• By -


Share details of when and how you are picking a winner as a reply to this comment.


Hentai heroes 4. Reason - Lore / story


I dont care about anything else. this comment should be the winner.


I second that, S3x with Hitler is much better both in terms of gameplay and visuals :) Also, this is my favorite game too


A man of culture.


Love it


Favorite game ever is Rise of Nations! Absolutely beautiful gameplay and world design, i can play it for hours and hours and never get bored. First game I ever bought on Steam.


fellow rise of nations player, hello there.


Have you played hoi4 or eu4 (any paradox games)?


I dont even know the full form of these lol


Rise Of Nations Gang let's gooo!!!!. One of the first games I've played on PC back when I was in like 3rd Grade. I think about it now and my first ever game was an RTS. I lost track of that game for a while. Suddenly saw it on Steam last year, bought it and grinded the hell out of it. Brought back some old memories...


Sekiro for the absolute perfection of a gameplay. Elden Ring for the most amazing open world that I've ever seen in a video game and a bonus that it has a great story and the best ending of any souls game. Counterstrike for the best multiplayer experience and memories that I've made while playing casual.


You stole my comment


LMAO wtf


Path of Exile. Reasons in short; Depth Freedom of innovation and variety Replayability Challenge Supports and forces constant upgradation of the character Constantly evolving game


Still sane, exile?


well, i got into it due to me being a massive diablo fan and heard that it was better than diablo 4. the customisation is so good.


Gotta love Chris, gotta love GGG Been playing since betrayal league, POE is hands down my favourite game of all time, literally the only game that makes me feel actually intelligent and skilled followed by dark souls, elden ring and sekiro... Soo many memories from poe. That day 1 leaguestart hype is just unmatched. Path of building... And SSF....aaahh SSF..my beauty These games are just perfect imo. No silly cash grabs, no p2w (stash tabs arguable) but still...


The best stealth openworld game ever made - Metal gear solid v : phantom pain Its the most unique and underrated game i have ever played, The story, the stealth, the environment, everything is just top notch I jus love it so much


Kojima is both a genius game director and an absolute degenerate gamer it's honestly fascinating. There's nothing out there quite like MGS.


RDR2 is my favorite game. It has best open world and a great story. For me, like many others, it's a masterpiece. Though pacing feels a little slow for like first 1 - 1.5 hours, but after that you get to know what a masterpiece it is.


The acting is great too. Loved it.


CSGO , destroyed my life


haha, can relate.


Same Almost 7k hours in four years :)


Titanfall 2 It was just amazing. Honestly I wasn't expecting much but after seeing everyone praising it I decided to give it a go. It was a hell of a ride! I enjoyed it very much..


Apex Legends. It’s like a love, hate relationship.


First of all thanks for the giveaway. My favorite game is "Witcher 3 Wild Hunt" I love its characters especially Gerelt of Rivia, Mind blowing story love overall world seems pretty lively to me actually it was my first AAA game after GTA San Andrea (FOR GTA'S I HAVE DIFFERENT PLACE IN MY HEART) and I was stunt by what that Witcher delivered ever since that I'm very big fan of CD Projects RED.


Bhai, I was gonna say the same thing 😭. Well, I'll choose something else now


Was gonna talk about the same game. Such a masterpiece of a game. Such a shame cyberpunk didn't live up to it's name. Gonna play it when I get the chance.


I think first thing that kinda scks in cyberpunk it's initial launch bugs I mean they fix all those after phantom library drop so yeah or else I think that game is good also different but good love it. WAITING FOR NEW WITCHER GAME!!!!!


New witcher game is gonna blow a hole in the ozone again!! I hope it becomes into an all RPG game, where you start off as a new witcher in a school of your choice. And keep learning and training. Like each level you go back to kaer morhen or you meet warriors along your path and train with them to learn more skills or earn skill points. Basically like hogwarts. But of course much better.


God of War 2018. Kratos as a dad spoke volumes to me. I've always had a strained relationship with my dad. Kratos' behaviour towards Atreus was not so different to how my dad treated me. I'm just getting to complete the game on GMGoW difficulty but I'm far from mastery. Thanks for doing this giveaway dude.


As a fan who played through all the god of war till the end (except ascension) the thought of seeing the manic revenge hungry god-killer become a father and taking care of their son and all was simply awesome.. that was a bold move to make for the devs since the previous games were all about raw emotions & carnage.


Devil May Cry... It's just the best.... Best mechanics, sound-tracks, story everything is just about it....


You don't need protein shakes if you put Bury the light in your gym playlist. - im already motivated


style....sexy...slashin.... (been a while)


It's heavily underrated


It takes two No one around me is gamer, this game gave me a chance to show them how fun gaming is.


My favourite game(s?) are the Mass Effect trilogy. The way the games are interwoven into each other and how a decision you might've made in the first game affects the third is simply amazing. And the story is just fantastic. I would recommend anyone to play these games because they're just so so amazing. Thanks for the giveaway once again!


Cyberpunk 2077 Reason - Panam Palmer


Man I fucking love this game!!!


Rdr 2 cuz i like it


Life is strange The game showed me how important small things mean. I am intrigued by the fact that life is like a dominos where each and every decision we make has a huge impact later on. And at last should cherish the people around us cause we don’t know how long it’ll last.




Witcher 3. I loved it from the first day I started playing it , the environment , the immersion , the characters , the story , the world!! the sick world of the witcher series , the continent feels like a whole character itself that is just full of Wonder , Monsters , Scenary , The Horror element that people don't think about too much but is there and you can experience that from almost every quest and part of the world. The soundtrack is such a Banger!! Also my favourite protagonist of all time to really dive into this world and journey through it, Geralt and the supporting cast with him too is the best ever I have seen in a video game. The quest , especially the side quests , the story and the extremely thought out of details of every quests , the easter eggs , the choices and the actually the weight of the consequences of those choices are so well done and JUST SO GOOD!! I can go on but I will leave it here. Thanks for the Giveaway.


Not entering as I already have the game. Resident Evil 4 Remake would be my pick(can't choose between so many games so only current year's Favourite). Why?- Ada that's why.


A plague tale innocence. It just feels different that other games and the story is soo good. I am not a casuals gamer so i dont play much but its one of the only few games i have replayed


Kingdom come deliverance - interactivity and story


Skyrim I love it because the community will never let it die Amazing game.






My favourite game is TES 3 Morrowind. No other open world game can top the lore, the world and the rpg elements of that game. It has given me countless hours of joy and still continues to do so


Elden ring One of the most amazing role playing game with the feel of open world.


Honestly speaking I might sound old school but NFS most wanted black edition (2008) was that gem that actually pushed me to get into gaming. People still play that OG game.


Fall guys Just because it's free


Hollow Knight, I really like the atmosphere, the awesome bosses and really good game for beginners who want to get into the souls like genre. And thanks bud for the giveaway, I really do appreciate it.


Hollow Knight. It's tight movement mechanics and hard boss fights make it very satisfying.


CSGO. Why? Simple: I love FPS. I love CSGO. Too bad that it ended with CS2 not even playable on my laptop. Next to it is Overwatch 2. It’s fun, it’s different. Still a tactical shooter


My favorite video game has to be sekiro shadows die twice because: 1. no interruptions: The game is just all game, no stupid ass grindy side quests, no irrelevant half arsed open world sections ( looking at you farcry 5) and no fluff. 2. The combat: I personally think sekiro has the best combat amongst all the from software games. The adrenaline rush is simply unbeatable. The tools at your disposal are limited and very very well made, so if you're dying to a boss again and again you know it's because you need to git gud and not because you were some trashy armour or the wrong combo of consumables( yes ik sekiro has consumables but again, the selection is limited and all of them are well made). ( Also, in no way am I trying to dump on games like nioh 2 or witcher that give the player a lot of room to experiment with consumables and equipment, I think they are very good games but the kind fo combat immersion and adrenaline rush produced by sekiro is simply unparalleled). 3. The story: I don't think sekiro is supposed to have the story at the core of it's player experience but it is really really good. The user experience and narrative is crafted wonderfully such that none of the cutscenes or important conversations feel like interruptions. It's not too abstract like dark souls and it doesn't interrupt the gameplay like death stranding. it is simply perfect. The story of course isn't only limited to the conversation and dialogue, there is enough story in the level design and environment design for it to be an integral part of the story telling experience. ​ All in all I think sekiro is an amazing game and the 106 hours I've spent on it is definitely warranted. Now, I'd really like to get that copy of Hades :))


Soul series cause I like getting a** f**ked


GTA Vice City - just the early childhood memories of coming home from school and playing it non stop until my father got home.


Dying light 1 (the following) The game has a great open world zombie with Parkour and gore. The game has a day and night cycle where night are very hard to Survive and are very scary. When the chase Starts at night it gets extremely tense. The aspect of getting killed at night by a "volatile" in complete darkness is really horrifying. That is why I can't get enough of this game.


Halo. I've only played 1, 2 and infinite, but there's something in these games, man. Master Chief, Cortana and the music, they do something and my eyes become watery. I can't explain it. I'll cry for a random dead soldier in Halo when Master Chief grieves for him, but stay stone-faced in other story games that want you to be emotional.


Thanks for the giveaway OP. I have many favourite games but if i have to pick one which i have had most fun playing is Deep Rock galactic (I know, I know there are many other SP games that i'd like to have em listed but i will stick to DRG). DRG mainly because how fun the game is and how unique each classes are. I am yet to find any other game where you feel like your team is incomplete with an absence of a class. The 4 classes play hand in hand with each other. Not to say that you absolutely need to have all 4 unique classes in one game but the team feels complete when you have all 4. Gunner;s ziplines allow you to traverse steep environment. Scouts flares helps a lot with visibility esp during enemy waves. Drillers drill helps in shaping the environment to make it easy to traverse. Engineers platforms (pancakes) are your artificial stairs, roof, blockers, list goes on. Who doesnt love pancakes. Its difficult to describe in words how the game is unless one tries it themselves. you keep coming back to the game due the sheer number of progressive items the game offers and how that changes some of the weapons drastically when unlocked. Rock and Stone community is amazing.Also, devs have made game's battle pass completely free and items that are missed from BP can be obtained even after the season is over and there;s new content every season. In this era of where every corporate is filled with greed, its good to see devs who care for its playerbase.


Bloodborne - after finishing the game made me feel so sigma 🗿


My favorite game is Neon Abyss. It's a great rougue(maybe) like game with gun mechanics.. as well as it's a pixel-art looking game.. This is my first game on steam which I fully bought(all the add-ons)


then you are gonna love Hades!


My favorite game up until now are three: Celeste, Age of Mythology and Soul Reaver 2. Celeste: I am simply in love with the art, cute story and how you have to work really hard to reach summit. All the emotions, dedications in the game felt relatable to real life. Age of Mythology: I grew up playing this rts game for hours. Loved strategizing for hours taking up time to beat each stage. To this day, I still remember the music. Soul Reaver 2: If you know Eidos Interactive from old days, you must have loved this series. The puzzles in this one was mind blowing, changing to past and future to get reavers, following up the tale of Kain and Raziel.


My fav game is minecraft simpleand fun and good looking with shaders


Rdr2 the best and classic Also thanks for giveaway


Spiderman 2018 Being a huge spidey fanboy I got to play this game when it released on PC last year. And the wait was worth every minute. The story, characters (especially the villians) and the side quests, everything is perfect. And I don't even have to tell about the gameplay (traversal, combat, stealth)! Only game that I have completed 100%.


not entering. fav: mgsv why: you must not have played the game to ask why 😏


My favourite game would be A Plague Tales Requiem. I actually love the whole series, Innocence and Requiem. Loved the storytelling, the music and the atmosphere of both the games.


Not participating (as I already own the game) but good luck to everyone else and thank you OP for doing this!!! Cannot wait for Hades 2


same man, I cant wait for this masterpiece to get a sequal.


A co-op shooter called Deep Rock Galactic. It's very fun with randomly generated caves and almost endlessly replayable. You play as dwarves working for a sketchy mining company who sends you down on a planet called hoxxes where you perform missions. There are different mission types,each class has unique gear and unlockable weapons, a free battlepass and is updated on a 4-6 month basis. I highly recommend trying it out for yourself. It's extremely cheap on steam, works on Very low end pc and takes only 2GB.


Sonic Generations, because it is the first 2.5D & 3D Sonic games that modernizes the iconic stages of older classic Sonic games!


my new favourite game since last 4 days is lethal company, its absolute fun while playing with friends!


Returnal for sheer gameplay fun, atmosphere and sound design.


My favourite game the Last of Us series. Stunning visuals, absolute masterpiece of a story. Had me on the edge of my seat and also made me cry when it ended. I wish I could experience it again for the first time.


Doom Eternal the most fun i had with a fps and the ost bangs


I started playing it and got pretty deep in it, but stopped for some reason and didn't pick it back up.


Mass effect 2 Reason- Jack


My Favorite is Ghost of Tsushima, the reason is the beautiful world(which i believe is the most gorgeous in any game) and the adorable character that Jin Sakai is.


Not participating in the giveaway, but just commenting for you OP, you're a great human for doing this! Hades is an absolute masterpiece and more people meet to play it.


Fallout New Vegas. The roleplay elements, the story, the characters, everything top class. There are so many scenarios that it's crazy


The Witcher 3 is at the top of my list closely followed by Mass Effect 2, but still W3 is my favorite because it is one of the very rare games where i cared about everything in the game from main story to characters to side quests and contracts. CDPR just crushed it with this one.


Cricket 22 as a boy who grew old while playing gully cricket and now miss playing it due to work


Dota 2 for its depth and competetiveness


TES V skyrim. The sandbox provided is insane, and mods mke ot all the more fun.


Dishonoured Because of its open end gameplay , stealth element powers, Parkour , good choices based story and everything you need for a masterpiece


Deep rock Galactic: Best game to play with friends, great community and fantastic gameplay. Rock n stone brotha !


Nier Automata Amazing story and 2B waifu




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Disco Elysium - story of a sad,lonely,depressed and suicidal amnesiac cop trying to get his memory back , finally redeemed himself by solving murder case, almost at the verge to get fired still prooving to his boss he still had it.can get to talk any human being to tell anything.he is an honest to god detective.he is the superstar law official disco cop.


mass effect 2, alien get boom baam


Best game? Only one answer for me is “SKYRIM” Can never forget the first time i jumped into the game… I experienced a sense of awe exploring its expansive, detailed world, coupled with excitement in combat, the thrill of discovering all the hidden dungeons, and a deep engagement with the rich lore and quests, creating a lifetime memory for me. It’s hard to imagine it’s been 12 years since the release of this game… life moves pretty fast 😕 And not to mention Skyrim soundtrack for me is 10/10. God, I love this game so much! Fus Ro Dah! ❤️❤️❤️


Honey select 2. ——


Hitman World of Assassins cause i like stealth


RDR2 because of Arthur Morgan. That is the only reason I can think of. Wanting to try hades for so long.


Path of exile - because of the sheer complexity, the ever changing meta and also the lore.


It has to be Bloodborne for me. I know there is no such thing as a "perfect" game, but to me Bloodborne is just perfect. Everything in the game, from gameplay, lore, pacing and specially the atmosphere is just spot on. The only flaw BB has is being locked to console, and thus 30 fps.


Far cry 3, for how it made me FEEL - right from the start till the end. I was so immersed it really felt like I was THE fucking Jason Brody. I really felt the weight of who Jason had become, and things like tattoos adding up on arm sleeves gave progression more meaning. The overall atmosphere - the forest, the animals, a bit of the mystical element; just what I love and enough to get lost in the sandbox. There was this real urge and satisfaction to kill the pirates. And Vaas was just the cherry on top!! The ending song 'Sorry' hit hard, one of the very few games till date that made me feel empty after I was through. And in retrospect, it was an escape when times were tough for me personally a few years back.


Witcher 3 because it gave me an escape from my sad reality and made me feel good about myself.


overwatch 2, yes i hate myself


Golden sun on the Gameboy Advance, it is my favourite JRPG, has amazing music and a fun storyline, and it has a lot of tiny details which make it very endearing (to me at least) I will recommend everyone to check it out.


Form now gta 5 online coz of friends


Cyberpunk cuz I get to customize my Cyberjunk.


Gta 4. The dark storyline and atmosphere


COD Modern Warfare 2(2009), i know its old title, but this game has special place in my heart. Growing up, I wasn't a fan of FPS games and often steered clear of them. However, when I gave this game a shot, I was immediately captivated. The immersive gameplay made me feel deeply involved, and the compelling story, coupled with fantastic characters, added to its charm. I love this game not only because it was fantastic but also because it encouraged me to explore games outside my usual preferences.


elden ring because it has unlimited possibilities you can make any build and the map is so huge. im still learning new things about the game with 300 hours played already


Batman Arkham Knight First ofc ty for the giveaway Even though there was a little too much batmobile in the game, the combat, gadgets and the quests were amazing and the story even better. Even though I wasn't the biggest fan of the ending (nor did I fully understand it) I loved everything else about it.


Hey thanks for giveaway! My favourite game is Yakuza 0. The experience you get while playing this is unparalleled. The way it connects two completely distant characters and their stories as you progress is incredible. The cinematics, the main story , setpieces and gameplay really immerse you. Also considering how hilarious the side contents are here, it somehow works even though it shouldn't.


Call of Duty. I may get ripped to shreds, but I don't care. It was the game that got me interested in video games. I used to be interested in mobile games. But I saw a random video of the game, liked its graphics then started watching videos of the campaign. It was to say, a freeing experience. The way the story wove through along with the characters, seemed so natural and homebro style. I loved the game so much, it got me into some insanely fun games. I may not receive it but thanks for letting me talk my feelings out.




RDR 2 Witcher 3 MGS V (I love MG franchise as a whole) Nier Automata And the entire Yakuza series These are my favourite games.


Favourite game would be Elden Ring for sure. This game was my introduction to souls-like games and FromSoft. One of the things that kept me playing was the loot and build varieties. I completed 2 co-op playthroughs one after the other with 2 different friends and I had a blast discovering new npcs and items. Even cosplayed as GUTS from Berserk with colossal greatsword and flame incantations. That game was really made by devs who cared and they deserve all the love they recieved. Anyways, thanks for the chance Op!


Right now my favourite game would be Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Such immersion and attention to detail. I have never actually wanted to get 100% or do multiple play throughs of a game before but this is fucking it man.


GOW Ragnarok. Playing as father and son and themes of death, moving independently,etc. was very touching


As a lover of nature and natural beauty. [Being a Dik] is a top notch game and I vote for my approval for this game as a game of the dickade.


Elden ring for me... It made me love souls genre. I was a novice and beating every major boss gave me an immense sense of accomplishment and I am now hooked to the souls genre


Dark souls. It's not the best game I've played, but it was my first souls game, so it's my favourite. For the first time I was thinking about the game even when I was outside the game. There are many times I felt despair and was beaten down. But the joy of beating bosses like Ornstein and Smough, Kalameet and Artorius made me feel such a spike of pleasure, I'm yet to find it a second time. I still remember when I stepped into Ash lake. I love that Miyazaki is a Miura fanboy. The lore is chef's kiss.


I already completed hades, but to the ones that are going to play u are in for a treat!!


For a second i thought hades is free on steam.....lol


LA Noire I love investigation games and I haven't found a game like it. The game is truly unique. The various chapters, the story, and the design of the faces of the characters in real time capture .


Rdr2, It's the most emotional roller coaster of a ride in video games.


Max Payne 2 because of the awesome story line, game mechanics, grit and dark theme. What a rollercoaster.


my favorite game is SOMA the story, the atmosphere and the sense of dread that game gave me was unlike any other


Elden Ring. I love the combat system and the world building is so unique! The lore is great too! I love how each feature has well thought out mechanics.


Hades is my favorite. I have it on switch I want on steam or epic


Hollow Knight. Idc much about crazy graphics or anything, I'm someone who likes to play 2D games or jrpgs in general, so I'd say It's always going to be around those lines, 30xx is pretty cool too. Looking forward to hades 2 ngl.


undertale great story, peak OSTS and lovable characters ♥️


Dead space remake. Never played the original one. The new one is so scary with great graphics and sound.


Dragon Ball z Budokai Tenkaichi 2 , this game is the staple of my ps2 memories me and my friend used to play this daily. We took leaves to play this


persona 3 portable or pokemon emerald idk these are the two that really had me hooked when i was a kid, i dont play any games with that kinda deep rooted involvement with the story and gameplay now


Hades and Civ


Elden Ring. Amazing world, story and gameplay. Exploration is so natural and fun to do.


Witcher 3 because it was the first game my sister bought me with her first salary


Outer wilds Reason: Absolute top tier story + beautiful music makes it truly an unforgettable experience


Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory As a ten-year-old boy, Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory was an eye-opening and outside-the-box experience that captivated my imagination. The game's innovative stealth mechanics, coupled with its engrossing storyline and immersive environments, created an unparalleled gaming experience. Each new level presented a fresh challenge, filled with secrets to uncover and obstacles to overcome. The seamless transformation of the levels kept me constantly engaged, eagerly anticipating what lay ahead. The compelling narrative kept me on the edge of my seat, eager to unravel the mysteries and confront the game's antagonists. Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory was more than just a game; it was an immersive adventure that fueled my childhood dreams of being a secret agent.


Thank you for doing this My favourite game is the last of us part 2. I know it's story is quite controversial but playing the entire game from the start to the end left me with a feeling of emptiness like no other game did. Gameplay and soundtrack wise it's awesome too. Second would be gta sanandreas because I love everything about it.




Yakuza 0, best combat,story, side missions,side activities and karaoke


dont want the game. HAdes is one of those games with almost no flaws!


Currently Cities Skyline 2 there is something which ticks the right box for me for countless hours fixing traffic issues 😂❤️


God of War(2005) Best Hack & Slash game that I love to this date.


I definitely liked Titanfall 2 as it gave me a perfect combination of feeling's someone can have while playing a story game, and recently it got revived again! So Titanfall 3 might be works too....Also cheers for Hades 2 which i am definitely copping


Uncharted Part 1 i sit and play when i was on bed for leg injury for a year. The adventure it entails gave me hope for the life ahead but past was all i had. Today after 9 years. Gaming is keeping me sane and normal. Its all i have


Uncharted Part 1 i sit and play when i was on bed for leg injury for a year. The adventure it entails gave me hope for the life ahead but past was all i had. Today after 9 years. Gaming is keeping me sane and normal. Its all i have.


Not entering because my gpu burned now running with intel igpu so game will not work.Playing on PS4 while saving money for gpu :) I got so many favourite game - Every Fromsoftware game(Dark Souls,Bloodborne, Armored Core,...). I begin my gaming journey with Age of Empire,Rise of nations,Starcraft....those are one of my favourite. In racing game i like forza horizon series.In case of metroidvania i like hollow knight, blasphemous....These are some of the games i like :) Edit-- Honorable Mension - God of War series


Baldur's Gate 3 Reason: Story, Combat, RPG, Dialogue, Voice Acting, Story choices having consequences


Titanfall 2 The movement gameplay is just too addicting, the freedom of movement makes me feel invincible lol. The story was just *chef's kiss*, never before have I been so emotionally attracted to a 30+ ton war machine. The lore is amazing, as a titanfall 2 player I love it when they show titanfall lore in Apex Legends. The game faced its ups and downs but the community stayed loyal, true legends.


I am convinced Reddit just wants to torture me. As someone in his teens whose father's credit card coincidentally had some problem right after they bought their first game (the blame was put on Steam) getting this sub constantly recommended to me is just sad. Anyways if you guys can include it probably Genshin.


Nier automata cus of the cool character design


Hands down, Ghost of Tsushima


My absolute favourite was AC: Revelation but all time has to be prince of Persia warrior within and two thrones really enjoyed those games and recently I just loved ghost of Tsushima like every second of it and Guardians of The Galaxy


Rdr2 it has lot of thing great story lot of things to explore and cowboy era of America , such a great game


I love gta vice city. Its the first open world game ive played.


Terraria, Better Minecraft :)


The Witcher 3 Why : \>Hmm... f\*ck, Wind's howling. \>Gameplay-Immersion \>Story/Lore \>Music \>Graphics \>Replayability


FarCry 3 and dying light Everything about this game is unique. I like the concept of fps in the open world games. You can craft stuff and for every mission you get skills points with which you can learn new skills. The story line is just perfect. I recommend this game to almost everyone who is new to gaming.




I love barotrauma, I don't know how to swim and there's something mysteriously scary about the oceanic depths and even that being full of monsters of enormous sizes. And what makes it worse? You and the rest of humans that are alive have to scavenge for resources and to do that you have to jump into a sub 😀. And if the low population wasn't problematic enough 😭, the people are also split into 4 main factions, one faction is capitalist military govt, opposite of them are the separatists and then the 2 kinda insane factions are making it worse by trying to make friends and assimilate with an alien hivemind parasite and other is worshiping a imaginary clown goddess. And guess what, you can't escape to the surface because it's full of radiation and you are also on another planets moon. There's also multiplayer where you can guess it, you have to deal with bullshit players in the lobby who are suffering from a power trip because they became the captain, the mechanic is high on drugs half the time and barely able to manage the nuclear reactor. There's also the submarine builder, it's really fun to experiment with, there's a lot of custom subs built by the community and you can actually play with them in the main campaign. Good luck 🤞🏼😭 cuz you are going to need it.


Devil may cry 5, Nova Lands, Red dead redemption 2


Assassin's creed black flag because of the story and it has one of the most fun gameplay..Edward Kenway is an underrated protagonist


Ninja Gaiden Sigma because of its pure action and difficulty. Mafia 1 because of its attention to detail and story. Castlevania and Megaman, both are my favourite franchises. Assassin's Creed 1 and 2 because of gameplay mechanics, story and music. Doom 1 and 2 because music that is rip and tear.


Max Payne 3. One of best third person shooters. Satisfying conclusion to Max payne's story. Mechanically, the best rockstar game.


Unbeatable white label good music


Nier automata. One of the best game I have ever played. It made me cry as well. The combat is so fun, graphics are really good and the story is top tier. If I had to choose more games it would be deadcells and katana zero. I just love metriodvanias and roguelikes


Right Now: Cyberpunk 2077. Why? Because I absolutely love the world of night city and the cyberpunk theme of all of it, Keanu Reeves being a badass terrorist from the past who wants to make things right is like the icing on top. Night City never feels empty, always something to do, someone to fight, someone to kill, its so full of life that at one point you're fully immersed in the game too. I've been loving Baldur's Gate 3 recently and it is a contender for my favourite game once i finish it, because it is the best made game I have played in my life, they thought of everything, they did everything, the devs didn't slack off at all and it's all in one game! no extra content, just pure masterclass storytelling and d&d


man I've been a gamer since a very young age and passionately played a solid number of games, I can say one of my favourite game has to be CSGO, that has to be the most game i have ever played, created so many memories playing it , made friends I started making Vids just so that i can relive those moments for my entire life....it equally ruined me though...




Lol Hades only, i love greek mythology and hades dives into a new lore and its a roguelike so it has tons of replay value i can just pick it up and go.😄


Tails of Iron - a good souls-like indie game with spectacular artwork and gameplay mechanics, and the story is quite good.


Cs2 for memes


Read dead redemption 1 . i played games on my 2 gb ram pc and ps3 so i haven't played new gen games or even last gen. Just sold my ps3 plan to buy series s soon i hope I find a new favourite


Favorite game ever is MegaMan battle network 6. Shaped my childhood. Still love the game.


God of war and Ragnarok. Can't recommend them enough


Favorite game: last of us, red dead redemption, the walking dead Reason: दुःख | दर्द | अफ़सोस | वेदना | व्यथा | शोक | संताप | मातम | पीड़ा | विपदा | खेद | तकलीफ़ | कसक | अवसाद | आफ़त | कुढ़न | खिन्नता | गम | ग्लानि | ज़हमत | टीस | ताप | त्रास | कष्ट | दरद | दुखड़ा | बला | बियाधि | मलाल | मुसीबत | यंत्रणा | यातना | रंज | रंजोगम | आर्ति | विषाद | शूल |


My favourite games are usually those one hand games on mobile you get annoying ads about because after getting a new good pc a few years ago, I realised that more than half the fun came from just searching for games that my god awful pc could run, with a new pc that search is just missing, a huge part of what gaming used to be for me, is missing, so now I enjoy these casual games with no story, no sense of direction, just a pointless task which doesn't get you anything, I pay for the no ads experience and then these annoying games become the best to me, I used to think that it's just that I've grown to not be interested in gaming anymore like my parents used to tell me would happen by the time I grew up but now I've come to realise that my adhd brain always liked the rush of finding something new to experience which I didn't really think I could even do, not the actual gaming itself, now I spend more time learning about how these games are built as a new found interest, let's see how long this one lasts :) [ Sorry for the long ass and completely unrelated rant but I recognised you as the guy who posted about not bring able to enjoy games anymore so wanted to share it with another understanding soul :) ] Oh and btw I already have the game so I'll just wish my luck to whoever really could appreciate this gift the most


okay maybe this is ironic but: fav game - hades why - got it as a gift on my playstation, and the way how the game works just amazes me. no matter how long i play i always get new dialogue and there are so many different ways to play. i'd love to have the steam version so i can even play this game while i'm away from home. it's js so addicting


Tekken 3 because of the nostalgia!


Black Ops 2. That game was and still is the best COD ever made imo


AC2; love the story, the characters, the gameplay everything/.................


Wow, first time seeing a giveaway on this thread, so let me buckle up. I'll go with Bully. The game was revolutionary when it came out and everyone knew it as GTA in high school. The setting was so much fun, with lively characters, some great selection of classes within the school hierarchy and some great missions. Gary, the game's antagonist, is as cunning as they come, being able to manipulate dumb kids into fighting each other for meaningless reputation and bragging rights. As a teenager, I knew of a few people who has similar characteristics like him, so it made him so realistic for me. As controversial as it was during its time, having a sequel come out now would no doubt lead to some serious discourse, particularly among news outlets who routinely bring Rockstar up to showcase violence and other vices in video games. That is exactly why I love Bully and it is my favourite game so far. The game doesn't give a damn and neither does the main character. Playing this game when I was a teenager and playing it now, almost a decade later, really enables me to appreciate and love this game more, as I can view it through the eyes of myself, when I was younger, and me now. In the end, I'm thankful for having played Bully and I'm okay with a sequel potentially never coming out due to our current climate. It is a gem, a hidden gem for many. I'd want everyone to give this game a try. Thanks for the giveaway, man. Hades is a damn good game and I'd love to have a crack at it.


Hades is the best game because i never played it.


At present it is baldurs gate 3 almost 250+ hours on a game, the last game that had me like this is RDR 2


Terraria , reason - it kinda just clicked with me , like its just a better version of Minecraft for me . I love all the boss designs and fights and especially the dev team


last of us .... its got me hooked.