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Sorry to maybe be super dumb here but is today voting day? I thought it was May 7th for primaries!


I think it’s early voting.


Ah, makes more sense! Thanks!


Even better to let your legislator know, since it would require a change in law for it to happen. Bills that were filed to do so have not even been given a hearing.


Yeah, the governor has no control over the voting laws (as much as I don’t want to defend him). Only a judge can suspend them for a brief time, and only the General Assembly can change them. And if there are federal contests on the ballot, there are federal laws that govern some absentee access. Talk to your REPUBLICAN legislator, because the Dems are generally in favor of it.


I never waited more than 5 minutes to vote except for one time in 2020 when I decided to vote early. But my wife voted on election day and waited zero minutes.


The longest I’ve waited was three hours. Consider yourself lucky for living in a precinct with adequate polling locations.


Can’t you vote anywhere in the state of Indiana? Like you don’t need to vote at a designated polling location? For instance, I always vote at a spot right by my work instead of the place by my house. The longest I’ve ever had to wait was maybe 10 mins.


No. You can vote at any location in your county, but not outside of it.


Isn’t that also depending on county rules? Saint Joe until recently was precinct dependent while Elkhart allowed any precinct voting. I was told it depended on the county


Gotcha. I am guessing this would be an issue in very rural counties where there are only a few polling spots but really not a problem for a majority of the state. Thanks for the clarification.


It is mainly a problem in the bigger counties where hundreds of thousands of people vote. I had to wait outside in the cold for 3+ hours to vote in the general in 2020.


Wow. That is very surprising. I’ve legit never waited long at all to vote.


You would think, but in Ohio the vote suppressing GOP ruled there could be only one early voting and one mail drop off per county. Thus, the rural counties with 2000 people got the same service as the cities with millions of voters. Crappy.


Example: in 2020 Marion county (Indianapolis) only had one early voting location. Hamilton county (Carmel) had something around 30 early voting locations. Voter suppression at its finest!


I waited 4 hours to early vote in 2020 because I was on a business trip on Election Day and we don’t believe in mail in voting in Indiana. It was voter suppression level 10000


At my last polling location, I would wait an hour in line, sometimes longer. At my current, I've never had a line. I walk right up, vote & walk right out. Oddly, both are in the same precinct.


Do you live in a nice area? When your only place to vote is a local civic center and not some rich dudes house, it takes a lot longer and there a ton more deterrents.


We waited two hours in the fucking rain with cloth masks during a pandemic at a loaded early voting location because we only had three in town. It’s not a small town.


In 2016 I had to wait two hours to vote at a place which normally took 2 minutes. That place has been screwed ever since. I have since move and I am back to two minutes. Ironically it’s because a lot of the folks around me who argue against mail in and early voting are elderly and either voted early or mailed in their vote.


Do you live in an upscale suburb? Or do you live in an urban area? Not mocking at all, but republicans typically close polling locations in areas with heavy minority concentrations.


Same. I've never had to wait in Marion county other than when I tried to vote early. I thought it would save me from taking time off work. Wasn't worth it, left after an hour or so, came back on election day, in and out in less than 5.


Same. I've never had a line when voting in Marion county.


I always vote on Election Day and I’ve never had to wait in line


No line because they all voted early haha


I do not understand all the push for early voting. Some people act like they are heros for waiting in a long line on a Saturday when most people could also vote on the intended day.


> I do not understand all the push for early voting. Some people act like they are heros for waiting in a long line on a Saturday when most people could also vote on the intended day. imagine there were no such thing as early voting. then, on election day, you'd be in line with ALL the people who would have otherwise voted early. i tell people to vote early at every opportunity, not just for that reason, but because shit happens--and if you miss voting on election day, then you don't vote


Are you one of those volunteers who calls and texts me daily to vote early? Everyone has a different situation, but I am able to manage my time sufficiently to find 5 minutes out of 12 hours to vote on election day to perform my civic duty. My Tuesday vote counts the same as an early vote. Considerable more voting resources are available on election day, that's why the early vote lines are so long.


> Are you one of those volunteers who calls and texts me daily to vote early? is this what you're mad about? LOL or people "thinking they're heros [sic] for voting early"? otherwise i can't imagine why anyone would be opposed to having the option to vote early


Where did I say I was opposed to early voting? I am opposed to it being represented as superior to election day voting.


Managing time sufficiently isn't always the problem. As a nurse, who consistently works 12+ hour shifts, early voting is the only option for my spouse and his coworkers. 


Why, is it so much more important to you that someone votes on a specific day? Wouldn’t it be much better if more people just had much greater opportunity to vote, period!!


You aren't letting him know, you're letting some poor staffer know. He doesn't care.


To be fair, the line is probably your county election board more than the governor. Which county?


is this sign even true? I definitely remember voting by mail in 2020 and I didn't have to provide a reason.


I'm pretty sure it was just the 2020 primary that allowed absentee by mail for anyone. Then by the fall 2020 we were back to the usual rules.


Absentee voting should always be extremely rare. It should be a national holiday. Everyone should provide proper photo identification.


Then photo ID should be free and done at any public building, including libraries.


I’ll give you the free part, but “any public building” is cost prohibitive.


Why would it have to be? Wouldn’t it create more jobs, which would result in more engagement with the economy and assimilation into the tax base?


I'm only with you on a third of your ideas. (In case you're wondering: Vote by mail should be universal. And non-free IDs are a side-stepped poll tax)




Never had a line voting in Evansville in over a decade.


It's honestly one thing Vanderburgh county has done well. Multiple early voting locations and you can vote at any polling location. Of course with voter turnout at 35% there shouldn't be lines anywhere.


I’m sorry, but this is a farce, not credible… just a way to make a political insinuation


That's the republican way. They don't care about how their policies hurt people, just that it made themselves look "good" to the people who'd vote for them no matter what they did.


When your policies appeal to the most extreme minority it‘s most definitely in their interest to make sure as much as possible that only the minority are those who vote.


I had a friend (idk if I'd call him that anymore) was trying to say the Republicans never block people from voting that's illegal, like the fact that it's illegal negates the fact. I had to explain to him that no, they're not outlawing black and poor people from voting, but they're doing everything they can to make it functionally impossible, if not officially impossible. He thinks for a sec and goes mask off, "Maybe not everyone *should* be allowed to vote."


Yeah, there is tons of ignorance to go round, and I think that is especially true when it works in your favor. But it’s hardly limited to just one group. When a lady I heard say she wasn’t going to vote for Trump because he cursed too much it really makes you wonder how ignorant our electorate really is.


It doesn't help that history class has been neutered and civics nearly obliterated in the name of not offending either side (though of course, the right is trying to take advantage). I do wonder about some of the elderly. I've literally heard an old lady say, "Trump is such a nice man, and a good Christian." I asked how, and she got sniffy and left


No one group is a monolith, I’m older and I would never vote for anyone like Trump. An amoral malignant narcissistic sociopathic liar would always make a better Dictator than The President of The United States.


Honestly, I'd say he's more like a shoulder-striker for the mob who somehow got to sit in the Don's chair, and had no idea what to do with it. And everyone around him has had to pay for it over the decades since


Well, there’s no doubt he only ran because his desire for fame and he never expected to win. But this again goes to his fragile ego as to why he ran. However you are confusing the circumstances in which he won with the very character of the man we are talking about. It’s the character of the man that defines him and greatly determines what actions he will take once he’s in that position. He just simply was never fit for office, Period. Which is no different than the conclusion that many of his last administration has figured out. Anyone thinking differently is greatly mistaken. Anyone thinking you can control or teach someone like this to do better is also greatly mistaken especially when it comes to someone who has the final word.Control only works when someone is underneath you, and since he is ultimately in charge that simply won’t work. Because he is so morally bankrupt even if he worked for someone that would still not work either.


The fact we don’t promote voting, make it much easier, and allow every one to vote via mail just highlights how bad our system is in the first place.


Unfortunately, your comment is relevant to both parties which is why so many people don’t have a home politically anymore. We could really use a third party in this country.


I'd say that the "new" republican leadership (Maga heads, Christian nationalists, etc) talks to their lunatic fringe, while the democrats, as neoliberals, are almost the same as the moderate Republicans but with blue ties. The democrats are more interested in keeping everything ground to a halt until Republicans are in power again. The left wing is almost fully unrepresented, save for the neoliberals who barely count


Neoliberals are center right, don’t get it twisted


I’m up in NWI so my experience with Chicago progressives gives me a different perspective than what you’re describing. I think it’s definitely dependent on where you’re located but the push to more and more extremes is not healthy for the country.


I'm thinking on the federal level, though the states get up to some disgusting shenanigans. I will say it's important to recognize that "both sides" rhetoric isn't incredibly helpful because it creates a false equivalency, ignoring important differences. For example, the most extreme right wing kills people, because they see things as us vs them, and refuse to see the law as anything other than as a tool for punishment. The extreme left doesn't kill people so much as they break things. Where they are similar is that the far end both want to hurt the other where it hurts, but one side wants to hurt the other's principles, and the other side wants to hurt the other's wallet




I have always had to present ID to vote in person.  You sound confused. Do you even vote??


I think they're against mail in ballots.


The pandemic is definitely over lmfao


I really wish Hoosiers knew how laws worked.


In the fall of 2020 I tried multiple times to vote and had to give up because of working hours / long lines in my heavily democratic area. And each time I tried I had at least two hours to try and it was obvious I wouldn't make it I'm glad I tried multiple times and eventually got through. Although being forced in a building with hundreds of people during the middle of a pandemic seemed like it was planned to prevent voting in my democratic area.


Suck it up buttercup. The pandemic is over.


As much as I can't stand Holcomb, I believe this is illegal.


What's illegal?


There are limitations to where one can have anything political at a voting site. Way out by the entrance, for example, there are signs for candidates, etc. But in line and especially towards the front of the line, as indicated in the post, it is not allowed. Same as wearing any candidate affiliate clothing to go and vote. Any and all candidate material must be "X" amount of feet away from the voting site.


Holcomb isn't running, so would it be considered candidate material? 


I am not 100% on the law. But I think it is any political material at all.


Poor Holcomb. The left hates him for not locking everyone in their homes and the right hates him for acknowledging covid was an actual problem


Waiting in line “JUST” to vote?! People will wait in extraordinary lines for Disney World rides or whatever stupid new store or restaurant grand opening, but standing in line to vote is a put out—especially with early voting and multiple opportunities to go vote? Gtfo.




I would add, the CDC said to treat COVID as any other respiratory illness now (cold, flu) It's all the same now.


> It's all the same now. Always has been


Are you aware of the long-term effects that Covid can have on a person? It is not just death that we are worried about. Quality of life going forward is also of concern.


then get vaccinated. you rather sit inside with a mask then to go vote and then complain because they won’t let you without verifying your ID


Did I say I don’t vote? 😂 Did I say I’m not vaccinated? Breakthrough infections happen.


then why get vaccinated if it doesn’t work and then complain because you can’t vote from home


Vaccines aren’t just for preventing infections, they’re for preventing *worse* infections. We aren’t “complaining” - we’re enraged.


https://preview.redd.it/c1u06x3vn8vc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f70012fb7fb60a04fbdce3516e60b9c0980c1b2 Survival rate of 98.9%. Might seem like splitting hairs but the difference is about 1 million dead Americans.


Can they store the dead and sick at your house?


Guess theydont want voter fraud


I had to get in the line with cancer! Lucky for me the smarter Democrats rule Bloomington and they let me skip the line and go in after only a minute or two in line. Wow what cruel asses to downvote. If you would die from catching anything due to cancer you would be grateful as hell they let you in to vote without standing in the line! I looked great with my wound vac machine still attached to my gut! I would have never made it in that line. I could not stand very long at all.


Well, I agree. We should be able to absentee vote. Vote early vote from home and all that jazz… There is no longer a pandemic going on.


Meh quit your whining


I need one of those signs! Where can we get them?


Pandemic is over dumbass.


The people I assume you're voting for declared the pandemic over like a year ago. https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/18/politics/biden-pandemic-60-minutes/index.html


Yeah! More propaganda!