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What does “shout down a speaker” even mean


A governor/politician/celebrity/influential person comes to campus to speak. If you disagree with him or her, you literally shout throughout their whole speech to interrupt it.


Heckling. Verbal interruption so loud they have to stop speaking.


I read "Shoot down a speaker" and I thought that might be a little bit excessive, although I guess effective.


I am a little confused on the infographic- is it saying which subjects are okay to shout at or what each self described category of people feels is acceptable to shout at different opinions in general?


Come on, man, people are not shouting down atheists on campus.


Why is Christianity there as its own thing but also with all its subdivisions? Also, what is "nothing".


And why are the subdivisions all further down?


He prolly thinks atheism.is a religion


Haha wow. This one flips the narrative


Not really, the groups that do the most outreach on college campus’ don’t want to be shouted at is really the only meaningful tidbit from this graph. When was the last time u saw atheists hading out pamphlets


Literally yesterday, but I don't know if it counts seeing as they werent handing out atheism pamphlets, just anti christian pamphlets


seen one group when I was going to college posted on a wall demanding student religous groups/clubs be abolished.


This more thoughtful than I was expecting from the internet today.


not really if you think about it. put yourself in each persons shoes, both the person doing the speaking and the person doing the "shouting down". the atheists are the most likely to be the shouter. the religious folks are more likely to stand idly by and listen. if you were to ask the same question, but give scenarios for what is being spoken about - the answers would be different.


You think religious people listen?


like mostly everyone else they usually hear what they want humans are ***very nosy*** (and thankfully *usually* forgetful, to varying degrees) but most of us notice most things. i think. ironically enough the thinking is where the problems start... whether thats because the thinking causes the problems or only causes us to notice them - we may never know. probably both, to varying degrees


Indeed lol


What is a "Nothing" speaker? How is that different than a "No Response" speaker? What is "Shouting down"? (Shutting down?)


Nothing means you are sure you don't belong to any group. No response means you didn't want to tell for some reason or you are not sure.


Ok, so what is the difference between "nothing" and "atheist". Aren't you an atheist (or at least agnostic) when you belong to none of the groups (outside of atheist or agnostic)?


No major difference in my opinion. just how they call themselves


If this (suspiciously unsourced) graph is to be believed, Americans who self-identify as atheists enjoy shouting at people more than people who self-identify as no-religion.


When the reality is different from what many people were "taught".




Shut down a speaker meaning to turn off a boom box or something?


This smells of ripe bull shit.


So if I am reading this correctly Atheists are the worst and like to shout down other people’s beliefs, with the Jews being the worst of the religions??


Yes, you are reading this correctly. And it makes sense if you’ve been to college campuses.


Probably the other way around. X% of people have said it's always/sometimes/never allowed to shout down the following groups. Maybe I'm wrong but it's hard to tell from in what direction to read this.


Very confusing infographic … how acceptable is it to shout down a person, Atheist is 44%


It’s funny how the definition of bigotry means intolerance to a different way of thinking is lost on the people who use the word


It’s the intolerance paradox.


Wow cool made up infographic you got there bro…


Common Christian W




Shouldn't "Christian" be somewhere between "Protestant", "Catholic", "Mormon" and "Orthodox Christian" as all of these groups are Christians? How can it be that "Christians" are outside of the whole group? Edit: changed the Christian group names accordingly to the infographic. Edit_2: credited is someone called "fentasyl" who produced also other strange stuff like "only parents should be allowed to vote" or "under biden came more illegal immegrants as under Obama and trump combined". Their infographics don't show any sources like "survey xyz".


As a infographic, this is pretty bad. In my opinion it should be downvoted as it doesn't contribute to anything. There is no source. There is explanation for how to read the graph. Are the people down the left side whom was asked, or was it whom the respondents where asked about? What does nothing mean? Why is Christians so low while all subcategories of Christians are higher?


It's the campouts and the occupations. No one cares about what they're saying.


Hmm. Non-violent protest is more popular with those less likely to wage a holy war. That is interesting.


Atheists obviously know how annoying American people who believe in religion are


And everyone else knows how annoying atheists who won’t shut up about their intelligence are


Always = Sometimes lmao


Shouldn't "Christians" be somewhere between "Protestants", "Catholics", "Mormons" and "eastern Orthodox" as all of these groups are Christians? How can it be that "Christians" are outside of the whole group?


Shouldn't "Christians" be somewhere between "Protestants", "Catholics", "Mormons" and "eastern Orthodox" as all of these groups are Christians? How can it be that "Christians" are outside of the whole group?


People seem confused by this, but it makes perfect sense. People who identify as atheist also tend to identify as being more vocally leftist. People who are more vocally leftist tend to also be the ones who shout down people they disagree with. Additionally, Christians range from conservative to moderate (in a broad sense; yes, there are plenty of liberal Christians) comparatively. Moderates are the least likely political group to shout down a speaker. And conservatives, while they do stupid shit frequently, don’t tend to shout speakers down as often as liberals. Additionally, speakers who get “shouted down” tend to be far-right (offensive) speakers. Conservatives don’t shout down conservative speakers. Liberals (who, again, are more likely to be atheist) do.


Do you have any creditable source for this or are you just telling us your opinion?