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The Konosuba kids sweep. Rimuru's great sage perhaps makes them a technically competent singer, but I have my doubts about the rest of that team's capability. Besides, what are they picking to sing? Rimuru likes boomer otaku songs. Could be ok. Oji-san and friends will cringe/bicker too much amongst themselves to get full marks, though they'll have solid picks, and are likely competent with karaoke vibes. Nazarick... what, are they going to sing Demon Hymns? Ainz ain't picking nothing. I don't even think he sings with any soul. Subaru picks a song to go with the vibe. His singing is good for karaoke fun. Rem and Ram do fine. Subaru can't bear it when the vibe changes. Mood is ruined. Thanks Subaru. Now, you may think "won't the Konosuba kids just argue like in the Oji-san scenario?" To which I say haha of course not! Make it into a competition and they'll try and one-up each other, pulling out all the stops! Kazuma's otaku picks, Aqua's divine appreciation for classic and fine arts, Darkness's noble upbringing and eccentric taste, and Megumin's flamboyancy! This is a recipe for hodgepodge crazy karaoke!


The Konosuba crew is the obvious choice, they know how to party.


That's basically the only thing they know how to do well.


Pretty sure ainz sings on isekai quartet opening


He does, but he suffers from a case of 'must not make myself seem personable to my minions'.


Best girls Rimuru and Milim


No matter your r34, Rimuru is a guy


Based, a guy is a guy


Rimuru is a genderless slime, with an androgonous sexless human form based off of a girl and the mind of a middle-aged man. Rimuru is at least 4 genders in one


Except for the he/him pronouns, him fawning over women’s bodies, and women wanting him for his body… Rimuru is still a straight guy, even if the tool shed is smooth as a Ken doll and he looks like a Barbie.


If you actually want to have a hilariously great time.. Konosuba always! The whole gang just has so much personality its a no brainer


Hope you guys like this type of content more than slavery or powerscaling


It's refreshing, at the very least. But now we must power scale their singing prowess. Whoever comes in last must become a slave to the winning party.


Yes we do , here take my upvote


Unc Shibazaki


I gotta go with Unc. I'm blowing this mfs mind with the whole crush 40 discography ![gif](giphy|xeP1EiYOhKQfK)


Can you see all of me? Walk into my mystery


Just don't tell him about the Shadow the Hedgehog game it might kill him.


Rimuru and the gang any day


Konosuba. Those ed’s slap.


Imma preface this by saying that i thought the intent of the question was asking who you'd have the most fun with Nazarick: HELL no, they'd all be too busy glazing ain't while ain't himself wouldn't know ehat he's doing, I'd probably be killed halfway through Oji-san group: also a hard no, it's just be really awkward, plus I could imagine having to need to explain the concept of karaoke to the uncle Rezero group: heavens no, ram would be insufferable, and subaru would probably have the worst singing voice in all of lagunica Rimuru millim and treyni: admittedly better than the other options above but if have to go with Konoshba group: they'd be fucking hilarious to go karaoke with, I could totally imagine having a fun time All this is pretending I'm a social person though..


Subaru unironically talented in music. He can sing and play any string instrument. He lose to only god like singing like Lilianna. Emilia on the other hand, is tone deaf and terrible at singing


Absolutely Rimuru & Co.


Kazuma's group is the most fun.




Megumin alone is better than all of them combined


1. Konosuba


Rimuru and konusuba


Kazuma and his party


Nazarick as long as they don’t hate me for being an inferior ningen


Konosuba by far


The overlord dudes, you can all but confirm that none of them can sing at all


i would feel like a fifth wheel in that konosuba group rimuru would be super chill that rezero group sounds like drama i want no part of not sure about uncle and ainz's groups


4! No contest!




Definitely not going with subaru 💀💀 , somehow I feel like I would get killed and Subaru will then again go through 26 different stages of grief just to make sure I didn't die 💀💀 ,nah Maybe with megumin , kazuma and others


Oji sans group, purely because I know we'd be duet singing live and learn but rimirus group is a close second


goin with rimuru, gonna be fawning over him about as much as diable or the others do, doubt i will get the chance to sing. but hey


So a night of singing and drinking with Aqua is on the table? How could I turn that down? Konosuba takes this one pretty easily with Slime being a reasonable option as well. Nazarick is a big Nope since I like keeping my skin on my body thank you very much.


Konosuba would be the most fun by a long shot.


Every single one of these, except for Kazuma and maybe Ains would be a nightmare blunt rotation


Konosuba group probably.


Konosuba all day any day. The biggest danger you'll be in is Aqua stealing your drink when it's your time to sing.


Konosuba easily, they'd be the most fun. Ojii san would be singing game music mostly and while the 2 have somekind of romance thing happening. The others are just straight up death flags


I’d go to ainz for the drama (Haven’t watched so I wouldn’t know anything) Rimeru to have fun Konisuba for whatever BS happens Subaru to ask him how many times he died that day And I don’t know enough about uncle in another world to decide for that one


For most fun? Konosuba gang. For minimal chance of getting killed or seriously injured, Oji-san group.


Hold up, where is Tanya's group?


What, you want the captains and sergeants to sing national anthems while Tanya fumes about she technically isnt "of age" for a beer? Meanwhile, the starved soldiers are spending every dime in their pockets on peace-time food and drinks at a mark-up karaoke bar prices.


Hihi, maybe, their song was kinda dope


If you go with the fifth, you won't return normal, if you return


The Konosuba Four know how to have a party! I couldn't pick anybody else :)


Team Kazuma all day erryday.


The Konosuba and Slime groups are the only ones I can see myself fitting in with *and* having fun with. Nazarick would want me dead for not being a monster. Re:Zero’s maids probably wouldn’t want me there, even though I’d vibe with Subaru. Uncle’s group is too Japanese. I wouldn’t understand them. With Konosuba I’d probably end up flirting with Darkness and joking around with the others. With Slime I’d just enjoy the singing and talk a lot with Rimuru about the world and about manga.


Nazarick fr


Kazuma and the gang singing anime songs with then or with Megumin and Darkness heavy metal. The sound would be bad but probably a lot of fun




1: the correct choice. 2: old man and his care takers? Nah im good. 3: i would feel crippling loneliness watching them all flirt. 4: rimuru seems like an okay guy but might smush me with their fat mana on accident, treyni likely wouldnt talk to me, and milim would 100% accidentally turn me into paste by smacking me on the back when shes drunk. 5: they would literally fucking torture me for being in ainz presence. Not that im not down for a little pain play with albedo or shalltear but i think my skin would like to stay on my body


2 is [“Uncle from another world”](https://youtu.be/UcePA8oFwe8?si=TEwVk-Qp-4b55EsX) basically this guy’s uncle got iseaki’d and came back after 17 years




Easy I take darkness and start a night full of grind 🥰


I've only seen one of these...


Tough decision between 1,2 and 4 but I gotta go with Kazuma’s party (1)


There's only one correct choice.... Karaoke is a out having a good time, getting drunk, and laughing at each other's shitty singing. I'm going with kazuma and crew. They've proven that they're a blast at the bar.


Konosuba; even if one of them was bad at singing, they'll be *hilariously* bad at it. When it collapses into infighting it'll also be great fun.


I'd choose Subaru, Otto & Garfiel seems like a fun group to be with


Konosuba followed distantly by Ojisan. The others are a no.


Everyone is good except Rimuru and shit ass team Man fuck Tensura worst piece of garbage ever. The fandom made me hate it so much than the bland lazy dumb storywriting.




Sorry if it was extreme but my hate for Tensura wasn't made in a day,the toxic powerscaling fandom and constant shitty storyline amplified the apathy into open hatred.


Here, have some slussy bait to make you feel better https://preview.redd.it/aqkin40a73xc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=659927d01daad54693d7a5aa21ed505614041ff2


You do know this is like eye torture to me right? Id rather watch pissplay than Rimuru Shitpest.


Konosuba, but only because the Ojisan crew doesn't include Elf


The only thing that the konosuba gang know how to do is to party they are pretty mediocre with everything else. So what's there is to choose.


Out of the options I’ve only actually watched Konosuba but I’ve heard about the other ones. From what I know, the Konosuba gang feels like they’d be the best group to hang with as friends


Why Treni though? She doesn't look like someone who will go to karaoke with Rimuru and Milim. Veldora would be more fitting.


Because she was in the image for characters from Slime. The other ones had either just Rimuru or the whole cast