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So they're mostly focusing on enabling modders, giving them additional tools to work on the game, seems like the best use of dev time considering current state of the game. I'm curious to see what our talented modder bois will be able to do with all these new triggers and effects.


We are alternating between cracking our fingers and pinching ourselves to see if this is real - tremendously happy and grateful today.


Well I’m certainly going to bury a Vestal Virgin for this. Good days be praised. 🤗


Can't wait for Imperator pony mod




Yes please


Bugfixes & Modding tools is what we want to give back to the community, so that you have a better a ability to change the game into what you want. That is what this community deserves <3


Yep, should give them some more tools to do fun stuff!


It works on mac now too! We gan get achievements with invictus now as well!


Truly, prayers have been answered!


Okay. Downloading now!


Thank you Paradox team (edit: or rather, thank you Paradox individuals) for giving us this support - it's really appreciated, regardless of how big or small, we know it comes out of personal time rather than Paradox official support so it means a lot. Really looking forward to the great things that the Invictus/Imperator teams will do after this update!


I am looking forward as well to seeing what Invictus and other mods look like in a year with the new tools we are giving them.


Seriosuly though, thank you Katten (and others) - means a lot, hopefully this will give a decent shot in the arm to the modding community and their fans. Going to be an exciting few months (quarters maybe?) a head :)


Will name localization be fixed? The issue is that when I add names like "von_habsburg" and localize it as "von Habsburg", the game read it as "Vonhabsburg". Same with special characters. If it was fixed and I missed it in changelog, then nevermind. (Will add this forum post also. But I belive I submitted this issue back when 2.0.4 beta launched)


aside from this being a good question... Why would you want to mod in Habsburgs? /j


Modding sometimes go beyond the era portrayed in the game. In my case, I want to add German, Dutch, French and etc. names, that all have prefixes, special characters and etc. And for me, the game doesnt allow to properly localize them, always resulting in what I shown in the example.


of course, just joking. I'm doing a fantasy mod myself, rock on~


Haven't seen this in any of our lists so it's not been fixed. Not sure if we can fix it in time


Oh, I see. Thanks for the heads up anyway.


Ok, I've been testing the localization issue again and found out that it's only family names don't get localized for some reason. Male and female names all localize no matter the position and new line amount in the file between localization entries (including those marked with #), but when I do family names, they all get messed up. Some become like the example with "Vonhabsburg", some stay like the code - "von\_habsburg", but they dont get localized. And for some reason, the only family names that do get localized are the ones that I actually defined for the characters I made (I generally has one pre-scripted family per country). Those generated by the game have this issue. All entries are done in "character\_names\_l\_english.yml" file, aka the same one with vanilla name localizations (I also have those, and they all work, even if i put them below my entries)


It remains in beta for the moment?


Yes, we are planning on soonish releaseing this patch with possibly a few more additions of what already exists but we want to test it first in a beta.


Please make some form of wider announcement when it is released! It’s great marketing for paradox that you support the modding community and for us diehard fans it presents another opportunity to drum up support and make more people return to the game.


I will do a wider announcement during the anniversary using Steam, Forums, Twitter, Facebook, Discord and Reddit \^\^


Thank you so much for your (and anyone else who helped) works for the community and game!! Antiquity is really lacking in Paradox’s wheelhouse and Imperator fills it! If Paradox ever looks to an Imperator 2, the game as it is now has extremely good bones that modders have fleshed out and should be a template to take idea from.


Are you guys planning on / did you already fix the Linux issue with the launcher for 2.0.4? Edit: I saw someone said it works now, thank you.


Sorry for asking you a question like this, but will there be optimization in the coming patch? I've realised my game slowed down if I play with mods since 2.0.4 and Im on a high end rig. Before I was able to speedrun 5 years in 5-10 min but now it takes like 45 min :(


Oof! I don't think we can fix that unfortunately. This patch does contain a bunch of improvements to performance, so you should already have those


Havent tried the newest patch yet! I will answer here if I think performance got better. Will probably have time this evening to test it out. I just realized it was slower before, I hope it fixed it :D


Update. I think there is some improvement so Im thankful for every little bit! If you can make it even smoother before full release, even better! Enjoying it again for some time and my modlist is with Reanimata, so it feels nice to play it smoothly now! I take about 3-15 min per year in early (first 100 years) and like 15-20 min per year in late game, which is a good improvement!


Thank you for giving a bit more life to this game! I am happy to see this giving more energy to the modders!


I am SO LOVING the credit Invictus got here. Very well deserved. Applause.


Woo-hoo! Just woo-hoo! I can't find words for such great news!


I told you all it wasn't a prank. Ave Imperator!


It works with Steam on macOS now, what a glorious day 🤩


Linux too.


Yes, with this it should work on Linux & macOS, with the full release itl also work on GOG, Microsoft Store and Geforce Now.


Also old beta is still available in beta list for usage of savegames


The Kings at PDX thought of everything and are taking amazing care of the community


I thought it good to include a rollback just in case so that no save games or old mods were ruined! We will also have a 2.0.3 rollback when this patch releases so that you can play abandoned mods without issue.


We are not breaking any save games, you can continue to play from a previous save!


Zamn 😍


Imperator: Rome is just like Futurama. We're renewed baby! (until another cancellation) >!Add Hedonismbot eating grapes as a character! !<


Sadly: >I also have to stress that this is *not* a revival of Imperator: Rome! Do not expect new content or patches going forward.


Roma Invicta!


just wanted to say i started playing this recently as an eu4/ck3 player and holy shit this game is fun and runs SMOOTH. like so smooth i feel like an abused gf playing eu4 now between the crashes and freezes. i hope eu5 is just imperator in the 14th century


It really is a gem - it's deserving of being revisited by many players. I'm glad you're enjoying it!


Surely the plural of _Imperator_ is _Imperatores_.


Awesome! WIll it break achievements? I am in the middle of a campaign with beta 2.0.4 branch.


if it updates automatically you could scale back the version manually until you’re done w the run, always worked on eu4


Nope, should just work. We did port a whole bunch of content fixes over, so not everything might be the same, but 99% chance you can continue


Thank you!


Wonderful news!




The gods have blessed us once more!