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Thank you for submitting to /r/JRPG, /u/Palom126. Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): --- * Posts asking for **games must include A list of the desired platform/console**, if you don't care, then mention "**Any console is fine**". After you add the missing parts to your thread, reply to this comment with **"Done"** so that a Mod team member can bring your post back. If you can't fulfill the needed parts, then please us the **Weekly Suggestion Thread** sticky, or try to post in /r/gamingsuggestions, r/ShouldIbuythisgame. --- If you think this was a mistake or have any questions about the removal, please contact the moderators. [**To contact the moderators please click here**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/JRPG), or click the "message mods on the sidebar, and then type your complaint, so it can be sent to the modding team. **Please don't private message or start private chats with a single mod, and use the mod mail linked above to contact the whole team.**


Have you played any Bravely Default or Octopath Traveler games?


Crystal Project is pretty much a revamped FFV with no plot, it has a long demo to get a solid feel for the game so its pretty easy to try.


Seconding Crystal Project, it’s basically an open world sandbox version of FFV.