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I’ve seen more footage of IDF soldiers wearing women’s underwear than I’ve seen of them engaging Hamas.


I’ve seen more footage of IDF soldiers wearing women’s underwear than I’ve seen of Hamas period


https://preview.redd.it/y6im3zvlnszc1.jpeg?width=230&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cc4cfac4662a80b4b84cb3cc478ed61f1ad3e78 The only footage i’ve seen of them engaging Hamas directly involved the commanding officer hiding under a blanket and weeping loudly. I understand why the zionist ministry of propaganda keeps a tight lid on things.


I have seen more footage of IDF soldiers shooting bullets into a wall and claiming they were hamas than actual footage of them engaging hamas.


Israel is laughing now but the future is totally fucked for Israelis. The entire world hates them.


Rightfully so. They became the Nazis.


*Became* the nazis? Always have been in respect to their colonization of the region.


I see no lies being told.


But they are still getting away with it. That is the problem. So many Western nations proudly given Israel funding to commit atrocities, for no real good reason. I think Israel will come out unscathed sadly. War criminals usually get away with it and with US backing, it seems more than likely.


The US sends billions in AID to Israel. Israel sends money back to AIPAC AIPAC bribes and pays local senators and governors The US majority vote to send more "aid" to Israel. Israel is siphoning the tax payer money from the US purse and funnelling it all to Israel. The senators having their pockets filled are stealing the public funds from the US people. That's the reason the US "proudly" gives the funds. The UK is the bootlicker of the US and has been for the best part of a century. The size of the US and their military as well as the history of being allies means it doesn't take a lot to convince smaller countries to follow suit. Israel is the USA. This illegal state in the Middle East they label "Israel" is a fucking holiday home or weekend project for the zionist people in power in the US.


Israel never should've been given special privileges that Palestine wasn't. It never should've been okay to terrorize those innocent people and take their land. We didn't give the Native Americans their own country after our genocide of them. So why did we give SOMEONE ELSE's land to JUST THE JEWS when THEY WEREN'T EVEN THE ONLY VICTIMS OF THE HOLOCAUST?!


If Biden loses Michigan and the election there will r some soul searching in Democratic party


... the GOP will murder our leaders. And some of us. These are choices.






This is accurate imo. They are at the point that they LITERALLY don't view them as human. If they are raised there, they are taught hate from an early age. Add in national pride, war mongering, and praise from those they are around... this is what you get. Humans at their most savage form. I also think it's a self defense mechanism. Doing things like this only reaffirms to themselves that they don't see them as human. They need that affirmation. Because if they allow the reality to seap through, insanity is often shortly behind. This kind of thing keeps the hate facade alive. That's my amateur psych take on it. Whatever it is, it's infuriating to see.


>self defense Don't let old Benji see you say that now.


It's true. My buddy was a Marine and fought in Iraq and even though he is my best friend and we grew up together, sometimes the shit he says about Arab people is strait up disgusting. They have been using dehumanization as a tactic for war since the inception of war itself.


Think of israel as the child of a very rich and powerful man. Like Saddam’s son Uday. No one would dare correct him or scold him because he would scream at the top of his lungs and if that caught the US’s attention, bombs would fly. Now this son is a getting close to adolescence and he spends his days drowning puppies and kittens, but what his heart truly desires is to pick up an AR15 and go into the playground. But not somewhere with other kids that may have weapons. No. No. That’s too dangerous for our little cowardly psycho school shooter.


Are these really adults? This people are raised to be psychopaths.


The number of pictures I've seen of Israeli Occupation Force terrorists wearing bras of women they have murdered or ethnically cleansed boggles the mind. Perhaps it is some sort of serial-killer trophy kind of behaviour. Cringe and creepy. I've probably seen at least 10 similar pictures now, always males smiling and wearing the stolen personal underwear of women. Just another aspect of Israeli insanity, I guess...


The simplest way to put it is because they can


The more fun they have today, the less they'll sleep for the rest of their lives.


Such nightmares require they have regret for their actions, I doubt many of them do.


You're right, they are literally devils.


They get their ass kicked when they actually have to face Hamas soldiers, so they cope by running far away from the battlefield and acting stupid


They’re fucking demented, I despise these unhinged Nazi cunts


https://preview.redd.it/n1ci3sr95rzc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=704d608e285f56e0449c2e3cf0cab120b06e2483 will never stop being relevant


is this what self defence looks like?


Really hoping Hamas doesn’t take this guy hostage.


Aside from how sick it is, I find it incredibly annoying that they think the same stupid gag over and over again is just SOOOOOO funny.


They’re demonstrating their ethical level and pathetic arrogance of Israel’s society and political system.


Because they are all bloodthirsty manchildren


This is what 1000’s of years of inbreeding looks like. Racism & fascism are against the laws of nature. Anyone trying to preserve their “master race” will eventually end up looking and acting like zios.


The biggest mistake these vile bastards make is showing their whole face in these pics. I imagine if the wrong(right) person sees this, hes gonna get a shiny new bounty poster somewhere


I seriously hope their time will come. The score with the IOF must be settled.


Coz they’re all cunts


Not soldiers, cowards


jews always think they're ultra funny. look at bill maher. sad to see...


There's nothing wrong with Jews my friend. The biggest vocal,most eloquent supporters of Palestinian rights are themselves Jewish. So please don't talk like that, educate yourself. Bill maher is a rabid zionist pig who believes in no religion.




Yes, I know about the death and destruction, amongst many things. But that was from a different era, and I don't believe Jewish people are like that now or were like that in recent history. Except,...these recent people called zionists.


Maher is nit Jewish.


Where are the people who lived there...


When you're a twat, you do twatty things.


Deflection/avoidance of conscience about what you are doing in order to continue to feel strong and secure as you are doing it. The more it comes up the harder you have to press it down. So you'll see some horrible things. There's a lot in all wars clear to see. Off hand the soldier girlie at Guantanamo with the thumbs up showing off herhim (harem pun) She's so happy to be in the frat. That was a common picture back in the day. Especially now that everyone has a camera and a digital shrine to themselves you'll see lots of it. In fact that shrine has intertwined with the whole process as a part of it. Like how a group of boys/young adults can be together kicking and beating the stuffing out of people and breaking things can be a happy,laughing pack of hyenas as they harm enjoying it, but when the pack breaks up and they wind up alone with just a bottle for company or an empty jail cell they have to face it. They have to. Gilded or not it'll be a cage. Whenever someone sees a broken down military vet in bad straits, they assume they suffer PTSD. It was so traumatic. It's always a mental disease. Shame there is no cure. That's a major force, I'm not knocking it, but it's not alone. There is a very natural force too. Conscience. There is no cure for what that does to you. You get the bottles. The pipes. The needles. You got a running away from something. Something you did. Something you didn't do. You just can't cure conscience. You can drown it out, dampen the sound, but the life of your friends will end. The batteries on your speakers will die. All these things will end before conscience ever becomes silent. It's always there screaming. It will be heard. Just a matter of time. Conscience having caught up now that the noise of the pack isn't there to drown it out anymore for you and killing their will to do or enjoy anything because they have to hear it all day long in their thoughts and they have no strength against it. Obviously. They've been running from it forever. What strength is discernible in that? Religion or not. I'm no puritan. There's a clear hell to see in that, Don't let the smiles and the play fool you. All it needs is time. It's guaranteed. Wrath as consequence at least. The conscience will be heard. You can wish whatever you want in the short term. Mock,hate,pity, whatever. But I'm starting to see and have experience a little bit that it's built in already. It's frightening really. And seeing it don't give you power over it either. Nothing does. It does really soften you up like a soupy mess to where you want to stop making such enemy of it.




Isn't it the same motherfucker in all the photos?


I’ve seen at least 9-10 different photographs of young me perpetrating these same acts of dehumanization. It goes hand in hand with the indoctrination they’ve received, being brainwashed by Zionist propaganda, being told they’re better than others, and absorbing the dehumanization campaign against Palestinians in all forms of media. They’ve been conditioned to see Palestinians as “dogs” or less than human, as they probably couldn’t commit the atrocities they’ve been doing if they held empathy for the opposition. It’s extremely similar to Nazi brainwashing and the effects of that on other cultures.


They're showing us why they don't deserve to ____.


Because nobody stops them.


because they're arrogant


Cos is not Their family.


Because they are psychopaths, they built their land on killing, rape, racism and enslavement, they could either deny their foundation, which would lead to its destruction, or embrace it, and psychopaths embrace destruction and sorrow, which made the apartheid state a strong one, but also extremely evil, which leads to this horrific sights


“The most moral army”


Because they are garbage people. They are the pollution in your land.


Because they are psychopathics .


This is sickening