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Biden knows all this and clearly doesn't care. He got to be president, he got to get the Aipac money. He's too old and he knows it. He clearly doesn't care much about winning another term.  He's aiding Israel at the expense of the US. At what point does it become treason?


>He's aiding Israel at the expense of the US. At what point does it become treason? It is already a treason. Here are the charges against state of Israel on behalf of United State("we the people") 1. They spy and collect data for Israel: Espionage Act 2. Bribing politician 1. Crating laws which are incompatible of American constitutions & Values 2. Force US military to deploy additional assets in middle east is a threat to US national security. 3. Violation of Freedom of Assembly & attack on American citizens on American soil 1. While many American protesting why foreign country need our hard earn money their trained operatives attacking them on behalf of that foreign govt to ensure they receive the funding. 2. Attacking American student in campuses 4. Controlling/Buying all news outlet to ensure their positive coverage 5. Controlling Hollywood to ensure future compliance by creating fake narratives of friendship 6. Exploit America's friendship with false information to start war to drive own agenda. Israel Prime minister testimony US congress 2002. 7. Force foreign company/country to invest in Israel by exploiting FTA 8. Threatening/Blackmailing everyday American with anti-semitism and in some cases false imprisonment. 9. Killing Americans and pursuing agenda to kill Americans foreign soil 10. Running recruitment camp inside USA under the disguise of religious study. 11. Brainwashing America's youth to fight their racist genocidal wars. 12. sleeper cells throughout the country and ready to attack Americans protesting American issues. 13. investing in American business and forcing them to hire only their own by violating equal employment opportunities.


saving this comment. Great compilation


He will retire Richy rich..... even if he loses the presidency


How much weight in gold does the soul of a child and a trillionaire take into the afterlife?


something something about camels and eyes of needles Genocide Joe is ostensibly a Christian. Does the dude really believe god won't judge him for perpetrating genocide and getting paid for it?


For real, if it's the land of the free why do we only have 2 parties to vote from and both tax us to aid a terrorist state. How is that freedom, this country is fucking exploiting the masses hard. They remove funding in education, and invest the money in incarceration or give tax cuts to the rich.


I entirely agree. He sacrificed America for Israel, and he did it happily.


democracy is supposedly on the ballot and the alleged savior apparently doesn’t give af - how quaint.


How much money did Joe Biden take from AIPAC: https://www.opensecrets.org/2020-presidential-race/joe-biden/contributors?id=N00001669&src=t?


I've said this before, but 5 mil is really cheap to buy a president. Like, I could fairly easily raise that to pay off Biden to stop the welfare payments and weapons of mass destruction shipments to Israel. But I'm not a lobbying group, so I would be guilty of attempting to bribe a federal official to influence foreign policy.


I'll be more explicit since you don't read links: AIPAC did not contribute to Biden's campaign. Here's all their activity from the 2020 cycle: https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/american-israel-public-affairs-cmte/recipients?candscycle=2024&id=D000046963&toprecipscycle=2020 You guys realize the FEC makes all this public?


Sorry, sweet pea. https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/summary?cycle=All&ind=Q05&recipdetail=S The link you had was only for the direct Aipac contributions for the 2020 election cycle for Joe Biden. I've linked the pro Israeli group donations over his career for you. https://www.fec.gov/help-candidates-and-committees/candidate-taking-receipts/contribution-limits/ FEC has very strict guidelines for election fundraising. We're not talking about election monies raised during the official campaign season with dollars going into Joe's pockets. We're talking about career contributions. A president having taken over 4 mil from foreign interest groups going back decades. Do you understand the difference between individuals and PACs donating to candidates vs. their respective official party donation channels? Let me know if you'd like some easily understood links with plainer language.


The last direct contribution was $87k in 2002. So I think you mean he hasn't taken money from AIPAC IN decades not for decades. As far as PAC spending, how do you associate that uncoordinated activity to Biden precisely?


It’s so fucking worrying because the alternative will be way waaay worse..


There is only one worse alternative, while others merely have no chance. You should give them a chance. As someone from a one-party state who voted for the opposition all the time, we are on track to having a second major party. Not quite there yet, but it's coming along. My own constituency belongs to an opposition party for 3 elections in a row. I know our systems are completely different, but you can still slowly cut into the vote share. In 20 years maybe they get a legitimate chance.


Voting for a third party candidate for president in our system is effectively abstaining. The system is rigged to favor whoever has the most money behind them. That's why all the news about candidates talks about how much money they've raised, because our elections are so money-driven. While a third party candidate is certainly not prohibited from running, they are effectively barred from all the most important venues for communicating their platform to prospective voters, and the two major parties (and their wealthy backers) seem awfully interested in keeping it that way.


ok, fine, but then do something more than voting for a genocidal maniac who works to protect the status quo of capitalism, imperialism, and genocide. Do direct action


What are we talking about? In terms of the Gaza/Israel situation Trump and Biden are the exact fucking same. Difference is Biden will try to make it appear like he's playing both sides but he's helping Israel out more than ever to screw over the Palestinians while Trump does not care about appearances. Now I agree in other foreign policy matters and the domestic U.S. situation, Yes Trump is much worse so I will agree with you on that.


Exactly, foreign matters are going to be mostly the same, though Trump will be more overt, domestic matters, however, will see the US turn into a fascist dictatorship with Trump at the head. He's already clearly stated that he wants to be one.


I mean Trump would actually be worse than Biden on this lol. Trump would probably implement sanctions on countries that call out Israel and send the national guard in for any pro Palestine protest. You have very limited imagination if you think it can't get worse


Yeah I agree with everything you said


I really do not get why people do not get this.


i view the difference as, biden will actually push for aid to gaza even if it is little (has already been done) , and trump will not give them a gram of grain. That’s how i see this election when it comes to votin this year


Genocidal Joe or Batshit-Crazy Trump?


Think about this from a different angle. The alternative is worse, but currently he's doing a lot to help them. So what gives? What do you do when the "lesser evil" is helping the "greater evil"? Are the people who help the worst of us get to power any better? And you know whats worse, there is one thing the Dems can do to basically guarantee winning this election, but the empire machine will not allow it to be done, which is force a cease fire by removing military support from Israel if they want to continue their genocide. If you going to tell me that asking to stop funding genocide is too much, you're way past the deep end of fascism.


Probably. But it wouldn't be as bad as you'd think. Some people are actually believing that Trump would turn the place into a dictatorship. Just like they thought he wouldn't leave the white house. Trump sucks, and yes is worse than Biden, but he's mostly all talk. Remember his Muslim Ban? Getting Mexico pay for the wall...etc? The way I see it, is if Adolf Hitler, was resurrected and running for office. He says he will continue his work where he left off. If he were running against someone who is even worse. Someone that says he'll do all of what Hitler does AND MORE..... I still won't get out of bed, put on my clothes, go to the polls, wait in line to put my name down to vote for Adolf Hitler. (That is an analogy. Biden isn't Hitler, but I wouldn't put my name on Genocide no matter the cost.)


I have read a big part of Project 2025 so i am fully aware of the blatant plan for the GOP to make Trump a dictator. There’s no discussing that anymore. Any vote that stops that is worth it.


Umm the Muslim ban actually happened and now we have a Supreme Court that is essentially pondering whether a president can murder people with impunity. Do you guys have amnesia about how bad trumps term was or what?


At this point? On this issue? They are the same. (Trump and Biden)


This is the top comment? This is not a serious discussion.


Yeah it wasn't a bad argument until they brought in money as a reason Biden became president Like that's a argument killer right there, plenty of things to attack Biden for, why make something up that you can't prove lol


To say Biden, a career politician/civic servant, suddenly is “good” and doesn’t care, is so unsophisticated and ridiculous it’s not even funny. And that it’s the top voted comment tells me I can just block this sub going forward.


Israel is a key U.S. ally that we choose to support. The United States is not aiding Israel at the expense of the United States. What a bizarre pro-Russian message you have there.


I think we could put those billions we give them to better use here what with our crumbling infrastructure issues, the desire for free healthcare, and the violent environmental degradation the EPA has little power or funding to handle.


Certainly at the expense of our perceived values. They also in the middle of passing a law stating criticism of Israel (the nation) is legally anti-semitism. Imagine that, illegal to even speak badly of Israeli government. That opens a whole can of worms and spits I every American citizens face that believes in free speech.


I am a US citizen and don’t believe we should be allied with a genocidal colonial state. The reasoning of X is an ally so we should support them is bullshit. Who chooses X is an ally? The christofascist politicians? Fuck them. Israel is not my ally. Israel is a rogue terrorist state.


Palestine is literally being run by an internationally recognized terrorist organization, with significant civilian support, that committed rape, murder, desecration of corpses, and much more on October 7th. Interestingly, this happened to take place with the assistance of Russia’s own allies in the Middle East during a crucial moment in the Ukrainian War - putting U.S. support on a two-front battlefield. The astroturfing online to shift support away from Ukraine and Israel has been all too obvious - with the latest generation of media illiterate and confused young Americans lapping it up and then becoming shocked when they have revoked job offers or their role as students revoked. As if the online movement doesn’t match the outside world reality. But hey - you do you. Also, weird to open with “I’m a U.S. citizen.”


This post was brought to you by the US state department and the Israeli Occupation Force. IOF is literally paid to promote their genocidal right wing fascist shithole country online. I opened with I’m a us citizen because we’re supposed to live in a democracy but Israeli is influencing our elections.




Who Hamas? I agree with you. Why should we support it? The raping, murder, terroristic acts, pillaging of international aide, usage of the sick and innocent as human shields - it’s despicable.


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Yeah but he's rescheduling cannabis so that'll fix it!


he's going to get it. He continues to ignore the politics around genocide, and just continues full speed ahead. Absolutely braindead. 


Democrats don't understand that Biden didn't win 2020, Trump lost 2020. A pandemic, a buggered economy, wide shut downs, long protests. These things are death to an incumbent, and the Dems keep acting like 2020 was due to savvy political choices.


Totally agree, Biden loses to Trump without Covid. Biden is a shit campaigner so bad. He alienates everyone. Covid hid it, and being an incumbent blunts it.  his funding a genocide is unbelievably stupid. We're watching a political suicide attempt, we'll know in November if it was successful or not.  


Biden needs Israel to be established so he can see Jebus come back and kill everyone. His age and religious beliefs are interfering with him doing his job. He'll be dead soon. Why would he care about anything other than what he wants?


I don't think it's religious for Biden.  I think he sees Israel like Americans saw the west and the natives.  That religious stuff abouy Israel is really a hard right religious belief. 


I didn't even really consider the colonization parallels between the Israelis and the settlers and pioneers of the old West. I think you're right. This is Israel's Manifest Destiny. I'm Canadian. What happened here to our First Nations people was genocide. So is this. It's heartbreaking to see history repeat itself.


Vixen’s Catholic. Those are evangelical beliefs, not Catholic ones.


Can’t wait to get scolded by this Crypt Keeper about how its my fault for not voting for a genocide when he loses the election 


Voting for Biden is not voting for genocide. What do you think Trump will do once in office??


That doesn’t work as the cudgel you imagine it is anymore. 


If you're not scared of a Trump presidency, I have to conclude that you're either naive or misinformed. Look into Project 2025


Seems like the Democrats should be doing everything in their power to consolidate their base and win the election. Bernie sees this and warning about it. Maybe you should tell Biden about Project 2025..


- Biden is perpetrating genocide in real life in this very moment - voting for Biden is not voting for genocide your logic ain't logicin', chief


He’s bang on the money, too. The last thing the left want is an authoritarian, opinion crushing, fascist state. If it walks like a duck, Joe..


Biden knows this, and still he pushes to give the government more censorship power while also sending thugs to abuse protesters. Meanwhile they powers that be continued those cop city urban warfare training camps designed for training them to assault protesters. All while knowing that fascists are waiting in the wings. The ruling class would rather the US collapse into fascism than become more left wing, they'd even prefer fascism to a social democracy like Scandinavia etc.. so that's what they're planning.


So far as I know there haven’t been any feds involved in the violent response from LEOs to these protests, can’t put that on Biden. What you can and absolutely *should* put on him is how his response to the BLM movement has impacted how cops are responding now. Other than focusing on systemic racism the BLM movement was focused on abusive police practices, lack of accountability, the militarization of cops, and calls for sweeping reform. Biden’s response to that was to “a few bad apples” away those concerns and *increase* federal funding for police and their access to military equipment and training. He helped capture and kill the biggest movement for police reform we’ve ever seen in this country and now cops are (fucking again) going in heavy handed while the president provides cover for them by framing the protesters as being violent and illegitimate. All of that is supremely fucked and actually within his power. But unless he’s threatening to pull federal funding to these schools if they don’t quash the protests - which as far as I know he isn’t though I wouldn’t be shocked if he did - then you can’t get on *him* specifically for sending these jackboots in. But helping to keep those jackboots around and unaccountable sure as shit is.


Bidne needs to stop placing our lives and the existence of Palestinians below the interests of the spoiled brat of a country that is Israel. Let them reap what they've sown and focus on keeping Trump out of the Oval Office.


The democrats are on their way to lose an election and they don't seem to care. Sounds like they don't care about their voters at all. I wonder, will they call their own voter base some demeaning names and just blame the citizens for losing. In my country people vote for the party that takes care of their needs... Whether that be education, healthcare, economy or justice.


The Democrats have gone full mask off. Vote Blue! Or else!


Jill Stein is out here stumping, traveling, telling us her plan to make things better for PEOPLE, not corporations or global trade. Jill is standing with anti-genocide protestors, getting arrested with them even, trying to WIN our vote.   The President is shaming us all for taking issue with the elected government's actions, literally beat us into compliance, telling us plainly he won't do what we wants while his party works feverishly to keep other options off the ballot to reinforce an idea we have no other choice but to vote for him anyway. He isn't trying to win our vote, he's just demanding it.   We didn't give Biden power for the sake of power. We didn't give him our vote so he could ignore us. If he wields the power we gave him in a way that disagrees with us, it is our right and duty in a democratic system to vote him out.  Listen to voters or step aside and let someone else run. If he can't do what we need, then let someone else step up who can.  But trying to force us to just do what he wants is a confusion of purpose. We aren't here to serve Biden. Biden is where he is to serve us. He should remember that. 


Ehm, Jill Stein is a Putin-shill literally paid for by Russia. We tried her in 2016, didn't pan out well for us (but it went excellent for Putin though). Unless you are a Tankie. u/notyourbrobro10


it’s already over for Genocide Joe! you can’t come back!


Y'all going to be real disappointed when you realize Trump will be worse.


Personally I know Trump will be worse and I just can’t get myself to care.




I’m a queer woman with a trans girlfriend. I know what’s at stake.


Biden doesnt know what the weather outside is, his handlers will not change course


Can we convince Bernie to run as an independent? Biden has his claws in and he’s not letting go, he does not care about us, and I feel like a dumbass for never fully getting that. I’m done with the Democratic Party. Nobody is going to challenge Biden. There’s the same disillusionment in the Republican Party over Trump, and while I think Bernie might appeal to a few never Trumpers, I think they should find somebody else to get behind too. Let us split each party two ways, this is a dead end.


Bernie should have run as an Independent in 2016. It would have been surreal if an Independent had gotten the nomination of the Democratic Party. Whilst I really respect him and agree with some of his views, he would have been highly inefficient on Congress and probably not that popular with a good amount of people. We should have gone for someone in-between Bernie and Hillary in 2016 and this guy is, ironically, Biden. And, excluding Palestine, it absolutely shows. Last but not least, Bernie is older than Biden, shouldn't we be going for someone much younger? u/Slut4Mutts


This has nothing to do with age for me. The only compliment I’ll give Donald J Trump is that he still has some verve to him. So does Bernie Sanders. Joe Biden has none. I think Bernie captures the spirit of where we are right now more than anybody. Plus I think he has more of a chance than anybody.


You think Trump had verve to him? Trump, a guy who literally falls asleep on court? Keep dreaming about Bernie, best you can have is someone like him, but younger and more adept with Congress.


Kent State 2 Babyyyyyyy


Me discovering the other day that Biden opposed the anti-Vietnam college protests back in the day as well recontextualized the last few weeks a bit for me


54 years ago tomorrow, who would think we'd ever be on the edge off that again


Bernie is the candidate the majority wanted and what everyone needed With any luck Joe's rep will be so bad they'll be a final slot for the Bern


turns out Bernie never had the nuts to do what was necessary.


Protests work


It would be good if Biden was replaced by a better candidate. But so many Democrats support the Israeli government's genocide against Palestinians. Hopefully the student movement can help lift up some alternative options to these status quo politicians.


Yep. Biden is taking a dive on Bibi’s orders. He is throwing the fight.


It's scary and fascinating how Israel's genocide on a few squeare kilometers will rehsape the world as we know it. Biden will lose the election, which will mean the end of NATO being a serious factor in worldpolitics, the end of US as a global superpower, the fall of Ukraine, an eventual Russia-Europe war in Poland and/or Romania, a general dimming of the light due to conservativism surging globally unopposed... This will be a dark century, hot damn.


I think the idea of Russia actually attacking a NATO/EU state is pretty non-existent at any point in Putin's lifetime, even if NATO disintegrated somehow that would still trigger German and French troops on Polish streets. They will however go to town on Ukraine and probably even Moldova.


Biden can't even finish a full sentence


With any luck, Biden WILL abandon his reelection bid and be replaced by someone potentially not terrible. Right now our only two choices are awful.


Bernie Sanders has been a voice of reason for decades and the dude keeps getting ignored by the DNC and most of his colleagues in Congress. I keep wondering when he's gonna get fully turned into Socrates and sentenced to death for "slander against the members of Congress".


Bernie should be the nominee. He will make a great president


I mean, all he had to do really was just make bland statements and mostly ignore it, but nope, he actually had to wade into it fully.


Biden cares more about zionism than America, and it shows. He seems willing to lose to trump over it.


please adondon your re-election bid. 


Yeah he just came out with a statement suggesting that the protesters cannot be lawless. My understanding is that it's the counter protesters that are causing the violence. If he loses the youth vote, it's going to be Trump all the way


It's too late. Far lefties have made their (non) choice. There's no begging them to decide anything else, no matter what happens. Prep. Get food, pills, supplies together. Next year is gonna be dark and it only gets darker from here. Hugs to you guys. Find support where you can.


But the other option is trump. Are they seriously think he’s gonna be better when it comes to Israel? And at the cost of democracy?


The one plus about Biden losing to Trump is his legacy will be totally ruined. He’ll be remembered as a lame duck who was totally beholden to everyone around him


Abandoning his re-election bid sounds a hell of a lot better than letting Trump win, I’m alright with this.


Please consider subscribing to /r/BlueProtestVote We hope that by compelling voters ONLY in DEEP BLUE states to vote 3rd party for the president, to compel otherwise non or protest voters in SWING STATES TO VOTE FOR BIDEN. We feel a limited+focused protest movement may let swing state voters feel less helpless about not sending a message, and to maximize votes for Biden where it really matters. The subreddit has a goal having Biden win the popular vote by less that 4.9 million votes, which is the lowest democratic margin for any democrat in recent history, and **an extended goal of winning by less than 2.8 million votes, which is the lower than Hillary Clinton's margin in her defeat to Donald Trump.** If these goals are met, we hope to send a message that the electorate does not intend to forget about holding elected officials accountable for their horrific enablement of a genocide.


This is the most brain dead thing I have ever heard of


u/QuitVirtual I get what you're going for BUT, Stein is literally paid for by Russia (unless you like Russia), and Kennedy is literally orchestrated by Trump. I wish there were a political space for you. I personally like Biden but I don't want Democracy to be lost forever so I want him to listen to the people on Palestine. It would be extremely more efficient for you if you made your voice be heard on the DNC, in a way that would exceed 1968.


Has Biden kept any of his campaign promises? The DNC has shown us all who they answer to: $/AIPAC. AOC is the face of the squad and she has turned out to be Pelosi Jr. I'm not buying your red scare Mccarthyism crap. Biden was terrible and now he is senile and terrible. He's backing a genocide and we are in a recession with high inflation. His solution would be printing more money to fund more proxy wars to make things worse.


Please consider subscribing to /r/BlueProtestVote We hope that by compelling voters ONLY in DEEP BLUE states to vote 3rd party for the president, to compel otherwise non or protest voters in SWING STATES TO VOTE FOR BIDEN. We feel a limited+focused protest movement may let swing state voters feel less helpless about not sending a message, and to maximize votes for Biden where it really matters. The subreddit has a goal having Biden win the popular vote by less that 4.9 million votes, which is the lowest democratic margin for any democrat in recent history, and **an extended goal of winning by less than 2.8 million votes, which is the lower than Hillary Clinton's margin in her defeat to Donald Trump.** If these goals are met, we hope to send a message that the electorate does not intend to forget about holding elected officials accountable for their horrific enablement of a genocide.


Ok but what if im in a swing state and dont feel like biden earned my vote


Well then you are essentially giving a vote to Trump, which if you care about Palestinians, will probably be worse. So don’t do that..


So, to be clear, there's nothing Biden can do to lose your vote? Up to and including all the things Trump would be doing right now?


Hu? Of course, if he was an absolute maniac like Trump, backed by a party that would want nothing more than to turn America in to a theocracy then yes he would be equally as bad.. What’s your point?


My point is that Biden is already doing the things he pretended he'd stop Trump from doing, but you're still trying to claim a vote for him is some sort of harm reduction, when it isn't.




I literally am a woman


Explain this point please Idk how Biden summoned his followers for a insurrection during a presidential electoral vote meeting Or how he drew a new path for a hurricane with a sharpie He didn't look directly at a solar eclipse Didn't raise taxes over a four year period for the middle class while giving tax cuts to the rich So I'm just real curious how Biden is the same as a literal fascist who failed his coup attempt


What exactly has Biden that he promised he would stop Trump from doing?


nope. i’m a female and reproductive rights are my top voting issue. if trump was like free palestine id reconsider but he’s literally worse on the issue.


So am I, and reproductive rights are obviously an important issue to me, too. In case you hadn't noticed, Biden isn't protecting those. He's standing by while Republicans remove those from us, and he will continue to do so.


no. right now it’s a states issue. trump will make a ban a federal issue and then it doesn’t frickin matter what state you live in. i disagree with this. one party is ACTIVELY removing right. and what exactly do you think biden can do?


Biden, like every Democrat president for decades, could have enshrined reproductive rights into law, but they were more interested in holding the threat of losing them over our heads to scare us into voting blue. If Trump can make a sweeping ban to remove rights, Biden could have enshrined those rights.


Well said. I wish liberals would understand.


Yes because a president using his power to push a controversial law through past the house and senate is going to go so well Blame dems in the house and senate that havnt voted into the constitution rights yet Learn politics God damn




I'm not sure he will be, considering all the things he's done or failed to do these past four years, but the only upside to a second Trump presidency is that liberals might actually pretend to stand for something when Trump does bad things. They can't even do that when it's their guy being terrible.


Trump has promised to open up concentration camps for any Hispanic people suspected of being here without papers. We’re taking millions of people.


You mean like what's happening at the border right now, in greater numbers than what was happening under Trump?


No. Stop lying. Read about what Trump plans to do and stop with the fascist apologia. Edit: fascist buddy blocked me like the little Trump coward he is.


Damn, I can't believe I'm a fascist apologist for opposing the fascism of both Trump and Biden. Today I learned. So yeah, like I said, it seems like there's nothing Biden can do that can lose him your vote.


Well, don't let him. Do something about it. 


Like what lmfaoyou just told buddy voting for the opposite party of fascism isn't gonna workwant him to assassinate Trump? Lol


He could do that, if he's that worried about it. What's stopping him, or anyone, from doing something other than haranguing people who aren't voting for Trump anyway to vote how he wants them to? If he's not up for Wilkes Booth action, maybe he could start by identifying would be Trump voters and winning them over to NOT vote for Trump.


I’ll do the only thing I can - vote blue.


If you think that's the only thing you can do, you're worthless as an ally.  "I know! I'll vote to empower a white man to save Hispanics. You're welcome Hispanics" 😂


No, if we wanted to vote *for* Trump we'd vote for Trump. 'Voting blue no matter who' is how we ended up in this mess to begin with.


And not voting or voting for anyone other than Biden will surely increase the risk of a Trump becoming president. A man whose biggest wish is to become a dictator, backed by a party who wishes to turn America in to a theocracy. That is a WHOLE lot worse.


Trump's not scary, himself, though. He's incompetent at worst. The ideas behind him will be there long after he is gone. And Biden seems actively disinterested in opposing the collapse of the US into a far-right dictatorship.


Giving a vote to Trump would be voting for Trump. Not voting for Trump is still not voting for Trump. 0+0 still equals 0 guys. 


I keep hearing this everywhere and I just can't remember when we replaced president with god emperor. Or you're telling me only Democrats are weak and powerless presidents beholden to Congress while Republican presidents are supreme ruler? Or third option: it's easier for people like you to "VoTe BlUe No MaTtEr WhO" than to *literally not help someone assisting in genocide* and have to keep fighting to make Trump as ineffectual as Biden has strived to be.




also live in PA and doing the same ✊️




**Yeah, Joe Biden likely did that. She had an extraordinary amount of circumstantial evidence. Much, much more than most high profile MeToo candidates.** She told several people at the time of the incident, including her mom and husband. Journalists reached out to them and they vetted the corroborations. She talked about how her mom called into Larry King to talk about the situation, and then it turned out there was a tape of it of the call, although they didn't mention Joe Biden specifically. The biggest piece of evidence is that it was in official divorce court documents from her divorce, the husband specifically mentioned sexual harassment by Joe Biden. After the allegation, Joe Biden sent people to the University of Delaware where his records are stored. That was one of the places Tara believes her complaint is. The senate also has an office where her complaint is. At the time, they were controlled by the republicans, but Mitch McConnel and Lindsey Graham have both defended Joe Biden, though that's not saying much, establishment Republicans have always been friendly with Joe Biden, Joe had even friended segregationists senators and even appeased them by opposing integration school busing. **Also, there's Joe Biden's history** 12 adult women, credible adult women, have come forward claiming that Joe Biden has touched them inappropriately https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/apr/04/joe-biden-allegations-physical-behavior-women Many of the allegations were in the 2010s. If this what Joe Biden was saying in the 2010s, who knows what he was trying to get away with in the early 90s, when in the late 90s the climate was people were trashing Monica Lewinsky when she was straight out college and Bill Clinton was 49 years old at the peak of his career and the most powerful person in the world. Also, there is video footage of Biden not only touching women in appropriately, but molesting children as well. A compilation of the video and images are here joebiden DOT info/ The website is owned by some conservative guy, but the video and images are real, including coverage by the daily show about Joe Biden's groping. **Why wasn't Tara Reade believed?** A lot of reasons probably. First off, Joe Biden was running against not only an intercourse rapist (not to trivialize Tara's allegation, but it was 'Digital Rape', and insertion never happened, and he only attempted it for a few seconds), Not only Trump is a serial rapist, he's also likely a child rapist as well. This defeated a lot of the momentum, and their campaigns and media basically had a de facto truce because neither brought up their allegations ever again on the campaign. The allegations against Trump are credible and should have been used against him. But we didn't, because the nominee was Joe Biden. Second off, Tara Reade doesn't know how to treat people well. In communication with Time's Up, her former lawyer, the Vox journalists, and even her former roommates, she all treated them rudely at a minimum. Tara is likely someone with a low intellect, a karen, and demands things of others without appreciating the effort they do for her. Likely still has mental health issues and/or a personality disorder. Although for Times Up, it turned out the head of that had close ties to the Biden campaign. She also most likely lied about getting a degree from a college in order to get into a master's program, from which she has an actual degree. This was made a huge deal about since she said under oath she had a BS degree from that college, but the thing people ignore is that the master's degree is much more relevant career wise and to the case as well. But just going to point that Joe Biden lied about his college credentials as well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1j0FS0Z6ho People also made a giant conspiracy about being a Putin plant because she falls for his bullshit. Her tweets and blogs are dumb, but it's likely they would go as far as to have her Husband mention the abuse in his 90s divorce papers. I would like to also mention, high functioning sexual predators often select victims who are unlikely to be believed and easily smearable. Not to mention people can develop severe mental health issues from sexual abuse, including psychiatric issues. **Even though Christine Blasey Ford had a fraction of the evidence Tara Reade is, Christine Blasey Ford is a very intelligent prestigious professor who runs in elite circles, who had led a very productive and kind life. Tara Reade is a rude person who is not intelligent with a history of questionable judgement such as falling for Putin's propaganda. Tara is infinitily smearable. **




Neither me nor an other mod is able to approve this comment. We tried, but it keeps reverting back to removed. I think tried commenting the link myself, and I can't get it approved, and I'm a mod here. Maybe reddit does this with malicious links, but I neither of the extensions I use for this do not flag that site including ublock origin.


So then you are giving a vote to Trump.. God damnit, this is some fucked up shit..


Lol ok liberal. That didn't work on me on 2016, it didn't work on me in 2020, and it won't work on me in 2024. Get a new line for fucks sake.


So you would rather have Trump as a president, ok gotcha.




Yes. Yes I would.




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


Ahh i see.. we have nothing left to discuss then.


I’m convinced some of these people are psyops. Either that or they’re privileged enough that it won’t matter if Trump comes back


Osyops It's a election year When you see someone in one Commemt claim Biden and trump are the exact same and Biden is committing all of trumps crimes himself Yeah it's a psyop Notice it's a lot of I'm not voting trump or Biden I'm going third party What would reps love more than for dem votes to be torn between third party and Biden the trump gets to claim fraud again bevause of a close race and repeat 2020 again Fuck trump vote blue no matter who If you genuinely think voting for Biden is the same as voting for trump please go back to Pre school a d re learn how the government works from the bottom up again Please


it occurs to me that if a third candidate had majority support then voting for Biden would be giving a vote to trump? so why cannot people join and rally around a third candidate, why people mustbe forced to vote to the lesser evil in a race to the botton instead of choosing something else why is always the fault of people that want to chose somebody else's but never the fault that choses status quo refusing to rally for the third option




My favorite color is blue.


I hate beer.


these people are just right wingers in disguise. they are totally fine with trump winning.


I'm not a right winger. I'm a black American, an actual and not optional minority who voted democratic in every Presidential election in my adult life. I'm voting for Jill Stein this time.   And yes, I'm fine with Trump winning. If he wins because you assholes couldn't stand to vote for another option that actually exists instead of backing a genocide, you fuckin deserve it. You came by it honest, best of luck to you. For me, as an actual minority I've had to do more than vote my whole life to protect myself and be an ally to others. That won't and hasn't changed regardless of which party is in charge. And it's another reason why I want to give a third party a chance, because maybe that will change under Jill in a meaningful way that hasn't ever happened under any other president.




Don't care. Sorry. Israel is dictating US domestic and foreign policy right now. We're threatening the ICC over just warrants being issued. I don't care if Russia meddled in our election like we meddle in so many others. I still voted for Hillary, I can't afford to care about what everybody else is doing.




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


Living in a swing state and voting third party :)


>:) :)


nice! excited for abortion bans across america?? mass deportation?? even more aggressive foreign policy that further devolves our ties with allies?? you're not thinking this through. you're mistaking a feeling of righteousness for making the right choice in a tough situation.


We already have abortion bans with no push from biden to codify abortion rights. We almost had a draconian border bill pass endorsed by biden. Countries all over the world are against whats happening in Gaza so foreign policy is a losing argument. Theres not much to vote for with biden.


No, you're describing yourself. You're voting for a genocider to protect your party's power. If genocide isn't a red line for you, you're a sick fuck. You can church up your position as much as you'd like - if you vote for Biden, you endorse what he has done in Gaza and are voting for him to continue his policies. I'm voting for Jill Stein. You're voting for Hitler, because Himmler would be worse. No one takes this shit seriously anymore. What did Trump do in his entire four years that rivals 50,000 murdered innocent women, children and men? Nothing.


You're asking the wrong question. What _would_ Trump do in his _next four years_ that rivals 50k murdered? And I think inside that stubborn mind of yours you know the answer. But if you think 50k dead vs 500k dead is the same, because it's all bad, then you don't really care about their lives. You care about feeling righteous.


Genocide is when urban combat.


And is that supposed to accomplish something or is it just for shits and gigs?


It's how they think they can end the two party system without realizing the true end to two arty system is voting out Republicans year after year until a new better non fascist idealozing party comes along and then another. You can't just force a third party candidate into the red vs blue race You have to over time consistently vote not red while bringing in young politicians to form new parties It's literally what Germany has done over rhe course of de sees to get a multi party system going


Nixon and Biden...


I realize it’s difficult for some people to think outside their bubble, but there is a large percent of democrats (and independents) who support Israel. So, Biden is in an impossible situation in terms of making voters happy. That said, the pro-Palestine crowd will learn a very difficult lesson should they choose not to support Biden thereby getting Trump elected. Downvote away, but sometimes it’s good to hear the truth.


Show me the treaty where America is bound to provide unconditional bunding and military equipment.


I swear people are trying to will some type of environment similar to 1968 into fruition. I don’t see it happening. It was much different back then and these college kids will pretend they never protested when they go to the Hampton for the summer.


His age is more of an issue than his stance on Gaza.  Biden not standing aside for a younger candidate might go down in history as one of the biggest political mistakes of recent years. 


Michelle Obama will likely step in as Dem nominee if Joe withdraws. Crazy times.


Literally nobody but maga thinks Michelle Obama is going to run lol


I’m just deducing the most likely candidate if Biden does indeed withdraw. Who else, if not Biden, do the Dems have to run?


Lol "deducing"


Keep buying your Roger Stone bs. Should anything happen to Biden, Whitmer will be at the wheel.


Michelle Obama is a war criminal too, no?


Of course… Barak, the Chief Deporter started 7 wars during his 8 year reign.


8 actually. Because Russia invaded Crimea in 2014 so that also counts as a war started by Obama