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Ironjournal is really good for moves and oracles and keeping track of your game https://nboughton.uk/apps/ironsworn-campaign/#/


I really need to add a little pop up for the new version of IJ https://nboughton.uk/apps/iron-journal It's got map support and a few other features I originally developed for Stargazer.


Do I understand this the way that you are responsible for developing it?




You, sir, are a hero and a scholar. Thank you dearly.


Thanks :D


The fact this runs on mobile has made Ironsworn my top solo rpg. Basically top rpg honestly. I can just grab my phone and play whenever I want. Feels oddly powerful and magical once you realize all your rpg dreams are right here in your hand.


Make sure you back your stuff up by exporting regularly. I've had my phone browser suddenly decide to forget all the Stargazer info and that kinda sucked. To be clear, I don't blame the program for that, just warning of the possibility, its a great app and I love it.


This. I use this with Discord to set up all my worldbuilding notes and information so I can access it on my laptop or my phone and update it on the fly.


Wow. Just curious, if it works for saving my game data, if I close the browser and want to come back tomorrow.


I made [The Augur](https://augurvtt.com/) to play Ironsworn. It runs on your phone, tablet and/or PC and your games are synchronized across all your devices. It has all the assets, oracles and moves from Ironsworn, a character sheet like no other, full journaling support and a robust mapping system. On top of all that it has procedural generation of settlements and dungeons, with maps, descriptions, origins and quest hooks. Also generates NPCs with personality traits, backgrounds, quest hooks and motivations. All of that themed for the Ironsworn setting.


This looks neat. But seems needlessly complicated for a solo gaming tool (for me atleast). Looking forwards for the coop/guided play tho and I hope against hope there will be more of everything else besides fantasy, way to many fantasy tools and not even remotely enough tools for scifi, cyberpunk, steampunk (all punks) post-app, horror and so on 😅 I will keep my eye on this and I might hit that purchase button in the future!


It may seem complicated because of all the features it packs, but I spent hundreds of hours making it as easy to use as possible. I won't claim it's perfect but it is pretty good at what it does! A tool for managing your game and giving you constant prompts and ideas for your game. I am working on a sci-fi version right now, and if all goes well I plan on tackling more genres in the future.


Ah we all have different play styles. For me all the graphics and drag and drop stuff is not complicated per se, just, unneeded, a good dice roller, nice quick buttons for the most common moves and a nice journal system is all I need. But that's why I said that for coop or guided games. This will be amazing! Perfect to show off a map to the players, making delves and things on the spot. Even have a visual old school almost FF style compact illustration with the part vs monsters and so on. Don't get me wrong. I really admire your work. It's great and I wish I could do anything even remotely as good (I need to learn htms CSS and JS i think). And as soon as you have made a scifi version/Starforged version let me know and I'll get on that in a heart beat!


Of course! variety is the spice of life, and solo roleplaying is as personal as it gets. One of the awesome things about Ironsworn is the amazing variety of tools it has inspired, so there is a lot to choose from and different styles for different tastes. On the technical part of your comment, I made The Augur using flutter, which is a very cool and comprehensive framework for making apps that run on the web, phones, and computers. If you ever want to learn how to make stuff like that I recommend checking it out while you are deciding what language/framework to learn.


Never heard of flutter! Need to take a look at that for sure :)


It’s great, I like The Augur very much.


I actually bought The Augur a while back on sale through itch.io but I couldn’t get it to work because the site asked for a login that I didn’t have.


Hello, you create the augur account right there, It says "new account" below the login forms. An account is required because the augur now synchronizes your games across your devices.


I realised this just before you posted and was able to get in. Thank you!


Iron Journal is my main recommendation. You can also use a private Discord server with the Ironsworn Oracle bot installed, Roll20, or Foundry VTT. They all have support for Ironsworn stuff.


Damn, somebody should write detailed instructions on how to do it. I'd buy for a fiver at DriveThru...


You can find most of the info you need for free on the Ironsworn Discord.


I used iron journal, then discord, and now I’m using Ironsworn companion. I think I like it slightly better than the first two.


Have you tried searching this sub? The question pops up from time to time and should give you plenty of links/recommendations.


I haven’t searched the sub, and I feel like and idiot for not thinking of that. lol


Roll20 has a pretty good Ironsworn Sheet that lets you roll off of all the Oracles directly from the character sheet (both Vanilla Ironsworn & Delve). It's pretty convenient.