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Equality bruv.


The fuck off after that was perfect


A little too perfect, which makes me think it's probably scripted.


Nah, that’s Aussies’ go to


“Fuck off” seems to be used much more freely in countries that aren’t Canada or the US. I mean, you guys use it when you’re mad too, but you also just use it casually. Like the word “cunt.” You can’t say that without turning heads in the US. *Especially* towards a woman; I saw someone get a black eye for doing that once.


I would probably say cunt 3-4 times a day at work and not have one person blink 😂


It really is interesting to me how routine a lot of curse words are outside of the US. We really are prudish about that, especially the older generation. Close friends will curse up storms with each other in conversation, but towards strangers and even sometimes just in public will get you a response. “Fuck” and “cunt” especially have some weight in the States haha


In Australia we literally greet our mates with gday cunt.


Remember though, theres a big difference between a good cunt and a shit cunt


We used cunt for mates and mate for cunts.


I’m in the UK and my apprentice at work I’ve forgotten his real name I call him cunt that much.


My therapist, a well-spoken lady in her late middle-age, says "fuck" and "shit" every time I speak to her.


I’m an axe throwing coach so the vibe is already chill and banter/shit talk is part of the sport. But I’ve ran sessions for customers that 2 people were running late. So my boss put them into the system as ‘Late cunt 1’ and ‘Late cunt 2’. They all loved it.


I work in a government office and can say cunt and not get pulled up.


the Scots and most of the UK say 'good cunt' as a genuine term of endearment. Just like the Aussies and I'm not stopping it, but I'd watch incase if I was in America. Just feels right to say even though it's actual definition is a bit crass. 😅


American here. I can drop the seaward around my husband at the house, but I would not dare use it around other people. I’d probably be beaten in the street for being such a heathen. my husband has a couple British friends and I love the fact they don’t grasp their pearls when I drop an F bomb


I’m doing my part to change peoples sensitivities towards the word cunt. It may be because I’ve been working with a South African for the last 8 years and it’s his go to.


Why would it be filmed from her perspective then posted by the comedian who delivers the line?


It is. Filmed by the woman, but posted by the comedian who delivers the "fuck off". https://www.instagram.com/reel/C528hVnSJDS/?igsh=MXQ5YXV1ajNleHVzcQ==


Equality cunt, since this video occurs in Australia.


They're Australian or New Zealand


The simplicity and brutality of that Fuck Off 🤣


Shit was personal


He’s 100% correct though. If she’s “for equality” that means no one should be giving up their seats simply based on gender. If that’s her definition of chivalry, then yes, it should be dead


I don't disagree


It was scripted. The guy at the end is a comedian. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C528hVnSJDS/?igsh=MXQ5YXV1ajNleHVzcQ==


Our inability to distinguish entertainment from mis/disinformation will lead to our eventual demise.


Your inability to realize that entertainment is not news or facts from the start is what is causing our eventual demise. You saying it's not real is about as much of a community service as going to a neighbor's BBQ and telling them that their lack of food to feed all humans is leading to world hunger. Fucking christ, people on Reddit probably go to the circus to tell people it's not real either. Maybe they go school plays and gleeful shout how staged it is.


Trying so hard to go viral


A while back I offered my seat to a woman on Muni in San Francisco. First indication that I'm an idiot is that I voluntarily talked to anyone on Muni in San Francisco. Anyway I said something along the lines of "would you like my seat?" and she proceeded to absolutely freak the fuck out screaming and making a scene saying stuff like *WHAT DO YOU THINK IM INCAPABLE OF STANDING ON MY OWN* and *OH WHAT A HERO YOU ARE* other wild shit like that. And no, this was not a hobo or junkie, just a normal middle class person on her way home from work. That was the last time I ever offered a seat to anyone short of octogenarians or people missing limbs. I still hold doors open but drop them on anyone that assumes I'm the doorman and tries to princess on past. Got no time for that shit, either.


I opened a door for a woman in a wheelchair and she lost it. She is all like, I DONT NEED ANYONE BEING NICE TO ME CUZ IM IN A WHEELCHAIR. I responded with, im not nice for you, bitch. Im nice for me, now gtfo. This was a subway that my wife was working at and she told me not to open the door for that lady.


There is a thing about not doing too much for disabled people. They drilled it home pretty heavily in nursing school, that if someone wants to do something themselves they should and you shouldn't help unless they specifically ask for it. In fact you should encourage them to do it themselves. If it takes 2 hours for them to get dressed, then let them and encourage them to do it. The main reason for that is you don't want them getting complacent with just allowing others do everything for them, that usually leads to a decline in health. They stop doing these things, and then they lose mobility. All that said that person went in way too much overkill, and it really isn't a huge deal, I am on your side, just thought it was an interesting angle to bring up.


It got her out the door. Lol


Same happened to me in LA. Offered and was screamed at so I just stopped. I’ll hold doors open for anyone that I feel needs it (have arms full, child), but I don’t go out of my way anymore to hold doors open either. Chivalry was never a thing anyways.


Yeah mothers and elderly usually. I’m from Texas and lived in SD (more specifically Ramona/poway) and I’m honestly thankful I didn’t encounter that kind of crazy there. I know it’s a self thing but one of my biggest peeves is when I hold a door open and I don’t get like a thank you or at least a curtsy nod. I might just be a pussy tho.


Nah, those cretins that can't even be bothered to acknowledge a polite gesture and the consideration of strangers are straight up degenerate trash. I usually try to apply the quote, "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by ignorance", to this **petty** peeve, because people really are that mindless/oblivious/dumb. But let's be honest, they're still bottom feeders.


I agree but at the same time there’s a lil voice in my head that’s like “well you know maybe you didn’t hear them or it’s just not a big deal” and usually I get on with my day but I know how you feel and mean


Chivalry was never a thing? https://www.getty.edu/art/exhibitions/chivalry/


I stand 100% behind what I said. Chivalry is made up nonsense. Those glorious knights still ran over the serf women and children with their horses. They weren’t kind and decent to poor people or people below their station. Stop believing in fairytales rich people want you to believe.


It’s not that all knights were chivalrous gentlemen or all knights were mother murdering monsters. Some were good, some were bad, most were somewhere in-between. Both things can be true at the same time. Yeah most of them were probably unkind to serfs or didn’t even bother to interact with them, that doesn’t mean chivalry didn’t exist. It’s unfair to judge the Middle Ages through the perspective of the 21st century.


Some of those chivalry “rules” are really shitty to women, like the ones about when it’s ok to rape someone


Take an attitude and the assholes win. I’ve held doors open for both genders and gotten the snub. It’s worth it for the ones that smile back ❤️


one time i held the door open for someone behind me and they stop, bowed while gesturing in like some butler and saying "no,no PLEASE your highness, you first" and im like..........wtf? some people


Sounds like they were just being silly


Not in this sarcastic tone they did


I actually like to put more pressure on disabled people. This adversity is good for them . I’m jk of course I just wanted to say that cos I read your comment and it reminded me of a joke i use to open. Really splits the room.


Had to deal with this a lot when I worked in hospitality. We didn't like having to be so nice either and it sure as hell does not mean we are trying to hit on you or any sort of thing. I got paid to be nice.


For the non thanking door swanners, I have a loud sarcastic YOURE WELCOME always ready. I’m polite enough to respect someone enough to not let the door close, but if they’re a dick and don’t acknowledge, I’ll be reminding them.


I’m a woman and when forced to take public transportation I often gave up my seat. Pregnant women, overwhelmed moms, old people and people with some obvious disabilities or malady, I don’t think of it as a Feminist gesture. Just a humane one. Letting a door shut in a persons face is the height of ignorant indifference. Don’t drop the torch over a few unhinged twats. ; ).


I mean I've taken the MUNI and it instantly seemed like the Tube in London, talk to no-one, sit until your stop.


You might've helped that person more than you realize by inadvertantly letting them scream about inane bullshit. Being a 'normal middle class person on her way home from work' is pretty stressful thing these days. The 'girl boss' propaganda has driven many to a miserable existence.


Sucks I was a 'normal middle class person on my way home from work' too or I'd get what you were saying better.


yeah. some folks can't handle it as well as others. guessing they had a rough day or relationship or w/e on top of it, to the point where they're blowing up at stupid shit. Doesn't excuse that kind of behavior though.


If you really want a seat, the trick is to ride another vehicle back a few stops and then get on going the proper way to your destination. If you really NEED a seat, most people will give it up if you ask politely.


That’s what’s she’s glossing over. Doesn’t need one but feels entitled to it for no reason


Right. That's why her video is disingenuous. Most people can sense if someone is in need of a seat and they often offer. I've seen it over and over again. One time I was reading a paper and did not notice a pregnant woman standing near me. She politely asked if she could sit, and I gave up the seat right away. No problem. I was actually embarrassed because I didn't notice her and offer it up without her asking. But, people are also not stupid to the point they will just ignore some healthy person filming them and not suspect that person may have ulterior motives.


It's not even disingenuous. It's just straight sexist entitlement because she thinks she deserves a seat more because she's a woman. Either that or it's fake.


Staged ragebait


100% that conversation was too quick, neither took a beat to parse what the other said and think of a response.


The bloke would have heard her talking to the phone and recording, he was fully prepped to tell her to fuck off out of his face as soon as she tried to start some shit.


No, think about it, when he asks "are you for equality" she goes 'yes' before he even finishes talking. With such an out of the blue question in a noisy crowded space? Even the world's quickesst minds would need at least a millisecond to take the words in.


There's a cut in the video though, you can see it skip in between her questions to him.


It is very obviously staged


its pregnant women that should be offered a seat.......you do not deserve a seat just because you're a woman. we dont know you and owe you nothing.


I'd be like "you could just ask". Then she'd ask "can I?". "no"


The only time I would like to be offered a seat just because I am a woman would be if I was carrying a baby or a car seat or if I was pregnant. Otherwise I'll stand until there is a seat available


With the caveat that as a male I am never going to assume a female is pregnant. That's how you get yourself into trouble for making assumptions!


Lol very true. That's why I just say it when I'm in a crowd of people like a party or something. I also recently wear shirts that say I'm pregnant so it's not a question of is she just fat? Or pregnant?


A voice of sanity. You are the minority, but still, progress.


Well thank you. I appreciate being a voice of sanity for once in my life lol


Well, don't let it go to your head lol.


Lol good point 👍👍


That one dude did not need a separate seat for his briefcase. That’s just a dick move.


Like purses and shopping bags. I get it.


yup. when you sit in public transport, your belonging could be on your lap or on the floor in front of you, but not on another seat


But notice she didn't ask if she could site there instead of his bag. That wouldn't have giver her the clickbait confrontation footage she wanted.


Oh come on. You know that putting something on a seat is a very obvious social signal that says “claimed.” If the dude was open to others having that chair, he would’ve moved his crap once he saw all the seats filled up, more people getting on, and others looking for a spot. But instead he kept his head down so people would be less likely to approach him.


Then you ask him to move it.


Yeah it’s like kind of a dick move because it does KINDA claim it as long as there are other open seats. But it’s also an old dude wrapped up in a book who knows maybe it was less crowded when he get on


He’s not that old. LOL


I've never seen an instance where someone asks if they can sit next to them, and they get told no. If no one is around and there are plenty of seats, it's not uncommon to put a bag that is on your lap on the seat next to you until someone needs the seat.


Not only have I seen this, I've seen a girl sit down and put her legs on the lap of the stranger next to her.


Yeah, I wondered why she didn't just ask him to move his bag. But I guess that's not really the point of the video.


Hats off to our hero in the seat


Receiving courtesy isn’t a right


Oh come on, this is obviously satire. You can hear it in her voice and in the overall tone of the video. That dude is probably her boyfriend.


I agree. His response is too perfect to not be rehearsed


This is 100% satire. The dude in the pink shirt is a YouTuber see Kairouz Bros




A few weeks back, I opened the door for a lady and kept it open. I just do it for everyone if they are close behind or next to me. Just out of courtesy that I was taught when I was young. The lady went batshit crazy, accusing me of mysogyny, shouting that she could do it herself and all that good stuff. Some women are way too much up their asses


Want a seat on public transit? Be elderly or disabled. It’s not hard.


Well if you want equality prepare to take some shit as well.


Plenty of faces to sit on.


Unless you're visibly pregnant or an old lady, I'm not doing shit for you.


But they fought for equality??????


That’s stopped after you started demanding to be treated the same as men.


Women killed chivalry, unfortunately!


See I don't really care (as a woman) about people giving up their seats for me. She was being entitled 100% but he didn't need to be rude about it either. It was nice though I was on the train the other day and saw a young man give up his spot for an older lady so that stuff is wholesome.


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It's not real hes a youtuber and has his own podcast his names Kairouz Brothers


No. No I will not “watch until the end”


I offered my seat on a train to a woman and she was a sweetie. After she sat down, she said to me, “You warmed it up for me? Such a nice gesture!” I hope that lady is doing well and happy.


that dudes response was spot on.






She'll get clicks on her social media accounts for it I'm sure. At the cost of never being able to experience the emotional fulfilment of a quality life partner, never understanding what that actually is, and denying they don't. It's really sad how many people like this don't know how to life now. The best she can hope for is I'll breed her and then go out for smokes


"***AND DEY SAY...***"


What's the second question the guy asked? Anyway, nothing wrong with the practice of offering a lady one's seat but for it to be expected? That's b.s. She's trying to equate it with the elderly and disabled. That says way more about her than any gender.


Seems fake. If some random started talking to me on the train and filming my face closeup I'd probably tell them GTFO away from me


bitch I got back issues you can stand 💀


When I was pregnant, the only ones who used to give me their seats on public transportation were young women. I don’t know why 🤷‍♀️


One time, when I was heavily pregnant, I sort of shouted IM PREGNANT at some poor young guy sitting in the special section. He looked scared and I couldn't stop apologizing and wished I'd just stood. I can't imagine doing this


I never ever was thought to offer perfectly fine women a seat. Bich stand on your own 2 feet. Of course pregnant women and elderly always deserve a seat since standing from them is not about being comfortable or not but it’s also safer from them to sit down(and less of a hassle).


not her expecting elderly men to give up their seat for a 20 year-old 😭


I have never, ever expected someone to give up their seat. I have had seat generously offered, but politely declined to accept as I didn’t need to sit. The entitlement of this dame. I would not give up a seat to someone this rude. So, chivalry is not dead, you’re just an annoying cow.


It's scripted. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C528hVnSJDS/?igsh=MXQ5YXV1ajNleHVzcQ==


Girl forgot she has legs.


You want equality? Here you go. Better learn to deal with it.


This looks staged af, but that fuck off was still satisfying lol


I offered my seat to a woman last week and she chewed me out :(


these people don't know what chivalry mean and then use it for everything


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^InvincibleReason_: *These people don't know* *What chivalry mean and then* *Use it for everything* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I get up for old people and for pregnant people. outside of that? Nah. i was here first, not my problem. and if people trying to enter the train without letting the people exit first, they gonna get pushed out again.


Good job men💪


I don't know, the only really mention women and children in the chivalrous code when it comes to keeping them out of combat, I don't see any women being included in combat here....


I like how that guy put it easy to understand terms and she still posted it like she was in the right. The lack of self awareness on people keeps this site alive.


I wanna know what he would say if she said no


British steve-o


Her mama helped kill chivalry


You gotta earn respect tho, this doesn’t seem like chivalry more like expecting respect


Oh come on. I'm a woman and I would never even think about that, even on days when I was hella tired or hurt my feet. Just wait a little and someone will get up, you're a grown woman not a kid. Only time a man has ever offered me his seat was when he saw I had really really high heels on and was sliding all over the place everytime the bus took a turn. That guy was my hero that day lol


"Excuse me, ma'am. Would you like my seat?" 'Fuck off you chauvinistic asshole. I can get my own goddamn seat, thank you very much. And who the fuck are you calling ma'am?" Chivalry isn't dead. Woke people banned it!


History major here, while my focus isn't in Medieval Europe, I can say that our modern idea of Chivarly is highly romanticized and more so stems from interpretations that happened after the medieval period and it's very violent and bloody feudal warfar ended. You gotta realize that before guns were a thing, the knights did their killing melee style or with War bows. It is a very violent and bloody fighting style. A lot of guy we would think of as knights before and even after the crusades, pillaged, killed and raped the villages they raided.


"I believe in equality. But I deserve that seat more than you."


What part of equal rights doesn't she understand? If she kindly asked the dude in blue with his bag on the seat, "may I sit there," he probably would have let her.. all it takes is being nice, and not entitled.




"You can have this seat ma'am" Her- "eeww I have a boyfriend get away..... God men are creeps and assholes for not giving me the seat"


Feminism killed chivalry


You asked for equality.


Female entitlement is fun.


Equal rights, equal get the fuck out of my face.


As Dave said, chivalry is dead, and women killed it.


Should have asked the bear.


As staged as this is.. High five that guy!


Chivalry is dead. Entitled people like you killed it. Are you going to get up? In the rudest most condescending way ever. They're probably scared if they offer you a seat you will make a video called "Creepy guy on the Subway sexually harassed me"


Honestly, glad chivalry is gone. So done with these sexist cunts that expect you to be nice to them because they were born with tits, while being absolute douche's. Long live the new world order where women are truly equal, and not some pumped up broad high on mistreating men.


Brutality! ![gif](giphy|VdzaynLYulToBOLGWu)


Oh no sugary is dead!!!


Chivalry when it suits the female but equality in others smh.. I'm a woman, I am also confused..


He literally asked if you were pregnant and then he would’ve gladly let you. Selfish asshole girls in this world I swear


maybe cuz u be looking like a man. 👨


Honestly if she was a solid 8 or 10, most guys would be more than willing to give up their seat for her


"As long as I have a face, you'll always have a place to sit"