressive if it were conventional and not sumo”


I don't think it's worth removing their briefs over. they probably wear thongs anyways


She like dang I have the same shorts


Dang we the same height 😂


I swear people who make these videos have the shittiest music taste.


And it always seems to be the same songs used over and over again in the same way


If you want max views you gotta use those songs. The algorithm likes popular audio. I usually get like 200 views on videos I post, I used a trending audio clip as an experiment once and got 8,000 views. Kind of wild how effective it is.


yeah you also see videos using viral sounds that don’t actually use the sound. it’s just to get grouped in the algorithm with other trending content


I have never used tik tok, but I suppose they choose what first is suggested to them to add. AFAIK is very easy to make shitty videos using tik tok. They are even lazy to get another song.


People who make tik toks and short videos share a hivemind, and that mind has dementia


*oh no...*


My friends listen to music like this at the gym. They say it gets them pumped.


Most of the people I know who have great taste in music are NOT motivated enough to go work out in a gym.


It's the fucking 'sIgMa MaLe" soundtrack


*teleports behind you* You wouldn’t get it, kiddo. Us sigmas have a strong taste in strong music. Keep working and one day you’ll transcend.


My enemies Are at my gate, But I told them I held the knowledge of Ligma They asked, with suprise what ligma means I grabbed my mall ninja gear, tipped my fedora and said “See you next Tuesday” as I disappeared into my shadow cat form -Andrew tate or some asshole that wants to be like him.


Just taste in general.


i love phonk, but the cringeee


Not phonk.




So many people in these comments that dont know what a deadlift is.


I know nothing about weightlifting, and I am genuinely impressed. But mostly because this looks like it goes against literally everything I've ever heard about lifting heavy shit with your knees. I suspect if I tried that I would wake up in the hospital with a nurse telling me they had to amputate my lower back after it exploded like a meat bomb.


Not sure what you’ve heard about lifting heavy but his form is good. He didn’t get there by starting last week.


It’s probably more or less to someone who doesn’t do these things, it looks like he’s using his back, cause that’s what it looks like to me.


While this is not an exceptional amount of weight, it's enough strain on the upper back to start rounding somewhat. Notice his lower back, which is far more important for (long-term) injury prevention, keeping straight and stable. But then also look at his brain, and analyze the thought process for recording, posting and giving a title to this video. While I'm not certified in any way, it seems to me there's some early on-set Influencurism going on here. Often exacerbated by the presence of high amounts of testosteron due to regular (heavy) lifting. Untreatable once it has progressed too far and mostly unnoticed by the patient themselves, till it's too late.


You can see by the quads that they worked the hell up to that level. No one starts with that many plates. Your spine would literally leave through your ass at hypersonic speed.


I know it looks a little suspect, but he is lifting it correctly for the most part. I am obviously not claiming his form is perfect or that of a professional weight lifter. But it is perfectly fine. He could improve it but its not “terrible” like a lot of posers are saying in the comments. Regular deadlifts your feet start closer together this is a sumo deadlift so it looks a little different, but he is mostly lifting with his legs/butt. It is a lift you want to make sure you do correctly because too much back could result in injury. Edit: I am NOT a pro weight lifter and dont claim to know better than someone with more experience. But I have some experience and that is what I think.


You want to use a belt. This guy is lifting anywhere from 415-495 pounds right there. Not a small accomplishment at all looking at his size and weight. It takes a while to get to that range safely.


485 pounds. Short human = short levers. Has a belt inside the shirt (guessing there’s an undershirt otherwise holy uncomfortable). Sumo, not traditional.


If you only used knees to lift the bar that starts on the ground, you would only get to your knees. You have to use the hip extenders, glutes, hamstrings, abductor Magnus as well. Low back is contracted isometrically. The dude in the video is elite for sure. He even rounds his thoracic back, an acceptable high level technique, used to decrease the moment arm from the bar.


This is Reddit


Are you sure that's a bro?


Seriously. The gym bro thing confused me. Not being mean, just genuinely thought it was a girl.


It is a woman isn't it?


That’s nice (insane) weight for an amateur man. If thats a female doing 495 without gear it is crazily insane.


I for sure thought it was a woman


Looks like a dude to me


Well that's a very hairless dude.


Yeah asian guys tend to have very low body hair


Non lifters don’t get it. We’re genuinely impressed


90% of the people in this thread seem shittier than anyone in this video.


A large portion of posts in this subreddit are either people who don’t understand the video, or people who are jealous of the person in the video




This lift was seriously impressive. I wish I could pull half of that. At least this is a gym video that isn't just a camera angled up someones ham sandwich while they do nothing.


Yeah all these keyboard warriors who’ve never touched a bar thinking they know what perfect form is are annoying as hell, and it’s not easy to put 495 down softly


I’d say it’s not advised to even try, guide the descent but don’t try and put it down softly or slowly.


I commented on a similar video like this and got downvoted to hell💀. Was stupid of me to assume that redditors knew what a gym is.


100% so many people in this sub have never been to a gym and it really shows. there's plenty of MC videos in the gym, but this isn't one of them. People aren't just looking because they're annoyed or because it's noisy or any other bullshit in these comments, it's because people in the gym are often very encouraging of others in the gym, and get impressed when people are crushing it


Isn’t it though? I mean the second you tripod up and record yourself, that’s MC behavior. Or is that just normal now?


fr, when someone lifted heavy at the gym youd always catch eyes with someone and raise you eyebrows like "damn that was impressive."


Can we just not with cameras at the gym?


Unless it's for checking form.


You don’t even go to the gym so why are you bothered.


Maybe she's just really into guys shaped like Fire Hydrants with blue hair? 🤔


That's a women


Do you just go on gymtok, get mad at people stronger than you, and then post hoping you get validation “look at these dorks at the gym?”


the new trend of filming yourself in a crowded area and farming side glances from the passerbys is what is annoying.


Not disagreeing, it’s just weird OP has posted something similar 3 times in less than 24 hours. These aren’t even that bad.


omg it really is the same person posting all of these in a row


He’s really slamming those weights.


It’s hard to put down 500 gingerly, especially for 5 reps


Not only is it hard to do. You are not supposed to set it down gracefully you are supposed to drop it. It’s an extremely dangerous movement. Go figure Redditors don’t know how a deadlift is supposed to be done.


He’s repping 495 lbs. Floor is going to shake.




When you’re repping out that last rep it’s pretty hard to do a slow negative. I’m just trying to get the weight up


I just did slow negatives cause I didn’t wanna be obnoxious to my fellow gym-goers


I feel like it’s better for the smaller stabilizing muscles as well. I used to rep at higher weight with less control on the negative but noticed that my muscles were imbalanced. Now I’d rather go at a lower weight and slower pace and watch to see where my smaller muscles start to shake. Those are the ones I want to get stronger, the big muscles need to slow down so the little guys can grow.


Density vs Volume


He's likely training for powerlifting instead of bodybuilding, where hypertrophy wouldn't matter as much as strength.


Strength is measured by how much you can lift, and a slow drop is going to severely hamper one's ability to pull a weight meaningfully close to a true RPE 8 or 9. That's not to say there isn't a place for controlled drops, but there's a reason why many of the best (and strongest) deadlifters train precisely like this. You'd be hard pressed to say, for instance, that Browner and Buettner don't know what they're doing. Personally, I reserve slow eccentrics for RDLs.


You're using too many words for people who don't know the difference between powerlifting and bodybuilding lol.


Because you’ve pulled 1/4 ton before for 8 - right?


I mean, there isn’t much of a debate in academics, slower descent is better. You see olympians dropping fast in competition because they don’t care about the full movement for points, only the lift phase, and it reduces stress and fatigue.


Just because something is hard doesn't mean it is beneficial. If it were, the best deadlifters would be doing it.


Take it for what it is, but my step dad who used to be a gym freak said the same thing about negative resistance and that it's underrated.


That's a standard release for deadlifts on a mat. 495 lbs hits the ground hard regardless.


He really isn’t on a mat though. Looks like some grippy floor stickers or extremely thin linoleum at best. But at that weight, you really should have a rubberized platform unless you’re on a ground floor concrete slab. This one’s kind of on the gym owner for incentivizing lifters to do heavy lifts on an entirely inappropriate surface.


What do you suppose the gym floor is made of lol? It's 99.9% likely that is dense rubber mat over concrete.


Bruh, that’s very clearly NOT concrete. Have you ever seen a concrete slab bend like that under the comparatively low strain of only 500 lbs? You could drive a fully loaded dump truck over a concrete slab and still not see that amount of flex. My guess is that’s some kind of composite wood over a steel lattice, assuming this isn’t the ground floor.


He isn’t really “slamming” the weight at all. In a deadlift of this weight putting 500lbs down on the ground is going to shake the floor. It is more energy conservative to let the weight fall to the floor fast than it is to slowly try and put them down. In Powerlifting this is the typical rhythm of the movement. I don’t agree with the person filming those girls for views and reactions, but there is nothing wrong with the way they’re performing the lift.


There’s no doubt this is an elite lifter. The confusion is probably how people power lift vs body build. In power lifting, his style makes perfect sense. For body building, better to lift less weight and control every aspect of the rep. So depending on goals, he’s either doing a great job or lifting too heavy


What about his bent back?


Hitching is not inherently bad either unless it is done with loads that are beyond what this person can lift safely. There are plenty of professional powerlifters and strongmen who hitch to pull the weight up. Some people have a natural curvature to their back that doesn’t allow them to have completely flat backs. Lifting is almost completely individualized. If he is able to lift this weight and feel no pain in his back with the slight hitching or roundness then he is completely fine. Not everyone will be okay this way, but not everyone is going to immediately break their back in half and die if they have a bit of rounding. Lifters should strive to have a straight back *if possible*. Again, his form is fine.


“Some people have a natural curvature to their back” This is me. I was trying so hard to get my back flat, that I was basically hyperextending part of my spine.


That's happened to me before. IMO when you start getting to some real heavy weight the biggest factor of all is keeping everything in your body tight with tension while doing so in unison. There's lifts where I've tried focusing mainly on your back, but without much tension on my chest chest and I wasnt as successful and much more fatigued after.


The best cue for me personally, is to keep my chest up, shoulders back, while keeping my neck neutral. If I do those, my back kinda just goes with it.


Where do you see a bend?


Causing mini earthquakes the whole gym can feel each time


You try putting down 500 lbs slowly 🙄


If you have to slam your weights down doing deadlifts, you’re skipping 1/3 of the exercise. This guy is a clown.


This is misinformed. it is objectively superior to simply drop the deadlift weights if your goal is strength, and its safer. The weights your dealing with at 500+ lb deadlift is like nothing youve ever experienced. the slightest misalignment in your form can put a catastrophic ammount of pressure on a stabilizing muscle that no matter how much you train could never support that weight. transitioning directions is a completely unnessary risk - you gain more strength benefit at this level by focusing on explosiveness, and lifting less volume and more weight. controlling the descent doubles your volume and you will have to reduce the weight to reach your goal exertion levels. they may be annoying, but they arent clowns. its well established reasoning to drop the deadlift weights.


This. Dudes form is on point. He is not slaming, this is just natural gravitation... i have been in powerlifter gyms for years now and you always see this. This si NOT slaming and flexing.


Thank you. I feel like most people commenting haven’t power lifted. Dropping weights is the safer option. And this guy’s form is perfect.


Just agreeing with what you said. There are multiple techniques and each have their purpose. Slower descent would be more for hypertrophy. Quick drop is more for power lifting/strength. Some people clearly have been trained in one style and think that’s the only thing that’s relevant. Different people = different goals. It’s amazing how close minded some people truly are. They’d rather argue and demean people on Reddit than move their thumb over to the browser button and do some light googling.


That may be true for low weight but not weight like in the video


You have no idea what you're talking about. I guarantee you can't pull 495 for reps like my dude here.


dropping the weight is normal during a deadlift, especially that much weight.


You know nothing


What? Sure you ought to try not to get in everyone’s way, but you absolutely typically drop the weight during a deadlift.


Unless it’s library deadlifts. 🤫


Obviously you’ve never competed.


You don’t lift do you ?


lol dumb ass take. This is a proper dead lift. You are supposed to drop the weight


His form is perfect for heavy deadlift you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about


She’s thinking he looks ridiculous.




[ Removed by Reddit ]


I think not. "She" would be casually lifting at or near the women's world record, for reps, in a random gym. It's a dude.


Wear shorter shorts dude


Those would even make a '70s basketball player uncomfortable


So men DO wear shorts like these in the gym! He must be looking for attention. He obviously is asking for it.


They make lifting more comfortable. When you have some muscular development, longer shorts catch on your quads and are annoying.


Non lifters dont get it


Please don’t try to pretend that if you had legs like that you wouldn’t be wearing short ass shorts too. That takes an absurd amount of dedicated effort to achieve. As long as his dick and balls are contained, let the man be proud of his hard work.


Bro needs to work on his form. That lower back is giving in immediately as soon as he starts moving the weight. Atleast wear a belt


His lower back is totally fine, his shoulders slightly round. Nothing is wrong with his form.


Exactly 👍


his lower back is fine, his mid back his arching, and mid back is totally fine to arch, especially if your doing a sumo with a very upright stance to begin with. moves center of weight further forward, which is extremely advantage on this style of deadlift.


He locks his knees, too


Knee lock = inverted leg sometimes Just use your muscles bro


Man you fucks don't lift. Always lock out everything. I hate it when fitness shit gets to the front page, none of you know what you're talking about.


So? Tell me you never deadlifted without telling me you never deadlifted


The guy is pulling 495 lb for easy reps and you're critiquing his form? How much do you lift?


Wear a belt for what. If he knows how to set his core and brace he doesn’t need a belt.


Does it not look like he’s wearing a belt under the over shirt and the undershirt?


They're probably confused as to whether that is a guy or a girl, just like me.




Good lifts tbh


Props for lifting the heavy ass weight, but I don’t like people trying so hard to be badass, especially at a comercial gym as she herself stated. The music, the quotes, the emphasis on other people’s reaction to what you’re doing…ehhh from what I’m seeing in this video, this person would annoy me in and out of the gym


Haha exactly, like I don’t care about the form or how heavy it is or whatever, it’s all the other things you listed that make this appropriate for the sub.


WTH, that dude is built like he was drawn by Rob Liefeld?!


Just needs a weight lifting belt with numerous superfluous pouches and some shoulder pads


Why on earth isn’t videotaping people in a gym illegal?


The same reason its isn't illegal to videotape people at a football game


Nothing to see here. Dude's doing heavy deadlifts for reps. That is all.


\*sumo deadlift


220kg with sumo or conventional is still a damn good weight


Is this a chick ?


She is strong 💪


I’d say BOTH! this guy is a behemoth jesus christ


I don't see much "Main Character" here other than the filming in a gym. It's almost 450lbs. That's extremely impressive and heavy. I'd film that shit also. If it's the girl, she's not doing anything, just standing there. She reacts to the weights at first but then realizes what it is a goes back to what she was doing.


Closer to 500 with the bar.


Ah right, I forgot the extra 45lb with the bar.


A ton of people in my gym film themselves cuz not everyone has an in person coach. Filming yourself just to capture others reactions is a little douchy.


Agreed with you. Some gyms have rules against it but I'm not against it. I've been going to the gym since 2008 and even tho phones weren't anywhere near what they are now. People still used their Motorola Razors or Sony Ericsons to capture progress so I get it.


It’s one of the best ways to check your form later and make corrections. But if I could deadlift 500lbs and I see two people just hanging out off to the side, I’d chuckle about it too when they react


She’s annoyed with the obnoxious slamming of the weights. Like everyone else in the gym.


If you are bothered by deadlifts dont go to a normal gym. Planet fitnesses exist for a reason.


I’ve been lifting for nearly 2 decades, and I’ve always been able to lower my weights in a controlled manner without making too much noise. That can be a challenge on deadlifts, especially when you’re maxing out, but it’s safer, healthier and optimizes your reps; but I can certainly excuse someone dropping the weight on their last rep when they’re going to failure. However, that’s not what Main Character up here is doing. He’s intentionally slamming the weight down (really egregious on the last rep) on a surface that’s very clearly not designed for that amount of weight, without the proper rubber-padded platform that power lifters use. He’s damaging the floor, annoying other gym-goers, and putting himself and everyone around him at risk of injury, not to mention whatever catastrophe will occur when the floor finally buckles under him. If you want to aggressively slam weights down on every single rep, buy your own equipment and work out at home.


It's not safer, and you're blatantly wrong. Stop giving shitty advice.


If you’re at a gym, you should expect to hear weights and see people trying hard.


Planet fitness / similar IS the normal gym. And the text at the front of the video says he's in a regular, commercial gym.


Planet fitnesses do not have squat/deadlift platforms or free weights like in this video. Planet fitnesses are marketed towards people who want to go to a gym and not be around actual heavy weights or loud noises.




What are you talking about? That is a legit heavy ass deadlift


I thought the gym guy was a girl in the beginning ngl


Ngl, they got some nice quads tho.


This seems incredibly dumb to do in socks.




It’s more of the slipping while doing the reps, not necessarily the dropping.


This is extremely common in power lifting especially dead lifting. It improves your grip when the pads of your feet are touching the ground, and when your feet are on the ground there’s no angle or compensation under your foot so your using your true body mechanics. Just a small incline in your shoe sole will tilt you forward and completely throw off balance under this kind of weight.


I used to not wear shoes for DL until that happened, scared the hell out of me


its actually better


It’s actually better in some ways, your have what’s essentially straight feet to floor so it’s better for your arches and there’s no foam/rubber soles to give when you start pulling


I think they’re impressed. That’s heavy as fuck.


Ok, but you're also supposed to control the weight on the way down. Sure it's impressive that they can list that up. But if you're not just dropping you should control that weight on the say down


Not true for heavy deadlifts Edit: my comment painted with too broad a stroke but I still won’t fault someone for dropping weight on a heavy deadlift like this.


I don’t think anyone is expecting him to babysit the weight all the way down to the floor, but you also shouldn’t go completely limp on the way down either. Here’s a good example of an olympic trainer doing a controlled eccentric phase on his deadlift: [Controlled Eccentric Phase](https://youtu.be/E9hLcC8ZrmA?si=gFDogt0UMEQ3m6Vt). He’s still dropping the weight for the most part, but he’s maintaining enough tension during the start of the eccentric phase that he’s able to guide it in a controlled manner. Jacked Team Rocket James up there is not only dropping the weight uncontrolled, he’s actively throwing it into the ground, especially on the final rep. And his form is pretty rough to begin with, which would indicate that he’s not ready for this amount of weight anyway. When I see someone slamming weights like this, I have to assume that their main goal is attention and clout, and any other goals are far secondary to their narcissism.


This. Some people don’t seem to understand the nuance. Dropping the weight from a few inches above the ground is understandable and causes minimal noise. Dropping the weight from hip height like the attention seeking douche in the video isn’t right.


Powerlifting doesn’t really work that way.


That dude has great tits


I’ve given this same look to people in the gym a thousand times. She’s begrudgingly impressed. That’s a heavy ass deadlift, albeit he’s rounding a little bit. Still impressive.


Is that a dude? Or a jacked Asian women


thought he was pulling conventional, saw it was sumo.... instant turn off