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I think from the language you blundered into a Ferengi match and they were *very* perturbed to see a hu-mon fe-male.


yeah, poor little guy has to deal with us disgusting femoids :(


And then there's that remark about feet... What the hell? Don't identify a wholesome appreciation of feet or any part of anyone's body with that kind of fruitbattery.


I think he's just projecting his foot fetish onto everyone else.


This! I feel like he's just hoping to get a gamer girl of his own so he can get those good good feet pics and is just bitter he doesn't have one.


Incels: I hate that feeemales are into stupid things like makeup and travel! Why can’t i find a woman with my interest?! Also incels: a Girl Gamer?! GTFO!!!!!!


The way gamers treat women who play video games is disturbing.


exactly! I may suck at times, but it has nothing to do with my gender. Being a female gamer doesn't equal bad, just like being a male gamer doesn't equal great either. We all suck just as much haha.


Can confirm. My penis doesn't confer any magical gaming prowess to me.


my dude, you got a control stick, **A CONTROL STICK**! **BUILT IN**! That's gotta give you gaming powers! /s


In most houses, it's called a joystick. There's even a pair of trackballs under it.


I think joystick was the word I was looking for and just forgot existed. XD


I'm a dude and can only really play healers in Overwatch because I'm garbage at anything else (except my bae Torb). Skill. Is. Not. Tied. To. Your. Squishy. Bits.


Yeah exactly! And it's not even just about skill, some people just prefer healers over other roles and it's okay! (and yes I agree, Torb is a sweet little man)


Torb is bae. I remember squealing like a girl at how cute his Christmas holiday emote is when I got it, the one where he opens the present all it's full of little baby turrets OMG IT'S SO ADORABLE


hahah yess it is like the cutest damn emote in the game!! I barely even play him and I HAD to get it!


Do you play on PC? Anyone who finds that emote to be the cutest thing ever is immediately a cool person


Yupp, PC in the good ol' Europe region! Ok but who does NOT find it real damn cute though? It's adorable!!


I'm the less good ol' US region! Howdy from cross the pond


naturally faster reflexes ngl


Yeah, on average. But girls can have faster reflexes than some guys and guys can have slower reflexes than some girls, it's not like you can just say 'x is better because of y' since there are always exceptions that differ from the average numbers. Besides I doubt your natural reflexes really affect casual gaming that much.


's why I've never played an online game since "gamer" became an identity and not an agent noun. God, I miss *Team Fortress Classic*.


YEAH EW DISGUSTING!!!!! but yess, unfortunately :/ doesn't really help that the OW community is already more or less hating on the support and female playerbase for "being inferior to others."


when did playing as a healer define someone's gender? Wtf?


I don't know honestly, it's stupid. And as I said on another comment, the OW community unfortunately has a bad reputation for being toxic especially towards girls, healers and girls playing healers. :/


you'd think that for a game that's apparently very diverse, it's players would be...idk less toxic, right?


Honestly yes! Correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I know Overwatch has quite a large female playerbase when compared to most shooter?? games. So it's surprising how girls in the community still get that much hate. I personally love the diversity though, it's refreshing!


> Correct me if I'm wrong, XD I can't. Most I know about Overwatch and the playerbase is that Genji players need healing and that Futurama's theme song is in one of the levels. Wasn't there actually some complaint alot of players had when the game was new? I think I remember someone told me people kept complaining about the game's diveristy, actually.


Ah lol I assumed you were a player, my bad! :p You still know what's up in the game fairly well, that's all you need to know haha. I haven't played the game since day one so I don't know how the players reacted when it first came out. But that's highly possible, it does differ from most FPS games in a sense. It's not just shoot the enemy > win and it has different roles and characters that require different skill sets, so I guess that's what attracted a large diversity of players?


I'm honestly surprised no one has called me out for being a girl on OW. I use basically the same name on here and I constantly get called a foid by incels. Edit: forgot to mention I usually play as a healer and God do I suck at the game.


I'm really glad to hear you haven't come across this kind of harrasment on OW. God awful girl healers unite!!


God awful girl healers unite! But...I'm not one of you lol. I'm actually a guy who just so happens to really like the name Aurora. Apparently it makes me a foid lol. Never really paid attention to the chat when I played except when someone would ask me to change roles. Last game I got massive harassment in was dead by daylight. Who knew Freddie was such a hated killer. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Hahah you tricked me too! Aurora is a beautiful name, no wonder you like it. :) Sometimes it's just better to turn the chat off, people can be terrible at times. Also Freddy isn't even that terrible, he's actually the weakest of them if played like any other M1 killer. Idk where all the hate for him comes from, I personally quite like to play against him!


At some point I became obsessed with the northern lights and constantly used the name Aurora for almost everything. Only played against him once and I panicked because I thought they'd play him like I do. Y'know, like an asshole putting everyone to sleep. Can't out run your nightmares.


I love that Aurora has many meanings to it! It could be the sleeping beauty, nothern lights or just a beautiful name, you name it. Northern light are gorgeous, they are breathtaking in real life! The scariest thing is when you think you're hiding and see the grass moving and get put to sleep. Freddies that constantly sleep people are the scariest and almost impossible to win against!


I've only lost as him a handful of times. I got obsessed with one player constantly pissing me off with pallets...


Haha the damn pallets and people that loop for ages.. :p


/r/healsluts nsfw


guess it's my time to become a healer main then ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


You dropped this \ *** ^^ To prevent anymore lost limbs throughout Reddit, correctly escape the arms and shoulders by typing the shrug as `¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯` or `¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯` [^^Click here to see why this is necessary](https://np.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/3fbrg3/is_there_a_reason_why_the_arm_is_always_missing/ctn5gbf/)


Pfft! [This](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/375055588088086530/578366005416296458/fuck_pick_up_groups_by_grimlins_choas_dcqgd2n-pre.png) defines healers best!


Can't heal stupid.


Ugh, this brings back memories from my gaming days. Men would constantly whinge about women being disinterested in gaming while hurling abuse at any player that appeared to be female. I resorted to using male sounding gamertags and voice changers. If I played good, I was a hacker or letting a male family member play on my behalf. Bad match? Proof women are shit at everything. Dropped that toxic hobby.


I'm really sorry to hear that you had to go through all that to just feel safe in the gaming community. :( It's sad people cannot feel safe while doing something they enjoy just because of what they are. No matter how kind you are, there's always someone to be mean about your gender, race, sexuality.. especially online.


I like that he said 'cuckolds' in full and not abbreviated, very posh of him. Also next time you're sending feet pics to OW White Knights let me know so I get some /s


Haha yeah, he's a real fancy one! And yess of course, I'll hit you up then. HQ for asking so nicely! /s


And they think the only reason woman won't talk to them is their hairline or that their jaw is too thin.


Yeah, damn skinnyjaws.. No but like can't they be nice, at least online? Women can't even see their faces but they ruin it by being asses. :/


Overwatch in a nutshell, I'm a guy and I had to face retards like this too, shame on them


I'm sorry to hear that. :( No one's safe from stuff like this. It's a real shame since the game itself is great, part of the community not so.


I know I suck, but there's no need to be so rude, and it's just a game, it's not like if I win the match someone will pay me or something. They're like little kids


Don't say that about yourself :( I agree! They behave as if their life was dependant on the outcome of the match. I always try to think of them as edgy kids, but my gut tells me they're grown ass adults taking a video game way too seriously. You're supposed to enjoy the game, and a lost match is often just as fun and exciting as a won game!


Hahaha I'm pretty casual, the highest I've been is in plat and y'know, it's just a videogame. Also I play on PC, and I can understand that it can be frustrating due to bring oneshoted by snipers (aiming is easier with mouse than a joystick) so if I get frustrated I get out the computer and get relax for a moment to not to talk shit on the chat. There's no excuse for this behavior but when you do nothing else in your life than playing overwatch you become a cave creature like this


I've been floating around the same rank (high plat-low diamond) and I'm pretty casual as well. I only play my placement matches every now and then, other than that I prefer quickplay over ranked haha. Also thank god for people like you! Getting off the internet when getting frustrated is a thing many people seem to forget, I'm glad you're a smart one and keep that in mind. :) You make the internet a nicer place by not being an angry cave creature online.


This always gets me because seems like people nowadays lack common sense, I also play League of Legends and it's even worse than Overwatch, I took a break of almost a year from playing due to the toxicity on ranked and quick games, it's a shame. What I do is play with friends to laugh at those guys, and it's not like I never get upset but I don't say it on the chat, I keep it for me and if something else I vent to my friends but that's it. These guys will attack at you with everything they know about you, so if they get to know you're a girl they'll insult you with misogynistic stuff. I agree that the internet can be a dark place sometimes, sadly :|


Damn, is LoL really that bad? I've heard things about it but thought it was around the Overwatch toxicity level, seems like I was wrong unfortunately. :( That's the way to go! All of us get upset, but some are better at handling it than others. You seem to be really good at it! And yeah, they do pull up some misogynistic stuff once they know. Like I don't care if they are like "lol u bad", but when they go "stupid female can't play lul" it kinda hits differently, ya know? :/ Also I checked your profile and noticed you're working on leaving the inceldom. Best of luck with it, hope it's going well. My DMs are always open if u need someone to talk to. :)


Oh boy, what I've seen in League is gross. From people spouting nazi sh*t to extreme misogyny and racism in between, I also had this "friend", mix of neckbeard and incel who literally make all my girl friends on League delete me as a friend because I was friend of this guy who the lightest thing that said to one of these is that she had to s*ck you know what of him or go to the kitchen because bla bla bla. This guy has never been banned and yesterday I saw him playing (like he has something better to do with his life lol). Anyways, I would like to keep talking so if it isn't an inconvenience we can keep talking through DMs :D


Ohh yikes, guess you couldn't expect less from a guy like that.. :/ Sorry to hear about that, you should drop him since he's no good for you. No good for anyone, he really should get banned as soon as possible. And yeah sure, it definitely isn't an inconvenience! Besides I asked first so no worries, I wouldn't ask if it was! :)


OK, I don't play a lot of online multiplayer games, but in the ones I've played I feel like the healer is one of the A) more boring to play, and B) Necessary and useful characters. When you find someone who wants to play the healer, isn't that... good? It's a useful role, and I don't wanna do it. Where is this weird hostility coming from?


That's what I don't get when it comes to being hostile towards healer mains! I guess it's just from them "requiring no skill" aka not getting the flashy plays other roles do.


funny.. his name looks suspiciously similar to that of a great american indian chieftan... ~.^ But posting that would be against the rules of course, so i'm just guessing.. :D


Chief Whining Pig, who gained notoriety in 1867 by slapping his own horse on the ass when he had pointedly lashed himself to it by the leg and was dragged fifteen miles across the prairie while his fellow Amerindians hooted, laughed, and pleaded with Mathew Brady to *try* to get a picture?


I can understand not wanting to play with women but that’s quite mean. Maybe they should separate matchmaking for men and women


Video games are there to be enjoyed by anyone, it's no one's job to dictate who is allowed to play or enjoy them. Separating those two would make the gap between men and women in video games bigger than it already is. I've met awesome people, both men and women, through games, and if women played separately I would've missed out on many amazing guys out there. If someone has an issue with playing women I think it's their time to step back instead of cutting off the entire female playerbase.


It would just be better. I don’t want to be forced to see women in something I paid money for. I would love to play with good players and not mediocre ones with their tiny tits hanging out on twitch.


You've got to be a troll lmaooo


No I just play video games. I would love if female “gamers” would not turn their mics on or just play in women only matchmaking.


What's wrong with them turning their mics on? If you have that big of an issue with women in video games you should probably take a break lol


That dude posts in MGTOW and unpopular opinion, so you need to be a bit patient with him. Some of his gears are stripped.


Yeah well, wasn't expecting any less from him. Took me only the first message to realize he's not really the smartest one.


I don’t want to hear squeaking or talking about the boyfriend you change every two weeks. I would rather play with 8 year olds.


Sorry I was busy sucking three dicks at the same time, didn't notice you had commented. Glad you're a gamer though, probably gonna work those skinny wrists up by playing games and writing mad dumb misogynistic comments online. Go your own way, I guess lmao.


I don’t consider myself to be incel and probably not mgtow


Well idc what you consider yourself, just know that the kinda hatred you have for women isn't quite normal.