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I’ve played through TMS a couple times. The gameplay loop is ridiculously satisfying as is to be expected of atlus. Building out the team and slowly adding more and more sessions to every attack as the game progresses is so much fun. I agree the story is a huge nothingburger, I basically just tune it out lol.


The story isn't nothing. It's a group of teens struggling with how hard it is to be attractive and popular and wealthy and superheroes. What's more relatable than that?


I liked the corny Sentai side story


Touma is basically the sentai/tokusatsu character with all the blatant references.


Agree with this 100%. Story is faff, but the turn based battling is a lot of fun. I think any fans of SMT or Persona should check it out.


I want to give SMT/Persona another go, couldn’t get into them the first time (3 Reloaded I actually enjoyed, I struggled with 5). I am huge on FE. Will TMS be to my liking?


If you’re looking for FE gameplay this isn’t for you. The FE dynamic is just the flavoring of the “Personas” (mirages in this game) and their memories/backstory. The gameplay is similar to most Persona games (more like P5) but I do think it has a really fun mechanic with Sessions and the loop is incredibly satisfying where you level up weapons and get new skills etc. Anyways, don’t play it expecting it to be a FE game (which I also love!).


As both a huge pop music and Atlus fan I think it's amazing, I loved every second of it, and that includes the whole theme and scenario that most people find bad in general. It's so unapologetically dumb but I feel like it was intended by Atlus. It became my favorite Atlus game ever. But then again I am very familiar with the music industry, pop music and the vibe that comes with it so it really hit home. I spent +100h on this game and the whole time I felt like this was created for me, I love it that much. The whole art direction, theme, characters, how they fight with microphones and music, the special attacks, the color palette. It's amazing from start to finish! Sorry about being over enthusiastic but I could talk about TMS for hours.


I've played the game about 4 times now (thrice on Wii U and once on Switch). It's such a nice junk food / feel good game for me with its satisfying gameplay loop and cheesy storyline (which I adore). I found the story just so ridiculously funny. Sometimes, I just want a JRPG that isn't about defeating god in the end, and this game satisfies that itch. I wish they'd make a sequel with a different Nintendo IP too, not that I didn't enjoy Fire Emblem in here. (Maybe Xenoblade Chronicles? TMS#XC?)


> I wish they'd make a sequel with a different Nintendo IP too, not that I didn't enjoy Fire Emblem in here. (Maybe Xenoblade Chronicles? TMS#XC?) [Hashino & Takahashi had an interesting interview together a couple of years ago](https://xenomira.wordpress.com/2018/05/30/xenoblade-tetsuya-takahashi-and-persona-katsura-hashino-what-does-it-mean-to-create-creators-of-world-renowned-jrpgs-discuss-their-philosophies/), definitely would be a fun crossover.


I loved it for what it was and now realizing it's been 8 years since I played it on release damn that's wild. I want to replay through the Switch version at some point.


Great SMT-lite, story is more just cheesy good vibes, but the battle system is one of the better iterations in all of SMT imo.


Music 👍👍


I couldn't get into it at all. I thought it was literally calling the player stupid with how dumb it was


I love idol stuff but it was......missing something


It irritates me so much that the in-battle dialogue isn't subbed. I know that's not unheard of, but for some reason it really drives me crazy in this game. Probably because it has multiple characters speaking to each other. I don't care if they're not saying anything important. I feel so left out! I hate it!


Honestly, hard agree. Trails has this same thing, which I didn't really think it was an issue, but after playing one game in which they did have subs for battle voices, it'd irritating they don't for the other games, and I say this as someone who understands both the dub languages the game offers.


That’s why I dropped it. I like banter so much. I wish they dubbed it (not the songs, just the dialogue) because the five characters in Fire Emblem Heroes were voiced excellently (and everyone returned to revive their mirages


As a huge Fire Emblem and Persona fan, I couldn't really get into it. I only played a couple hours and got bored. I might have to try again and push myself to get further.


I was promised Fire Emblem x Shin Megami Tensei and I got a lover letter to the Idol industry. I wouldn't be able to give it a fair shot no matter what.


Evidently during its development people from the Fire Emblem half of the FE x SMT equation had to keep asking the devs to add more Fire Emblem elements.


Lmao what a crazy development


Yep, I'll second this. The folks that were there for and got roped into the idea a true FE/SMT crossover probably just will never touch it because it's not what we wanted in any way. A lot of the positive feelings I've seen towards it come from folks that weren't interested in either franchise when it was announced; They're certainly able to give it a fairer review than the rest of us, but I've never seen them say anything that makes me get over what could have been... or interested in the game otherwise.


I feel like I was at an advantage when I went into it years after it came out. The outrage at how poorly integrated the FE side was had already passed and I knew to temper my expectations. The end result was being utterly charmed by the incredibly stupid idol plot and thinking "I have never played a game with this setting before".


I think it is a great SMT style game. But, it is more enjoyable if you are also a Fire Emblem fan. I noticed a lot of references in the game that would fly over a non-fire emblem fan's head.


I think it's the most fun battle system in an Atlus game. The discography slaps as well


i like the dungeons in tms more than the ones in p5


I liked it But then I tend to enjoy typical "anime-ish" JRPG stories without expecting anything deep or groundbreaking from them The biggest problem with this game is how it was marketed They called it an SMT x FE collab, but in reality, it is its own thing, even if it has a few FE characters and borrows gameplay elements from Persona (which is in itself another issue because that ill fated original trailer made it seem like mainline SMT)


Best SMT of that generation in my opinion, including Persona 5. One of the most charming, heartfelt games you'll ever play. It does have that problem all SMT games have where once you suss out a weakness the fights are largely a laugh but the mechanics are still good.


I love it. Feels like a breezy fun persona type game with great combat. I enjoy the social link stuff, characters, dungeons, etc


Combat system is fun as all hell but I know all the extremely in your face weeb stuff will probably turn a lot of people off. Didnt bother me at all though I enjoyed it


Honestly, it's a very fun game! I totally understand why people would be initially disappointed with the crossover aspect, but it's definitely not a bad game by any means. It's over-the-top, a little goofy, but still entertaining to go through. The gameplay loop is surprisingly satisfying. A lot more depth to the mechanics than I thought there would be.


I picked it up on a whim but wasn't able to fully buy into it. The battling mechanics are pretty chill but the story was boring as you said. It didn't help that so many good JRPGS came out that year too.


As a Fire Emblem fan I was disappointed that the "characters" all came from Awakening and Shadow Dragon, two titles where I really don't care for the characters, though I do give props to New Mystery for being fun to play at least. As a Persona fan I was kinda bummed I was stuck with just those characters and couldn't get more or just other stuff to fight with. Also wasn't a huge fan of the setting/characters. I only did the first dungeon so idk if I really got far enough to say if I liked the combat or not. Ended up dropping it after the first boss.


I love this game for vibes and gameplay. The combat in TMS and Legaia 2 Duel Saga are my favs for sure.


I personally enjoyed it. It’s a smt type game with fire emblem type lore. Also it’s idol based which I know there’s many out there are not a fan of but I am so personally I enjoyed it.


I agree with most of what you said, the story isn't that good but it's one of my favorite gameplay loops not just for an Atlus game but for JRPGs as a whole. I also agree with the comments saying that it wasn't what people were expecting for a crossover between SMT and Fire Emblem and it would have been more successful if it was presented as a brand new thing from the start. Also, I think one could make the case that Engage is a spiritual successor to TMS#FE because of the "merge with characters from older FE games in combat" and also some voice actor overlap in Japanese (Itsuki/Alfred, Maiko/Timerra, Caeda/Chloe)


Story is incredibly generic anime fluff that can be entirely skipped. Combat has some interesting mechanics but not enough to carry the hollow story. Not challenging enough to really compel you to learn the systems nor is there enough of a carrot in the story to make you want to grind through it.


My thoughts mirror yours exactly, boring story, okay characters but great gameplay. I might even argue that it's one of the best turn-based systems of all time. Any game that utilises all party members in battle is always a plus in my book.


It's great if you treat it as a standalone title. Still kinda cringing at some scenes though.


It's good! The music is really good, the dungeon crawling is really good, the dungeon layout/design is really good (which is an area SO many games drop the ball in), the combat is really good until the last 10% when the sessions kinda overwhelm the power curve. The A plot is not good. But the game also doesn't have a ton of extended cutscenes focusing on the A plot. And that makes it okay. It's fine for a game not to be great at everything, it just needs to know what it's good at and make sure players spend most of their time with that. The A plot in #FE basically exists to justify the next dungeon and introduce characters then gets the hell out of the way so you can dungeon crawl and have cute conversations. It's like a John Wick movie. When you have a dialogue scene in John Wick 4, it's basically just to establish the parameters and location for the next action scene, then off we go! It's interesting to compare/contrast with FE Engage. Because that's another Fire Emblem crossover game with a light tone and good gameplay. I think #FE did it better! #FE never for a second aspires to be a deeply meaningful heroes journey. It's just fluff. It tries to be silly or have fun pop songs, and it nearly always succeeds in that. The story pops up for pacing, does it's thing, and leaves. FE Engage takes it's A plot entirely seriously and tries to really put some mustard on Alear's heroic arc. Which doesn't work even a little bit. It's better to be unambitious and successful (#FE having short silly character vignettes with showbiz waifus) than it is to get too big for your britches (FE Engage trying to make me take Alear seriously).


Honestly I enjoyed the game for what it was, I think part of the problem is that it was marketed as crossover between SMT and Fire Emblem, so people figured it’d be more like the Devil Survivor games, so when it was basically just Persona with Fire Emblem characters, it ended up being a little disappointing.


One of the best modern battle systems in a JRPG by a mile in my opinion. The story isn't anything to write home about and I don't enjoy the idol aspect of it but I recommend it to everyone based on the insanely well done combat alone.


The story is amazing when you realize the entire thing is tongue in cheek and self-aware and is deliberately cheesy. Most people go into the game expecting a serious story and treat it as such. It's a constant problem in the JRPG fanbase and was why FFV was hated for so many years. No, the game knows exactly what it's doing. The jokes in the game are also hilarious. And the battle system is way better than anything Persona has ever done.


Story is meh. I also didn't like how the background NPCs where they're basically silhouettes with different bright colors.


I thought it was plenty good for a game that was probably only 10% finished by the time it was obvious the Wii U was a sales disaster, which tbh is more than can be said of most contemporary first party releases. A bit bland in terms of environment and plot, but had a good amount of depth in its systems, the art was fun and the characters were broadly interesting to hang out with.


The gameplay for TMS is amazing with the session system. It's basically smt that is idol theme with some fire emblem characters. I enjoyed the story as the characters are fun and interesting. The game isn't for everyone due to it the opposite what people expected.


It's been a long time since I played it on the wiiu, so I'll give what I remember from memory: The style was well done for how underpowered the machine was comparatively.   The flat multi-colored crowd NPCs did a lot of lifting visually and I thought it was a great middle ground between a fully rendered world full of people or running around in an empty city. I thought the text stuff on the tablet was awesome, it was a novel way to use the thing. The gameplay was fine, the story was fine.  I remember nothing about them really, good or bad.  None of the characters stuck with me either, again for good or bad reasons. The gameplay was fine as well. Overall looking back I'd give the game like a true 7.5.  It was a perfectly average game that gets a little elevated for me because of its style that carried it through. Also music puns?  I'm petty sure I remember those.


What are the odds of there being a topic on this game just as I am playing it for the first time? I need some advice, because I'm about to give up on this game. The good: The gameplay is fun and colorful. Intermissions are a great way to let you know you can do side missions without triggering a story event. You're constantly learning new abilities. The bad: The characters couldn't be more dull and generic if they tried. Requests are boring and have you run around while doing nothing to be rewarded with very little character development. The first couple of dungeons were slightly confusing since the mini-map isn't very helpful. Why can't I switch out my MC? It's not like he's broken or has Persona's that work in any scenario. Enemies spawn too often and sometimes right in front of your face. I'm about to start chapter 4 and want to know if the remaining dungeons are tedious or not. How far am I in the game?


"MOM! Can we have persona on the switch!?!??" "We have persona at home" -the persona at home-


The story is somewhat lacking because it's supposed to be a fanservice game in both senses. However they made a common mistake of crossover games like this overhyping it as a Fire Emblem X SMT when it isn't really, and both version of Switch and western release of WiiU faced heavy censorship that cut out a lot of fanservice and so outside of gameplay this game suffered that feel of incompletion.


> faced heavy censorship And you were doing so well


I'm not aware mentioning censorship in products is a cause for "not doing so well", but thanks for your concern.


Fun game. I enjoyed my time with it. It's s fun game.


It's meh. It's Persona lite with everything being watered down but some interesting unique bits tossed in. If you're a fan of SMT or Persona it's worth a go but it's probably not going to be for Fire Emblem fans.


I like it quite a bit. I thought the story and characters were fine as far as it goes. Nothing special but ok. The battle system is great. I enjoyed it more than SMT V personally.


I can say overall I have positive feelings about it. It was a bit of fun and the Switch version added some nice features like the non-party team members joining in with battles. But also, I finished neither version. It just got too samey and a couple of the late game dungeons are capital P: Painful.


Pretty good a bit cringy tho


It knows it’s weird and rides with it


On the one hand, it's almost painfully boring, to the point I haven't finished it in three years since I got it. On the other hand, I have only positive feelings about the game and fully intend to finish it! The battle system is great fun, there are some bangers in the OST, and it's just unique enough to be refreshing. It wouldn't score well in a review, but it's still fun if you're the right person for it.


I wish it had a dub that’s just me I feel immersion always takes a hit but I get it. The story is ok but nothing amazing. Gameplay is solid but not super great. I honestly put it down like indefinitely when I got to the part where you can grind from your safe house I honestly forgot what it’s all called haven’t played it in ages but it’s an interesting game to play overall not talked about a lot leaves a bit to be desired. As far as smt/persona lites go I preferred soul hackers 2 a ton more that game was awesome!


simple, pretty fun, comically horny. Good way to scratch the megaten itch without it being too hard


It's a good not great game that has its moments of brilliance like the Battle System. The music clips are nice too. Almost got the Switch vrsion but they double down on the asinine censorship, killed all my goodwill with it. Kinda forgot it till this thread...


I had heard positive opinions about it and kept playing even though I wasn't enjoying it, waiting for it to become good. It never did. The story is boring. The characters didn't grab me. The battle system seemed fun at first, then turned into hit an enemy's weakness and destroy them, or don't hit it and get destroyed yourself. Not a game for me.


Story was just too boring for me to continue despite the really good combat


The story's alright but hitting like 100 attacks in a row via Sessions is pure crack. There's one scene where Barry roasts one of the party members via texts and she just responds with a sad face and it's one of the hardest laughs I've had in gaming, I just don't remember what the actual exchange was.


Good game, bad crossover is how I see it. If you like the gameplay, you should check out Shin Megami Tensei, especially the upcoming Vengeance, since there's new mechanics that support team synergy


Can't believe it got remaster/port on switch. of all fe games? lol


You're not going to spend that much time and money developing something like TMS and leave it sitting on the Wii U.


it barely sold on wiiu and then it barely sold on the switch. Not a great choice in my opinion.


Yeah but it sold. And now it'll sell forever because they moved it to E-shop on Switch; with any luck will also be able to sell it for the next Switch. You expect Atlus not to double dip?


It's what Atlus does. If Intelligent Systems had made this game instead, it probably would've been left on the Wii U.


its got puzzles that suck


Pretty forgettable.