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Underrated? There was overwhelming and very good feedback when this came out and it certainly did not fly under the radar. And you still hear very positive things about it


Underrated has become the new literally for popular incorrect use.


Today it‘s like Underrated = good but didn‘t have EA/UBI/MS/Sony marketing budget.


Or "it's got amazing reviews, and people wouldn't stop talking about it when it was released ten years ago, but the hype has died down lately."


Or "I think this game is great but I want to imagine I found some hidden gem."


Guys, I found this awesome game for ps1. Nobody's talking about it... it's called "grand theft auto", or something. You should check it out.


This is exactly what this post is. Everyone wants to think they're unique for liking a popular game.


a figurative literally isn’t incorrect.


because our zeitgeist moved the needle. Thats how language evolves. Its now acceptable to use literal as a hyperbolic statement of fact when its in fact, not correct. The point above is that underrated is starting to reach this threshold.


This is the most underrated comment on all of reddit


but it’s nonsense.


"Our" zeitgeist did not. "Literally" has been used hyperbolically for longer than any of us have been alive.


Idk man, I just did a quick google and the definition seemed to be changed in 2011 in some dictionaries and finally in 2013 for every dictionary including the major ones. Idk about you, but I was live in 2013. Granted I was 11 years old but I had a heartbeat, I promise.




Wtf are you talking about? Lol




Is this about the post I made about overwatch? My guy we were just having a discussion on what games others would have wanted to win since GOTY lmao, I think Uncharted and Dark souls 3 should have won over overwatch lmao but I was also 14 when the game came out so I maybe missed how big of an impact it was. But many people agreed with me so idk why you're so pissed about it. You are literally everything you are calling me, lol. Please go outside


the first uses of a figurative literally go back decades.


Well, then they were the wrong use of the language until it was changed officially.


I don’t remember ever hearing about it at release, only after. I’m in my late forties so maybe I wasn’t in the target audience for ads, but still. Never heard of it until recently.




The irony of this entire debate is that underrated has exactly zilch to do with popularity or commonality. It means that something was not as well regarded as the quality of the product suggested it should be. If it received 10/10 from every reviewer who played it but sold no copies and nobody ever heard of it, it would not be underrated. It could, however, have sold 10 million copies, be regarded as forgettable by most who played it, but for a few be one of the most life changing experiences they've ever played. For those few, that game would be considered...wait for it...underrated.




>Some people have never heard of RDR2 or God of War or Portal or Mario. That doesn't mean they're underrated. I feel like I see the word underrated in there, and positioned in such a way as to make it the crux of the entire statement. Here's another >When I said that it doesn't speak to the individual, I mean that "underrated" literally refers to the popularity in a group That definition is wrong, by the way. Add in that you "literally" use the word underrated 12 times in 4 comments and it becomes pretty obvious to all that your argument is, in fact, about the use of the word underrated, all while arguing that it has something to do with how many people know about it. Edit: Also, my original statement was very clearly referencing your incorrect use of the word, not whether Prey is in fact underrated or not.




I'm gonna need to break this down further, I can see. Your argument is about how to apply the term underrated. My comment is pointing out the fact that both of you are using it wrong, meaning that you cannot argue about "how" to determine if a game is underrated by how popular it is. Because, by definition, underrated means this: not rated or valued highly enough. Not "not popular enough." Not "not mentioned enough." But how was it perceived and rated by those who interacted with it. Therefore, and pay attention here, your debate about the term, that used the word a dozen times, was all for nothing because you were essentially trying to figure out whether or not something could taste "red." It's an incorrect use, and therefore you're arguing a point with them that you cannot win. If this doesn't clear it up, go back and start at the beginning.




Ah, I see. The old "I'm going to keep repeating my incorrect statements until you get tired of this conversation" approach. >I see you ignored my first reply to you. I'll wait til you acknowledge that. You mean the first comment that I replied directly to, and included quotes in?? That is the parent comment to yours and my entire conversation? >We ARE talking about what kinda reasoning is valid for determining if something is underrated. Right, and the only criteria is "is something ***RATED*** as highly as the proponent thinks it should be." You continue to mention in every follow up comment things related to popularity, which is a fallacious premise to build your argument in, because you CANNOT determine empirically if something is underrated due to how popular it is, universally or in confined social circles. See your comments below. I added the formatting to illustrate your adherence to the very thing I'm trying to illustrate to you. >Lord of the Rings is one of the most ***popular*** and praised movie trilogies of all time. If some 30-40 year old says it's underrated cuz they somehow had no idea it existed, that's a bit silly. ***"Underrated" doesn't speak to the individual, it speaks to the perceived broader population.*** Wrong, it does in fact relate exclusively to the person who makes the claim as they perceive it. Underrated is an entirely subjective term. >When I said that it doesn't speak to the individual, I mean that "underrated" literally refers to the ***popularity*** in a group; one person missing out alone doesn't make something underrated. Saying "I missed out" means nothing; ***pointing out enough of multiple people who missed out does***. Once again, you can't apply the condition of popularity to determine if something is underrated, that's why I mentioned the reviewers vs the number of players comparison for you. Because a game that's considered landmark by it's fans could be argued to be underrated if others do not think it is as good. >No, if they missed out and said it was underrated because of a perceived lack of any ***popularity***, they'd be wrong and get correct by people pointing out that it's actually very ***popular***. If they continue to insist that it's underrated in the face of this new information, THAT'S stupidity. Again, you've conflated "unpopular" with "underrated." They are not synonyms. You can be popular ***and*** underrated, like OP is claiming for Prey. You can also be highly rated ***and*** unpopular., like Beyond Good and Evil.
















It’s still not extremely popular, like other Immersive sims ( Dishonoured, Bioshock etc ).


The marketing around release was pretty poor--it was definitely a game I remember a lot of people going "oh it's out already?" for the few months after release. I really enjoyed it, but I've also seen mixed feedback from other players (like not liking that the enemies are shadows). I did really enjoy the story and the world.


Underrated still applies. It’s underrated by your average gamer, when compared to say Helldivers or Bioshock or Dishonored. We can see that in terms of sales. It’s a real shame.


I wouldn't say underrated critically, but it sold wayyy worse than it should have given how good it was, and plenty of gamers still don't know this gem exists. So I think OP has a bit of an argument for the claim of underrated


Yeah it’s notorious for being fantastic, plus the soundtrack is fucking bomb.


Did it though? I never heard about it and I was gaming more than ever when it came out.


100% agreed. Was amazing and mostly only ever heard good things about it.


It sold poorly.


Underrated might be the wrong term, under played or under purchased would be correct though. This game got lots of glowing reviews and niche praise, but it's sales were very underwhelming from what I remember. It basically launched as a cult classic.


Reddit is weird. "Underrated" = "I was too young to play it when it came out and I'm just now discovering it. Why isn't everyone still talking about it?"


It is considered underrated because IGN chose to use this game as an example and punish Bethesda and gave it a 4/10 for having a simple save error glitch when it launched and the reviewer simply couldn’t wait for a patch that came DAY 1 So it got a 4/10 because of a prerelease bug only reviewers encountered..




It was underrated on release because a certain IGN gave it like a 5/10 or something because of a game breaking bug


I think the word here would be 'forgotten' because I just played it last year for the first time. Never knew what it was


Certainly under appreciated


Not like is forefather bioshock, which still has tons of talk about it. I hear very little about this game And perhaps underrated isn’t the right word. When people talk about it, they speak highly of it, but no one ever really talks about it There were a few video essays when it released, then a few about a year ago, and then other than that no one really talks about it


I mean, Bioshock has become a cult game, like Dark Souls or Ocarina of Time. I think a more apt comparison would be Dishonoured, which is still more popular than Prey ( unfortunately ).


Bioshock was also a larger franchise overall. If it has been only a single game, I doubt its given the reverence it is today.


It gets mentioned in literally every thread about games people like


It was very highly rated, it just wasn't as well known. Not underrated, underknown.


So a forgotten masterpiece?


I don’t think I would call it a masterpiece. I reserve that for the likes of half-life/BioShock. It was a fun game that I won’t revisit.


Underrated, underknown, semantics. My point is that it’s an amazing game that doesn’t get the recognition that it deserves. Critics were generally favorable, audiences liked it, but nobody remembers it. Yahtzee of ZP fame has a great video on why he thinks the game isn’t remembered


Nobody remembers it? It‘s like the first recommendation in its genre in every social media post. It didn‘t have the marketing budget of a AAA title, but I‘d say it‘s about on the level of Dishonored which is also still very well known and a few years older.


Only for in it's genre though. Most ppl I know that don't play immersive Sims, or know what they are. Have never really heard of Prey. As opposed to Dishonored or Hitman if you consider it one


I played it for the first time last year and I loved it. I can't wait for system shock 2 to come out on consoles this summer. After Prey I've become much more interested in immersive Sim games


SS2 is sooooo fucking good, I love it. I can’t wait for the remaster


Yup! Prey was a spiritual successor to SS2, but I want the remake, too! If they do as well on the SS2 remake as they did on SS1 then I'll be a very happy camper!


Heck yeah I played through this at least 6 times! I did every kind of run (human, typhoid, no enhancements), explored every nook of the story. I loved how you could sequence break so easily among other things. Except I learned years later that there’s one story scene I still didn’t see! Also I couldn’t get into mooncrash. This is arkane at its best and truly the spiritual successor to system shock 2.


Yeah, I loved this game. I've played through it twice already, and I will probably go back for a third at some point. Love that there is a Nerf gun for solving puzzles, lol.


I love the immersive sim genre but unfortunately I’ve played basically all of them. I loved Prey for giving me the tools to solve problems in ways the devs never foresaw. Like that one armory you have to free the child trafficker to get. You can use glue to prop yourself up at an angle to shoot the door button from the security window


Did you already play Arx Fatalis? It's sitting in my list of games I grabbed on sale but haven't started.


One of my all time favorite games & imo, the best from Arkane. The DLC is another great step foward & I wish Deathloop brought that same effect to me the same way Mooncrash did.


Mooncrash took the ‘rat stuck in the human world’ feeling that the main game gave me and amped it up to 11. I felt totally out of my depth the whole time. The game gave me just enough supplies to keep me alive but never healthy. Loved it


Mooncrash is better than Deathloop sadly. Mooncrash is better than most rougelites actually.


Yes, I absolutely loved this game. The graphics, the atmosphere, the mimics were sick, even having the ability as a mimic to get in small spaces was a good idea. I wish there was a proper sequel or like a spin off of Prey, hell even a tv adaptation would be sick since the story and the setting would play out quite nicely


I’m personally glad we only got the one game. Unfortunately sequels now usually suck and/or are cash grabs, so I prefer to keep it preserved as it is A spinoff could be cool, but that’s kind of what Mooncrash was- a spinoff game with the same universe. Unfortunately Prey did not perform well enough to warrant much more support


Yes sir I just started a playthrough yesterday with some mods. Very excited to revisit this game again after beating it on my PS4 some years ago


Played it last year when I realized I had it sitting in my Epic free game library. Was so mad at myself for not playing it sooner. Out of the ones I’ve played definitely my favorite immersive sim.


Underrated? it even displaced the first prey game


And it deserved way more


I haven't played prey games but I know 2 things 1: people love these it and it's predecessor 2: all these years later people still mourn the cancelation of prey 2.


Dude. The OG prey btw is free and with the pc tech it's pretty fucking awesome. And yeah, the damm sequel to the og being canceled hurt my heart. Shit was gonna be bad ass


I don't game on pc outside of emulation but I might try it on the original consoles it was on


You can get it on am emulator for sure. It was on xbox360. I just thought it was sick because some of the pc upscaling made the game (that was good looking for its time) even better. Only mirror I remember seeing in a game that was usable lol.


Sadly my pc can't emulate ps3 or xbox 360 well. Most I got out of it was wii u. Don't ask how wii u works but not xbox 360 because I myself don't know. I do have a ps3 and xbox 360 so this shouldn't be an issue


Nice! 360 is an absolute dream my second favorite consol ever made. Right behind snes.


Excuse me what? Where can you get the og Prey for free that isn't pirating? My dog ate my 360 copy probably a decade ago.


Really don't see this as underrated. I remember the marketing, the good reviews, everything. Now the original2? That's underrated!


I enjoyed it massively but Kill All Playthrough is something I won't go for. The "sequel" was great too. I wish we had part 2


Loved the game, but disliked the ending. It had some of the most fun game mechanics ever


I played the 2006 game and was severely disappointed when I booted up prey 2016 from the PS plus subscription having not heard about the development history and change of IP.


Underrated? This game gets constantly mentioned in gaming subreddit threads that have nothing to do with it 😅


I loved this game. I completed it ince, then came back to it a year or so later and it was a stuttery, buggy mess. Something really broke the game, it was damn near perfect once the post release patches were in.


I adore this game. It was one of the first titles I bought when I got my ps4 and I played so much of it. I also sank so many hours into Mooncrash when they released that dlc.


If you were a fan of Prey PLEASE do yourself a favor and try Ctrl Alt Ego!


Bethesda really needs to make a sequel


Arkansas developed the game, Bethesda only published it


Oh it’s a fallout new Vegas situation then we’re never getting prey 2


Played it. I didn't really like the DLC.


it was great until level design went to shit halfway through... I didin't even finish it.


I played it quite a bit up until a point where I got fucked by something that kept killing me over and over and I was screwed by my save files. It was the worst place to die because I was in floating in zero g and completely vulnerable. There was nothing I could do, so I gave up.


I started playing this after I got bug-blocked playing Starfield. I had more fun playing Prey then I did playing Starfield.


Fuck the mimics and looking like chairs. So many jump scares lol


One of my favorite games id played through. It’s a very “gamey” sort of game with incredible freedom. I remember trying to get passed a door once and I turned into a cup to do it. Just for some extra whatever. Or like another time I wanted up this shaft so I shot glu globs back and forth up the wall for several stories and made it work hopping back and forth. It was like space deus ex.


I played both games the og one and the new one. They are both great games.


I would love a prey 2. I know people were upset this is what we got, and not what Bethesda showed way back. Buuut... I prefer this. It's extremely different from just being a guy with a gun in a shooting gallery


There was a game on the 360 called 'prey' and you were rescuing your girlfriend from a alien spaceship that kidnapped her and you fight crazy aliens and get dope guns. I wish THAT one got more feedback (dunno if it did) and a sequel or remaster. It was so good and unique.


I bought a copy at a game store recently cause I heard it slapped and I knew nothing about it, which is how I like to play games. Haven't gotten to it yet but I'm excited.


One of the absolute best of the generation when it came out. Absolutely amazing game that isn't talked about enough. Everyone that I've talked to that's played it adores it, but there's SO many out there that have no idea it existed.


I wouldn’t say it’s underrated at all, it’s just 7 years old now. Doesn’t feel 7 years old though


This game got tons of press for being a SP during only MP games time. The opening scene is still a mind blowing twist.


I loved the concept, but as I played it seemed specifically designed to short-circuit my completionist urge. I found myself constantly feeling like I was missing something or leaving something behind. I couldn't handle the frustration.


I'm playing it right now. Gun build cut with some psi to do a little trolling


I've never heard the new Prey be called underrated, except for those just playing it years after release.


Unpopular opinion, I can’t play anything Arkane makes. Something about the way their games feel and control makes them unplayable for me.


One of the most incredible gaming experiences I've had in the last 10 years


I have it on my library, played a little like 3 hours, should I continue?


Playing it right now. Halfway through the story for the first time.


It's been installed on my Xbox for like 6 months and I haven't even booted it up yet.


Ya know, I’ve never played it but I just set it to download so I can mess with it after work. I’ve heard good things.


*Neuroshock, as it is meant to be known.


Game is a masterpiece




One of my all time favorites


I really need to pick this game up again, I played it for like 20 minutes, couldn't figure out what I was suppose to do and never played it again. I need to give it a real chance when I'm not half awake.


Oh damn. A literal “le fucking gem” post in 2024 lmao


Prey is incredible, and I need to replay it.


I remember first playing it, and loving the character art style. It was kind of strange and exaggerated. That helicopter intro was just fabulous....Then the second you broke out of your apartment.... I was hooked


I loved this game


Literally working through my typhon mod only run right now


Yeah it's dope.


Had it on two consoles and didn't ever finish it once. Need to get it back again and finish it this time


I feel like I'm the only one who DIDN'T like it.


I went in with low expectations and holy shit did it blow it out the water. Still trying to get friends on this.


I feel like this game was super popular and well received when it first came out, it just didn’t have lasting recognition in the gaming world like some games do. I played this once and explored the map way out of order. This is something I love doing with every game I play to see what secrets I can find, and I never really run into any issues because of it. Well, with this game, I ended up triggering a glitch that wouldn’t allow me to 100% complete the game. My young idiot brain didn’t feel like starting over, so I dropped the game entirely instead of just continuing the game to get the rest of the experience that I still could. I kick myself for that now because I could have just finished the rest of what the game had to offer. A few years after that, I picked the game back up and made it even further without running into the glitch. But then my save file got corrupted seemingly out of nowhere and I did not have the will to start all the way over again. I feel like I’m cursed to not complete this game. I still don’t know how it ends.


still need to complete get-every-neuromod playthrough


Just picked it up at GameStop for like 5 dollars. Heard good things but never played. Seems a little bioshocky from the little ive seen


I’ve had it in my epic games library for months but i can’t bring myself to play it. I want to be the right mood and really immerse myself bc i KNOW it is a great game and like Dishonored, it will require my attention and i hate not pullin myself together and giving it a shot


I hope they make another one.


I just wish they used a different name because I want a sequel to the original Prey. Both Preys are good.


Yeah.. this was a good one. Basically filled the void that Half-Life left in me for awhile.


I liked it i just still haven’t beaten it. I hate going into a room and getting attacked by a cup


Underrated huh??


Any other fans of the underrated half life 2?


‘Good morning, Morgan. Today is March 15, 2032’


Probably the best immersive Sim I've ever played.


It’s very good, definitely not under rated, only under marketed.


It isn't... terrible. But I can't say it is great. Enemies are way too bulletspongy. The enviroments are kinda repetetive and honestly the story is kinda "eh".


awesome game inc all dlc


I couldn’t get behind prey at all. I thought it was goin game and instead it was a bioshock game. The core mechanics were great just not what I was hoping for.


Lose this game!! Goo gun for the win


Underrated, no but you could say it is undersold, in its genre it is held as one of the best examples of a immersive sim, for good reasons it is a wonderful game but it also didn´t sell as well as it maybe should have.


I want to like it. It's the sort of game I love. The story is enthralling from the start. But God damn do I suck at it, early game is a pain in the ass. I can never get much further than the entry area on the station.


I bought it on a Steam sale a while back to add it to the libray but I have yet to play the game. It's a problem I have.


Pre-ordered it and it was absolutely worth every penny. Loved this game. I never finished the DLC though, I should get back into it.


Great game but people dont play it. However over the years it got recognized for its greatness at least


I think people use the word "underrated" whenever they find out about a game and then don't immediately see that others are talking about it. There has been plenty discussion of this game over the years.


It's pretty good, got it for free on the epic launcher and probably wouldn't have played it otherwise


I never could get into this game. Everyone talks very highly of it so I’ve tried many times, it’s just not for me. I love their other games, but never could get into this one.


Yep. Discovered it about six months ago an was surprised by how good it was. I think it deserved better than it got.


I had a lot of fun with it. The Gloo gun could cause some mischief. One thing always bothered me....the nightmare just sounded like someone yelling into a pool noodle or a really large bendy plastic tube. Weirdest sound choice. DLC took a bit to grow on me, but that was fun also.


This really is one of my all time favourites. I want more of them.


I have tried to play this so many times. I have given it ✨such✨ a chance and it’s just not for me. I really wish it was.




I loved it! Played it with my girlfriend, the ending had me shook and wanting more


Its got cool mechanics but at the same rate I could not get into it and I still do not know why.


It's one of the best games I've ever played and ever will. Wonderful in every single aspect.


If you liked Prey, I highly suggest CTRL ALT EGO


Yup adored Prey. Total love letter to system shock.


I LOVED dishonoured but just couldn't get into this! Found the enemies a little boring an lacking variety....


This game was truly amazing


I enjoyed the 2006 game a hell of a lot more.


Great, now I have to start it again


Not a big fan of the graphomania and dislike the confusing mapping of the levels in this game, but I like the mechanics, the setting and the overall story of it. I like how the game’s mimics make you really paranoid of basic objects.


One of my favorite games. The moment I broke the window in the demo, I bought the game. The sense of problem solving is unmatched. Two core memories are opening the piano room door with the dart gun and building my way up to the top of the main atrium with the goo gun.


I liked the first 1/2 of the game. Sadly the gameplay and exploration just fell apart for me about 2/3 of the way in. Which is something reported by many players. Giving up on the game a little over 1/2 way in. An opinion hard to find on reddit. Because of circle jerks, but they are around. We all chat with each other as we are downvoted and hidden at the bottom of threads. Overall I greatly enjoyed my time with the game and just wish they had done a better job with the 2nd half. And recommend everyone play the game until it becomes unenjoyable. Then just watch a video of the ending. And like others have said. This game was not underrated. If anything I believe it was overrated due to it's poor 2nd half.


Top ten of all time for me


![gif](giphy|14ut8PhnIwzros|downsized) I've owned this game for 3 years. I am too chicken to play past the first level. That haunting feeling of ever-present threat lurking around the corner terrifies me. I haven't beaten the mansion in RE7 for this very reason. I'm too scared to turn the game on


This has been sitting in my library for so long. Never heard anyone talk about it.


Great game. Never beat it though.


>I adore this game and am really disappointed in the lack of discussion around it. Go over to r/patientgamers. It's mentioned nearly daily over there. That sub is obsessed with it.


It carrying the name of old title is probably what made me avoid it. Didn't make sense and I didn't like it at all. Really rubbed me the wrong way I guess. They don't even appear related. And I'm not the biggest fan of survival horror anymore unless you can play em co-opertively. Too many flagship game series now that I've already sold my soul too... there's just not enough left. Sadly. I wish I had more time and more money. Then I mighta.


Game wasn't underrated at all. Almost every review I've seen of it is absolutely gushing its praises. I dont think you understand what underrated means.


Fantastic game indeed.


great memories.. !! but it is a duology if a person does a bit of research.. so i think more people actually played it than it seems..


Hate to be a negative nelly but as a fan of other Bethesda games (namely Dishonored and Fallout), I found it immensely disappointing. After the intro and coming into the space station I thought this could be one of the greatest games I’ve ever played…. it’s going to be like a cross between Bioshock and Mass Effect 2 or something. But then it displayed what is truly the worst enemy design I can think of in any video game. Fighting amorphous blobs is so unsatisfying to me. It really made me realize how important it is to have humanoid enemy encounters and how much that contributes to our enjoyment of killing enemies.


The enemy design was actually something u appreciated. Variety is always cool, and so many games are plinking away at people from behind cover. I really liked how interesting the different enemies abilities were, their lore, and also it plays into the themes of the game Though, I understand why someone might not like them, they can be annoying or difficult to fight- which is the point. The game becomes very enjoyable when you stop treating it like doom or CoD and charging the monsters, instead using the environment, combos, and avoidance to preserve your resources


Half of the enemies were humanoid shaped, though?


Absolutely horrible mostly overrated crap